Paiíe 6 Wednesday, A pril 4, 1962 ! HE OREGON MIRROR HOUSES FOR SALE BLACKWELL TWO HOUSES - - 447 N. E. Monroe - 50X100 lot - $10,500.00 - 1500.00 Dn. - Both houses are in good condition. CONGRESS 1007 N. E. KNOTT - Lovely modern corner home with two large bedrooms, living room, dining room, and bath on main floor. Floored upstairs for e x pansion. A REAL BUY AT $16,900.00 - Call Mrs. Barnett - AT 8-4671 2744 N. E. 16th - - nace - $15,000.00 - CANDIDATE 4 bedroom house - gas fu r FHA $14,000.00 933 N. E. KNOTT - - 3 bedroom colonial - large kitchen - sun room - hardwood floors - fireplace - double plumbing - automatic heat - E X C E LLE N T CONDITION - A STEAL! $13,500.00 - Call Mrs. Barnett - AT 8-4671 5752 N. E. M A L L O R Y - - 2 bedrooms - house furnished including: d e e p fr e e z e - ironer - wash ing machine - electric stove - etc. J.J. WALKER REALTOR 4950 N.E. Union Ave.______________AT 8-5045 SUPPORT THE OREGON MIRROR ADVERTISERS T.c.-TOM" republican Candidate for U.S. 3rd Congressional District; na tive of Portland; age - 33; married, 2 children; gradu ate of Univ. of Portland-De- gree in Business; enlisted U.S. Marines, 1954 r e - e n lis ted, Korea; driver - Pacific Motor Trucking; Registered Associate-Mutual Fund A s sociates, Inc. Precinct Committee Chairman. Oregon Republi can* Club (Secretary 1961), O r e g o n Trumpeters (P o l itical Club), South City Re publican C 1 u b , P o r t l a n d Builders T o a s t m a s t e r s , Team ster’ s Local 81, Mus cular Dystrophy Campaign C o m m i t t e e 1960 and 1961 (Campaign Treasurer, 1960). First Congressional Can didate in this District to file by petition. Over 1500 vo ters signed petitions to place his name on the May P r i mary Ballot. 1167 signat ures valid. C o n d u c t i n g a “ Grass Roots’ ’ Campaign - contac ting voters personally-spen ding a minimum amount of money. comments by Mr. Black- well. On Federal Aid to Ed ucation-“ Local control of our schools has provided o- ver 60,000 classrooms per year for the past 10 years. Of the 40,000 behoof D is tricts in the country, only one-half of \% have reached their borrowing lim its .’ ’ “ The F ree Enterprise Sy stem has provided us with the highest standard of living in the World. We are a great country, not because of our standard of living or the material possessions we have, but because of our i- deals and principles. Only through the application o f these ideals and principles to Economics and Government have we been successful.’ ’ “ If we can’t solve our pro blems on a local level, can we expect to send them to Washington t o b e solved there? Local Control is Bet ter Control! We need r e p re sentation in Washington that will guard our local interests and promote sound economic p o licies .’ ’ DEANS BARBER SHOP Processing a Specialty of LORRAINE HOWARD 213 N .E . Hancock AT 4-9233 SELL IT! BUY IT RENT IT TRADE IT BLAKELEY Democrat Candidate For SH ER IFF HIRE IT Member of Elks Lodge, Life Member D.A.V., Korean Vet Chevrolet Legion of Leader, Charter member of V.F.W., Veteran of World War II THRU THE I will be sincere - honest and dedicated to the people I serve emus c mins WHITE MANN SPECIAL W ANT ADS Top V iew of A m erica’s Fastest Selling Entertainm ent Center! WITH MULTIPLEXED STEREQ. FM-RADIO 3*9.95 WITH QUALIFIED TRADE ONLY 670 PER DAY |„ ^ n u . n . O '1'« 1 ☆ w° '" “ .„¿n o .« SA ’» • h,,h THE Alum.o.,* »wr» »„fe. O REG O N Go** « fc* on<i MIRROR ", The rP T O X IS MODEL I S M 3 HIGH FIDELITY COMBINATION TV AM FM RADIO STEREO PHONO BRANDS YOU CAN TRUST THE FROM THE STORE YOU CAN TRUST WH1TE-MANN CO. 5001 N. E. Union Ave. At Alberta AT 8-5303 50 PAPER