Page 5 Five Cents ' The Oregon M irr • Wednesday, April 4, 19q2 NOCGHITLOFi HOWCA De Carlo Returns Hew Vo calisi Cotton Club Spiral Candalabra and baskets of yellow carnations backed by white gladioli were at either side of the altar of Bethel A. M. E. Church for the exchange of wedding bands by Dolores Taylor and William • Newborne. Rev. Harley Akers performed the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Magnolia Taylor and the bridegroom’ s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ardyce New borne. Escorted by her grand­ father, Elbert Graves, the bride wore a gown of white tulle fashioned with a basque bodice, lace and sequin trim, accented by a bouquet of yellow and white carnations entwining a white orchid with cascading stephanotis. Her illusion veil was held by a sequin crown. DODGE MOTOR HOME ~Trauel First Class Plus The s a m e decorative scheme was carried out for the reception, in the Multi- Purpose Room of the C hurch following the ceremony. A five tier wedding cake, punch, coffee, hord'ouevres were served from three y el­ low net draped tables. About 450 guests w e r e served and an avalanche of gifts were received. The new matron is an L. P. N. at Physicians and Surgeons Hospital. Her bus band attended Eastern Wash­ ington College of Education, Cheney, Washington. After a brief honeymoon in Van­ couver 13. C., Mr. and Mrs. Newborn will be at home in Portland. Setting lhe Cotton Club patrons on fir e with her fabulous voice is beautiful Joy Marshall, Star Attrac­ tion at the club. Miss M ar­ shalls last engagement was at The Purple Onion Nite Club in San Francisco, Calif. This is the first Portland appearance for Miss M ar­ shall, and upon completion of her contract, she will be leaving for London, England for a 6 week engagement at The Astor House. VOTE FOR--- W IN T BLA CKW ELL Place to Dine FOR C O N G R E S S REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE -3rd CONGRESSIONAL D IM . CHINESE WE NEED REPRESENTATION IN WASHINGTON I'HAT WI LL KITCHEN GUARD OUR LOCAL IN TE R ­ ORDERS TO G O ESTS AND PROMOTE SOUND ECONOMIC POLICIES. Chinese TWE ANSWER TO AMERICA'S TRAVEL PROBLEMS V i v a c i o u s , Audrey De Carlo, artistic shake dancer has returned to Ihe Cotton C lub from a four week engag­ ement at the Sand SusaiClub in Las Vegas. Nevada. Upon completion of her contract at I he Cotton Club, she will return to Las Vegas for an engagement at I he C arver House, newly built Hotel and Casino Club, owned and op­ erated by Sammy Davis, Jr. and Billy (Mr. B.) Eckstien. and WE C AN ’ T SPEND OURSELVES American Foods INTO PROSPERITY 2600 N. Williams AT 4-9958 Pd. Pol. Adv. '62 DODCE Convertible Open House Sale Price $2486 Daw n — $ 7 3 p er — 3 6 mewtfce W h y Take, Y nun W anhitty Out When You Can Have An Automatic Washer In Your Home O PEN S A L E P R IC E S '62 Vi Ton $1695 | t * S D . . . — J 5 9 M l me — - 3 6 m o n ths '62 */♦ Ton Pickups $ I 99 D o o n $ 5 2 per me D llIV IR ID $1795 ONLY 3 6 m o n ths M IR I $1886 62 LANCER 2-Dr. Sedan $1786 O IIIV IR IO H IR l PER DA'Y 105 USED CARS AT House DISCOUNTS W O R ID W ID E O PfN fV E N IN C S AND SU N D A YS 19th & W. BURNSIDE • CA 6-2922 BRANDS YOU CAN TRUST FROM THE STORE YOU CAN TRUST W HITE-MANN CO. 5001 M. E. Union A ve. At A lberta A T 8-5303