Page 4 The Oregon M irro r Five Cents Wednesday, A pril 4, 1962 W OMENS' C O IR N E IR by VIVIANE BARNETT AT 8-4671 Juanita Brown has become quite popular with her knitting circle, which was held at her home Saturday, M arch 31st. The knitting circle was form ed by a group of ladies in ter ested in showing their talents in making sw eaters, d resse s, and coats. M em bers of the circle Helen Jackson, Lenora Gaston, Gustavia Winslow, Helen M cDaniels, Lydia Shields, Clif ford Dixon, Alice M artin, M arion Roberts and several other Interested ladies. The Oregon M irror will consult these ladies in regard to displaying their crafts at the Fashion Show which they will be giving soon at the Cotton Club. M rs. Lee Thompson of the Cotton Club has become the envy of quite a few ladies around the town with her full length autumn haze mink coat. She has become quite the center of attraction. The A lter Guild of Bethel A. M .E. Church will hold its Annual Spring Tea Sunday, April 8th, at the home of M rs. Lillian Baker, 215 N. E. Going. Hours will be from 2 to 5 P. M. The Tuskegee Club held its 5th Annual Tea at the North Branch Y. M. C. A., Sunday, April 1st. A program of m usical selections plus slides of the Tuskegee Campus w ere shown with com entations by John S. Holly, Club P res. Proceeds will go to Tuskegee Institute. p r a : V O TE FOR — JOHN TROUT M u ltn om ah County SHERIFF I FAVOR HOUSING FOR LOW INCOME FAMILIES 1. Anative Portlander, I was born Sept. 29, 1911, and have spent all my life in Portland. I attended Albina Homestead grade school, Jefferson High School, Behnke Walker business college, and then entered into the general insurance business. I am now employed by Specialty Auto G lass in public relations. My wife and 1 own our home at 4622 N. Haight Avenue. I am a m em ber of num erous civic organizations. 2. Because 1 have great faith in the laws that protect us, l am sincere in my determ ination to bring about honest law enforcem ent - without fear and without intim idation. The only previous public office which I have h^ld was the elective office of precinct com m itteem an in 1938. If elected sheriff of Multnomah county, I will make every oftort to accom plish a better understanding of what needs to be done, and to the best of my ability I will fulfill all that I prom ise. 3. To make firm , sin cere decisions affer sound advice, lo bring to the office of sheriff “ honesty with integrity” with fairness in the best interest of all. 4. And what about the Juveniles - your children of today? Are they becoming the crim inals of tom orrow ? By good judgement, wisdom and guidance, w here does this respon sibility rest? With the parents, schools, churches, courts - or with law enforcem ent. Once these youngsters have reached the law enforcem ent level, then it is the duty of the sheriff and those about him to guide and help them, rather than turn them into w orse offenders of law and society. 5. YOUR in terest in support of good governm ent demands YOl ’R intelligent vote to help determ ine what YOU want and need. Only by voting can YOU express YOUR needs ...c a s tin g YOUR ballot is the only way YOU can get resu lts. I will do my utm ost to help YOU get those results. YOUR consideration and vote will be greatly appreciated. Paid Political Adv. Photo by Baitzegar From left to right are: Laurdean G rant, Lilly Richardson, E lsie Gilks, M ildred Lee, Gatha Glover and H ostess O ra Lee M artin. Daughter O ra Lee M artin, 4105 N. E. Cleveland gave a luncheon on Saturday, M arch 31st for Portland Daughter Ruler Council m em bers of Elk Auxiliary. Out of town guests w ere D tr. Laurdean Grant and D tr. Gatha Glover of Spokane, Washington. Local guests w ere D tr. L illie Richardson, D tr. E lsie Gilks and M ildred Lee. A menu of deviled eggs, stuffed celery, crab salad, cheese bits and ice tea was served. A lovely tim e was had by all. The local chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi brought the dazzling HOUSE FOR SALE world of m en’s fashion to Portland Sunday evening at the Ho- T1 Supper Club. This was the fourth annual presentation of this event which 4 bd. rm s. full cmt. bsmt. becom es m ore elaborate every year. As you have probably 50 X 105 lot - oil pipe furn. already heard this y ears show was the finest so far. If you 4922 N. Vancouver Ave. w ere so unfortunate as to m iss it, then you have m issed 1 car gar. fire pi. 1 blk what will m ore than likely be the m ost gala affair of the from school & bus line. season. The show for the first tim e included a few g irls to add HENRY F. ENGLISH a bit of “ spice” to the occassion. The womans touch was also added to the com m entary in the person of M rs. Althea Realtor W illiam s, wife of M r. Em m ett W illiams who played the 3814 S.E. 50th Ave. piano background m usic for the show. Most of the models w ere outfitted by either Lew’s Mens Shop, Lipm an’s Mens PR 5-6725 PR 4-8801 C ellar or M illers 607 Shop. There w ere garm ents shown to cover the entire range of purpose and taste in color, ta ilo r ing, styling, fabrics and m ore im portant every p rice range was exhibited. “ WATCH FOR DATE” The evening was punctuated with solos by Cam illa Kinard and O scar Haynes. Door P rizes from M iller’s, Lew’s and Nudelman’s w ere won by Mr. Jam es C. Crolley, and M rs. Zeta Iota Sorority Inc. Dorothy Hasting. Music for the affair was furnished by Cleve W illiams FInsemble. The Kappas would like to thank you for your support. 3RD ANNUAL SNACK