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About Oregon mirror. (Portland, Oregon) 19??-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1962)
REFLECTING It,-**1' ACHIEVEMENTS, Vol. II No. 3 PORTLAND, OREGON CANDIDATE V IS IT S STATE OFFICE On a recent visit to the Republican State Headquarters, Dr. Bookpr T. Lewis was greeted enthusiastically by Wally Hunter, Public Relations D irector of the state headquarters, and Tuck Wilson, Vice Chairman of the College League T rumpetter. Dr. Lewis who is a member of the Multnomah County Rep. Central Committee was given a grand tour of the state office. The workings at the state head was discussed and compared to that of the county level. In a general discussion on conjuvination, Tuck Wilson reported that the Rep. Rarty is making great progress among college students. Daisy Williams Project Big ? What b Argument? INTERESTS What b Solution? PROGRESS FIVE CENTS Wednesday, April 4, 1962 EASTERN S T A R S TO FETE GRAN D W ORTHY M ATRON Photo by B ALTZEG AR Mt. Hood Chapter #16, O. E. S. Prince Hall Rite of Adoption California and Jurisdiction 1961-62 Officers. FRONT ROW: Elm yra Davis, Elizabeth Hall, V irgie Tinsley, Kathryn John son, Helen Jackson, Worthy Matron; Treva l Mason, Worth Patron; Layola Brown, James Hayward, Lillian Dean, James Cantrell. BACK ROW: V irg ie Washington, Novella Donald son, Ernestine Wiseman, Beatrice Mason, Hazel Williams, William Brown, Frances Johns, Beatrice Ellis, Jimmie Rogers, Margaret White. GRAND WORTHY MATRON Trout Seeks Sheriff Post AUTHORITY A P P R A IS A L MEETING The Housing Authority of Portland sponsored a meeting at the Knott Street Community Center on the evening of March 27th to which were invited all property owners and residents in the Daisy B. Williams housing project site area. The meeting, which was later televised on KOIN-TV, was conducted by Gene W. Rossman, Executive D irector of the Housing Authority. The threefold purpose of the meeting was to determine the number of persons and households, living in the Daisy B. Williams housing-site area, who need assistance in finding another place to live; to explain to property owners in the site area the procedure used in negotiating for the purchase of their property; and to out line Federal Housing Administration regulations that will assist residents now living in the project site in purchasing homes to replace those which are to be torn down. The meeting was well attended. 18 (or 75%) of the prop erty owners were on hand. Only 4 tenants indicated their desire fo r assistance from the Housing Authority in r e locating their fam ilies; and the Housing Authority has just reported that action is being taken immediately to relocate these households. At the outset of the meeting, Executive D irector Rossman stated that “ the Housing Authority has a moral responsi bility, as well as a statutory obligation to the State, and a contractual obligation with the Federal Government (Public Housing Administration), to assist people in the project- site area to find another place to liv e ’ ’ . He reported that “ low-income households who are displaced by this new project have a FIRST PRIORITY for vacant, available, public housing in ANY of the Portland Housing Authority’ s projects” . He added that “ the Authority has an equal r e s ponsibility to assist over-incom e fam ilies residing in the Daisy B. Williams project site in locating other housing either to rent or to buy” The Authority’ s Appraisers, William Laidwaw and Carl Trowbridge, were introduced, as was the Authority’ s N eg otiator, Ken Cummings. The meeting concluded with an outline of FHA regulations designed to assist res ' mts now living in the project site in purchasing homes to replace those which are to be torn down. Oscar Pederson, District D irector of the Federal Housing Administration, and Howard Heydlauff, Assistant District Director, discussed these regulations in consider able detail. AND Because I have great faith in the laws that protect us, I am sincere in my deter mination to bring about hon est law enforcement - with out fear and without intimi dation. The only previous public office which I have held was the elective office of precinct committeeman in 1938. If elected sheriff of Multnomah county, I will make every effort to ac complish a better under standing of what needs to be done, and to the best of my ability I will fulfill all that I promise. My aims are: FIRST: T o create good relation ship in this office with the public. To raise the m or ale of the uniformed officers and deputies by providing a closely - knit organization and a system of awarding their efforts. In the best interest of public policy, to adopt changes to meet the problems as they arise. SECOND: To make firm, sin cerede- cisions after sound advice. To bring to the office of sher iff “ honesty with integrity” with fairness in the best in terest of all. THIRD: To recommend a definite plan in formulating a gro- gram with a predetermined eourse, developed under careful control and guid ance. This program will in clude the most favorable law enforcement methods avail able for assisting the public and its safety, sufficient per sonnel, proper equipment, improved techniques of com munication, helicopter ob servation to aid those in distress and in solving of crimes, and help in a llevi ating traffic problems. Because crim e has no pol itical preference, the office of sheriff should be non-par tisan. The sheriff should be concerned prim arily with law enforcement and admin istrative problems. Crime exists at an increasing rate from year to year, far be yond the population’ s growth. Therefore, your sheriff must be concerned with the main tenance of law and order for everyone regardless of color, creed, or political party. He must help bxlng about change in certain laws to he.’ p safeguard the public, to help prevent or at least lessen the shocking possibil ity of recurring offenders. ANNA L. PO W ELL The Worthy Matron and officers are looking forward to the official visitation of their Grand Worthy Matron, Sister Anna L. Powell, on April 12, 1962, at Prince Hall Temple, 8:00 p.m. A luncheon and reception will be given in her honor. This is the first official visit to the Portland Jurisdiction made by Sister Anna Powell since her election to office as Grand Worthy Matron of the California Jurisdiction. Mt. Hood Chapter is c e le brating its 45th anniversary and is extending Invitations to all chapters to participate. MY FAVORITE STORY As a woman was preparing for guests for dinner, her lit tle daughter asked perm is sion to help by putting the silverw are around. P e r m is sion was gladly granted. Lat er, when the guests were all seated, the hostess looked up in surprise and ex claimed: “ Why, Mary, you didn’ t give Mr. Brown a knife and forkl” Mary replied, “ I didn’ t think he would need any. Daddy says he ->ts like a horse.”