Pane 6 THE OREGON MIRROR A re you interested in receivin g the MIRROR? Below is a subscription application blank for your convenience. GRA March 28, 1962 YSON SICKS RE ELECT!ON HOUSE FOR SALE ENCLOSED IS □ □ CHECK □ $2.50 fo r 1 year MONEY ORDER FOR □ $ 1 .2 5 for 6 months NAME. ADDRESS. C ITY STATE. Send this application to: JA* OREGON MIRROR 7972 S. E. FOSTER RD. PO RTLAND 6, OREGON HO USES FOR SALÉ TWO HOUSES -- 447 N. E. Monroe -5 0 X 1 0 0 lot - $10,500.00 - 1500.00 Dn. - Both houses are in good condition. 1007 N. E. KNOT! - Lovely modern corner home with two large bedrooms, living room, dining room, and bath on main floor. Floored upstairs for ex pansion. A REAL BUY AT $16,900.00 - Call Mrs. Barnett - AT 8-4671 2744 N. E. 16th - - nace - $15,000.00 - 4 bedroom house - gas fur FHA $14,000.00 933 N. E. KNOTT - - 3 bedroom colonial - large kitchen - sun room - hardwood floors - fireplace - double plumbing - automatic heat - EXCELLENT CONDITION - A STEAL! $13,500.00 - Call Mrs. Barnett - AT 8-4671 5752 N. E. MALLORY — 2 bedrooms - house furnished - including: deepfreeze - ironer - wash ing machine - electric stove - etc. J.J. WALKER REALTOR 4950 N.E. Union Ave. Mark A. (Buck) Grayson has filed for reelection as Public Utilit ies Com m issioner of Portland. Since taking o ffice as one of the C ity’ s fiv e Council members in 1959, Grayson has headed the Department of Public U tilities. Included in his jurisdiction is the Bureau of Water Works. “ Our water system has been vastly improved in the last few y ea rs,’ ’ Grayson said in announcing his in tention of seeking reelection, “ but there are still goals to be reached. Planning fo r the maximum utilization in our c ity ’ s great watershed to care for a growing area is one of my fundamental ob je c tiv e s .’ ’ Grayson was the Adm inis trative Assistant to Finance Com m issioner Ormond R. Bean for 10 years prior to his present assignment. A veteran of World War 11 and the Korean conflict, Grayson is a commander in the Naval Reserve. He was born in Portland, attended Ockley Green Grade and Jefferson High Schools, and at Oregon State U niver sity won the Mountain States Power Award for having ex celled b o t h scholastically and athletically throughout his schooling. He fo rm erly was a part ner with his brother, Bobby, in the White Rock Bottling Company of Oregon, which they founded. E a rlier, he was an executive of the Union Oil Company. Long i n t e r e s t e d in am ateur athletics, Grayson is a past president of the O re gon Amateur Athletic Union an d helped organize the L ittle League b a s e b a l l movement in Portland. He is 54. His w ife is the form er Betty Evans, a w orld’ s champion softball star of the post-war period. 4 bd. rms. full cmt. bsmt. 50 X 105 lot - oil pipe furn. 4922 N. Vancouver Ave. 1 car gar. fire pi. 1 blk from school & bus line. HENRY F. ENGLISH Realtor 3814 S.E. 50th Ave. PR 5-6725 PR 4-8801 SELL IT! BUY IT RENT IT TRADE IT ELECT Oliver E. Smith HIRE IT STATE REPRESENTATIVE North District D F M O C R A T EFFICIENT HONEST :: EXPERIENCED INTELLIGENT PUBLIC SERVICE AT 8-5045 34 1 I S.W 5C F i wgt A v f n i if y à sJk á THRU THE C A i' i TpL B - 2 5 S 1 W ANT ADS ☆ THE OREGON MIRROR IS The PAPER