Page 4 THE OREGON W OMENS' COI&INIEIR by VIVIANE BAR N ETT A T 8-4671 Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity presents its 4th Annual Fashion Show at the H o-Ti Supper Club, Sunday, A pril 1st, 6-12 P.M. with dancing after the show. This program features Portland’ s most handsome males modeling the latest from The Northwest’ s Leading Men s Fashion Houses. Playing for the Kappa's w ill be the Portland A ll Star Band. LOVELORN M rs. Bernice Shepherd of Los Angeles, form erly of Portland was a week end visitor. Bernice s till retains her old charm. Mina Tem ple #68 of the Ancient Egyptian A ravic Order Nobles M ystic Shrine of North and South A m erica and its Jurisduction Inc., and Doughter Isis, complying with the ord er of the Grand Potentate to attend a March Church service w ere the guests of Bethel A.M .E. Church Sunday, March 25th. As always the Order resplendent in their F ezzes and badges of rank made an im pressive showing. The Portland Tuskegee Club’ s fifth annual tea in ob servance of Founder’ s Day^ at Tuskegee Institute w ill be held next Sunday, A p ril 1, from 3 to 6 P.M. at the North Branch YMCA, 5430 N. M oore Avenue, at Killingsworth Street. Scheduled fo r musical numbers are M rs. V erla Woods, soprano, and E arl Winchester, baritone. The Tuskegee choir w ill be heard in recordings, and color slides of Institute scenes and activities w ill be shown. Pourers w ill be Mesdames Luther A very, Samuel J. Brown, W illiam Carr, Arthur Cox, Sr., T.X . Graham, Paul Keyser, Nancy Lawson, M ary A lice Lloyd, Jack Martin, Luther Reddick, B eatrice Reed and Thomas Vickers. The public is cordially invited. SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS IK THE OREGON MIRROR FOR YOUR BEST DEALS ON AUTOMOBILES SEE JAMES GANTT March 28, 1962 The East Central Democratic Women w ill meet at the home of M rs. Vernon Douglas, 1424 N. E. Knott St. on Tues day, A pril 3, at LOO P.M. Dr. Howard Cherry w ill talk on “ M edicare for the aged.’ A ll candidates w ill be introduced by Mrs. Gussie Thompson, the president at the close of the meeting. Wedding vows w ere exchanged recently in Vancouver by Dolores Schmidkunz and W illiam H illiard. The Bridegroom is a w ell known reporter for the Oregonian. --Good luck William. The North-west Bridge Association is having its spring tournement at the Elks Hall Saturday, A p ril 14th. M em ber Clubs from Seattle, and Tacoma w ill participate. Play w ill be Open - Pair. A ll Bridge Clubs are invited to participate. Registration from 11A.M. to 1 P.M. Registration fee is $2.00 per person. Dinner w ill be served. MIRROR ‘ C/uxnti, Dear Mme Chante: I am a like to correspond with ladies new arrival in your city from between 35 and 50. I am seek the South 1 am 38, 5 geet, 10 ing some one who is serwus inches tall, weigh 210 lbs., and wants th* better things clean - cut. Had some college of life. I am 46 years old. dark education. Seeking a mature brownskin, 189 lbs., 5 feet, 10 woman who is seeking the inches tall. W ill answer all brighter things of life. If there letters. — Noel Delmar, 51 is a young lady who wants a Gretna Green Ave., Haglev good, sincere, true and loving Park Rd., P. O. Kingston, man for a husband, please Jaimaea, B.W.I. contact me. Enclose photo in • • • first letter. — F. C. Charles ton, c/o J. C., 7125 S. Rhodes, Chicago, 111. Dear Mme. Chante: I am a gentleman, 50 years o 1 d, brownskin, 5 feet, 5 inches tall weigh 139 lbs., very neat a all times. Traveled for many years: never married. Wish to meet a tall lady from Ohio or Kentucky about 45 to 48 years of age. Plump type, no chil dren. — Eddie Little, 550 Towne Ave., Apt. 33, Los A n geles 13, Calif. • • • Dear Mme Chante: You’ve helped so many, perhaps you can help me. I am a young lady 26 years of age, 5 feet, 7 inches tall, weigh 125 lbs., brownskin. Would like to meet gentlemen between the ages of 27 and 40 who seriously want something out of life. Since I am employed, it is very difficult for me to meet the type of person I’d like. If not serious, please do not waste my time or yours. Must be employed and accept me as I am. Enclose photo please. — Miss Norma Jean Harris, 427 E. 42nd PI., Chicago 53, 111. • • • Dear Mme Chante: I am ■ very lonely bachelor who is caught in the web of loneli ness. Would appreciate hear ing from a nice lady who is willing to do her utmost to help achieve the better things of life. Age or nationality is of importance. — Leon Ellis, 3216 S. Indiana A ve, Chicago. 111. • • • Dear Mme Chante: I am a man 41 years old. Would like to meet a lady between 25 and 40 who is free to come to the town where I live. W ill ans wer all letters. Please «end photo in first letter. — Dan Williamson, 25 Spencer Place, Apt. Brooklyn 16, N. Y. • • • c o r n er I Dear Mme Chante: I am a middle aged, retired widower who would like to hear from nice Christian ladies between 40 and 55 They may have children or grandchildren — it doesn’t matter — as long as they are clean, have nice per sonality and sincere. I am very lonely. Will exchange photos. I am not a rich man, but I try to be a good provid er. Will answer all mail. — Dewitt T. Johnson. 7824 S Champlain, Chicago 19, 111. SUPPORT THE OREGON MIRROR ADVERTISERS "I WILL WORK FOR YOU" i j t Elect DR. BOOKER T. LEWIS “ WATCH FOR D A T E ” Zeta Iota Sorority Inc. 3RD ANN U AL SNACK STATE REPRESENTATIVE NORTH C IT Y DISTRICT O o o ° ° f, G .OKI A M P A L E ft o o 59 01ds-2dr-ht-98-beauty-pos.trac. fullpw r. $2295.00 60 Olds. 98 2dr. hd. tp. Beautiful F u llP w r. . $2795.(X) 59 Cad Cpe Dev. with air cond. Immaculate. .$3495.00 61 Thunderbird Full Pwr. Immaculate SEE . $3695.00 59 Ford Retractible Conv. Full Pwr. Beautiful $1895.00 59 Ford G alazie hd. tp. Full Pwr. Immaculate $1795.00 58 Olds 88 2dr. hd. tp. jet blk. J2eng. pwr. str. pwr. brakes .......................................................... $1695.00 56 G.M.C. Truck 4spd. V8 8ft. box & canopy low m ileage ........................................................ $1195.00 <£) o O. £T 9 • he malt liquor 57 57 57 55 Ford 9 pass. stn. wgn..............................$36.00 mo. Ford Frln. 2dr. hd. tp.......................... $36.00 mo. Pont. Star Chief 2dr. hd. tp................. $36.00 mo. Chev. 4dr. auto, one o w n e r ................ $ 5.00 wk. you f I A l PLUS MANY OTHER EX C E LLE N T TiUYS like 1007c FINANCING BOB STONE MOTORS N E 21st & SANDY BLVD OPEN TILL 9 P.M champagne ! BE 2 3137 •# A i > MAtr i f v f t A O f i rfC iA in r t f t v i o W lOf. s m a u o w o c I H t l t i r o i a i t a 5(i in a