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About Portland challenger. (Portland, Oregon) 1952-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1953)
o Friday, July 31, 1953 PORTLAND CHALLENGER J o y fu l T im e s BY JOY BROCK S o c ia l E d i t o r , T h e C h a l l e n g e r The Sunken Ballroom of the Masonic Temple was a lively place on the eve of July 17. The July Birthday club held its annual ball there with a big turnout. The crowd danced to the m usic of a six-piece band. S Sev- ev The Bishop and Mrs. L. C. P age eral a fte r p arties clim axed the of Los A ngeles, Cal., w ere guests successful evening. recen tly of Mr. and Mrs. E dw ard • • * B arno, 52 N. E. H ancock street. W ord received from Y akim a, The P ages and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. W ash., indicated th a t th e O tto P attern so n m otored to S an F ra n R u th erfo rd fam ily is doing quite cisco to atten d the regional con w ell in th a t fine country air. They ven tio n th e re and took th e C as p la n to spend th e en tire sum m er cade stream lin e r to P ortlan d . w ith Mrs. B urdine m o th er to Mrs. B arno en te rta in e d th e Mrs. R utheford) in the Y akim a ladies w ith a sight-seeing to u r up valley. th e b eau tifu l C olum bia riv e r as * * * Mrs. M arth a Jo rd an is p re p a r fa r as B onneville dam to see the salm on go upstream . T he group ing for an extensive trip to th e la te r m otored to S eattle and V an S outh w ith h er ten -y ear-o ld son, couver, B. C. M ichael. She is leaving S unday, J u ly 26. H er itin e ra ry includes a EDITORS NOTE—News for few days in C alifornia, a couple Joyful Times can be mailed to of w eeks in M ississippi visiting The Portland Challenger, 4617 h e r 70-year-old m o th er an d some N. Williams avenue, Portland tim e spen t w ith friends in St. 11, or phoned to Miss Joy Louis, Mo. Mrs. Jo rd an has not Brock, MU 4092 or GA 2608. seen h er m o th er in over eig h t Correct titles and first names years. She w ill re tu rn to P o r tla n d , are necessary for ail published A ugust 26. items. Portland Women Hurt in Accident T hree P o rtlan d w om en a re re covering from in ju ries received in an au to accident 72 m iles east of K lam ath Falls. All th re e have re tu rn e d to P ortland. The w om en, Mrs. W illiam P u r cell, 227 N. E. S acram ento stre e t; Mrs. Ja m e s Lee, 4125 N. W illiam s av en u e; an d Mrs. O la M. Reed. 3104 S. E. T ibbetts street, w ere en route to th e G rand Session of the O rd er of E astern S tar, C ali fornia ju risdiction, in O akland, Cal. B oth Mrs. P u rcell and M rs. Reed are home. Mrs. Lee is still confined to P rovidence hospital w ith a back injury. Mrs. R eed suffered a fra c tu re d nose. M rs. P urcell received scratches, b ruised knees and a sp rain ed foot. A ll th ree suffered from shock and w ere ta k e n to Bend follow ing the accident. Social Gei-Togeiher Honors NY Lady A social g et-to g eth er w as given M onday fo r Miss T heressa H o o ver, a field re p re se n ta tiv e of th e w om en’s division of th e M ethodist church, by Rev. and Mrs. H arold Jo n es II. In v ited guests to th e social in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Bob H e rn don Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C ornell M cDougald, Mrs. C harles W hite, M isses R oseM arie and B everly Brock, A l / c S tep h en T illm an, Jam es C rolley and Mr. and Mrs. A llie Jacobson. Miss Hoover, a g ra d u a te of P h ila n d e r S m ith college m aking h er hom e in New Y ork City, plans a trip to In d ia in N ovem ber. A su rp rise engagem ent w as a n nounced la st w eek by Miss Rose M arie B rock to Sgt. E arl Johnson. Miss B rock is th e d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. Asa L. Brock. Sgt. J o h n son is statio n ed a t M cChord field F eted J u ly 13 w ith a “patio n e a r Tacom a, W ash. The w edding p a rty ” in honor of his b irth d ay d ate has n o t b een set as yet. w as R ichard M cAffee J r. The * * 9 soiree, given at th e hom e of his Mrs. Ju n e R unnells, a fo rm er p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. R ichard P o rtla n d er, is house guest of Mr. McAffee Sr., 1522 N. Ross avenue, and Mrs. E. S helton Hill. Mrs. featu red a b u ffet su p p er and re R unnells is w ell-know n to P o rt freshm ents. lan d ers fo r h e r active w o rk in G uests included M rs. M cAffee civic affairs. She is now a th ird Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Eli H arris, Mr. g rad e teach er a t Roswell, New and Mrs. A rth u r N ichols; Mssrs. M exico, w h ere she has ta u g h t E rn estin e Hill, N aom i C laybourne fo u r years. She plans to stay a p and L orene O verton. Also p re s p ro x im ately tw o w eeks w ith th e en t w ere Miss G eneva B edford and Mr. Bob Reed. Hills. * * * M cAffee w as also tre a te d w ith FOR SA LE—V alue for $6500. Mrs. D ella W illiam s is enjoying a trip to Seaside d u rin g th a t day. O w ner t lust have $200 dow n. h erself on an exten siv e trip N ear A insw orth, b eau tifu lly th ro u g h C anada. She left aro u n d d e c o r a , t e d ; tw o bedroom s th e second w eek of J u ly an d in b reak fast nook, hardw ood floors tends to spend a few w eeks longer and oil furnace. MU 0840. before retu rn in g home. W A N T E D — O lder 3-bedroom • * * N ew officers of th e St. P hilips house in N. district. $300 dow n Mrs. Jo sep h Reed, who recently W om en’s G uild w ere in stalled and $60 a m onth. Call Mrs. H ar re tu rn e d from h e r trip to New S u n d ay a t th e re g u la r church rie t Lew is, B roker, MU 0840. Y ork, e n tertain ed guests a t a services of St. P hilips church. 24 N. S tan to n street. b irth d a y g ard en p arty in honor O fficers in stalled w ere: P resid en t, of Mrs. Je n n ie Lacy and Mrs. Asa Mrs. G ladys Lew is; vice p re si Watch for ihe L. Brock. The luncheon p arty w as dent, Mrs. M ercedes Deiz; secre given S unday afternoon, J u ly 12 tary. M rs. C larine S m ith; assistan t S ix teen guests w ere present. secretary , Mrs. J u n e W agner; of * * * tre a su re r, Mrs. G u stav ia W ins Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Thom as low; an d educatio n al chairm an, w ere host to th e ir relativ es from Mrs. Ida M cClendon. and C alifornia la st w eek. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thom as (son and d au g h Neighborhood te r-in -law ) and Mrs. Leecy T u r Shopping Center n e r and d au g h ter M ildred (d au g h Open frcrn ij:30 A M to te r and g ran d d au g h ter) w ere th e Open 8 to 9 2 00 A M Daily guests. They visited th e ir hom e 32JJ N. W illiams MU 9994 Food Service tow n and relativ es ab o u t a w eek. • 9 9 211? N Williams TU 4666 T he St. P hilips P lay ers again p resen t a th ree -act play, "M um bo Ju m b o ,” u n d e r th e d irectio n of Mrs. G eneva F ran k lin , w ith Mrs. E leanor Long as co-directress. The p resen tatio n is a m ystery and Used Records 15c w ill be presen ted T hursday and 8 for $1,00 F rid a y evenings, J u ly 30 and 31. Patio Party Fetes Richard McAffee Page Trvree Classified Ads F resh M e a t s & V e g e ta b le s D a ily W e g iv e N o r t h e r n S t a m p s F r e e D e liv e r y O pen W e e k ly — 10 a .m . to 11 p .a i. S u n d a y s — 8 a .in . to 10 p.m . HOTTLE'S GROCERY MU 9380 3041 THE FOOD MART JOHNSON'S MEAT MARKET The play is packed w ith th rills and suspense and is being p re se n t ed w ith top talen t. T ickets m ay be o b tain ed by contacting F a th e r L. O. Stone, Mrs. F ran k lin or Mrs. Long. Vi PRICE SALE STRAW HATS — $1.48 & up —also—. Select group of Sport Shirts — $1.98 & up Lew's Man Shop 10 N. Russell WE 4900 3 Bedrooms $7250 A n ex cellen t hom e w ith a f.c.b. —hardw ood floors, n ew roof, new siding and a co rn er lot. I t’s a real good buy! Special Melody Amusement Record Shop 2713 N. William* U n io n JOHNNY'S Paint and W allpaper STORE D elivery P itts b u rg h P ro d u cts 21 NE Broadway MU 3713 Watch for the Opening of our new cleaning plant! W e’ll be di-lng our ow n cleaning soon! ELLIS CLEANERS For B etter C leaning P ickup and D elivery John Ellis, Prop. 3304 N. W illitams WE 3898 "We Buy, Sell and Repair" Bicycles - Lawn Mowers Furniture P ick u p and D e liv e r y HARRY AND JOE'S TRADING POST 3037 N . E . U n io n M U 3498 For Dependable Service Call Baltzegar's Photos With or Without Appt. Closed A ugust 4th thro u g h S ep tem b er 1st 122 NE Failing MU 5735 ! CLEARANCE! Used Furniture D avenparts and Chairs $29.95 & u p Dining Sets $49.95 <S up Spring Filled Mattresses $5.00 & up Good 2 pc. Sectional $59.95 Real Buys Duplex Five room s each, up and dow n; hardw ood floors, double g a rage, sep arate oil h eatin g units. L ocated in SW d istrict n e a r school and bus line. Good in come property. Davenos & Chairs & Davenos Only from 14.95 All Used Merchandise Priced to Sell Duplex T hree room s each, up and dow n; hardw ood floors. L o cat ed SW 1st avenue. 5-Room House Full basem ent, v ery n eat and m odern, gas furnace. 2716 SE Ash street. Im m ediate posses sion. Low Down Payment Call COHN BROS. FURNITURE HENRY Fllmore 8049 Installations Held For Guild Heads Grand Opening NE EXPANDING 1831 N. E. Union Ave. GArfield 1257 Notice! NEW LOCATION SATURDAY. AUGUST 8 LEE'S SHOE CLINIC 17 N. BROADWAY (Two Doors from the B roadw ill P h arm acy ) Two Bootblacks—Service W hile U-Wait 8—2 Sundays 10—8 W eekdays BENNY’S FRAT HOUSE FINE TIMES FOR EVERYONE No Cover C harge Until September 1 COMING: ONE WEEK ONLY Sonny Thompson and Lulu Reed TR 4574 September 1-6 Call BILL WALKER TU 5045 JJ WALKER Broker 5132 N. E. Union TU 5045 Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician With: The Zeller Funeral Chapel Williams Ave. At Stanton St. Day or Night TRinity 1155