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About Portland challenger. (Portland, Oregon) 1952-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1953)
Friday. July 31. 1953 OHTLAND CHALLENGER Page Two P o ï t j , c t\ d 1 Couch io Teach At Reed College News In Brief Among five new faculty m em bers added to th e Reed college faculty is W illiam Couch J r. of * C h i c a g o , Uli- nois, according An In d ep en d en t N ew spaper to P r e s i d e n t D uncan S. B al- TED BURGER W ILLIAM A. H ILLIA R D 1 an tine. E ditor an d P u b lish er G eneral M anager C o u c h w as m n nam ed as an as- 4617 N orth W illiam s A venue, P o rtla n d 11, O regon M Urdock 4092 j 'WJ: sistant instruc- ** to r in E nglish SU B SC R IPTIO N RATES E 9 and hum anities. 10 C ents p er copy 26 $2.50 per y ear * » He is m arried * and a g rad u ate P u blished every oth er F rid ay in P o rtlan d , Oregon. T he C h al of R oosevelt col- len g er is not responsible for th e re tu rn of unsolicited m an u scrip ts W m. C o u ch ^ jr le8e in Chicago o r photographs. and nas nis d o c to rs and m aster's degrees from the U niversity of Chicago. He has tau g h t at Jackson S tate T eachers college in Jackson, Miss., The proposed redevelopment of the area of North Portland West Virginia S tate college ar.d between the Steel and Broadway bridges and N. E. First the Chicago public schools. BY W ILLIAM W RIGHT C h a lle n g er S ta ff W rite r Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hampton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cleophus Smith, 4736 N. Commercial avenue. Rev. Mr. Smith js pastor of Bethel Baptist church in San Diego. Mrs. Hamp ton is the aunt of Mrs. Smith. Back in Portland to take the Oregon state embalmer’s ex amination is C. D. Vann of Lansing, Mich. Mr. Vann was in P o rtla n d a y e a r ago w ith his wife I th e house guest of a sister, Mrs. and son to check on th e possibili ties of settin g up an em balm ing W. M. Giles, and a b ro th er and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. S u l business in the city. livan G iven of H ouston. Mrs. H erm an P lu m m er left r e Mrs. Lee Shepherd, 3228 S. W. cently for K ansas City, Mo., to be 1st avenue, is hom e again follow n e a r h e r m other d u rin g a su d ing a visit w ith her daughter, Mrs. den illness . . . M elanee H oliday C aroline B enning of S eattle. Mrs. is bac c on th e job a t the B u tte r S h epherd took her niece, C arol m ilk C orner follow ing a recen t A nn M orrison, w ith her on th e illness. jau n t. She also visited V ictoria, N oticed w orking as clerk on th e m ain floor of M eier and Canada. Mrs. Elise R eynolds w as re F ra n k com pany w as R obert cently elected A ssociated G ran d Ford, Roosevelt high school A w arded Fellow ship avenue ahd the Willamette river is still much in the talking M atron of W ashington and ju ris teacher. New sales lady at the stage and this page doubts that it will get much further than In 1951-52 Couch w as aw arded C diction of the O rder of E astern rossroads is M rs. G eneva that. The plan, authored by Commissioner Nate Boody of the a general educaton fellow ship F ran k lin . Both are non-w hite S ta r . . . Mrs. W ebster R and h ad from the R ockefeller Foundation. Portland City Council, would provide for a civic recreation He served as a first lieu ten an t additions to P o rtla n d 's clerk to ru sh to K ansas City, Mo., w here she w as called due to th e center with ample parking space and also include a hall large in the in fan try d u rin g W orld occupation. W ar II. The B en n ett G rim m etts w ere d eath of h e r father, Tem ple A. enough to hold national conventions. H olland. Mrs. R and w as a re p re Couch has w ritte n articles in hosts recen tly to d in n er guests at sen tativ e to the OES G rand Ses Commessioner Boody’s plan sounds and looks good, but the Jo u rn al of N egro Education, th e ir hom e on 33 N. M onroe street sion in O akland and had to leave traffic congestion ir> the area makes the site a second choice. the P hylon Q u arterly and was The d in n e r w as given in th e h o n before th e conclusion of the con Both east approaches to the Steel and Broadway bridges ed ito r of the Jack so n College B ul o r of Mrs. T heressa H oover of fab. New Y ork City. G uests included would cause considerable traffic pileups and keep many letin. H om e w ith a broken ankle is Miss L ena H illsm an. Mr. and Mrs. He is expected on th e Reed col M arvin M cK inney w ho w as ru n would-be ball fans and other people from the area. lege cam pus tw o w eeks before B illy Law , Rev. and Mrs. J. H a r over by a scoopm obile F riday, old Jones II, and Miss Sadie One good aspect of the plan is that it would clean up a the fall sem ester gets underw ay. G rim m ett. w hile w orking. Says h e ’ll be “off his fe e t” for about six w eeks. messy situation that has evidently been allowed to exist due Classes are slated to begin S ep tem ber 21. Mrs. Jam es R. W aldon, 2836 G eorge H ill is expected in from to a laxity on the part of the cit> officials to do anything O th er in stru cto rs added to the No. W illiam s avenue, has r e about it. That situation is the rampant vice conditions existing faculty included: Jo h n A. D ud- tu rn e d hom e from a trip to L. A. ab o u t the 17th of A ugust for m an, assistan t professor of m a th e A lexandria, La., w here she was a sh o rt visit. in the so-called Williams avenue area. Mrs. D ew ey D ennis from S eat m atics; W arren L. Susm an. h is ivisiting her seriously ill m o th The acceptance of Boody’s plan could result in the “break- tory and hu m an ities; R onald C. er, Mrs. D ave G ivens. Mrs. tle w as th e w eek end guest of and M rs. R euben O verton, ing-up” of a district popularly referred to as the “Negro area” F raser, biology; E dw ard J. Heu- W aldon also spent th ree days Mr. 1437 N. Ross avenue. in H ouston, Tex., w here she was of Portland. It would decentralize the Negro population and, bel, political science. O ut-of-tow n guests for th e tend to put an end to the popular conception of the area and Bogle-Boyd w edding included Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd K ing of M ount the reign of the civicly and socially unproductive no-gooders. V ernon, N ew Y ork; Mrs. N athan These individuals have nothing constructive to offer and tend H ow ard of St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and to perpetuate a stereotype harmful to the integrated program Mrs. W illiam P ay n e of K ansas so necessary in the country today if America is to stand proud City, K ansas; Mrs. B uelah C haney The wedding of Miss Joy Brock to Mr. Clarence O. Pruitt and Mrs. M arth a B row n of Los ly in line' with nations of the rest of the world in the concerted took place July 5 on a sunny afternoon at Bethel AME church. A ngeles; Mrs. D udley C haney of effort to find peace nd acceptance of the individual. The bride was given away by her father Mr. Asa L. Brock, T ulare, Cal; Mrs. Belle R unyon of S an Diego; Mrs. A lm a Boone, The acceptance of Boody’s plan could mean better environ with Rev. Jesse Boyd and Father L. O. Stone officiating. Miss T hera Boone of Tacom a; Mr. ments for many minority youngsters that are more-or-less The bride wore an ankle-length gown of white chantilly and Mrs. C harles A dam s of S eat forced (o grow up amid vice conditions that get little or no re tle, and Mrs. Eunice M yles of S an lace over ice blue slip p er satin. lief from the Portland police department. Francisco. She w ore a delicate, pearl- New arriv a ls in P o rtla n d in nedveil and carried a b ou Boody’s plan is a god one, but other areas seem more ac q crow clude Miss J u a n ita Reese, now u et of red, long-stem m ed roses. ceptable when more factors are taken into consideration. Miss B everly Brock, m aid of trav elin g w ith th e W ings O ver Perhaps the city will see its way clear to give better govern honor and sister to th e bride, Jo rd a n choral group, and Second Lt. D oris F rye, of the arm y nurse ment to the people in the area proposed for redevelopment by w ore an an k le-len g th orchid corps. Miss Reece is in P o rtla n d gow n w ith a dipped neckline Commissioner Boody. due to the serious illness of h e r and long-sleeved m atching gloves. father, Jim Reese. She carried a nosegay of pastel In v itatio n s are o u t for th e A u flow ers. gust 16 reception of Mr. and Mrs. O th er bridesm aids w ore ankle- W ilson Sm ith. Mrs. Sm ith is the length gow ns of pastel colors m ade form er Ozie M ott. The couple live The state of Oregon now has a civil rights bill and to its of nylon organdy, corresponding a t 1326 N. B enton avenue. citiens must go the credit for the commendable measure. long-sleeved gloves and sm all, V isiting w ith her m other, d ain ty head pieces of m atching Mrs. R achael G reen, 1613 N. E. Democracy in action aptly describes the efforts of the peo colo. B ridem aids w ere Miss Ruby Going, is M rs. L illian F rancois ple in a final realization of basic human freedoms. Oregon B rock (sister to the bride) from and d au g h ters H onoré and Con can now boast proudly of an enlightened citizenry. The state C alifornia, Mrs. E. R olland W orth stance. Mrs. G reen is from M us from Itoseburg, O regon; Mrs. Ar- kegon, Mich., and plans to stay is certainly in line with the American democratic tenets. ville Rae and Mrs. D ennis Mor- in P o rtlan d indefinitely v isit Bill Berry, executive secretary of the Urban League of lan of P o rtla n d and Mrs. Pat ing w ith relativ es and friends, Billy W right, son of Mr. and Portland, expressed the thoughts of this page when he said: S m ith of M cM innville, Oregon. MRS. CLARENCE PRU ITT F low er girl w as four-year-old Mr ?. R obert W right of S eattle, F orm erly Joy Brock The public record of our state now shows—undoubted Teri A llard. Wn., w as in P o rtlan d last w eek. ly where the people stand. This should be an object les Dr. R ichard A llard w as best a te ach er in the P o rtla n d public W right p articip ated in th e P a cific N orthw est G olf association m an to the groom. O ther ushers ! school system . son to those on the far left who say to disadvantaged to u rn ey at C olum bia-E dgew ater w ere, Joseph B ow m an, W illiam T he couple are now a t hom e C ountry club. people, “Follow us, we are your only friends”; and to those H illiard, W illis W illiam s, H o w -| a t 617 N. E. Cook, on the fringe right who have dedicated themselves to the Dr. W alter R eynolds w as in ard Jacobson and .B elton H am il P o rtlan d recently. Dr. Reynolds paradoxical proposition that some men are created equal. ton. O rganist w as Miss Rose is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P h il ’ Furthermore, this demonstration should give time for M arie Brock, sister to the bride. Reynolds, 1326 N. B enton avenue, Bob H erndon, vocalist, sung “B e pause to the hordes of citizens who are “social bystand j and has been tak in g residency in cau se“ and th e “L ord’s P ra v e r.” By B ertha Baugh ers" whose basic attitudes are right on matters of inter Sail M ateo. Cal. He plans to p rac C h allen g er S ta ff W rite r racial justice, hut who also believe that effort is useless. The church w as adorned w ith tice in P ortland. Mrs. B razola R eddick recently p astel gladioli and candleabra. Effort for human decency is never useless. Together we to V ancouver a f t e r 1 ------------------------- Reception w as held at the hom e re tu rn e d can change the world or at least the part of the world stu d y in g for nine m onths at the! of the b rid e’s parents, following in which we operate. th e im pressive cerem ony. The ; U niversity of W ashington in Seat- tie. She r e c e iv d a M aster’s De-! Oregon citizens proved that democracy is still very much new lyw eds took a short trip to j gree in sociologiy. Last rite s w ere held for D avid ,he coast for th e ir honeym oon. alive in their state and the\ proved it in a decent manner. H aving w orked for seven years K urney at the graveside in Co- There was no book burning, hurling of irresponsible or anony The groom is affiliated w ith in the W ashington d e p artm en t of lum bian cem etery recently. He mous charges, or name calling. Democracy can work and the Alpha Phi A lpha fra te rn ity a n d , S tate P ublic A ssistance in the was the son of Mr. and Mrs. B en atten d s the U niversity of O regon C lark county office. Mrs. R eddick in K urney, 100 N. Cook street. actions of citizens, channeled in the right direction, can make D ental school. The b: ide is a resum ed h er position on J u n e 29 Z jam eller F u n e ra l chapel w as in it work so beautifully. g rad u ate of L infield college and i s , as a child w elfare case w orker. charge of th e arrangem ents. Redevelopment Plan Pruitt-Brock Say 7 Do' In Colorful July Wedding Citizens Deserve Credit i Vancouver Briefs j DAVID KURNEY