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About Portland challenger. (Portland, Oregon) 1952-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1953)
Friday, May 29, 1953 PORTLAND CHALLENGER Page Tnree Clark College Queen and May Court J o y fu l T im e s BY JOY BROCK S o c ia l E d ito r. T h e C h a llen g er During the end of spring and all through summer, no one can keep up with the pace of the cupid and the stork. These two set the pattern for the many enjoyable events that follow. As a result, there are showers honoring the bride-elect and showers honoring the mother-to-be. A unique “ stranger” shower was recently given for Miss Marceline Casey at the home of school graduates, must write in Miss Hazel Davis. The purpose 250 words or less on "Why I Need cf the affair was to introduce Miss i A Scholarship.” The essay is to Casey to people she hadn’t met, be mailed to Mrs. Maude Banks then obtain information and gifts by May 29. The scholarship need that one might expect to receive may be for college or training from a stranger. Among the new friends Miss school. The guests were served refresh Casey met were: Misses Jean Amerson, Sadie Grimmett, Ruby ments from an attractive tea Polk, Ernestine Palmer, Delores table adorned with orchids, rho Faye Harris and Caroline Tillman. dodendrons and candles. G i r l s who attended were: She received numerous lovely Misses Evelyn Johnson, Ruby gifts. The shower was a total sur Dunn and Bettie Lou Overton prise. from Lincoln hi; Ethel Manlove, * * * The Beta Eta Chapter of Sigma Annie B. Anderson and Georgia Gamma Rho also gave Miss Casey Jackson from Roosevelt; Evelyn a shower May 24 at the home of Cornish, Girls Polytechnic; Rodel- Mrs. Beatrice Leverett. Since the la Miller, Gresham hi; Charlene groom-to-be is often neglected Molden and Mildred Robinson of when it comes to showers, a Jefferson hi; and Rometta Robin clever game was initiated. The son from Grant hi. Mrs. Helen Rawlins was chair guests wrote letters to the groom- elect, offering suggestions on how man of the committee assisted by to keep the bride happy. All the Mrs. Maude Banks, Mrs. Lonetta letters were mailed that evening. Plummer and Mrs. Ruth Flowers. G-uests present were: Misses Barbara Huston; Hazel Davis; V i r l y n Boyd; Juli Hail; and Beverly, RoseMarie and Joy Brock. O t h e r guests included Mesdames Teresa Davis, Minnie A summer session for ele Johnson, Wilba Lamar, Francis mentary and junior high school Williams, Pollyanna Reed, Beat grades will be held June 22 to rice Leverett, Carmen Walker and July 30 at St. Philip’s Parish hall, Marjorie Marshall. corner of Knott street and Rod * * * ney avenue. Supervising the A n o t h e r bride-elect, Miss session will be Thomas R. Vick Virlyn Boyd is also enjoying her ers and D. Strachan. share of festivities. At the home The school will offer refresher of Mrs. Zepha Baker, Miss Boyd courses in math, English and so was honored with a spiced show cial studies. Classes will be held er. She received rare spices of between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. There all kinds. will be a one hour break • * • Anyone is eligible for tiieoe" Although the wedding bells classes and arrangements will be have already rung for Mrs. Mary made for evening adult classes. Herndon, she was honored with Vickers and Strachan are both a shower for motherhood. A sur teaching at Boise grade school. prise baby shower was given for Summer Session To Start June 22 her at the home of Mrs. Letitia FOR RENT—A 3 and a 4-room Brock W e d e s d a y afternoon. apartment. $45 and $50 respect Members of the Missionary Club ively. Call EM 0112. of Bethel AME church were the guests. * * • MADRONA REALTY D u p le x — 650 dn.------$8950 Mrs. Joseph Reed will be leav 3 B e d ro m s— $600 dn.— $7950 ing our fair city of roses Monday, 3 B d n n s .— 3 y rs. o ld — $10,500 June 1. She plans to vacation in f o r d e ta ils c a ll M rs. H a lg e t New York and other parts of the ITU 4095 or T V 5861 East for a p p r o x i m a t e l y one month. She will return to Port land July 1. For Dependable Service * * * Call Dr. R o b e r t Joyner and his daughter Elaine from Seattle, spent the week-end with Mr. and With or Without Appt. Mrs. Eugene Carden. 122 NE Failing MU 5735 Baltzegar's Photos • * • • Mr. and Mrs. Willis Williams entertained house guests from Ta coma, Wash., during the week end. The guests, Mr. and Mrs. James Tyree were able to enjoy the Alpha Phi A l p h a Spring formal as well as an after party. • Shower a Surprise A surprised shower was given for Miss Joy Brock by her friends in McMinnville, Oregon, Satur day, May 9. The affair was a kitchen shower, where she re ceived numerous modern gadgets as gifts. Refreshments of punch and cake were served. Paint by Jennings T e r m » — 3 Y ea rs C all A ft e r 7 p.m. N o D ow n P a y m en t G A 0584 or G A 3485 2051 N. Emerson • 4 Bedrooms $3650 A solid older home with full basement, large rooms and a good lot on Vancouver avenut. Toughed in for duplex and the terms are right. $400 down and $50 per month Call BILL WALKER TU 5045 BETTER CLEANING ELLIS CLEANERS I NOW—Paint your home the N- Way. $50 and up. Call EM 0112 or CA 7263. John Ellis, Prop. PICK UP & DELIVERY 3304 N. Williams WE 3898 COHN BROS. FURNITUBE Compliments of Complete Keystone Investment Co. HOME F U R N IS H IN G S A P P L IA N C E S —T. V. 1831 N. E. Union Ava. 1453 N. Williams Ave. Neighborhood Shopping Center Open from t> A M to 2 01' A M Daily Food Service 211 * N Williams TU 466* music refreshments gaiety at thg Porter’s Club No Cover Charge 2504 N. Williams MU 9886 • The Non Pariel club gave a sports dance recently at the Prince Hall. Spring flowers dec orated the hall and a small combo played for the many guests. Members of Non Pariel, a pin- nochle club, are composed of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, Earl Winslow, Mesdames Mary Young, Kathy Winslow, Mildred Minor and Lenora Gaskin. • Clark junior college elected Miss Thelma Gra ham May Queen recently. Grouped around Miss Graham are members of her May Fete court. Standing, Frances Dawson, left, and Sharon Mickey; seated. Queen Thelma, Mickey Breneman. Pat Spokley and Marilyn Miller. (Oregonian Photo) blues rhythm popular spirituals specialties progressives Melody Amusement Record Shop 2713 N. Williams GAr field 1257 W ed d in g S ta tion ery... All beautifully styled .. seven different type faces to choose from .. plain printing or raised printing on panelled folder complete in cabinets with outside and inside envelope Priced from $8.50 and up per hundred for plain printing— $6.00 for second hundred. Raised printing $3.00 per 100 additional. Special W ed d in g Ring or W edding Bell Embossed Designs Folders only $2.50 per 100 additional to above prices. All work guaranteed .. 24-hour service. For appointment, call BR 1243 Loomis Printing Co. TR 4574 516 N. W . 12th Avenue Portland 9, Oregon Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician W ith: • Prospective contestants for the Culture club’s annual scholarship were entertained at a tea Sunday afternoon, May 24. The tea was given in the home of Mrs. De- Norval Unthank. The contestants, who are high JJ WALKER Broker 5132 N. E. Union TU 5054 The Zeller Funeral Chapel W illiam s Ave. At Stanton St. Day or Night TRinity 1155