T J PORTLAND CHALLENGER Paye Four Service 12 Grand Splits Kappa President Portland Visitor For Dependable Call Thomas Bradley, polemarch of satisfied with the recent turn of Soltball Games Baltzegar's Photos the W estern Province of Kappa events that race issues in the Twelve Grand bridge club won Alpha Psi fraternity, term inated Portland have taken. the first game of a double header, Baptist Church Bills Job Guides A vocational and educational institute designed to present facts about job opportunities and stress the importance of preparing for them is planned for Vancouver Avenue First Baptist church Fri­ day, May 29, and Sunday, May 31, Rev. O. B. Williams, pastor, announced recently. The instiute is sponsored by the church and will be conducted by the staff of the Urban League of Portland. It will consist of an afternoon and evening session Friday, with talks by John S. Holley and E. Shelton Hill, and a general session Sunday, to be addressed by Edwin C. Berry. Sectional discussion groups are scheduled to follow the first two talks. Hill will outline many of the occupational fields now open to non-whites. Holley will give details on how to qualify for the better occupations. NOW—Paint your home the Nu- Wny. $50 and up. Call EM 0112 or GA 7263. NATIONALLY famous coffee ground and card reader. SU 5776 after 2 p.m. RENT OR SALE—House with three lots. Lots of fruit trees. Chapter Synopsis Given 10-9, from a youthful team m an­ his official tour of the chapters aged by Richard Winslow Sunday in the province when he visited At the regular business meet- at Irving park but dropped the j the Delta Alpha chapter of P ort­ ting of the chapter, the provincial nightcap, 9-8. Both games kept land, Oregon, the first weekend polemarch gave the members a fans on the edge of their seats. j in May. The province encomp­ snoypsis of the activities of their asses the states of Arizona, Cal­ brother chapters and made rec- Home runs by Herman “Flash” ifornia, W ashngton and Oregon. ommenadtions for the continued Plum m er and Vernon Chatm an During his stay, Bradley in­ projection of Kappadom. highlighted the 12 Grand win. the chapter’s records and Chatman also made a sensational spected files and everything “in | catch in centerfield to rob the good order, found and progressing nice- ! Winslow nine of a sure run. ly.” Bradley said he was very- j T erm s— 3 Y ears Isaac Harpole and Willis W il­ C all A fte r 7 p.m. liams toiled on the mound for No Down P ay m en t 12 Grand. GA 0584 or GA 3485 2051 N. Emerson Paint by Jennings Hardy's New Look JOHNNY'S Paint and W allpaper STORE W e G ive RAH G reen S tam p s S h oe R ep a ir A S h in e Phone MU 9788 11 N. Russell D elivery P itts b u rg h P ro d u cts 21 NE Broadway MU 3713 F resh M eats & V egetables D aily W e give N o rth ern S tam p s F ree D elivery "We Buy. Sell and Repair" Bicycles - Lawn Mowers Furniture Open W eek ly — 10 a.m . to 11 p.m . S n n d a y s— 8 a.m . to 10 p.m . HOTTLE'S GROCERY M U 9380 P ick u p and D elivery TRADING POST 3037 N. E. U n ion Neighborhood M U 3498 Shopping Center Open from 0:30 A.M to 2 A M Daily- Food Service 211* N Williams TU 4666 Compliments of Keystone Investment Co. BETTER CLEANING ELLIS CLEANERS John Ellis, Prop. PICK UP Ik DELIVERY 3304 N. William* WE 3898 3 Bedrooms $7250 1453 N. Williams Ave. lOO PATTERNS $ 1952 WALLPAPER 2 0c to 4 0c P ER R O L L Featuring OUR NEW Family Hand-Dip Tin 3 qfs- J .29 A L S O L A R G E S T SE L E C T I O N OF 1933 W A L L P A P E R IN THE W E S T henry BLACK Flrrt till 921 S. W. cor. W illiams and Ivy St. 3041 1TE U n ion HARRY AND JOE'S SU 5776. Athertons Ice Cream Ava. PORTLAND . Open 8 p.m. FLAT W ALL PAIN T $2.75 GAL. * FLOOR PAIN T $3.65 «E N A M E L $3.65, $4 9 5 GAL. OUTSIDE WHITE $2.95. $3.95. $4.95 GAL. New Management BASTIAN S UNION SERVICE Washing - Tire Repairing - Lubrication PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE N orthern Green Stamps Double Stamps on Wednesdays 262 N. Broadway A solid home w ith hardwood floors, full cement basement, new M ansville siding, new roof, walks, kitchen and furnace. Rooms include large living and dining rooms plus break­ fast nook. A real buy $1000 ltandles Drive by and see it at 4108 N. Kerby Ave. Call BILL WALKER TU 5045 JJ WALKER Broker 5132 N. E. Union TU 5054 Staffed to Meet Portland Needs MU 9537 3 R OOM G R O U P 15 Pieces For only 199 .00 7-piece Wooden Dinette Set Good Condition, Natural Wood Finish lust 59 GA 1257 LEES Shoe Clinic Open Until 10 p.m. Monday Through Saturday Sunday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Shoes Dyed. Cleaned, Repaired Lee Will Personally Give You That Shine! 2013 N. W illiami NO MONEY DOWN [Modern Dental Plate: ON YOUR (on approval of your credit) AT PAINLESS PARKER DENTIST I. H. McCrady, D.M.D. 632 S. W. WASHINGTON ST. AT BROADWAY OPEN 9 A. M. to 5:30—Saturday 9 A. M. to 12:30 .PH O N E ---------------------- PLATES REPAIRED____ AT 8405 WHILE YOU WAIT o UK station... for convenient ONE-STOP SERVICE One stop at our station gets you either Sky Chief, the premium gasoline with a punch . . . or Fire-Chief, the emergency power gasoline that sells nt regular price . . . Custom-Made Havoline Motor Oil, Marfak chassis lubrication and a thorough servicing of tires, battery, spark plugs and other vital spots. Our acces­ sories are the best . . . from famous-brand tires to headlight bulbs. Whatever you need, use our “one-stop” service to get it! Glenn's Texaco Service MU 9983 NE Broadway and Williams Mom, Pop! Look! Boys! Big Prizes! Make Saturday, May 23rd, a BIG day for sonny. Let him use his spare time to be a little business man. He can earn! Every­ body wins in the first annual Portland Challenger “IT’S A HIT” contest. Mrs. Reed, a m em ber of Colonial’s staff, personifies the efficient, understanding service offered by the m or­ tuary to its patrons. This service has attracted thou­ sands of Portland families . . . one of the reasons Colo­ nial can offer so much for so little in cost .95 COHN BROS. FURNITURE With or W ithout Appt. 122 NE Failing MU 5735 'IT'S A HIT' - AND HOW! in All Table Lamp IES Lamp Hassock Coffee Table 2 F.nd Tables Table buffet & 4 Chairs Wine Colored Davenport and Chair 5-piece Bedroom Set Coil Spring Cotton Mattress 1831 N. E. Union Wednesday, Maq 20, 1953 COLONIAL W orth W Caldwell Sandy Blvd. at 14th EA 4111 Boys, Look What You Can Win! 1st PRIZE — A real big league baseball glove. 2nd PRIZE — A Jackie Robinson autographed baseball bat. 3rd PRIZE — A Granny Gladstone autographed Portland Beaver baseball. And a whole host of other prizes including tickets to Portland Beaver baseball games, softballs, bats, pictures of your favorite baseball player and CASH. But HURRY! Get started. Tell mom and dad. See prizes in window of Portland Challenger office, 3300 N. W illiams Avenue. Be on hand Saturday at the Portland Challenger office at 11 o'clock and start to be a “little business m an.” ri