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About Portland challenger. (Portland, Oregon) 1952-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1953)
I Wednesday, May 20, 1953 PORTLAND CHALLENGER Fellowship Club Portland to S e e Debutantes Hears Speakers In Colorful June Outing J oyfu l Tim es BY JOY BROCK The Interracial Fellowship ! group held a meeting Tuesday An original baby shower was given in the honor of Mrs. evening at the home of Mrs. Ho ward Jacobson. They were en Gladys Lewis, Sunday, May 3. The shower was called a “Yel tertained by two speakers, Iwao low Baby Shower.” Mrs. Lina Jones and Mrs. Ruth Spencer Kanamori from Okinawa and were co-hostesses for the affair. The theme was carried John T. Zervas from Greece. The through with tiny garments that were either yellow or speakers told about their coun tries and their impressions of trimmed in yellow for the baby-to-be. America. They are students of The shower was given at the home of Mrs. Lina Jones, 1033 the University of Portland. N. E. Tillamook street. Guests After the meeting, the guests to raise funds for Philander Smith present were: Messrs. Juliet college. were served refreshments by the Banks, Ida McClendon, Dorothy St. Phillips players have set a co-hostesses Miss Dorothy Shim- Vickers, Ollie Wright, Clarine tentative date for their new play, omura and Mrs. Ruth Holley. The members present were: Smith, Harriet Brown, and Julia "Mumbo Jumbo,” for the latter Messrs. Allie Jacobson, Mercedes part of July. The parts are quickly Green. Deiz, Lenore Robinson, Elsie being filled and they are getting, • • • Reisbick, Bernadette Plummer, Dr. DeNorval Unthank left under way for the grand produc Wila Mae Winslow, Marge Mar tion. Monday night, May 11, for Cin The theatrical group meets shall, Wilba Lamarr and Miss cinnati, Ohio, as a delegate from Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. at St. Velma Parrish. The group meets the third Tu the Northwest Area Council of Philips Parish hall. According to esday of each month. the YMCA. He is to attend the na the co-directresses, Mrs. Geneva tional conference of the YMCA Franklin and Mrs. Elinor Long, and is expected to be gone three there are still a few openings for those still interested. weeks. Little Darryl Graves celebrated The entire three weeks are not his second year birthday party at to be spent at the conference, but the home of his grand parents, Charles Williams, son of Mr. shared with friends in several Mr. and Mrs. William Graves. and Mrs. Charles E. Williams, Eastern states. The party was given Sunday, May Rev. and Mrs. Harold Jones are 3, by his mother, Mrs. Clementine 1003 S. E. Sherrett street, was a member of the University of Port acting hostesses to a male quartet Graves. land air force drill team which from Philander Smith college of The center of attraction was a won the Northwest AFROTC Little Rock, Arkansas. clown face cake and animal drill championship at Fort George The quartet arrived in Port cookies. The little tot received Wright field in Spokane, Wn., re land Wednesday, May 6, and plan numerous gifts from his guests, cently. to be in and out of Portland a who were: Renee Banks; Debra The Portland team competed month. They are touring through and Ronnie Mann; Sandra, Carla with such schools as Washington out Eastern Oregon, feauring and Gandy Cage; Lillian Irwin, and Washington State to win top classics, spirituals, semi-classics Michael Jones; and Butch Irwin. honors. and folk songs. Social Editor, The Challenger Chuck Williams On Drill Team Stanley L. Tate is the director of the quartet. The quartet is composed of Curtis Horne, Earl Johnson, William Grisby and Frederick Ballenger. Two of the men graduaed this spring, and the other two are juniors in col lege. They plan to do a concert Sun day night, May 16, at 8 p.m. at Hughes Memorial church. There is no admission charge and the public is invited. The quartet is volunteering its services in order blues rhythm popular spirituals specialties progressives Melody Amusement Record Shop 2713 N. Williams TR 4574 It's Real 'NERVOUS' SPECIALS The New VEST SLACK Combo 620 N. Shaver $10,500 also see 3 years old; has everything. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, extra lot available. at NE Stanton near Union $8.950 LEW'S MAN SHOP WE 4900 Hill's Bros. COFFEE 85c Low down payment. 2 apart ments; one 5-room and one 3- room. Everything separate. Market and Grocery 3431-3437 N. Williams Ave. MU 9995 Masonic Temple. Invitations will ence the actual table setting with a silver service tea set and the soon be in the mail. hostessing. Other phases of so This year’s debutantes are to be: cial life centered around the prop Miss Rodella Miller, daughter of er hair do’s, lipstick and coed re Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller; Miss lationships. Robecca Caldwell, sister of Mrs. Other officers of Les Femmes Russel M. Leggroan; Miss Char are: Mrs. Oteria Nicholson, vice- lene Molden, daughter of Mr. and | president; Mrs. Ulysses Leverett, Mrs. Adelbext Molden; Miss Mil sacretary, and Mrs. John Andrew dred Robinson, daughter of Mr. Robinson, treasurer. and Mrs. Benjamin Robinson; and MrS. Charles Williams is the Miss Rometta Robinson, daugh chairman for the Coronation ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Andrew Ball, assisted by Mrs. Robert Hur- Robinson. ey Herndon, Sr., Mrs. Samuel H. They are well prepared for their Wagner, Mrs. Harry Hardy and on-coming debut, according to the | Mrs. Ulysses Leverett. president, Mrs. Aldridge Johnson. This year Les Femmes have 34 They have had a well planned members, which tops the 27 mem program during the year of intro bers of last year when they intro duction to the various phases of duced six young debutantes. The social life. Their meetings consist organization consists of three ed of a well-planned charm other major groups, according to school with outside speakers and their president. Besides the regu demonstrations. M i s s Gwladys lar 34 membership of the spon Bowen, society editor of The Ore sor, they have organized a col gonian, spoke to them on social lege, high school and grade school graces. They were entertained group. at Maria Easterly’s Studio xegard- ing the manner of poise in walk ing and sitting. At another meeting, they were Build a Secure Future For taught the art of table setting at Your Child Through Education the home of Mrs. Harry Hardy. There they were able to experi- Begins June 22 to July 30 Classes Will Be Taught at St. Phillip's Parish Hall. Corner of Knott and Rodney For Further Information Prescription Call Evenings Specialist Mr. D. Srachan TW 2685 2341 N. Williams MU 7552 Mr. T. R. Vickers EM 9922 Summer School TELEVISION BUYERS! LOOK AT THIS Lord's TV G ives: N. Commercial ^ $8,250 Esy Terms Installation— All Channel Antenna 3 bedrooms, nicely decorated, full cement basement, over sized garage, beautiful yard. Service Policy— TV Lamp All absolutely FREE with purchase of any 1953 TV SET Call During May 15 to 22 only Mrs. Maoget MU 4095 Low as $2 per week a lb. FREMONT The Les Femmes club is planning its second annual June ball. Under the theme, “The Coronation Ball,” five lovely debutantes will be presented. They are graduating from high school this year and are preparing to face the social world with their charm and grace. The Coronation Ball is to be held on June 16th at the NEAL DRUGS The New KNOX STRAWS —Reg. and Sailor Style 10 N. Russell Page Tnree Madrona Realty TU 5261 L O R D ’S TV 4122 N. E. Union Ave.—Corner Mason W edding S tationery... Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician All beautifully styled .. seven different type faces to choose from .. plain printing or raised printing on panelled folder complete in cabinets with outside and inside envelope Williams Ave. At Stanton St. Priced from $8.50 and up per hundred for plain printing— $6.00 for second hundred. Raised printing $3.00 per 100 additional. Special W eddin g Ring or W eddin g Bell Embossed Designs Folders only $2.50 per 100 additional to above prices. All work guaranteed .. 24-hour service. For appointment, call BR 1343 Loomis Printing Co. 516 N. W. 12th Avenue Portland 9. Oregon With: T h e Zeller F u n e r a l C h a p e l S& kn Ja Day or Night TRinity 1155 rfic/„rr™ C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E Under die auspices of Eighth ( 'liurth of Christ. Scientist. entitled “ Christian Science: The I W r #f (he Word” by J oh n J. S elover . C.S.B., of hmu Beach. California Member of (lie Board of Lectureahlp of T lir Mother Church, l i e Flr»t Church of C h rl.l, Scirnti.t, In Bouton. Mamaifinal 11« FRIDAY £ MAY 15, 1953 £ 8 P.M. in the Church Edifice, 3105 N .E . Multnomah Street, Portland, Oregon it la »pen to the pnhllc. No charge la made, no money ia aolicltcd ml a Chriatiun Science LrctUM.