F rid ay , A pril 17, 1953 Duncan-Holliday United At March Wedding Date In the presence of m em bers of th e im m ed iate fam ilies and a few close friends Mrs. M ary M. D un­ can and Mr. G eorge H enry H ol­ liday w ere u n ited in holy w ed­ lock S atu rd ay m orning M arch 28, 1953, in th e a ttractiv e floral decked hom e of the b rid e’s son- in-law and d aughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n A. L eftridge Jr., 5105 N.E. D avis street. Rev. Jesse L. Boyd officiated. T he bride, given in m arriag e by Rev. J. D. L eftridge, w ore a Forst- m a n n ’s d u al toned p etit point w orsted su it in blue. H er sm all w h ite h a t was studded in b ril­ liants. She w ore w hite gloves and black p a te n t le a th e r pum ps and carried a m atching bag enhanced by a cataly a orchid. Mrs. Jo h n A. L eftrid g e Jr., h er m o th er’s only a tte n d a n t, w ore a V an H outen forrr.-fitting su it in grey and off th e face blue m ilan straw . H er corsage w as of pale pink c a rn a ­ tions. H onored w ith R eception T heodore Ingersoll J r. w as best m an for his uncle. A w edding b reak fast followed a t the hom e of th e senior Left- ridges, 52 N.E. S acram ento street. C overs w ere placed fo r fourteen. Off im m ed iately via m otor to St. M artins Springs, C arson City. Wn., th e hap p y couple retu rn e d n e x t w eek-end to be honored w ith a reception E aster S unday evening a t th e hom e in Irv in g ­ ton. Mr. an d Mrs. Jo h n A. L eft­ ridge Jr. w ere hosts. Mrs. H olliday, th e bride, and those assisting in receiving and serving w ore floor-length p arty dresses in pastel shades. They w ere M esdam es J. D. L eftridge, J. W. Ingersoll, Jam es N. C an­ trell, G. W. A nthony and Cora M i­ nor. Mrs. L eftridge J r. w as as­ sisted w ith th e refresh m en ts by M esdam es Jam es H effner, R. M Leggroan and E. Jackson. A n u m b er of out-of-tow n gifts and local ones w ere a g reat s u r­ prise to th e honorees. T urkey D inner Served P re-n u p tial courtesies included: the sum ptions tu rk ey d in n e r g iv ­ en by B eta Iota C hapter, Iota P h i L am bda sorority, at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. R aym ond Wilson. The p re-b rid al cake decorated in th e so ro rity ’s colors and em blem , w as a p oint of interest. Covers w ere placed fo r sixteen. Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H effner, 5124 N.E. Davis street, w ere hosts for a three-course dinner. The B ethelite clu b ’s m eeting M arch 23rd a t th e J. W. Inger- soll’s, 3384 S.E. W oodw ard street, w ith Mrs. Ingersoll and Mrs. C. E. Ivey as co-hostesses, had a fes­ tive a ir and provided o p p o rtu n ity for su rp rise gifts of b eau tifu l sil­ v er for th e b ride and groom -to-be. Mrs. A lb ert M orton’s, M ary A l­ ex an d er, h erself a recen t bride, b eau tifu lly appointed luncheon for six teen guests w as an o th er o p p o rtu n ity fo r com plim entary gifts. New UL Officers Elected In Seattle Local Branch SEA TTLE, Wn., A pril 3 (S pe­ cial)—T he election of W. V irgil S m ith, assistan t su p erin ten d en t of S eattle public schools, as p resi­ d en t of th e S eattle U rban league w as announced a t th e leag u e’s 22nd an n u al m eeting h eld h ere la st w eek a t N orw ay center. Ju liu s A. Thom as, d irecto r of in d u stria l relatio n s for th e N a­ tio n al U rb an league, told 400 m em bers of th e S eattle league a t th e m eeting th a t job openings for tra in e d N egro w orkers are in ­ creasing steadily. Thom as said th a t non-w hites m u st begin to qualify them selves fo r professional and in d u strial jobs w hich form erly w ere closed to them . Som e Jobs L acking “W ith th e grow ing reduction of discrim in atio n by em ployers, th e problem of finding train ed w orkers is now becom ing our chief concern,” stated th e in d u s­ tria l relations director. D iscrim ination is being reduced in m any in d u strial and public agencies in K ing county, accord- j ing to Lew is G. W atts, ex ecutive secretary of th e S eattle U rban league. W atts said .how ever, th a t as yet no N egroes are em ployed in ban k in g o r lu m b erin g jobs in th e area. O th er new officers of th e league Pag* Three POR TLA ND CH ALLEN G ER Speakers to View World Relations A forum , en titled , “Is th e U. S. F u lfillin g Its O bligations in In te r­ n atio n al R elations?”, sponsored by th e y o u th division of tho H ughes M em orial M et h o d is t church a t the W illiam s A venue YWCA, S unday, A pril 19, at C p.m. F iv e speakers w ill b riefly o u t­ line in d iv id u al view s on th e su b ­ ject a fte r w hich th e y w ill question each other. Q uestions from the audience w ill also be invited. S p eak ers w ill be Carlos Ogimi, R eed college; E phraim Layode, U n iv ersity of P o rtla n d ; G erh ard t W endell, Reed college; and Jo h n P au l Jones, Lew is and C lark Col­ lege. M oderator w ill be G ad Low y of Reed college. Master Winslow First in Contest M aster A rth u r W inslow won first prize in the E xcelsior-spon­ sored tick et-selling baby contest last S unday. He is th e son j f Mr. and Mrs. A rt W inslow, 524 NE R oselaw n street. Miss R ita S haron H arris, d au g h te r of Mr. and Mrs. L on­ nie H arris, 2323 NE R odney av e­ nue, took second place. O th er co n testan ts included: Miss D ebra R eynolds and G reg- gory W atson. P re sid e n t of the E xcelsior club is Mrs. W inslow. Ju d g e s of th e contest w ere Mrs. T helm a U n th an k and Mrs. U. G. P lu m m er. G uests included Mrs. Jacq u elin e W illiam s and Mrs. L aw rence C am pbell, Jr. T ea an d cookies w ere served. Colleges Deny Race Dias T h ree O regon colleges have re ­ E rnest B aker, president, and Joe plied to a le tte r from D ave R obin­ M iller, tru ste e, said th e local son, ch airm an of th e governor’s p rid ed itself on having “one of advisory com m ittee on discrim ­ the m ost dem ocratic system s for ination, req u irin g inform ation on hiring on th e coast.” discrim ination in O regon college frate rn ities and sororities. 1952 T he th ree colleges, E astern O re­ lOO PATTERNS gon College of E ducation, S o u th ­ ern O regon College of E ducation and th e U niversity of O regon 20c to 40c PER ROLL ALSO L A R G E S T S E L E C TIO N OF M edical school, declared th e re is J 9 5 3 W A L L P A P E R I N T H E W E S T no discrim ination being practiced by stu d en ts or faculty, Robinson said. i;:7S.W. Fir*» A»«. PORTLAND * Op*n till 8 p.m. U nion Lacks Negroes ( A T W ALL PAIN T *2.75 GAL. A FLOOR In an o th er phase of th e com ­ 'H IN T $3.65 * ENAM EL $3.65, $4.05 GAL. IITSID E W H ITE $2.95. $3.95. S4.95 GAL. m ittee m eeting, m em bers heard tw o officials of the* P o rtlan d L ongshorem en’s union ex p lain I th a t th ere is no discrim ination USED RECORDS against N egroes in the local. 15c T he com m ittee had invited | spokesm en of th e union to ex p lain j w hy th e re are no N egroes in the local. Tw o officers of the union, WALLPAPER UENRYBLACK SPECIAL 8 tor $1.00 Friends Honor Mrs. G. McCoy F ourteen girls w ere p resen t at the spacious hom e of Mrs. A llie Jacobson in honor of Mrs. G ladys McCoy. C o-hostesses w ere Mrs. R uth S pencer and Mrs. A llie J a ­ cobson. T he honored guest received n u ­ m erous a ttra c tiv e gifts for the baby-to-be. A m ong th e guests w ere M essrs. Rosalie B atiste, M yrtle W hite, Bobbie N unn, A ndrew G ay, R uth H olley, M ercedes Diez, Lilly Evans, G ladys Lew is, L ibby A n­ derson, Jo h n n ie M aekie and Joy Brock. Tho show er w as given S unday afternoon, M arch 29. Melody Amusement Record Shop 2713 N W illiam s TR 4574 Staffed to Meet Portland Needs Mrs. B eatrice Reed Mrs. Reed, a m em b er of for 1953 are C harles W inston, FOR SA LE—F our room house. C olonial’s staff, personifies U tility and bathroom , h a rd ­ first vice p resid en t; Jo sep h E. w ood floors, oil furnace, fire­ G andy, second vice presid en t; th e efficient, u n d erstan d in g Mrs. W. B. Foster, secretary , and place, double garage. F1IA a p ­ service offered by the m o r­ C hris D ariotis, trea su re r. proved ap p raisal $6500. $1300 tu a ry to its patrons. This dow n. Call GA 0632, 810 NE N ew directo rs include: H elen E m m ett W illiam s, stan d o u t service has attra c te d th o u ­ S u m m er street. O pen for in ­ C arnes, G eorge W. Coplen, Mrs. g u ard for U niversity of O regon’s sands of P o rtlan d fam ilies B. J. B u rn ett, R ussell S. G ideon spection. grid team d u rin g the 1952 coast and P atrick Francis. . . . one of the reasons Colo­ conference football w ars, signed nial can offer a co n tract last w eek to play p ro ­ fessional football w ith th e C hi­ so m uch for cago C ardinals. so little in cost ★ Pies ★ Cakes The C hicago-, eared W illiam s m ade the U nited P ress coast con­ ★ Cookies Mr. and Mrs. C ornell McDoug- ference all-star team . His lineback ald gave a su rp rise luncheon to r play also earn ed him first team th e ir d au g h ter, L aV erne Sunday, recognition on num erous all-o p ­ Sponsored by the A pril 12, a t th e ir home, 216 NE p o n en t elevens. CO OPERATIVE CLUB C lackam as street. W illiam s g ra d u a te d from O ie- - (J^l^duan^ S a tu r d a y . M a y 2 Mr. and Mrs. Bob H erndon gon last w eek w ith a B. S. degree 12 Till 8 p.m. w ere co-host and hostess. in h ealth ed u catio n and is c u r­ W illiam s Ave. YWCA E arlier in th e day a n o th e r s u r­ ren tly engaged in m a ste r’s w ork. W orth W. C aldw ell W illiam s Ave. and T illam ook prise p a rty had been given for S andy Blvd. at 14th EA 4111 Miss M cDougald by one of h e r school m ates w ith o th er school m ates present. C om plim ents of F rid ay evening, A pril 10, Miss M cDougald atten d ed h e r first dance at th e M asonic Tem ple. The dance w as given by th e B illings­ ley D ance Studio. One of th e ir pupils in vited Miss M cDougald. G uests at th e hom e luncheon w ere: th e M isses R achelle and M elva Jean D awson, E ster M arie 1453 N. W illiam s Ave. F uller, N athalie W illiam s, A lcena C aldw ell and G loria Sm ith. Ex-Cregon Guard Inks With Cards Luncheon Party Held for Daughter WANTED! Advertising Salesmen Full or Part Time Turn that time on your hands into money. Grow with a growing en­ terprise. Portland Challenger PHONE HU 4092 lor INTERVIEW Homemade Sale COLONIAL Keystone Investment Co. Here in Pacific P ow erland... MR. and MRS. Dresser Mirror bookcase headboard Bedframe Coil Springs and Cotton Mattress all 139-95 Cohn Bros. Furniture 1831 NE U nion GA 1257 Reddy Kilowatt's Electric Service is TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN! PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT