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About Portland challenger. (Portland, Oregon) 1952-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1953)
Page Four PO R TLA N D CH ALLENG ER F riday. A pril 3, 1953 I E aster h it a single to rig h t. L a rry loafed to second, w ith o u t m aking any effo rt to continue to th ird , w hich he could have m ade easily. The reason for th a t is D oby and Rosen w ere b attlin g it out for runs b atted in title and Doby d id n ’t w an t Rosen to d riv e him in. M anager A1 Lopez took L arry out of the gam e for loafing. Staffed to Meet Portland Needs Harry Sim pson found the stance that gave him th e P acific Coast league's horde run and runs baited in crow n. In his first 25 tim es at bat Harry banged out 13 hits, in clu d in g three hom e runs. He has led the Indians in batting in spring training. Lopez is very pleased w ith Sim pson's perform ances. B ig L u ke Easter said that if Sim p son continu ed to hit he w ou ld g iv e him a job as salesm an in his sausage business. BY LONNIE HARRIS C hallenger S p o rts E d ito r The Portland Beavers opened the season at Wrigley field against the Los Angeles Angels. The Angels have been strengthened by the return of Gene Baker, who had a brief try-out with the Chicago Cubs. Manager Phil Cavarretta wanted Baker to have another season of minor league ball to improve his batting. G r a n n y G la d s to n e a n d F r a n k A u s tin , Beavers’ center field er and shortstop, are certain s ta rte rs for th e opener. If needed in relief, th e B eavers can call on r e liab le Roy W elm aker and Jeh o sie H eard who toiled for V ictoria in the W estern In te rn a tio n a l league la st season. Junior G illiam , the sm ooth- field in g second basem an the D odgers acquired from M ont real. has taken over that p o si tion from Jack ie R obinson. M anager Chuck D ressen has tried Jackie at third and first base. H e is lik e ly to open the cam paign at third base over B illy C ox. R obinson is rated on e of the best clu tch hitters in the m ajors. If G illiam can hit .275 during the season. It w ill help the d efen din g cham ps consid erably. W ith R obinson m oving o v er to JEH O SIE HEARD th ird base th a t b ro u g h t several M ay be B evo regular rum o rs ab o u t dissension on the team . T h at is noth in g b u t a ru m o r rep o rted Ja c k ie d u rin g a s ta te m en t to th e press. Robinson ad m itted th a t he has slow ed dow n a little an d if a ball w as h it dow n th e th ird base side and he d id n ’t field it, people w ould say th a t Cox w ould have go tten it. Cox w as rate d one of th e best glove m en in the m ajors la st season, alth o u g h his b attin g w as m ighty w eak. Jim P en d leto n has been m ak in g it ra th e r tough on B rooklyn since he w as sold to th e B raves. In tw o recen t g ra p e fru it gam es P e n d le ton h it th re e hom e ru n s and all against th e D odgers. In one gam e his hom er en ab led M ilw aukee to b eat the cham ps. A t th e first an n u al P acific Coast L eague B aseball W riters’ d in n e r held in L. A., S atch P aige, th e fabulous p itch er for th e St. Louis he a d m itted th a t he d id n ’t know exactly how old he is. D uring a gam e last season Doby and A1 Rosen, also of th e T ribe, had a beef w hich resu lted in Rosen tak in g a poke a t Doby in th e dressing room. It all started w hen Doby w as on first base an d L uke M rs. Reed, a m em b er of C olonial’s staff, personifies th e efficient, u n d erstan d in g service offered by th e m o r tu a ry to its patrons. This service has a ttra c te d th o u sands of P o rtla n d fam ilies . . . one of th e reasons Colo n ial can offer W hile w arm ing up P aige told C lint C ourtney, B row ns catcher, to p u t a piece of gum w ra p p e r dow n for hom e p late. In 40 pitches he sp lit th e w rap p er in h a lf an d the catch er d id n ’t h av e to m ove his glove (w h at control). S oftb all is gettin g into sw in g again and if you look around you w ill find such p layers as Art Shepherd, Bob H erndon, Frank Fair and yours tru ly g ettin g into shape. Fair, w ho recen tly r e turned from the arm ed service, is trying out for th e Produce M erchants along w ith Art and m yself. so m uch for A1 R ivers is on his vacation and is not certain w hich team he w ill so little in cost pitch for. A1 is ra te d one of th e top p itch ers in th e league. These are m y ow n p redictions for the com ing season: A m erican L eague— (1) C leveland, (2) New York, (3) D etroit, (4) Chicago, (5) W ashington, (6) St. Louis, (7) Boston, (8) P h ilad elp h ia. N ational L eague— (1) B rooklyn, (2) N ew York, (3) St. Louis, (4) Chicago, (5) P h ilad elp h ia, (6) M ilw aukee, (7) C incinnati, (8) P itts burgh. 1 (yy¡ottíu ity_. If any of you sports m inded read ers have a list of o u tsta n d in g p la y ers for the p a st y e a r le t us know about them by w ritin g to th e P o rt W orth W. C aldw ell land C hallenger, S p o rts D ep artm en t, P o rtlan d , O regon, o r call MU San d y B lvd. at 14th EA 4111 4092. COLONIAL ' S T E W A R T 'S G IV E 3439 N. S&H CLEANERS GREEN W illia m » STAM PS! Ave. GA 4372 $100 6á GIVE-AWAY PRICES Down Speak in g of G illiam , he has speed and is alert on the basé paths. In nin e grapefruit g i mes Junior hit .300, m ade 18 assists and 14 putouts and started tw o double plays w ith a sin gle m is- cue. He bats left and right and the D odgers ex p ect great things o i their rookie. T he ru m o r of th e tra d e of L arry Doby, th e C leveland flash, and the ex Y ankee, Jack ie Jen sen , now of the W ashington S enators, w as squ ash ed by H ank G reenberg, general m an ag er of th e Indians. F or th e p ast tw o o r th re e y ears th e Indians have been a co n ten d er for th e flag or th e A m erican league b u t n ev er seem to pull it o u t of th e bag. In o rd er to hnvo a w inning ball team you m u st have cooperation and team w o rk by each and everyone. Mrs. B eatrice Reed 4 Bedrooms V ery solid, o ld er hom e in good condition. D ouble plum bing, large room s and easy m o n th ly p ay m ents. APRIL FOOL SALE DINING SET DAVENO & CHAIR Reg. $210 call Ext. tabla. 6 uphalstered chairs. Buffet available. BILL WALKER *149 R e«. $170 TU 5045 DINING SET Reg. $250 BETTER CLEANING Services in Real E state ELLIS CLEANERS H erm an C. Plum m er a n d Co. Jo h n Ellis, Prop. PIC K U P & DELIVERY 3304 N. W illiam s WE 3898 JJ WALKER Broker 2752 N. W illiam s 5132 N. E. U nion GA 7763 TU 5054 Large s p r I n I tilled t u e n (bed by night) A chair te match. TELEVISION CHAIR Duncan Phyfe mahogany with 6 fine chaire. Buffet araliable. *199 CLUB CHAIR R .« . $40 Jusl Received First in Town! lh e BILLY ESKSTINE COLIAR NO MONEY DOWN Modern Dental Plates! ON YOUR Wide celer ie- lection In this frieae TV chair. AT Lancer PAINLESS PARKER DENTIST Mr. and Mrs. dreistr, l a r g e mirrar and cab inet headboard. and matching CHAIR $ « OP Reg. $250 Choice colors and cotcrs In a fine *179 2 -place I I t I ■ « ream sot. ._____ PLATES REPAIRED. WHILE YOU WAIT r Broadw ay al A lder COHN Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician With: The Zeller Funeral Chapel Williams Av«. At Stanton St. DAVENPORT J. H. M cC rady, D.M.D. PHONE___ , AT 8405 *49 95 Reg. $100 632 S. W. W ASHING TO N ST. AT BR O A DW A Y OPEN 9 A. M. to 5:30— Saturday 9 A. M. to 12:30 ÍRIRT $24 95 MODERN BED SET (on ap p ro v al of y o u r cred it) by Reg. $100 Beautiful . . , roemy chair. Chtice colors and coeers. Day or Night TRinity 1155 BROS S .E. 12th & H AW TH O RNE* 1831 N .E. UNION AVENUE also M c M innville & O regon city