Page Two Kay’s Notations PORTLAND CHALLENGER Vickers Named Education Chief Friday, January 23, 19&3 Real Oldtimers Take Time Out Kathryn H. Bogle, Social Editor Thomas Vickers, exalted ruler A surprise to many of their friends was the marriage, last of B»Uy Webb Lodge 1050. was Wednesday morning, of Mrs. Mary Alexander and Albert named state director of education Morton. They were married quietly in Vancouver in the pres- £ . ‘^ “ «^“ tlon ence of only their immediate families and close friends. held in Yakima last week. The Mrs. Orval Rae, niece of Mrs. Alexander, and Mrs. Bennie appointment was made by the Hamilton, daughter to Mr. Morton, attended the bride. I Grand Lodge. Vickers is a teacher at Boise Mrs. Morton wore a navy wool ensemble with a white topper and las. Senator Wayne Morse, Dr. elementary school. He was in- a navy and white cloche. Her cor­ Harold Taylor, Norman Cousins, stalled as exalted ruler of the and Alice Thompson, editor of Billy Webb lodge January 10 at sage was a white orchid. Prince Hall. Immediately following the cere­ Seventeen. mony the bridal party went to the Harold hails from Yakima, The Yakima conference was home of Mrs. Mary M. Duncan Washington, and while attending held to plan for the annual con- where more friends gathered to college here, makes his home with vention which is to begin May add their felicitations. Afterward, his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. 22 in that city. Delegates came from Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, the party of ten progressed to the Taylor. Mallory hotel for a delightful wed­ Isadore Maney Jr. left by plane j Bremerton, Pasco and Anchorage If expressions mean anything, the thoughts of Dr. DeNorvai Unthank, ding breakfast with toasts to the Sunday night for Hunter Air to attend the conference. Force Base in Georgia, at the end M/Sgt. Joseph Brooks, Phila- left, and Cliff Jackson, right, may read like this: "Whew, Doc, look happy couple offered in cham­ of his holiday leave spent with delphia, Penn., brought greetings ; at that!" "Uh huh, nothing to it brother Jackson." pagne. his mother, Mrs. Isadore Maney from the Grand Exalted and was j FOR SALE----- ’49 Ford Tudor, Later in the day, the newlyweds Sr. P U B L IC EN G A G EM EN TS motored to Seattle for a brief There was time for Isadore to his personal representative. radio and heater, good shape, j honeymoon. They were guests spend a long week end in Seat­ Brooks was initiated into the Bil- | All new tires. $225. Gordon’s F i l m s for S a le - F i l m s D e v e lo p e d there in the home of Mr. and Mrs. tle viisting his uncle and aunt, ly Webb Lodge in Portland in j Hancock Service, 3440 N. Wil­ Baltzegar's Photos Joseph Murrell. The Murrells Mr. and Mrs. Dan Saunders, and! 1944 while_ stationed at the Port- j liams Ave. MU 9855. FOR RENT—One room and kitch­ W ith or W ith o u t A p pointm ent feted the pair at dinner, and Mr. his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. land Air Base. MU 5735 enette apartment. 307 N. E. Far­ 122 NE Failing and Mrs. Richard Artis were and Mrs. Leslie Carter. _________ ______ Fortlanders Attend go St. Single women only. MU breakfast hosts next day in the Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Flowers en­ Morton’s honor. tertained at dinner honoring Isa- Portlanders who attended the 9912. BETTER CLEANING Upon the Morton’s return to dore before he left Portland, andU'onfab included: U. G. Plummer, this city, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ellis had Louis Scott, Lillard Evans, Her- ELLIS CLEANERS Maddox entertained them at din­ several friends in for cocktails to bert Lewis, Oliver E. Smith, John Ellis, Prop. ner. Places were laid for eight. bid the popular lad a “happy George Randall, Oliver E. Smith PICK UP & DELIVERY Mr. and Mrs. Guy Holmes and landing.” Jr., Miss Anna Morrison, Mrs. 3304 N. Williams WE 3898 Mrs. Mary Duncan were pre-nup­ Mrs. Henry Creal (Virginia Hattie Jones, Mrs. Elsie Oten, tial hosts for the couple. Newby) was the honored guest Mrs. Lillard Evans and Mrs. Rer- Mr. and Mrs. Morton are at when Mrs. Robert Fouiher, Mrs. bert Lewis. home at 3956 NE. Twelfth street. Arthur Shepherd and Mrs. Orval Host to Vickers’ installation Mr. and Mrs. James McGuire Rae entertained 24 friends at Mrs. were the Buffaloes and Lodges’ 2.69 have returned from a month’s va­ Rae’s home on Tuesday evening. booster club. Deputy Frederick cation spent with relatives in Mrs. Creal has a February date Chew, Tacoma, Wash., presided, Athens, Alabama and in Chicago. with the stork and the girls show- installed with Vickers were: Mrs. Herman C. Baker has re- ered her with gifts for the Creal j ar,ies Walujn, Leading Knight; 119.95 Lillard Evans, Lecturing Knight; turned from Kansas City, Kansas, when he went because of the ^ P°8^ holiday party with a James Watson, Loyal Knight; L. death there of her mother, Mrs. fcstivo and 6ay sPirit was thp one C. Eilison, treasurer; Harry Rob­ Laura Harrison. for which Mrs. Ralph Flowers inson, Inner Guard; Ross New- .. Mrs. r Ervin • w M. Flowers r, , * was Save at , hostess . Mrs. last • Friday ' , at . the by, Tyler; and Oliver E. Smith, I , leave this .. week , , for a month .. plans , s visit to .. home of Vernon Gaskin. Esquire. Trustees are Huren P. ! .. , of , _ Bela ^ lota . . chapter , . . , Members Smith and Edgar Slaughter. with . , relatives in Jacksonville, „ . , _ of Iota Phi Lambda sorority and 139.95 r londa. .. . escorts . were guests . at . the .. Vickers said the reactivation their Henry Tohns is home again affair. Mrs Fiowcrs serVed a of the youth program and a great- j $«IRT »«OP from Paris, Texa His father, who three-course dinner, with games er responsibility to the youth of i was seriously ill theie, is now re- j and musjc (0 complete the eve- all races is the lodge’s aim for Broadway at Alder 1953. “Our work with boys will eupei ating satisfactorily. 1831 N. E. Union GA 1257 nmg. Little Stanley Reed Jordan, the Charles E. Williams II was be a major part of the task set nine month old son of Mr. and among many Portland university before us,” stated Vickers. “We Mrs. Stanley Jordan was chris­ students who went to Seattle for must do our part in the commun­ tened Sunday by Rev. L. O. Stone the basketball games over the ity to aid the program against do- ! at St. Philip's Episcopal church. week end. He squeezed in a quick linquency.” terms r Godparents were Mr. and Mrs. trip to Vancouver, B. C., too. W Carl Dei*. Grandparents are Mr. e a Jerry Turner, Mrs. U. S. Reed. Little Karen Dei* had her first P birthday marked with a party in t Mr. John W. Settle is the infant’s P a her honor Sunday afternoon. Her great-grandfather. c parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deiz, e i Prize Winnor invited a dozen of the toddler r h r set (with their parents) to cele­ s The January issue of "Seven­ brate the day. 0 teen" presents an excerpt from a prize-winning essay written by Guests at Karen’s party were: n Harold Johnson, a first year stu­ Joyce and Harold Gaskin Jr., Di­ a ane Wagner, Karen Haynes, Rita dent at Portland university. Harold was awarded second Mary Bastiste, Suzan Lewis and i 1 This coupon entitles one prize, a $100 bond and a silver Lari White. Children's Shoes (values to 4.99) t “17” pin for his essay which was child to a free ice cream 2.99 among 4,000 submitted to the Y magazine last June by high school cone if accompanied with Women's Casuals (values to 4.99) seniors from all over the nation. i a parent. Contestants wrote to the theme: 2.49 c NE 78th Ave. near Glisan “How differently I would plan my e future if 1 knew world peace were \| vpr oxlmnt