Friday. December 12, 1952 PORTLAND CHALLENGEH Kay’s Notations Last Rites Held For lames Aithur # Page Three ' Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Elects 1953 Officers's Slate F u n eral sevices w ere held on At th e ir regular bi-m onthly W ednesday for Jam es A rth u r who m eeting S unday Epsilon Zeta Members of Mt. Hood Chapter, No. 16, were hostesses on died F riday at his home, 1408 L am bda chapter al A lpha Phi A l­ N. L arrabee st. Sunday afternoon at the YWCA for a reception honoring < following a long pha fratern ity elected W illiam A. H illiard to succeed Willis Wil- three of their members who are grand officers. illness. •iatns as president. Sharing honors were: Mrs. Abbie Cantrell, grand associate The services J. Sidney Bowm an and Ted w eie held in matron, Mrs. Grace Purcell, grand warden, and Mrs. Anna B urger w ere elected to the fra t­ th e D raw ing Mae Lee, grand deputy. Mrs. Lee was ill and could not attend ernity's offices of vice-president room chapel of the affair. Colonial M ortu­ and secretary respectively. They A bout a h u n d red guests called w ith th e ir son W illiam , cam e ; ary u n d er the replace Edw ard L am ar and H to offer best w ishes th ough the dow n from S eattle to be w ith auspices of the J. Belton H am ilton O ther officers elected w ere. ¿-fternoon w as blu stery . Corsages th e ir P ortland relatives over th e iscoit young cam p No. 2, USWV. j C arl Deiz, corresponding secre­ w ere presented by th e ch ap ter to Thanksgiving w eek-end. A rth u r was active in civic af- j th e ir guests of honor b u t a s u r­ fairs of P o rtlan d and did singing tary ; W illis W illiams, tre a su re r; The W rights w ere am ong the and im itations in m any of the and C larence P ru itt, sgt.-at-arm s, prise w ere the orchid leis flown from H aw aii as a p resen tatio n m any relatives who atten d ed the city ’s theatres. He was fam ed foi p arliam en tarian and chaplain. H illiard is a g rad u ate of Pac to the th ree gran d officers from T hanksgiving Day christening of his singing of “M any B rave fie university and is currently Jam es Peters, the infant son of th e H onolulu chapter. H earts Are Asleep in the D eep.” w orking in the new s and sports Mr. and Mrs. D. N. U nthank Jr. He is survived by his wife. Mat- The a ttra c tiv e tea table w as ■ •f Eugene. The baby was b a p ­ d ep artm en t of the O regonian. He laid w ith a lace cloth and had an tized at St. Philips by Bishop tie of P o rtlan d ; a sister, Mrs. A. and B urger are editors of the E. F ou n tain of W ashington, D. u n u su al centerpiece m ade of ali B enjam in D. Dagwell. C.; a niece, May Fountain, B er­ P o rtlan d C hallenger. w hite flow ers. The tea cakes w ere B ow m an is a g rad u ate of D il­ God p arents w ere Mr. and Mrs. keley; and a son Jam es J r. w hite, too. b u t forecast th e next lard university in New O rleans holiday w ith th e ir C hristm as hol­ George Schw artz. Miss K athy La. He also atten d ed B irritz A m ­ Burgess and Tom H ardy. G ran d ­ ly decorations. erican un iv ersity in F rance and parents are Dr. and Mrs. D. N Texas S outhern in H ouston, T e x ­ Mrs. Alice Robinson, vocalist U nthank. (C ontinued from page 1) and J u a n ita Thom as, pianist, e n ­ tree. R efreshm ents will be served. as. From D illard he received a The senior U nthanks w ere d in ­ te rtain e d du rin g th e tea hours as The public is invited to atten d B. A. degree in biology. G rad u atin g from O regon last did little C arol M axel, pianist ner hosts later in the day for th e th e above program s. M arch, B urger took over as m a n ­ who played a piano d u et w ith big family. Friday, girls of th e local Y- Here to spend a brief T h a n k s ­ Teen groups will give a p arty at aging editor of the P o rtlan d C h a'- her te ach er M rs. H elen B lan ­ giving holiday w ith the Rev. and 3:30 p m. The boys of these tw o lenger and is cu rren tly engaged chard. Mrs. Jesse L. Boyd w ere th e Rev. groups will have th e ir p arty De­ in w ork on a m a ste r’s degree in Mrs. G ladvs Ricks w as recep ­ education at the U niversity of and Mrs. C. W ayne Love of B eth ­ cem ber 29, also at 3:30. tion chairm an. P ortland. el AME church in San Francisco * * * D ecem ber 23, the H olladay Y- and the Rev and Mrs. C. D. T ol­ Off to S eattle fo r a busy w eek liver of the F irst AME church Teens will carol th ro u g h o u t the end w ere M rs. F ran cis W illiams. H olladay .chool d istrict, and on n Seattle Mrs. Allie Jacobson and Mrs. Ote- D ecem ber 24, th e W illiam s A ve­ A special guest at th e B oyd’s nue Co-ed group will give a W hite ria Nicholson. T hey m et w ith Se- i ttle ’s g rad u ate ch ap ter of A lpha holiday din n er table w as Edenc n reak fast at the W illiam s A venue K appa A lpha soro rity to fo rm u ­ Ekong of Nigeria, who is a fresh ­ branch scheduled for 10 a.m. Vancouver at Lombard late plans fo r estab lish m en t of a m an stu d en t a t P o rtlan d S tate These last program s and ac tiv ­ college. P o rtla n d chapter. C om plete line of accessories ities are for group and guest The Loves visited in S eattle, Gas, Tires, Oil & B atteries particip atio n only. M r .and Mrs. Jam es M cG uir:, accom panied by th e ir in fan t son, w ith the Tolivers before re tu r n ­ TUGGLE GETS HAM LICENSE STAN JORDAN M ichael, w ill spend C hristm as ing to the bay city. * * * in A thens, A labam a. This will Sub Dealer and Manager Jam es C. Tuggle, 738 N. S ta n ­ Mrs. Sam uel D urly has re ­ be the first m eeting for M ichael ton street, received his am ateu r and his four g ran d p aren ts and tu rn ed from a six-w eeks’ stay in radio o p erato r license last m onth several o th er relativ es w ho live D enver w here she w ent to bo w ith h er m other d uring th e lai- from the F ed eral C om m unica­ in A thens. te r’s convalescense following a tions Com m ission and now o p er­ Mrs. M arion M cC lear e n te r­ serious illness. ates his ow n ham station. H is Metal Interlock tained th e M cG uires a t din n er call le tters are WN7SQQ and he Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n C. B aker refers to him self as “73.” ju st prior to th e ir d ep artu re. w ere d in n er hosts recently at Tuggle says th a t he would like Mr. and Mrs. F red d ie C raven th e ir home for th e pleasure of to have oth er ham s contact him w ere quietly m arried on T h an k s­ Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r C. Nelson in d he w ould also like to o rg an ­ giving Eve at St. L u k e’s Episco­ A lb ert B. Berg ize his local or join som e o rg an ­ Mrs. L. J. Cam pbell is having pal church in V ancouver. fun arranging parties w ith a b u s­ ization. Mrs. C raven, the fo rm er Nancy 1216 N. Margin Ave. iness purpose for the com pany Lucille C arr, w ore a sim ple a ft­ EA 3715 EA 9278 w hich em ploys her. Among her SKIPPER'S ernoon frock of aq u a blue lace hostesses have been M esdames for end accessories of blue. Homemad«- Ic«‘ C*rcam L. B. M elntere, M ary C arr, M ary F ath er L. O. Stone, v ic ar of St. D e li c io u s H a m b u r g e r s J u lia Booker, Eula M urray, and J u m b o Milk S h a k e s P h illip ’s church in P o rtlan d , of­ C om plim ents of E stella Jackson. 2522 N.E. Union MU 9545 ficiated. At hom e again after several • * • w eeks visiting in eastern cities is Good new s has been received Mrs. Jam es W illiams. Tom Benson Glass Co. by Mrs. U. S. Reed th a t h e r young One of th e com pany of 15 P late Glass. A uto G lass grandson, nine-year-o ld L a V erne W indow G lass Jo rd an , J r. has been released dancers w ill be A nn W illiam s TU 5193 w hen N icholas Vasilieff, ballet from the hospital w h ere he w as 1600 N. Williams Ave. m aster, presents a ballet program a polio p a tie n t for several weeks. Corner Weidler Effects of th e polio a tta c k will at the Civic th e a tre on Dec. 15 1453 N. Williams Ave. and 16. Miss W illiam s is the be nom inal. La V erne visited his g ra n d ­ d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glamorous Photos m other in P o rtla n d this s u m m e r E. W illiams. Kathryn H. Bogle. Social Editor W illiam s is a g rad u ate of P a c ­ ific un iv ersity and is an eig h th grade teacher at Failing e le m e n ­ ta ry school. Deiz finished his col­ lege w ork at the U niversity of P ortland and is em ployed as a statistician at B onneville P o w e r j adm inistration. C larence P ru itt is at present a third y ear student at the U n iv er­ sity of O regon D ental school. He received his B S. degree from W ilber force S tate college in Ohio. The new slate of officers w ill take over the operations of th e •Yaternity Ja n u a ry 1 1953. More on YMCA Bozeman's Chevron Station Weathersiripping Insulation Keystone Investment €o. b u t lives w ith his paren ts, M i. and Mrs. L a V erne Jo rd an , Sr. in L ew iston, Idaho. The E ugene H. S ettles of M os­ cow, Idaho, spent several days visiting w ith M rs Reed, Mr. Set tie and Mrs. Reed are b ro th er and sister. A b irth d a y d in n e r p a rty h o n ­ oring three, w ith one w hopping big b irth d a y cake to share, was tn e happy choice th is y e a r for Mrs. R ichard W inslow. Sally W il­ liam s, and L aw rence C am pbeli, w hose b irth d a te s are v ery close together. A bout 25 guests m ade up the d in n e r p a rty a t th e L aw rence C am pbells la st S un d ay afternoon. F or a surprise elem ent R ichard W inslow arranged for th e p arty to continue a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Young as a hit of special recognition for his wife. D ancing w as th e diversion. Mr. and • • Winter Scene Excitement for the nicest places you go this winter —inky black sling pumps of nusuede that are stud­ ded with starry rhine­ stones. Open toe, high heel, platform sole. Just • BALTZEGAR A ttending a fam ily reunion in K ansas City, M issouri is Mrs. New A ddress H erm an P lum m er. 122 N. E Failing MU 5735 L eaving by plane th is w eek to spend the C hristm as holidays w ith friends in A tlanta, G eorgia, is Mrs. W illis A ugustus Reed. A fter C hristm as, Mrs. Reed, a JU S T O PEN ED past basileus for h e r chapter, will i S ervice 24 H ours Home Cooked M eah rep resen t P o rtla n d ’s Beta Eta Sig­ O llie Epps, P rop. ma ch ap ter at a five-day boule 2017 N. Williams of Sigm a G am m a Rho sorority in C leveland, Ohio. A ccom panying Mrs. Reed (aunt Polly) as far as Chicago w ill be Florice and Laodice, th e sm all d au g h ters of Mr. and Mrs. W il- J With: son W alker. In Chicago th e little girls will be m et by th e ir m atern al g rand- I m other Mrs. Jo h n P arrish w ho w ill take them to h er hom e in C anton, Miss. The ch ild ren will Williams Ave. be th ere w ith th e ir g ran d p aren ts At Stanton St. * t * for C hristm as and for an in d e f­ | Mrs. R obert W right inite stgy. Blue Ribbon Barbecue FRED & HOP Experienced UNION SERVICE S to p w ear L ubrication F irestone Tires G reen Stam ps 2.98 SAV-M0RE SHOE STORE 2526 N.E. Union 262 N Broadway MU 5329 MU 9840 Arthur A. Cox, Licensed Mortician The Zeller Funeral Chapel Day or Night TRinity 1155