Portland challenger. (Portland, Oregon) 1952-19??, November 28, 1952, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Friday, November 28 . 19S2
Page Two
Culture Club Presents Scholarship
To Special E ducational D epartm ent
3300 North Williams Avenue, Portland 12. Oregon
MUrdock 4092
A W elcom ed Interlude
T hanksgiving. A a ay of feast and g ratefu l acknow ledgm ent
to God. H ere is a day set aside by our forefathers for w orship
to the A lm ighty for His thought and providence of m an on
e a rth .
M any days have elapsed since the first T hanksgiving Day.
T rad itio n ally a day of peace, this celebrated day has found
little peace in a w orld of nations unable to m ingle e q u a lly .
and freely. T hrow n to g eth er in an im broglio th a t seem s to
hold no perceptible answ er, th e w orld’s people seem to be at a
loss as to w hat approach to take to peace.
C hristian learning has tau g h t us th at m an m ust be hum an
to m an if any positive peace is to prevail. E xperience has
p ro v en th at th e good from peace far exceeds the economic
g ains and fam ily stra in s of w orld arm ored conflict.
T o prevent fu rth e r destruction of m an through m an-m ade
and controlled w ars should be the aim of every living hum an
being. No hum an deserves a prio rity on the p u rsu it of h appi­ Dr. Morgan Odell, president of Lewis and Clark college, and the late Robert Lacanale accept a $100
scholarship check from Mrs. Nick Banks, scholarship chairman of the Culture club as club's presi­
ness through th e suffering of his fellow’ m an.
Individually, we m ight exam ine our owrn w orth to h u m an ­ dent. Mrs. DeNorval Unthank, looks on. The scholarship goes toward the support of a special edu­
cational department at the college.
ity. F o r in the individual sm oulders the fire th at gives direct
b e at to love of G od and His created m an or lies th e h ate w hich
C h a llen g er .Staff W rite r
fo sters th e m isunderstanding th at em its in bigotry and law ­
Dr. Morgan Odell, president of
Plans for a Christmas party for
President of the Culture club
less society.
Lewis and Clark college and Rob­ is Mrs. DeNorval Unthank. The the members and husbands are
Locally, we can re fe r to m oral principles of good g overn­ ert Lacanale accepted $100 from $100 gift was given in place of under way for December 10 at
m ent and forsake the evils of ‘ black ghettos and th e like
Mrs. Nick Banks, scholarship a scholarship, according to the the home of Mrs. DeNorval Un­
thank, with Mrs. Mary Alexander
b ro u g h t on bv m an ’s in h u m an ity to m an—a breeding spot for chairman of Culture Club toward president.
At their last meeting, the group as co-chairman.
th e unscrupulous who allegedly offer pseudo-satisfaction to a support of special education de-
gave a surprise baby shower for
Future plans for a card party
fru state d group of people, easy prey to som e form of re la x a -' paJ,ment °,f ,he ^ol,eg'y
r *
1 Lacanales sudden death did Mrs. Melvin Allen at the home to raise funds for another schol­
lion and recreation.
! not enable him to enjoy to the full of Mrs. Letitia Brock.
arship are also being made.
D ignity dem ands righteous living. P rinciples are necessary use nf the gjq due to a sudden
in stru m en ts in a peaceful society. G reed and exploitation automobile dcFident a few weeks
ago. Young Lacanale was a sen-
th riv e on the loatheness of th e masses.
T hanksgiving Dav provides a pause from the ru sh of every ,or Psychology student, confined
d ay activity. A pause th a t m an so ferv en tly needs to exam ine Uc palsey In spite of his handi.
By W illiam W right
th o ro u g h ly th e com plex situation w e find ourselves in today. cap> j^e 24-year-old student had
C h a llen g er S t a f f W r ite r
L e t’s note the significance of T hanksgiving and plan for a the courage and will power to at­
tend four years of college.
b e tte r w orld tom orrow .
Lacanale had pioneered the de­
L ittle Stephen W right is confined to his hom e w ith a case of
velopment of the course in spec­ chicken pox. Used to rom ping w ith his playm ates at the
ial education. The S100 gift pre­
sented by the club was for the Blessed Day M artin N ursery, little Steve, the son of Stephen
purchase of books and o th er! an£f Leola W right, 3108 S. E. 28th avenue, finds th e change
for the use in instruct- j from n ursery to home a w ee bit confining and lonesome . . .
“ In D efense of D em ocracy the Y ear 'Round Buy NAACP
teachers in the educa One happy soldier is F ra n k F air. D rafted into the service of
C h ristm as Seals Now" is the slogan of the N orthw est Area
tion of handicapped children.
C onference of th e NAACP seal sale cam paign this year. The
his country alm ost tw o years ago—and right in th e m idst of
Through Robert’s efforts .several
goal for th e P o rtlan d branch is $1,500 and by all rig h ts they other civic groups have made do his educational pursuit at Lewis and C lark college—he is now
should get it.
nations to provide books and oth- counting the days until discharge Fuller was an outstanding player
time, not too far distant, 82 days
In itiated N ovem ber 15, th e d riv e w ill last u n til D ecem ber er necessary equipment.
on the city’s championship Sande
to be exact.
20, and so th e re is p len ty of tim e for every citizen to con­
Court seven football squad.
Since his induction. Fair has
trib u te his share to this really w orthw hile effort. T he seals
Pvt. Sam Wilkinson hopes to
been stationed in the Northwest
can be purchased from any NAACP m em ber and since th ere
home sometime near the
. . . Away on an extended visit
a re at least (»00 of them in this locality it shouldn't be too
holidays and spend
with relatives in Columbus, Ohio,
home ground . . .
h a rd for the conscientious individual to find one.
The Northwest area conference and Little Rock, Ark., is Mrs. Jack
i of the National Association for Green She left Portland Novem- 1 Isadore Maney Jr’ wiU be home
W e G et H alf
r 1 c
N ew s In B rie f
Buy Them Now
NAACP to Sell
Christmas Seals
Colored ber 9 and plans a visit of at least for Christmas. He is in the med­
a month .according to husband. ical division of the air corps. . .
others slated for Christmas home
j duty are navy man John Boyd
Louis Fuller, native Oregoni- and air force man Leonard Har­
an now living in Los Angeles. ris.
California, is reported to be work­
Herman C. Plummer has moved
ing in the post office of that city.
his home on Fargo to a
Fuller plans to make the Angel
on Cook street. . . . Manly
city his home.
Before leaving
of Batlzegar’s Photos,
Portland with his wife Juretta,
has moved his residence and shop
to 122 N. E. Failing street.
Edwin C. Berry is slated to
.'peak on World Affairs Forum
scheduled to be aired December
national office. But following a
It is not often that I take up a 4 over a local radio station.
Successful In Suprem e Court
plan conceived by Franklin Wil­
A m ajor activit) of th e NAACP has been legal redress. liams. regional director in San newspaper, large or small, and
read it through at one sitting. But
T h e ir history show s th at th ey have won 24 out of 27 cases Francisco, to allow the areas to I find myself doing just that with BABY DISCOVERED DEAD
b ro u g h t before th e federal suprem e court. Besides these, th ere -et their own quotas and use one The Portland Challenger. To sav
William Laurence Jones, 20-
h av e been m any o th er successfully fought cases o f a local I half of the proceeds for addition­ the very least, every item is in- ¡ month-old son of Mr. and Mrs
al staff workers in their own terestingly written.
| Atwood Jones, Columbia Villa,
n a tu re .
v ,,
'.areas, all seals will be distrihut-
To bottei perform
this function, th e N orth w est conference, . from the M
I agree with you, heartily, that 1 was discovered dead in bed ear-
’>' Tuesday morning
m ust have a field se cre tary w ho is fret» to trav e l and to d e ­ This has worked very well in a “clean paper is a need." It will
Other local survivors include
vote his energies to g a th erin g inform ation for legal con­ the California areas and by hav- not be easy. Nothing worthwhile Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Jones,
easy. But, if at anv time vou ,
.ng a direct stake in the sales, the is
.. • . f
. , . 1 grandparents and Mr and Mrs.
su ltan ts.
T herefore, in o rd er to bring about b e tter conditions yet, lor i.reas have sold far more seats hand, you have only to suggest it Stephen Wright, grandparents.
. . . . . .
.. .
, , . i than ever were sold on the o il
The father currently serves in
th e m inorities, it is necessary for all of us to dig in and chip plan> thus !irnefltmg ^
the armed forces and is now in
in. Do it today.
national office and the area.
116 N. E. Schuyler St.
. .
, .
! the
For the total conference, com prising Oregon. W ashington. Pooplc has set ]tself a qunta of
Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, C alifornia and Utah, the goal $ 5,000 for the sale of 50,000
has been set at $5,000 and if it can bo reached, th e conference Christmas seals this vear. William
w ill be given one-half o f this am ount, possibly m ore, to p r o - Underwood, president of the area
c u re a field secretary for this area. T his is som ethtng th at announced.
Half of the money thus raised
has been sore 1 \ needed for a long w hile.
I will be set aside to be applied
Says Mrs. W arren M arple, conference secretary: "M uch towards obtaining a field secre­
progress ha. been m ade in em ploym ent (in the N orthw est), tary for the area.
The Christmas seal sale for
but housing, public accom m odations, civil rig h ts and equal
educational opportunities are still lagging." W ith a field sec­ NAACP is not new, having been
done for a good many years from
reta ry . trained in counseling and organizing, a g reat strid e the office of The Crisis, the pub-
could be m ade in th is direction.
I lication of NAACP. and by the
Letter to Editor