12 — THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2016 Local County Homecoming is just around the corner! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Preus said that BMCC has increased its public relations effort by 100%, including mailers to Coun- ty residents, and a current budget of $7,000 a year, earmarked for print and ra- dio purposes. In speaking about a new facility, Preus said that BMCC is discuss- ing the possibility with a property owner, but the property has a brownfi eld issue (potential contamina- tion, because of a previous industrial or commercial purpose), which is current- ly almost in phase two of the study. She said BMCC is trying to fi nd a facility to fi ll BMCC’s needs. Bryan, Dalton, and Cas- See unique fl oral arrangements by Flower Engineers Denise & Alisa! Call or stop by today! 1788 Main Street • Baker City • 541.523.9434 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. M-F • 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sat. ct prote d n a y. rve To se er Count on k Ba tecti l pro law. a u q E r the unde sidy discussed the issues with the Board, and Bryan said that he and Cassidy are also members of the BTI Board. Harvey asked about BTI, and Bryan said BTI was formed as a response to the need for Baker County to have a higher educational institu- tion. Bryan said that, from a School District standpoint, community vitality is important, and workforce training became a focus (he noted that there was a lack of communica- tion in the past, between Economic Development, and the School District). Bryan said in the last two to three years, there was a series of events, and that whatever competi- tion there appears to be between BMCC and BTI, is incidental. He said the Elect JOHN HOOPES for Baker County Sheriff EXPERIENCE • 16 years of experience as a Baker County Sheriff ’s Deputy • U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, 1986-1991, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division —Surveillance, and Target Acquisition Platoon (STA Platoon) as a fi eld operator for S-2/Military Intelligence • 5th generation Baker County Resident • Republican Precinct Committee Person (volunteer) values • Constitutionally minded and fi scally conservative • Opposed to federalization of local law enforcement agencies • Opposed to combining County/City law enforcement • Committed to positive communication with the community CONTACT ME hoopes4sheriff @gmail.com • 541.519.5696 or 541.523.1111 NEW! Propane now available on site! Eagle and BTI have been more successful. DeCastro said that she would like to see more programs imple- mented, which are offered by BTI. Corley (whose comments don’t necessar- ily represent Pine Eagle, he stated) said that Baker County and the 5J School District work well together, and there are tremendous opportunities possible, but he said that BMCC has not served the Pine Eagle District during his tenure there, in some cases, work- ing against them. Both DeCastro and Corley said that the relationship with TVCC was more success- ful and fl exible, and Corley said he would like to see Pine Eagle move out of the BMCC District. Wicked Ways Tickets are just $25 each. Buy yours today at the front desk of The Geiser Grand Hotel or online at www.theBakerCountyPress.com ‘Ghost Mine’ owners appearance • ‘Gold Rush’ cast appearance • Carriage rides Gothic specialty cocktails • Limited theme menu Music and dancing Special TAPS family “reveal” for ticketholders only! Spence INDUSTRIAL Dean Spence and Spence Industrial are back! 2700 Broadway in Baker City 541-406-4486 www.spenceindustrial.net EQUIPMENT FOR SALE AND RENT—NEW INVENTORY! Skidsteers Backhoes Generators goal of BTI is to provide innovation, in terms of post-secondary educational options, and career and technical options. Cassidy and Dalton added empha- sis on skills training early for students, soft skills, and a job experience pilot pro- gram Dalton mentioned, in partnership with the Department of Human Ser- vices (DHS). Bryan said neither the School District, nor BTI are necessarily attempting to replicate any BMCC programs, and there is no effort being made to displace BMCC. DeCastro and Corley spoke about the is- sues between the Pine Eagle School District and BMCC, but DeCastro said that efforts between Pine Compressors Reach Forklifts and much more! Ope n M onda y-Frida y • 8 a .m . - 5 p.m