10 — THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2016 Sunridge CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 Clark responded as follows: “”Mr. Town has turned the management over to an admittedly competent, loyal, and effi cient employee. Ms. Wilson’s leadership has led the Debtor to glean $89,000 more (bold type) in revenues than was projected for this month and reduced expenses. This Court could well determine if effective safeguards are or could be put into place to preserve her management at this time while the sale is being consummated, and provide for an effi cient and even immediate remedy if Mr. Town attempts to circumvent her authority or direction. Considering the sale is imminent (the contract was just completed today, August 3, and is being reviewed prior to submission to the Court and creditors; it is designed to provide for a 100% payment to claimants), moving to appoint a trustee at this juncture is counter-productive.” McClurg’s fi nal claim was made as follows: “The debtor is in the midst of negotiating a sale of substantially all of its assets, which will require someone with adequate authority for the debtor to evaluate the proposed transaction and consummate it, if appropriate. A chapter 11 trustee, rather than Town, should engage in the negotiations and analysis of whether the proposed transaction is appropriate and in the best interests of the estate.” Clark responded: “This Court should not rush to judgment on this issue at this time for several reasons. First of all, the current management is effi cient, in full compliance with the Code and Rules, and has even received praise from the US Trustee. Secondly, the US Trustee has not thought of the ramifi cations of putting a trustee in place who cannot sell all of the assets of this operation. Please remember that Townridge, Inc. owns the hotel franchise, the goodwill, the personal property, but not the land or buildings. Those are owned by Town Properties, LLC, which is not in bankruptcy. How, pray tell, would a Trustee be able to consummate a sale of the entire hotel under that situa- tion? The proposed contract is actually two (underlined) contracts, one for Debtor and one for Town Properties. A Trustee would have no right to attempt to sell the real property without some substantial legal machinations. Nor would a Trustee have the right to pick another deal unless Town Properties joined in.” A hearing via telephone was scheduled for Thursday, August 11, 2016, 11 a.m., on the US Trustee’s First Amended Motion for an Order Directing the Appointment of a Chapter 11 Trustee. Testimony would not be received at that hearing, according to bankruptcy records. Wicked Ways Tickets are just $25 each. Buy yours today at the front desk of The Geiser Grand Hotel or online at www.theBakerCountyPress.com ‘Gold Rush’ cast appearance • Carriage rides Gothic specialty cocktails • Limited theme menu Music and dancing Special TAPS family “reveal” for ticketholders only!