The Baker County press. (Baker City, Ore.) 2014-current, June 03, 2016, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2016
Opinion / Local
So I was
thinking ...
By Jimmy Ingram
Special to The Baker County Press
Oregon is a beautiful place to live. We
have nearly every type of scenery imagin-
able and an even more diverse collection
of people. But there are things that set
Eastern Oregon people apart from the rest
of the state. No we’re not special, but we
have our own culture. And you may be
from here if any, some, or all of these ap-
ply to you …
When the local nurseries start selling
plants you know to wait. March? That’s
funny. April? Nope. May? Maybe. June?
I hope so.
Directions are not given using GPS,
maps, or road names. You will turn left at
the Old Thompson place and then take a
right just past old barn with the windmill
out front.
You will never need a taxi. Someone you
know will always give you a ride if you
need one.
You know the location of every body
of water in Baker County larger than 100
square feet and have likely swam in every
one at some point.
You see more tractors than cars traveling
the highway on a weekday afternoon.
You never need to look at the beer menu
at Barleys because you’ve had them all,
sometimes in the same week.
Wedding crashing doesn’t exist. You
fi gure the person you don’t know at your
wedding knows someone you know, and
that’s good enough.
You’ve lost enough clothing at Anthony
Lakes over the years to have outfi tted 35
people with ski clothes from head to toe.
You know that four seasons is optional.
Spring doesn’t necessarily show up annu-
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Jimmy Ingram is a local farmer and
father of two who enjoys people
watching within our wonderful
community and beyond.
You’ve shopped for “dress clothes” at
You have tried 15 different types of
homemade jerky or sausage in the last
month alone.
Your vehicle locks haven’t been used
since the last time you went to Portland.
You hold a 20-minute conversation
with a Sheriff’s deputy who pulled you
over ranging in subject from the current
weather to how many more years Peyton
Manning will play in the NFL.
No need to worry about your lost dog.
Someone who recognizes your dog will
see it and bring it to you.
You have a perfectly tuned heating and
cooling system in your home and automo-
bile, knowing you’ll likely need both on
the same day.
You save up all vacation days at work for
hunting season.
You attend multiple steak, spaghetti, and
crab feeds annually.
You own more insulated than uninsulated
You know how to change a fl at
the dark … with one hand … with your
eyes closed … in a foot of snow.
You wash your car or truck only a few
times a year—once after winter, once in
the summer after going through a cattle
drive, and once in the fall to wash the
leaves out of the truck bed.
Four out of your fi ve funniest stories
took place at a “creek” somewhere in
eastern Oregon.
You have the cell phone numbers of:
A doctor, a veterinarian, an attorney, a
mechanic, someone with a tractor, and
someone with a snowplow on your speed
dial with only their fi rst names.
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Memorial Day
Harvey said, “Good morning, everyone.
I want to thank you all for coming out
today. It’s an honor for me, especially, to
be able to speak to the citizens of Baker
County, in honoring our veterans. I want
to thank you for bringing young people to
see this, to witness it, to carry on what we
know, in our hearts, is a sacrifi ce.
“We are here today to honor the sacrifi ce
made by so many men and women, in our
armed forces, not only for those who are
serving now, but for all those who served
throughout our nation’s history. There are
a few here today, who truly understand
such a sacrifi ce, but for most citizens in
our country, we do not fully understand.
“In the fi rst battle of the Civil War, the
local townspeople fi xed picnics, and came
out to the hillside, to watch the battle.
They didn’t have an idea at all, what war
really was. They ended up very quickly,
seeing the devastation, and they were hor-
rifi ed, by what sacrifi ce really meant.
“They saw our men and women give
all that they had, for country, and for
freedom. I hope that this generation, and
generations to come, will never forget
the sacrifi ce of our men and women in
uniform today, and for their country, and
for our freedom.”
“As we now come together to honor
those who have given their lives for us,
Letter to the Editor Policy: The Baker
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and our nation, let us please give honor
to the families, who have sacrifi ced more
than anyone else could ask of them. Their
lives go on to live, forever more, that
sacrifi ce that they have also made. Please
come along side, and give them your love,
and your support, to the need that they
“The Bible says that there is no greater
gift of love that a man and woman can
give, than that of giving their life for
another. Our nation now gives thanks to
those brave men and women, who gave
all they had to give. And, the world gives
thanks, because this nation, for over 100
years, has always answered that call, to
defend those who couldn’t defend them-
selves, and for those who needed the hope
of freedom, and that’s what our soldiers
gave them.
“We’ve always had a nation that stood
for the defense of others, those who could
not defend themselves, and the world
depends on our men and women today,
the greatest nation on earth, to protect, and
give them the hope of freedom. Freedom,
as it’s been said many times, and it’s true,
is not free. It comes at a high price, and
we witness today by looking at these fl ags
and crosses throughout many people gave
that price, for freedom.”
Opinions or Letters to the Editor express
the opinions of their authors, and have not
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the opinions of The Baker County Press, any
of our staff, management, independent
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placed by political groups, candidates,
businesses, etc., are printed as a paid
service, which does not constitute an
endorsement of or fulfi llment obligation
by this newspaper for the products or
services advertised.
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