FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2016 THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS — 9 Local Free smoke State senate candidate Stormy Ray visits Huntington detectors BY KERRY McQUISTEN BY EILEEN DRIVER State Senate candidate Stormy Ray, who is run- ning as a democratic can- didate for District 30, came to Huntington April 20th to fundraise for her campaign and to spread the message of her bid for office. Ray is running against incumbent Republican Senator Ted Ferrioli, from John Day, the current State Senator for District 30. Stormy Ray became known to most Oregonians while fighting for the legalization of medi- cal marijuana in the State Capitol and to the citizens of Huntington when she spoke before the city council to encourage them to allow medical dispen- saries. According to her cam- paign manager William Nance of Nyssa, “Stormy has been watching the State legislature for years and feels there is a real need to bring common sense to government thinking.” Ray is a grandmother, a person with Multiple Scle- The Baker City Fire Department’s free smoke detector giveaway began last fall, and since that time, says Fire Chief Mark John, the department has given away and installed somewhere between 250 and 300 of them. Assistant Chief Dan Curtis “has installed ninety-plus- percent of those, which is really remarkable for a depart- ment this size.” John plans to continue giving away and installing the detectors as long as they’re able to keep getting a sup- ply—they’ve so far been able to order bunches of 100 at a time from the State Fire Marshall’s office. “It just adds another measure of safety,” said John. The smoke detectors aren’t available for multi-family units like apartment complexes—single-family homes only. Home renters or owners can request an installation. One alarm in each bedroom and on each floor of a home is the recommendation. As John pointed out, “People generally succumb to smoke inhalation.” Far fewer die due to direct contact with flames during a fire. Smoke alarms can be requested by calling 541-523- 3711 on a first come, first served basis. Eileen Driver / The Baker County Press Democrat Stormy Ray is challenging incumbent Sen. Ted Ferrioli. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 rosis, and a chief cospon- sor of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA), passed by voters into law in 1998. She is running on a platform that addresses the need to steer economic growth into the right direc- tion for individual commu- nities, the need to develop and maintain a quality educational system, and ensuring safe, healthy and productive communities. She believes bringing unity to the state is crucial for a well-functioning and stable society. For more informatoin, visit www.abetterwaystor- or call 541-889-5030. Richland tree giveaway ahead The 2016 Annual Tree and Weed Spray Giveaway in Eagle Valley is coming. The Eagle Valley Soil and Water Conservation District will be joining the Baker County Weed De- City Manager partment on Friday, May 6th for the annual Herbi- cide and Tree Giveaway in Richland at the Y just outside town. SWCD staff will be giving out trees on a first- come first-served basis, beginning at 8 a.m. that morning. Trees are great conser- vation tools, as they help clean the air, prevent soil erosion, save water, and prevent water pollution. According to SWCD staff, the type of tree being given away this year is the aspen. • Jim Patrick- Currently the City Manager of Storm Lake Iowa. Mr. Patrick has since withdrawn his applica- tion. • Jim Nichols - Currently the County Manager of Doug- las County Nevada. He has held several Manager and Assistant Manager positions dating back to 2005. He has a Master of Science degree in Environmental Engineering as well as a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engi- neering. • Tony Graff - Currently the City Administrator of the City of Wilmington, Illinois. He has held several City Ad- ministrator and Police Chief positions since 1985. He has a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal and Social Justice. • Fred Warner Jr. - Currently is employed by Nelson Real Estate, Baker City. He held the position of Baker County Chair from 2003-2014. He has a Bachelor of Sci- ence degree in Business Administration. • Mark Bauer - Currently the Interim General Manager of Snohomish, Washington Water and Sewer District. He has since withdrawn his application.