The Baker County press. (Baker City, Ore.) 2014-current, April 22, 2016, Page 4, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016
— Letters to the Editor —
We support Justus
Kick out the “old guard”
Nichols and a Federal agenda?
To the Editor:
We support Kody Justus for Baker
County Commissioner because in our
experience with Kody, he has always been
insightful and considerate to our issues.
It is our feeling that Kody is a strong and
responsible man who will meet the needs
of the Baker County Commissioner posi-
Bob and Linda Oelke
Baker City
To the Editor:
It seems The Record-Courier is on the
fight again, like the temperance ladies of
old they rally the pitch forks to rail against
the issues they despise. The cause then,
alcohol—now it’s the abolishment of any-
one that speaks out against a system that
seeks to kill individuality.
What scares the staff of the Courier so
much, is it that a likeminded man like Tim
Kerns won’t be re-elected? Is it that Baker
County might finally have a working com-
mission that is willing to stand up for its
residents as individuals, instead of laying
down like a whipped dog?
It simply boils down to this, are you
going to elect people that will Represent
you, or are you going to elect people that
are going to govern you? Kody wants to
be your representative, a strong voice for
the individuals of Baker County—a voice
of the people who worked at the mill, and
who worked in the woods.
The staff at The Record-Courier would
stand for those that govern you, who
would treat you as children, too simple
minded to make your own decisions.
If I had a vote Kody Justus and John
Hoopes are who I’d vote for. Men of
integrity, men that know we are capable
of living our lives, and making our own
decision. Baker County has a clear choice
in May when voting. Are you going to
toe the line of the old guard’s “go along
to get along” policies or do you work to
take back your county? Anything short of
a vote for Kody Justus and John Hoopes is
a vote to stick with the misery you know,
and I don’t think that’s where the major-
ity is.
John George
To the Editor:
While living in Utah in 1996, I re-
member the controversy and pain we as
residents experienced by the nearly two
million acres of our state’s geography sto-
len by the Clinton Administration of the
Escalante land grab. This was done after
Clinton assured us he wouldn’t do such a
thing. This cost Utah hundreds of jobs,
businesses, and millions of dollars of lost
taxes for cash-strapped local governments.
Backing up Clinton was Baker County’s
very own David Hunsaker, the guy who
recently called Kody Justus’ support-
ers radical and disrespectful for merely
supporting states’ rights and our local
economy. Hunsaker was the BLM’s man-
ager of the Escalante land theft operation
back in 1996. Kane and Garfield County
Commissioners pointed out that Hunsaker
himself used the excuse of a “drought” to
rob the ranchers of their grazing rights,
stating that it was only temporary, but then
revoked them permanently. Hunsaker has
a long history of fighting those counties,
the ranchers, and cattle associations.
I have nothing personal against Bruce
Nichols, but it scares me that folks with
ties to big government and progressive
liberal agendas appear to be throwing
every bit of political and social weight
they can muster behind him. Why? In
talking to Bruce, he seems to want nothing
more than status quo. He presents zero
ambition in standing up against federal
agendas. He said he wants to “soften” the
approach being taken by our commission-
ers to keep our forest roads open!
Justus has a history as a rancher here.
He has been certified with Oregon’s Dept.
of Public and Safety Standards Training,
has worked in the corrections industry,
and has a clean and honest record since
making positive changes in his early life.
This election isn’t just about the candi-
dates …it’s about you and me and our way
of life in Baker County. Don’t let Hunsa-
ker make you feel radical by categorizing
you as a “strident vocal minority.” You
are the majority. You are Baker County.
Vote for Justus.
Jake Brown
We support Nichols
To the Editor:
My husband and I are supporting Bruce
Nichols for County Commissioner. I had
the pleasure of working with Bruce for
three years on the City budget commit-
tee. As with all volunteers, the giving
of his time, input and expertise was very
much appreciated. We are confident that
Bruce Nichols will be a great addition and
bring a needed perspective to our County
Commission. Please remember to vote,
and please join us in supporting Bruce
Ray and Gail Duman
Baker City
We’re ranchers for Nichols
To the Editor:
We are ranchers in Baker County. There
are so many projects form fencing, keep-
ing machinery running properly, irrigat-
ing, growing and harvesting cops, and
keeping livestock healthy. We learn by
using the right tools so things go well. As
problems arise we use those tools and the
knowledge we have to successfully take
care of the problem and even make it bet-
ter than it was.
We have known Bruce Nichols for many
years. We know that he has the right
tools, and the knowledge to help solve
all the different problems that come up
in the county and make Baker County a
better and a great place for all of us to live
and enjoy. We will be voting for Bruce
Nichols and recommend you also vote for
Bruce Nichols.
Bob and Marilyn Harrison
Baker City
Nichols said he wouldn’t back
citizen in Hammond situation
To the Editor:
At the April 1st meeting in Halfway for
Commissioner Candidate Bruce Nichols,
I asked if a similar situation as what hap-
pened to the Hammond family in Harney
County happened in Baker County would
he consider it an “overreach” of the Fed-
eral Government.
Mr. Nichols was not sure what was
meant by overreach, so I explained to him
that if the government is acting beyond the
boundaries of the law, would you consider
that overreach. Nichols stalled and kept
saying this was a court issue. I responded
that courts can be swayed, which Nichols
agreed was true, but further said he would
have to follow the law.
I again asked would you be willing to
help an individual citizen in Baker County
who was having similar problems as the
Hammond family had in Harney County
with the BLM. Nichols responded, “Not
that individual, no. Because they violated
the law.”
My response, “That’s what I needed to
I would just like to tell Nichols that
following illegal laws or ignoring illegal
overreach is not following your sworn
oath of office. My vote is for Kody Jus-
tus. Baker County does not need another
bureaucrat as a commissioner.
Tom Huff
— Editorial —
Support the
library levy
We don’t often advocate spend-
ing money these days, but when it
comes to public safety, infrastructure
and the like, we believe our tax dol-
lars are meant to support such vital
things. We feel the same regarding
our local library.
The levy renewal going on the
ballot doesn’t raise taxes per se—it
Justus supporters ‘radical’
To the Editor:
When we as electors of our representa-
tives exercise our right to vote, we freely
choose to participate in a process guided
by our Constitution—all of it—not just
those pieces with which we agree. When
our Founding Fathers divided our govern-
ment’s functions into its three component
parts, they presciently included processes
for resolving disagreements that were
surely to spring up through the years as
the messy job of implementing a new
form of self-government began.
Voters retain the ultimate power of
representing ourselves and of amending
the Constitution if we deem it neces-
sary. We as individuals may disagree as
to the meaning of the language of the
Constitution … thus the founders saw fit
to include the legal process for redress:
the federal court system. We may person-
ally disagree with some of the Supreme
Court’s decisions as well as ones from the
lower courts. But we must recognize the
legitimate role the legal system plays in
this process.
We also recognize the only legitimate
avenue for change is engagement in
our process. When we see some of the
outrageous acts committed by a loud,
raucous and disrespectful minority, we
are reminded of our commitment to act
within the confines of our republic and
remain hopeful that others will too. We are
committed to electing thoughtful, open-
minded, informed, honest and capable
representatives at all levels who share our
commitment to this country and its prin-
ciples. That is why we encourage others to
join us in voting for Bruce Nichols.
The candidate for Baker County Com-
missioner who is supported by the strident
vocal minority is just too radical for us…
and for Baker County.
David and Joyce Hunsaker
Baker City
simply continues the status quo for
another five years, providing the
local public library with a sizable
chunk of its revenue.
The smarter, better read and bet-
ter educated our population, the
more our community benefits. In
that regard, our library is a bargain.
With the main library here in Baker
City and smaller branches across
the entire county, we have a healthy,
well-managed system in place—one
we’d hate to see lost or reduced.
Book geeks everywhere, unite!
Please join us in voting to renew the
library levy.
—The Baker County Press Editorial Board
of and would not commit to his position
on the consolidation of law enforcement
in Baker County, which is contrary to his
recorded event in Halfway on April first
and other statements he has made.
Nichols’ final comment to candidate
Kody Justus was rude and arrogant. Is
this really the temperament we need as a
Commissioner? I don’t think so. Please
join me in voting for Kody Justus for
Baker County Commissioner.
Suzie Dyke
Baker City
Justus is my choice
To the Editor:
As I have looked at the different people
running for County Commissioner, I have
narrowed down my choice to the person
who appears to best suit our needs, here in
Baker County.
We do not need a transplant from other
regions to tell us how to handle our local
problems. We need someone who has
lived and earned his living here and under-
stands the needs of the people of the entire
county, not just the townsfolk. Someone
who graduated from BHS and served in
the military to defend the rights of us all
to be able to actually voice our opinions
without fear of governmental retribution.
That someone is Kody Justus.
If you check his Facebook page you
will find the quote “I used to Pray for
somebody to speak out, to stand up to
defend our Liberties, then I realized I am
somebody.” This is the kind of person I
want to stand up to the folks who wish to
destroy our way of life in Eastern Oregon.
I am quite upset over the slanderous
opinions voiced in one newspaper. For
that person just remember what the Bible
says “This they said, tempting him, that
they might have to accuse him. But Jesus
stooped down, and with his finger wrote
on the ground, as though he heard them
not. So when they continued asking him,
he lifted up himself, and said unto them,
He that is without sin among you, let him
first cast a stone...”
On that note I suggest you look at the
man he has become and cast your vote for
Kody Justus, a man for us all.
Peggie Longwell
Baker City
Shocked by Nichols’
performance at forum
To the Editor:
Last night I attended the Baker County
Republican forum for the County Com-
missioner candidates.
I found the inconsistencies of state-
ments made by Bruce Nichols absolutely
amazing. Any questions about blocking
government overreach, Nichols just rolled
over - he would not stand up for Baker
County or Baker County citizens on any
The inconsistencies of his answers to
other issues are also a concern. When
asked about his involvement in a Baker
County ranch issue regarding range
land and alfalfa fields being destroyed
by two companies Nichols was CEO of,
Nichols responded he was not CEO nor
in a decision making role. Yet, Baker
County recorded Special Warranty Deeds
(B10150075 & B10150076) clearly show
Mr. Nichol’s signature on these deeds for
these companies with the title of “CEO”
in April of 2010.
Nichols also skirted around the issue
Letter to the Editor Policy: The Baker
County Press reserves the right not to pub-
lish letters containing factual falsehoods or
incoherent narrative. Letters promoting or
detracting from specific for-profit business-
es will not be published. Word limit is 375
words per letter. Letters are limited to one
every other week per author. Letters should
be submitted to Editor@TheBakerCounty-
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claimer: Opinions submitted as Guest
Opinions or Letters to the Editor express
the opinions of their authors, and have not
been authored by and are not necessarily
the opinions of The Baker County Press, any
of our staff, management, independent
contractors or affiliates. Advertisements
placed by political groups, candidates,
businesses, etc., are printed as a paid
service, which does not constitute an
endorsement of or fulfillment obligation
by this newspaper for the products or
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A division of
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Oregon Gov. Kate
State Rep. Cliff Bentz
State Sen. Ted Ferrioli
Baker County
Commissioners Bill Harvey;
Mark Bennett; Tim Kerns
Copyright © 2014 -2016