12 — THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2016 Local Hoopes CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “Currently, I serve as president and board mem- ber of the Baker County Law Enforcement As- sociation. As a volunteer for the Association, I have represented and guided our Sheriff’s Offi ce employees in a leadership role for fi ve years. “I served my country with honor as a United States Marine between the years of 1986 and 1991. I completed two tours of duty in Okinawa, Japan, as a Marine Corps infan- tryman and held a secret clearance status for three and a half years. I was honorably discharged in 1991. My wife Lauri and I have been married for 14 years and together we have fi ve children and are now the proud grandparents of eight grandchildren. As a sixth generation resident of this county, I take pride in knowing my family has called this area home for over 100 years. “I believe the Constitu- tion of the United States is the supreme law of the land, and as an offi cial for law enforcement, I sustain my oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Oregon. As Sheriff, it is my goal to represent, protect and stand for the citizens of Baker County and I will listen to and serve the people with honesty, dig- nity and respect. “I believe my law enforcement background, work history, profession- alism and the countless relationships I have gained with the residents of Baker County, have prepared me to be an effective Sheriff; however, I cannot put forth my endeavors alone. I encourage every eligible Baker County resident to become a registered voter and to exercise his or her right to vote through the election process. Please feel free to contact me with your questions and concerns—I am ready to listen to learn, and eager to fi nd solutions. Please help me serve and protect Baker County.” Hoopes can be reached at 541-524-4695 or hoopes4sheriff@gmail. com. Subscribe to Th e Baker County Press today for as little as $29.95 per year! Go online to www.theBakerCountyPress.com. Th e Baker County Republicans urge you to fi nd our how Oregon’s new Motor Voter law aff ects you. Visit your County Clerk’s offi ce. Get informed. R omantic G EISER H O T E L R omance is in the air! Here's a date night treat for 2 541-448-2526. Buy any meal & get a second meal 1/ 2 price for Valentine's Day Bring this coupon in by Friday, Feb. 5 and get free delivery for Valentine's Day See our unique designs on Facebook. Keep the Bling in ‘16 See unique styles by Flower Engineers, Denise & Alisa on Facebook. H earts & P etals Flower Shoppe 1788 Main St. in Baker City 541-523-9434 8:30 - 5:30 M-F; 10-2 Sat. Sweetheart Rendezvous Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Feb 12, 13, 14 Open 12:30 p.m. on Valentine’s Day 541-856-3639 in Haines. Fantastic prime rib dinner with triple chocolate dessert. Includes fabulous chuckwagon salad bar. Regular menu items available. Enter drawing to win "Chuck" the 10-ft. caterpillar or "Waggin" the love dog. Standing proudly on Main in Baker City since 1889 Reservations please 541.523.1889 Austin Junction Bring in this ad and SAVE! COUPON FREE DELIVERY! ining Specials from $25 Live Maine Lobster Feb 12-13-14 Reservations 5-9p G RAND Offer good 4-6 p.m. thru February Dan's Dawg House • 2300 Broadway 541-519-311 D • Just 51 miles from Baker City. • Huckleberry treats available! Bring your someone special in for a Valentine’s Day prime rib and lobster dinner! Just $35 per person.* *Dessert included! A romantic dinner in our cozy cafe with its stone fi replace. Reservations only!