FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 2016 6 — THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS ALCOHOLICS ANONY- MOUS. Every Wednesday and Thursday, 12:05 p.m, at the Presbyterian Church at 4th and Washington. Side entrance. VFW. Second Thursday of each month, 6:30 p.m. 2005 Valley Ave., VFW Hall. OVEREATERS ANONY- MOUS. Fridays at 8:45 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church. Alley entrance to “Noah” room. KIWANIS CLUB. Tues- days, noon, at the Sunridge Inn. ROTARY CLUB. Mondays, noon, at the Sunridge Inn. SOROPTIMISTS. Wednes- days, noon, at the Sunridge Inn. NARCOTICS ANONY- MOUS. Every Monday, Thursday and Friday at 8:00 p.m. at the Episcopal Church on First St. LIONS CLUB. Thursdays, noon, at the Sunridge Inn. AMERICAN LEGION. First Thursday of every month. Post at 7:00 p.m., 2129 2nd Street, Baker City. FARM / RANCH EQUIPMENT CHURCHES ANNOUNCEMENTS CELEBRATE RECOVERY. Northeast Compassion Center on Hughes Lane, 6:15 p.m., Tuesdays. AGAPE CHRISTIAN CEN- TER. Sundays, 10 a.m. 650 Hwy. 7. SEVENTH-DAY ADVEN- TIST. Call 523.4913 for info. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CATHEDRAL. 2235 First St. Sundays, 9:30 a.m. BLUE MOUNTAIN BAP- TIST CHURCH. Sundays, 10 a.m. 2998 8th Street. FOR SALE - PJ Dump Trailer, 20 Ft bed, with 4Ft sides, 2-way end gate, 20,000lb gvw. $13,000 call 541-519-5035. HAINES UNITED METH- ODIST. Sunday, 9:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Sunday school, 9:30 a.m., Sunday worship times vary per Ward. BAKER UNITED METH- ODIST CHURCH. 1919 2nd Street. Sunday services, 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZA- RENE. Sunday worship, 9:45 a.m. BURNT RIVER COMMU- NITY CHURCH. 30271 Hwy 26, Unity, Ore. Call 541.446.3317 for informa- tion. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship, 10:45. FOURSQUARE CHURCH. Baker City. Sun. School 9:30 a.m. Worship at 10:45 a.m. 1839 3rd Street. ELKHORN BAPTIST. 10:45 a.m., 6 p.m. 3520 Birch. Advertise your business with us here! Low monthly rates! HELP WANTED HELP WANTED UTILITY WORKER II. The Baker City Public Works Department is seeking qualifi ed applicants for the posi- tion of Utility Worker II. Closes January 8, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. For more information and how to apply go to www. The City of Baker City is an EEO employer. BUSINESS DIRECTORY—SHOP LOCAL! BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT 5J is currently accepting ap- plications for Substitute Bus Drivers. A CDL is required. BSD5J will train viable candidates. $14.10 per hour. For a complete description of the position and qualifi cations please go to or contact the employ- ment division. You may also call 541-524-2261 or email 1.1.16 COMMUNI TY PREPAREDNESS ATTORNEYS Damien Yervasi Yervasi Pope P.C. REPORTER WANTED On-call reporter needed. Pay per article. Baker City and Haines areas. Interested in this opportunity? Please email Great supplemental income! 1990 3rd Street Baker City, Ore. 97814 541-523-7973 Civil Litigation/Trials Family Law Real Estate Business Matters 1.29 LEGAL NOTICES Ba ke rCount ySolut ions.c om We m e e t t he t hir d Tue sda y of e a c h m ont h, 6 p.m a t t he Sunridge I nn. Email EMBROI DERY ( CUSTOM) COMPUTER REPAI R DISTRICT MEETING NOTICE Medical Springs Rural Fire Protection District Board of Directors will hold its regular monthly board meeting at Pondosa Station, on Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 7 PM to discuss fi re department operations. Equal opportunity provider. 11.27 • Protect the Constitution. •Uphold oaths of offi ce. •Work with elected offi cials to prepare and educate our community for emergencies & disasters. • Encourage self-reliance. Embroidery! Grover 12.25 BLUE MOUNTAIN DESIGN 541-523-7163 • 1920 Court Ave. in Baker City At the same address: McElroy Printing Call Jim at 541.519.0196 12.25 BUSINESS DIRECTORY—SHOP LOCAL! FUEL / HEATI NG FUEL / HEATI NG EVENTS PLANNI NG 12.25 Stephanie Tweit 541.523.6767 / 541.519.4055 Black Distributing Inc. Bob / Shannon Black I will take your photos and produce a DVD video to music and fun transitions. Cardlocks in Baker City Haines Th e Petroleum People Jeremy and Ashlee Yerrick North Powder 2150 Broadway Street Baker City, Oregon 97814 • 541-523-4575 Lubricants Weddings • Memorials • Birthdays • Graduates • Newborns • Sports • Reunions, etc. 2885 13th St. in Baker City 541.523.4779 / 541.403.0215 Refi ned Petroleum Products 12..25 12.25 I NSURANCE I NSURANCE GI FTS Alisa Anderson’s 12.25 12.25 Debbie Poe, Agent Homemade Treasures • Business • Workers’ Comp 541.523.4464 • Life Tom Van Diepen Insurance Agency 2825 10th Street • Baker City, Ore. 97814 • Home • Auto • Boat All nat ura l, ha nd-m a de gift s! Lip balms • Cooling neck wraps • Lotion bars • and more! 541.519.3845 LEATHER REPAI R BAKER COUNTY REPUBLICANS Call Jackie Emele at Elected by you to preserve local conservative values! • Internationally known. • Recognized by RWA. • Amazon Top 10 authors. Visit us at our new web site: (must be washed) H om e & Aut o, Fa r m & Ra nch, Busine ss I nsura nc e , Life & H e a lt h • Founded 2007, Baker City. 541-519-0645 Taking custom orders! Bisnett Insurance 1798 Campbell St Baker City, OR 97814 (541) 523-4267 - Ext # 602 (541) 523-4126 - Fax (800) 303-0419 PUBLI SHI NG ( BOOK) POLI TI CAL Leather Repair Service • Horse Tack • Horn Wraps • Saddles • Horse Blankets Fast, high quality printing. 541-523-2621. Hoodies—Personalized Garments—School Mascots 11.20 w w w 12.25 SI GNS / SI GNAGE SEWI NG ( ALTERATI ONS & REPAI R) TOWI NG AND RECOVERY The Sewing Lady Linda Foersterling 1609 10th Street Baker City, OR 97814 541.523.5327 All types of alterations, mending, zippers. Custom-made clothing. 12.25 2.26 1.30 12.25