THE BAKER COUNTY PRESS — 3 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2015 Business & Ag ‘Beef industry tour’ held at local extension office BY TODD ARRIOLA The Oregon State Uni- versity (OSU) Extension Service, 2600 East Street in Baker City, was host to a 2015 Beef Industry Tour Monday evening, with Reproductive Manage- ment and Genetics of Beef Cattle as the major topic for discussion. Joining Leticia Varelas, OSU Extension Service Livestock and Natural Resources Agent for Baker and Union counties, was Cliff Lamb, University of Florida, North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC)-Mar- ianna, Reinaldo Cooke, OSU, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center (EOARC)-Burns, J. Benton Glaze, Univer- sity of Idaho, Twin Falls Research and Extension Center (TFREC)-Twin Falls, and David Bohnert, OSU, EOARC-Burns. The tour, sponsored by the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) and Genex, Cooperative, Inc., began at 4 p.m., and ended at about 7:30 p.m., in the east meeting room of the Extension Service building. Attendees were allowed a dinner break partway through, and were provided with delivery piz- za and beverages. Regis- tration for the tour, payable to EOARC, was $10 per person. Each speaker used a slide show presentation, displayed on the meeting room’s TV monitor, to discuss their topics. Varelas was the first speaker of the evening, presenting her segment titled “Basic Concepts on Cattle Reproduction and Genetic Management.” She said, “I just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight. It’s good to see such a good turnout, and, thanks to all of our speakers…” She gave a basic in- troduction to her topics, explaining some issues with non-producing cattle, or under-producing cattle, and the economic effects associated with that. She emphasized the importance of pre-calving nutrition, and she discussed the benefits of developing a program to encourage earlier spring calving, and a shorter breeding season, when possible. Varelas also discussed herd management, includ- ing having a consistent vaccination program, and detailed record keeping, a critically important prac- tice, she said. She said that the beef industry has “… made great strides…” in the area of Expected Prog- Friday, December 4, 2015 — Eastern Oregon Prices trended generally steady compared to week ago prices. The upcoming holidays have slowed sales. Many producers have decided to hold on to their hay for now, in hopes for higher prices. Snow has hit some of the hay producing areas. Tons Price Range Wtd Avg Alfalfa — Large Square, Good/Premium 900 130.00-130.00 130.00 Alfalfa/Orchard Mix— Small Square, Good 17 195.00-200.00 195.50 Timothy Grass — Large Square, Good 65 200.00-200.00 200.00 Timothy Grass— Small Square, Good 5 200.00-200.00 200.00 Barley Straw—Small Square Utility, Fair 5 125.00-125.00 125.00 USDA Market News Service— — Cattle Market Report — Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Vale, Oregon Cattle sold through the auction: 1,404 Todd Arriola / The Baker County Press Cattle producers from across the county gathered at the Extension Office this week for several hours of industry information. eny Differences (EPD). “EPD is the prediction of how future progeny (offspring) of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database,” according to the American Angus Associa- tion. The EPD values list includes almost 20 items, including birth weight, weaning weight, yearling weight, yearling height, maternal milk, mature weight, and carcass weight. Varelas explained briefly some details about the OSU Across-Breed EPD Calculator, a program developed by Barbi Riggs and Bohnert. This topic was discussed in greater detail later in the tour by Bohnert. Lamb followed Varelas, presenting his segment, “Economic Impacts of Estrus Synchronization (ES) and Fixed-Time AI (Artificial Insemination) in Beef Systems.” Lamb, who grew up in Zimbabwe, South Africa, began by explaining briefly his back- ground and education, and he said, “I’ve spent a lot of time working on more advanced reproductive systems.” While comment- ing on his background, he said, jokingly, that crime is a “bit” of a problem in South Africa. He’s conducted AI re- search for the last 25 years, and he spoke about his involvement in updating AI protocols for differ- ent companies around the U.S., each year. He said, “Just to be very clear here, it is a lot easier to synchronize recipients for embryo transfer, than it is to synchronize cows for artificial insemination, because, we don’t have to have a healthy follicle for embryo transfer.” Lamb discussed, among other things, the economics of using a bull, verses AI, and, he said that using AI is probably the better route. Data for his overall discus- sion were gathered from studies he’s conducted with herds at UF-NFREC. Cooke, originally from Brazil, followed Lamb, with his topic, “Trace Min- eral Supplementation To Gestating Beef Cows.” He discussed cattle nutrition, using an example of a hu- man pregnancy to describe how, in the human case, a mother actually needs the weight gain--of about two pounds a month during the nine months--for proper body conditioning, which he said is a similar idea as- sociated with calving. Cooke spoke about organic versus inorganic minerals, and, he said that, according to his stud- ies data, organic mineral supplements translated to a better body conditioning score (BCS), more weight gain, and more income for the producer. After about a 20-minute dinner break, Glaze con- tinued the discussion with his topic, “Use of Genetic Tools in Beef Cattle Selec- tion.” He spoke about the importance of sire selec- tion and culling, and differ- ent traits regarding selec- tion. He said he knows using EPD is a valuable tool, but, the beef industry is slow in acceptance of it. Glaze discussed details regarding trait selection and EPD, citing the Na- tional Beef Cattle Evalu- ation Consortium as one source. He used different value tables, and discussed expected performance, versus actual performance, the interpretation of EPD. Bohnert followed Glaze, as the last speaker of the evening, with his topic, “Using the OSU Across- Breed EPD Calculator.” This topic included a handout with instructions for using the program, developed by Bohnert and Riggs, as mentioned earlier. Bohnert used a com- puter to display, on the TV monitor, a live example of using the EPD Calcula- tor, using different breeds and values. The calcula- tor, formatted to run most efficiently in Excel 2007 (Excel is required), can be downloaded from www. beefcattle.ans.oregonstate. edu, or by contacting the Extension Service. The program, accord- ing to the handout, “…is a tool to help commercial cattlemen evaluate and compare sires of different breeds using adjustment factors generated from the MARC (Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Nebraska) data.” The adjustment factors, which change each year, are a result of using the most recent genetic evalua- tions for eighteen different breeds, currently includ- ing: Angus, Hereford, Red Angus, Shorthorn, South Devon, Beefmaster, Brahman, Brangus, Santa Gertrudis, Branvieh, Cha- rolais, Chiangus, Gelbvieh, Limousin, Main Anjou, Salers, Simmental, and Tarentaise. Stops on the Beef Indus- try Tour included Cen- tral Oregon Community College, in Prineville, on December 8, Black Bear Diner, in Medford, on De- cember 9, and Springfield Golf Club, in Springfield, on December 10. More information about the tour and other subjects can be found at www.beefcattle. wildlife from importation into Oregon for rehabilita- tion. Oregon has about 35 licensed rehabilitators who help care for and eventu- ally return sick, injured or orphaned wildlife to the wild. In other business, the Commission: Adopted administrative rules for HB 3315, which requires ODFW to track and prepare reports that show the number of hours spent providing services to other state agencies as these agencies imple- ment their own fee-funded programs. Amended Division 435 rules for wildlife control operators, private businesses that respond to wildlife damage and wildlife-human conflicts. The new rules require all employees doing wildlife control activities to pass a WCO test, charge a fee of $25 for the test and a $60 biannual permit fee, extend permit validation period from one to two years, and reduce live-trap check times from 72 to 48 Steer Calves 300-400# Bulk 201.00 - 232.00 Top 240.00 400-500# Bulk 179.00 - 221.00 Top 225.00 500-600# Bulk 158.00 - 200.00 Top 201.75 Heifer Calves 300-400# Bulk 172.00 - 194.00 Top 197.00 400-500# Bulk 162.00 - 191.00 Top 198.00 500-600# Bulk 153.00 - 175.50 Top 176.50 Yearling Steers 600-700# Bulk 155.00 - 173.00 Top 174.00 700-800# Bulk 154.00 - 164.00 Top 165.00 800-900# Bulk 144.00 - 153.50 Top 154.00 900-1,000# Bulk N/A Top N/A Yearling Heifers 600-700# Bulk 137.00 - 161.00 Top 163.00 700-800# Bulk 141.00 - 153.00 Top 155.00 800-900# Bulk 135.00 - 143.00 Top 144.00 900-1,000# Bulk 121.00 - 128.00 Top N/A Thin Shelly Cows 47.00 - 59.00 Butcher Cows 61.00 - 69.00 Butcher Bulls 61.00 - 78.00 Stock Cows Yng. N/A Younger Hfrts. 97.00 - 115.00 Stock Cows Older. - 1075.00 - 1275.00 541-473-3136 — Log Price Report — Price per 1,000 board feet: Northeast Oregon Doug Fir is $415.00/mbf White fir is $365.00/mbf Ponderosa Pine is brought sold on diameter splits 6 to 11 inch dib $300 to $310/MBF 12 to 17 inch dib $350 to $375/MBF 18 to 23 inch dib $400 to $430/MBF 24 inch plus dib $450 to $500/MBF DIB is diameter inside bark at small end of log. MBF is thousand board feet lumber, net scale. People interested in selling logs should call and get specific quotes from saw mills. Courtesy of Arvid Andersen, Andersen Forestry Consulting — Precious Metals Report — ODFW adopts new rehab rules SALEM, Ore.—The Fish and Wildlife Com- mission adopted new rules for wildlife rehabilitators today at its meeting in Portland. The new rules provide species-specific guidance for reporting, handling and rehabilitating com- mon mammals like black bears, deer and elk. They also add language to make state rules consistent with federal guidelines for federally-listed or endangered species and prohibit certain types of — Weekly Hay Report — hours. Approved funding for 10 project proposals and one modified project recommended by the Res- toration and Enhancement Board. Projects include replacing the Thief Valley Reservoir Boat Ramp, which has been damaged by ice, with a more weath- er-resistant boat ramp. All projects are designed to restore or enhance fisher- ies in Oregon. The next meetings are Jan. 15 in Salem and Feb. 12 in Tigard. Price per ounce, USD Gold: $1,074.10 Silver: $14.14 Platinum: $847.81 Palladium: $547.75 — Ag Commodities — Corn: $373.50/bu/USD Wheat: $481.50/bu/USD Soybeans: $876.75/bu/USD Oats: $242.00 bu/USD Rough Rice: $10.97/cwt/USD Canola: $483.20 CAD/mwt Live Cattle: $127.08/lb./USD Feeder Cattle: $153.85/lb./USD Lean Hogs: $58.35/lb./USD