The Baker County press. (Baker City, Ore.) 2014-current, January 09, 2015, Image 3

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Business & Ag
High School’s FFA over 70 strong
By Todd Arriola
(Tons/Price range/Avg.)
Eastern Oregon: No new sales confirmed
USDA Market News Service—
— Cattle Market Report —
Photo courtesy of Tami Folz.
Members of the BHS chapter of FFA posed for this impromptu photo. (Not all
members were present.)
“Being in FFA has helped
me to decide what I want
to do, because I’ve always
wanted to do something
in Ag, but I didn’t know
what, exactly.” Miller was
a part of the Vet Science
group that attended the
FFA National Convention
in Kentucky last Novem-
ber, and this experience
helped solidify her interest
in Ag Journalism.
“I would probably be
local, but I wouldn’t mind
going to other places,
either,” she said, speaking
about employment in that
field of work. She said the
District Ag Sales competi-
tion was held recently,
in which she placed first.
Miller noted the diversity
of experiences the agri-
cultural world has to offer,
and said there are many
opportunities available,
from hands-on to commu-
nication and office work
“We don’t have any
newsletter in FFA specifi-
cally, but being a part of
FFA leadership, I’ve taken
on a couple of projects that
involve writing,” she said.
As a part of Ag Leadership
class, Miller said, each
student has two or three
projects to work on, and
she was involved with the
organizational efforts with
a Turkey Shoot competi-
tion last fall, and also the
Salt Lick competition.
She mentioned one of
the goals of the FFA, to be-
come more involved with
the community, including
Helping Hands fundraisers,
Drive-Thru BBQ fundrais-
ers, and other fundraisers
Thomas Angus
ranch ranks 5 in
top 100 list
By Brian Addison
Thomas Angus Ranch of
Baker City, Oregon ranked
number five on the Beef
Magazine’s national list
of top 100 seedstock bull
sales for 2014.
Thomas Angus Ranch
sold 1,000 bulls during
February, March, and
October of last year as beef
prices reach near-record
In a beef market that is
bullish, no pun intended,
Thomas Angus Ranch sold
the fifth highest number
of bulls of any ranch in
the United States through
private treaty negotiations,
at auction, and through
At the 1,000-bull mark,
Thomas Angus Ranch
Friday, January 2, 2015 — Eastern Oregon
Prices trended generally steady compared to the
same quality last week with weak demand from the
dairies and particularly the export market which has
seen very little trading with more stringent regula-
tions coming from China. Trade activity was very
light with the holidays coming up and inclement
weather hindering some trade. Several producers
have sold all that they plan to sell for this season
while some have product they are holding onto until
after the new year to sell.
The Baker High School
Future Farmers of America
(FFA) Chapter, at over
70 strong, has shown an
increase each year in both
interest and membership,
and emphasizes leader-
ship skills and community
Some of the Chapter’s
efforts are immediately
apparent upon entering the
classroom where Agri-
cultural (Ag) Leadership
is taught, among other
subjects. Two State com-
petition award banners,
one for Livestock Judging
Novice and one for State
Vet (Veterinary) Science,
and 15 District competition
award banners just from
2014 alone can be seen, a
monumental achievement
in itself, among banners
spanning previous years,
and numerous plaques that
adorn the walls.
Fourteen students were
present for Ag Leadership
class on Monday, includ-
ing Melissa Foltz, Chapter
Vice president, Kylie
Skidgel, Chapter Secre-
tary, Jake Bobo, Chapter
Treasurer, Aiden Coomer,
Chapter Historian, Gussie
Cook, Robbie Davis,
Carley Johnson, Kourtney
Lehman, Hannah Lingo,
Alicia Maldonado, Hanna
Miller, Hannah Oliver,
Lane Skidgel and Ashley
Whiting. Other officers are
Morgan Stilacci, Chapter
President, and Bryson
Thomas, Chapter Sentinel,
with the Chapter Reporter
position open at this time.
Seth Bingham, 39,
teaches the class and seven
other subjects, including
Veterinary Science, Green-
house Management, and
Basic through Advanced
Welding. In his 14th year
of teaching, Bingham
has taught at Baker High
School for the last two
years, and previously at
different locations in Utah
and Oregon.
Bingham explained the
differences in the award
banners, pointing out that
the District ones included
the schools in Baker,
Union and Wallowa Coun-
ties in the competitions.
Looking at the two 2014
State award banners, he
said, “To get two in one
year is awesome.”
Hanna Miller, 17, a
senior and FFA member
for the last 2 ½ years, said,
— Weekly Hay Report —
eclipsed sales compared
to all other ranches in
Lorenzen Ranches
out of Pendleton ranked
51st on the national list
auctioning 300 Red Angus
bulls last year. Flying U
Angus Ranch in Powell
Butte, Ore., ranked 64th
selling 250 bulls between
September and April last
year via private treaty. VF
Red Angus from Junction
City, Ore., ranked 71st on
the list, auctioning 225
Red Angus bulls in March,
Topping the 2014
national list of bull sales
was Jorgenson Land &
Cattle from Ideal, South
Dakota moving 3,750 bulls
all through private treaty
and projects that would
benefit the communit ,
and showcase the group’s
diverse talents and efforts.
Melissa Foltz, 16, a
junior, FFA member for the
last three years, and Chap-
ter Vice President, said,
“I’ve been involved with
vet science, horse judg-
ing, livestock judging, ag
sales, and speaking (among
others).” She said after the
group placed first last May
at the state level in Vet
Science, they competed
at the national level, and
received a Silver ranking
(the rankings are Bronze,
Silver, and Gold), and “We
did well,” she added.
Foltz was part of the or-
ganization for the Robbins
Farm Equipment Celebra-
tion last year, along with
the Salt Lick competition,
Drive-Thru BBQ fund-
raisers (which has raised
a large amount of funds
throughout the years), and
Helping Hands fundraisers.
“I definitely want to get
into the agricultural indus-
try. I wanted to be a vet for
a while, but I’m also think-
ing research, or agricul-
tural journalism. I think it
would be cool to write for
a magazine,” she said.
Foltz raises, shows and
sells rabbits, and as part of
the FFA group at the Baker
County Fair last year,
won Best In Show, Grand
Champion Rabbit Show-
man, and Round Robbin.
She also raises and sells
lamb ewes to FFA groups
and 4-H groups.
She’s also one of the FFA
greenhouse managers, and
noted that the profits from
that project provide signifi-
cant financial support to
the FFA. The greenhouse,
which is in the initial
stages of operation for
this year, normally is open
April through June.
Foltz said, “I don’t
think our community, or
even the school popula-
tion, know exactly what
we do in FFA. There are
so many different aspects
of our chapter, and FFA in
general, that people don’t
know about,” noting the
importance of the com-
ment, an idea echoed by
several individuals in the
group, and Bingham.
Along with the obvious
association, the showing of
animals, she said, there is
public speaking, commu-
nity relations/involvement,
leadership skill building,
and other associations that
aren’t so obvious. Foltz
said the skills learned and
the experiences can be
used for future goals which
don’t necessarily have to
be related to agriculture,
though that is the group’s
major focus and passion.
Bingham said the FFA’s
next Helping Hands Drive-
Thru BBQ fundraiser
is scheduled for Friday,
February 6, 2015, from 5
to 7 p.m., at the U-shaped
driveway by the southern
entrance of Baker High
Tickets, available for
purchase prior to or at the
fundraiser, are $12 each,
and the meal will include
tri-tip, baked potato, garlic
bread, green beans and a
Forest Access
for All holds first
meeting of year
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Vale, Oregon
(No new sale since last report due to holidays.)
Cattle sold through the auction: 1,428
Steer Calves
300-400# Bulk 350.00 - 373.00 Top 380.00
400-500# Bulk 273.00 - 338.00 Top 352.50
500-600# Bulk 243.00 - 269.00 Top 294.00
Heifer Calves
300-400# Bulk 271.00 - 323.00 Top 335.00
400-500# Bulk 231.00 - 278.00 Top 285.00
500-600# Bulk 223.00 - 260.00 Top 263.00
Yearling Steers
600-700# Bulk 219.00 - 239.00 Top 240.00
700-800# Bulk 205.00 - 214.00 Top 216.00
800-900# Bulk N/A Top N/A
900-1,000# Bulk N/A Top N/A
Yearling Heifers
600-700# Bulk 170.00 - 213.50 Top 214.00
700-800# Bulk 168.00 - 182.00 Top 192.50
800-900# Bulk 153.00 - 171.00 Top 172.00
900-1,000# Bulk N/A Top N/A
Thin Shelly Cows 69.00 - 88.00
Butcher Cows 89.00 - 104.00
Butcher Bulls 93.00 - 117.00
Stock Cows 1,325.00 - 1,785.00
— Log Price Report —
Price per 1,000 board feet: Northeast Oregon
Delivered to Elgin
Doug Fir / Larch 6”+ $370/m
White Fir/Sp 6”+ $380/m
LPP 6”+ $350/m
Delivered to La Grande
P. Pine 6-11” $290/m
12-17” $340/m
18-23” $390/m
24’+ $420/m
Delivered to Pilot Rock
12-17” $390/m
18-23” $440/m
24’+ $480/m
Delivered pulp
$28/ton to Elgin
$28/ton to La Grande
Courtesy of Arvid Andersen,
Andersen Forestry Consulting
— Precious Metals Report —
Price per ounce, USD
Gold: $1,213.10
Silver: $16.58
Platinum: $1,218.25
Palladium: $790.70
— Ag Commodities —
Brian Addison / The Baker County Press
Wanda Ballard, secretary of Forest Access for All,
waits at the beginning of the first AFA meeting of
2015, held January 3, at the Sunridge Inn. Officers
for this year will be: Tork Ballard (President), Marty
Stroy (Vice President), Wanda Ballard (Secretary),
Bobbie Danser (Treasurer), Carrie Mathews (Public
Relations). The group’s annual banquet was set for
May 16, 2015. Visit the new site, forestaccessforall.
org, for more information.
Corn: $399.00/bu/USD
Wheat: $585.25/bu/USD
Soybeans: $1057.25/bu/USD
Oats: $303.00/bu/USD
Rough Rice: $11.68/cwt/USD
Canola: $450.00 CAD/mwt
Live Cattle: $166.53/lb./USD
Feeder Cattle: $221.25/lb./USD
Lean Hogs: $79.18/lb./USD