The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, February 08, 1900, Image 2

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Published Thursdays by E. S. Bradley.
(Subscription Sates: "
One yr. .". . , .ILK).
Wi month l.oo.
. Three months .76.
(strictly In ailvnncc;). .
Advertising rutvB nitidu knuwli uti nppliuntiun.
Entered Bt the poirtoffleo In Hood River, Ore.'
Nov. 1, 18int, an second clans mail matter.
When talcing charge of the Sun
last November a statement was made
to the public - noting the1 fact that
we had leased the plant and giving
all necessary explanation regarding
the change - of management. . We
' now wish to state that we have pur
chased the good will and eubscrip
tion list from Mr. Shutt and that
hereafter the Stjn will be continued,
i-ot -under a lease, butrwittr 1SeW
ownership as herein stated.
The present plant will be remov
ed to Granite . by the owner, 13: P.
Shutt, but arrangements will be
made at once for new material and
the Sun will continue 1 to shine, we
trnst with full and effulgent bril
liancy. This change, coupled with
other matters, is the cause of the
late appearance of .the paper this
week, and an overbundance of work
for the next few days may delay us
in the next issue, but we trust.our
" readers will bear with us, and we
will endeavor to fully repay their
leniency in future greater effort.
- Faithfully yours, "
., ; E. R. Bradley'
,. Hood River valley has always
borne an enviouB record for produc
ing very fine apples,-and her ship
pers have generally made it a point
to do honest work in sorting and
packing. To have the Hood River
stamp on a box of fruit was a guar
antee of good fruit and proper clas
sification. - As to apples last "year,
however, there was somewhat of an
. exception to this general rule and
' thresiilt is not advantageous to
the producer or shipper. The crop
was not up to the usual standard
of excellence and possibly less care
was consequently given to market
ing.....:.. ; '
It will pay every time to secure
a good record and then keep it.
Hood River apples have always
demanded the best prices on . the
market and it will pay richly for
the grower to keep his orchard in
good shape, give his trees proper
care and intelligent spraying, and
then see that ins fruit when grown
is carefully selected and packed,
and then as heretofore, best priceB
can be commanded.
Goebel is dead and , the assasin's
bullet has another victim to add to
the great score that goes toward
making up an already appalling
record. To many, retribution for
dark deeds does not always , follow
so quickly as was the case with
Goebel, but that it does come final
ly few will question. He that has
just now been cut down while in
the prime of life, and while stand
ing high in the estimation of his
party, not long ago also took a life.
Neither the act that killed Goebel,
nor Goebel's act in killing his fel
Iowman can be recalled. ; The
power to destroy has been exercised
and the4 finatTeckbhing will follow
sometimes sooner, sometimes la
ter but never failing! It will be
well if reason . will now , take the
plase of uncurbed passion with the
warring Kentucky factions, and
peace bo restored. Neither side
has any particular cause for pride
in the position they occupy before
the public tribunal.
" The biennial meeting of the Re
publican Editorial Association was
held in Portland last Monday and
- considerable business of importance
transacted. The matter of foreign
advertising was discussed and the
Association took steps to protect
" itself against it. The membership
is noW S9, six new members having
. been admitted at this time. The
Association recognizes the influence
of Use country weeklies and deter
mined to work together toward se
curing for them merited recogni
tion. '
r The Republican League closed
its -meeting at Portland yesterday
after the most successful, and probably-
the most important session
ever heldAin the state. There were
nearly eight hundred delegates in
attendance and all were earnest
and enthusiastic in the . work for
which they had met.; v
The address of President Gatch,
and likewise the first address of the
new President, J. M. Church, of La
Grande were good, and were well
received by the convention. I. A.
Macrum, of Washington county,
was chosen for Vice President and
G. W. Johnson, of Wasco county,
was named as a member of the ex
ecutive committee for this, the sec
ond congressional district.
The resolutions adopted by the
League read as follows:
"So long as either of the great
political parties advocates the . free
coinage of silver, the financial ques
tion is the paramount question be-fore-the
American- people. "The re
publican clubs of the state of Ore
gon, in convention assembled, re
affirm their loyalty to the gold
standard and their opposition " to
the free coinage of silver. We be
lieve the best and most stable dol
lar in the world should be issued
by legislation to the laborer as the
fruit of his toil, and to the farmer
as the price of his crop. We are in
sympathy with the efforrts of ' the
republican senators and represent
atives in congress to enact legisla
tion for this purpose,' - r :
, We heartily endorse the Philip
pine policy of the present adminis
tration. These islands have been
won by American blood and pur
chased by American treasure; they
should remain a permanent part of
our national domain. ; We cannot
neglect our duty to give them a sta
ble government nor can we afford
to throw away the great opportuni
ty they give us for the development
of our Oriental trade.
The, republican party was formed
for the purpose of fighting the bat
tles of free labor. " Throughout its
whole history, it ' has been the
champion of the people, and of the
American laborer- in particular.
We are opposed to the monopoliza
tion of commerce and industry by
trusts, and are in favor of all judi
cious legislation looking to the cur
tailment of their, power "
It is th6 sense of this convention
of republican clubs of Oregon that
the constitution of the United
States should be amended in rela
tion to the manner of choosing
members of the United States sen
ate, arid that they should be elected
by direct vote of the people. Fur
ther resolved, that our senators and
representatives . in congress be re
quested to work and vote for any
measure that will bring about this
proposed reform.
We extend our sympathy to the
families of the Oregon volunteers
who lost their lives in the Philip
pines, and we request the secretary
of war to make provision for the re
moval of the remains of these dead
heroes to the end that they may re
pose in Oregon soil. : . r
ATORS. The important question of elect
ing United States Senators by a di
rect vote of the people is being kept
quite prominently before the Amer
ican people and while such, a re
form may be delayed for a time, it
is-nevertheless bound to come. A
very large majority of the members
of Congress are strongly in favor of
such a law but when the question
comes before the senate, a different
result will likely fojlow. : .1
That such a law would be a ben
eficial one a majority of the people
of the United States undoubtedly
believe, but it is like many another
needed reform it has sufficient op
position to delay the desired end.
We have evidences all about us
that support the claim of such a
law being a beneficial enactment.
Were such a law in force California
would scarcely have.found it neces
sary to call a special session of its
legislature, ' at great expense, to
elect a senator. The Quay sena
torial muddle now on hand would
hardly have resulted, and it is quite
possible that the expensive proceed
ings relative to benator - Clark's
election might likewise : have been
averted. " . .
There are good and sufficient
reasons why the election of United
States Senators should be made by
a direct vote of the people, but we
are not aware of any very weighty
reasons against such enactment. :
ERY. The mail service of the United
States is generally' recognized as
one of the most perfect systems of
business conducted in the entire
world, and yet, while this is an es
tablished fact, there are improve
ments and ; additions being tnade
all along the line. - And one of the
most recent experiments, and like
ly to be wide-spread in its benefits,
is the free delivery of rural mail.
Right here in our immediate vi
cinity where the experiment has
been going on for some time it has
proved a wonderful success in so far
as being advantageous to the peo
ple. . And this if .but one place
where free delivery has. been tested,
and whenever it has been tried the
results have been always the same
greatly . beneficial and v helpful,
and at comparatively small cost.
The question will come before our
legislature at the present session in
a form that must ; have much in
fluence in securing their attention
to its importance. 'tL.;'.Jl.
".' IiTspeaking of this matter the
Walla Walla Statesman says:
' "It is easy to perceive the advantages
the farmers and their families would de
rive from such a system ; how it would
put tnem in daily touch with the rest of
the world ; give them something new to
talk about and think over every day, and
thus relieve them from the monotony of
farm work and life.
" The superintendent in charge of the
operation of the free rural delivery ex
periments in his last report summed up
arguments in its behalf in the following
succinct paragraph :
"First Increased postal" receipts.
More letters are written and received
More papers and magazines are subscrib
ed for. go marked is this advancement
that quite a number of rural routes -al
ready pay for themselves by the addi
tional business they bring. : - , :.
- "Second Enchantment of the value
of farm lands reached by rural free de
livery. This increase of value has been
estimated as high as 5 per acre in some
states. :: A modern estimate is f 2 to $3
per acre.
"Third A general" improvement of
the conditions of the roads traversed by
rural carriers. In western states especi
ally, the construction of good roads has
been ft prerequisite for the establish'
ment of the service. ' In one county in
Indiana a special agent reports that the
farmers incurred an expense of over $2,
600 to grade a gravel road in order to ob
tain free delivery,
"Fourth Better prices obtained for
farm products, because the producers
are brought into daily touch with the
state of the markets and thus are en
abled to take advantage of information
hitherto j)nattainable.
''Fifth To these material advantages
may be added the educatioual benefits
conferred by relieving the monotony of
farm life through ready access to whole
some literature and the keeping of all
rural residents, the young people as well
as their elders fully informed as to the
stirring events of the day. The moral
value of these civilizing influences can
not be too highly rated." .. ....
The St Paul Pioneer-Press adds: "It
is cheaper to have one man carry mail
than to have twenty-five or fif tv men each
go and get it for himself. -No man can
doubt that the effect of the delivery will
be to make rural life less irksome and to
give to the rural districts broader and
sounder views on matters political and
otherwise. The potentialities of its es
tablishments throughout the country
upon the life of country districts are im
measurable. The nation can afford to
pay several millions a year for it without
being the loser."... .
The small-pox scare throughout
the country appears to be abating.
Tension in England over the Af
rican situation is, to say the least,
very acute. ' ' "
Indications are brightening for a
peaceful termination of the Ken
tucky political embroilmeht.
.. The Oregonian claims Portland
to be a mining center and produces
figures to bear out the assertion. -
Oregon's dead heroes are to be
returned home for burial, so - the
war department has finally decided
Sumptef-is still m the upward
move with bright prospects for a
continuation of that very desirable
condition. -
While in Portland Tuesday it was our
pleasure to visit the magnificent musi
cal emporium of the Wiley B. Allen Co,
To say that this well-known firm has a
mammoth stock of musical instruments
and goods used in connection therewith,
is but putting the case "Very mildly; The
display is one that will please all who
witness it's extent. ' This firm carries
the largest stock of goods in their line of
any house on the Pacific coast. There
are four stories to the building they oc
cupy and each floor is well filled with
all kinds of musical goods. The floor
space of their house would cover an
acre of ground and no part of the space
is wasted. . It will pay visitors to Port
land even those not wishing to pur
chase, to visit this store. :" .-v
Stock holders of the East Fork Irriga
ting Co., take notice that their annual
meeting will be held at 1 o'clook Satur
day, Feb. 17, 1900, at the Hood River
Trading Conipany'soffice at Hood River,
E. E. Savage, Sec.
We beg to thank our patrons for their lib
eral support which has enabled us in so
short a time to place ourselves so far
ahead of all
We are still in the lead with a Complete
Line of
v - r6 U R a ntT F E EDf ' rr
LARD, Etc.
We mean to double our business during this year, and to this end have
. arranged to distribute desirable premiums among our many :
customers. (This will be explained in a later issue.)
We shall try to do our business in a way to make ' v
' Our friend and customer FOREVER. ,
Old Goods to Shove off.
We handle only the best of
We liave no
. We are selling '
First Class Creamery Butter at 50c per Boll.
AVE deliver goods PROMPTLY
Store opens at 7 A. M.
Yours for Business,;-
The SUN Office
Is prepared to do all kinds of
Plain and .Fancy
: .
In Up-to-date
Reasonable Prices.
We Carry a Full Line of
And a trial order will demonstrate our ability to do
Satisfactory Work.
We have this week added several new Fonts of Type and
other material to the Job Department, and if we cannot do
all the work required of us then we'll, get more material.'
With the Procession and will meet City Prices less
a small margin for Freight charges.
"The Klondykel
ii i Is the place to go tor nice, fresh
Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos of all
kinds and brands,
Home-made Candies, Fresh Fruits, Oranges and Lemons
; in Season, Soda Water, and Other Mild Drinks.
W. B. COLE, Prop., - Hood River, Or.
Davenport Bros.'
Lumber Co.,
General Merchandise
Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods.
Don't send away tor what you can buy at home just as cheap and just as good'. "
Store With a Fulhnd Complete Stock.
Undertaker and Embalmer, Paints and Oils
Building Material, Wallpaper,- Etc. ,
We are not given to aputterine around about what we are doing, but
are here every day in the week, selling goods too, at Portland prices.
B. H. WEBEBrProp., The Dalles, Or.,
Grower and Dealer iq- -' "
Fruit, Shade T T F T O Grape Vines
i Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery, - HyacinthsTulips, Lilies,
Dahlias, Peonies, Etc. " -
. Nursery and Packing Grounds half mile east of Fair Grounds.
Agents for thk Myers Levkr Bucket Brass Spray Pump.
Remember our Trees are Grown Without Irrigation. Send for Catalogue.
Telephone 330 p. o. Box 292.
Ed Williams.
Hood river PHARmflcv,
Prescriptions a Specialty Filled r Night.
: . - Stationery, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
Glacier "Phrarhiacy.
Wall Paper.
Family Recipes
Com pounded.
The Largest Stock of' STRICTLY HIGH GRADE GROCERIES ever shown in
the City is now in shape for sale, at prices competing with inferior grades. .
Apples 50c to 75c per box, Citron 20c,
imported wasnea uurrants I'lyc, uranDerries luc a quart. s
Farm. Produce at Wholesale Prices.
Butter, Eggs, Onions, Cabbage, Beets,
v - - -- oweet ana
Give our Grocery Department a
Free and Prompt Delivery.
AWT). frv
Dr. F. C. Baosrc.
Pure Drugs
. - May not mean anything. - Some
drugs may be pure, but if not
fresh they are worse than useless.
- We buy only in such quantities
as will insure always keeping the
. stock fresh.
It may do to experiment with
some things, but not with pre
' , -7- scriptions. One wrong one may
make further doses unnecessary.
Our prescriptions are carefully
' ' prepared by a registered Pharma
' cist who knows drugs and their
uses thoroughly, - "
Sundries. .
Stationery Supplies.
Toilet Articles . v.
In latest designs.,
Prop., Hood River, Or.
Gold Ribbon Seeded Raisins 12c a pound,
Turnips, Squash, Pumpkins, Carrotts, .
Irish .Potatoes. . ' -
trial, it will make you feel good.
-Small Fruits