X ITU c - -. H VOL. I. HOOD RIVER, WASCO CO UNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1900. NO. 20. SUN OFFICIAL ' DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES. President William McKinley Vice-President .-..Garrett A. Hobatt Secretary of State , John Hay Secretary of Treasury ... Lvman J. Gage secretary of Interior ;...Cornelius N. Bliss becretarv of War Elihu Koot : Secretary of Navy. John D. Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General John W. Griggs Secretary of Agriculture ..........James Wilson 7 STATE OF OREGON. c.... ( .-.... ..Geo. W. McBride "" ) Joseph Simon Congressmen.. J aiSSS! Attornev-General ...D. R, N. Blackburn . Governor ....... .......T. T. Geer Secretary of State... F. I. Dunbar Treasurer .........C. 8. Moore Printer W. H.Leeds bupt. of Public Instruction J. H. Ackexman C, E. Wolverton , P. A. Moore R. 8. Bean "- SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. "ircnlt Judge....:.".."'. ..it.nH.iq.Wi L. Bradshaw Prosecuting Attorney ; ..A. A. Jayne WASCO COUNTY. . -u -State Senator ( .-...iuJk..-.'.E. B.-DllfUT . ii n'.i ii RenrvRentative J. W. Morton Judge ,. Robert Mays Sommissloner'ljj E"?is Oountv Clerk" A. M. Kelsay Sheriff.,... ...,........Robert Kelly Treasurer C. L. Phillips Assessor.. ' .....W. H. Whipple 'Scho'.l Superintendent .C. L. Gilbert purveyor , J. B. Goit ioroner .'.... ....W. H. Butts HQOD RIVER DISTRICT OFFICERS. Justice of Peace ...George T. Prather Constable...,....- ...K. S. dinger 1 COUNTY COURT. " : The County Conrt of Wasco county meets on the iirst Mondnys in January, March, May, luly, September and November. ... - , ; CIRCUIT COURT. - ft " :.. Circuit Court of Wasoo county meets on the .hi id Mondays in February, May and Novem ber. HOOD RIVER CITY. Mayor Dr. F. O. Brosiue f A. S. Blowers . .-.-s . - :;i....;J. H. Dukes Councilmen i . C. A. Bell I P. S. Davidson, Jr. ... v . ( , , J.J. Luckey Recorder...., J. R. Nickelsen ' Treasurer , George P. Crowell Marshal.!. -.. ...E. 8. OUnger REGISTERS AND RECEIVERS U. 8. LAND , OFFICES. . . . . 1 TH PAlLES. , - . .,, Register .. i................. Jay P. tucas Receiver... ..............Otis Patterson . VANCOUVER. v ' Regiater .W. R Dunbar . Receiver.,., .,.... ..........L. B.CLougb. . WALLA WALLA. ) . - Register...." ..."........;"'....'.'..7....'..john M. Hill Receiver......... Thomas Maegrove OREGON CIT1T. :., , ' ReglRter..i..........M-,. C. B. Moores Receiver.. ...i ...A....William Galloway j ( t : QIVC TH CHOIOE OF -JP.jr TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES ' GREAT nmEiin. bpokane; minneapolis, !T. PAUL , ( r, , AND ! ': Chicago. , ; GBEGOHr SHORT LINE. salt lake, y DENVER, s v OMAHA . '. ' j - A1?D KANSAS PITY. IOWJ8T RATES TO AL1V KAil'CltH CITIII.. - Icean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days SAN-FBANCISCO." Stoamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Koni, via the Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in con nection with the O. R. A N. For full information call on O. S. A N. agent 1. T. BAGLEG,, Hood River; or address ?r. ;. W. H. HURL13URT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. O. K. A N..TIme Table for Hood River . EASTBOUNa I ' WESTBOUND. ' No. 4 p. nr. I No. 8............ 8:17 a. m. Ko. 2.. 40:46 p. m. 1 No. 1...: 4:00 p. in. . ... J. T. BAGLEG, Agent. RECULATOR. DALLES CITY The;- Regulator Line.... DALLES, PORTLAND 4 ' ASTORIA NAVIGATION ; COMPANY. Steamers Dally (Except Sunday) Between ; . Portland, Cascade Locks, Stevenson, ' Spracoe, White Salmon, HOOD RIVER and The Dalles. - HOOD RIVER TO PORTLAND WUND TRIP . 1 - - . Ji.25 2.00 THE DALLES OFFICE: First and Court SU. W. CALLAWAY, ... General Agent, ' The Dalles, Or: Due at Hood River, eastbound, 4 p. nr.: west bound, 9:80 a. m. . Leaves Portland at 7 a nr.; Leaves The Dalles at7:00a.m. ', ' , MAILS. The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the ame days at noon. - For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: arrives at 6 p. nr. For White Salmon (Wash.) leaves dally at 6:48 a. nr.; arrives at 7:15 p. m. From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer Treat Lake and Gleawood Mondays, Wednes riAVa and Frldavs. a I VerBingen (Wash.) leave at 6:44 p. nr.; ai rlveMao.m, r .... r-TO 'THE From All Parts'- of j the : New World and the Old. : OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happening; of the Fast Week Called From the Telegraph Columns '", Plague at Honolulu is under control. .Dawson evil-doers are foroed - to sa-w aood. ' rj.-'v-; ..V,?;-' ' General Butler's position is becoming precarious. ' v V , Surveyors are now at work" on"'th Oregon Midland railway route. .. , ; " A" big " steel' mill was 1 wrecked "in Pittsburg by a boiler explosion. A bill was introduced in congress to provide mining laws or Cape, Nome. Money is now ready for the purchase of the Salem, Or., federal building site. Census Supervisor Kelly has left for Alaska to enter upon his duties there. Owing to' a' split" in the National League, Baltimore may lose her base baUclub..,.,,.;; ' An attempt to rob the Missouri,' Kan sas & Texas railway train at Holden, Mo., was frustrated. , -r ; The United States transports City' of Pueblo" and " Senator" have" arrived at San Francisco from Manila.. ! Near Corunna, Spain, a torpedo boat, name- and - nationality unknown, has been totally lost, with all on board. . Quarantine offioers in San Francisco are adopting stringent measures to pro tect that port from the bubonic plague. The Union hotel,", at Kevelstoke, B. C, was totally destroyed; by fire, .-the blaze originating in the- furnace room. The German Bteamer Remus has been wrecked - near ' Aarhans, ' Denmark, where - she was bound. The captain and ,13 men perished. , I ' ,i y Colonel Charles F. Williams, com mander of the United States marine) corps at Mare Island, died suddenly of hemorrhage of the stomach. ? . S "Nick" Haworth, suspected murder er ol JSignt watdnman Sandall, at Kaysville, Utah, attempted to commit suicide at Salt Lake by bleeding. . i ,. Bobert Fitzsimmons now .claims he was drugged when he was whipped, by James Jeffries for the . championship pfjiheworld at Conej Island, last June. A runaway electric car on the Day ton & Xenia traction road, at Dayton, O., left the track at a sharp ourve and was demolished, killing three persons. An American scouting' party of the Twenty-fifth was caught in ambush by Filipinos and an officer and three men killed. -Insurgents lost 40 in killed and wounded. . .... -- .. ' . . " Senator William Goebel,: ' of ; Ken tucky, was shot and seriously wounded by. a crazed Kentuckian,two shots pas sing entirely through .tie Democratic leader's body ".- " ; . People of China are said to take imperial changes with, great equani mity.' iv UUcU ' William Jennings Bryan will accept the Populist nomination, for the presi dency, i'x y, ii itiX) l ' :;'Ji- 1 Lord Pauncefote will retire as am bassador Of Great Britain to the United States, April 1. ..':- The interstate commerce commission has sued the Northern Paoifio to en force disregarded laws. . Senators are. said to want no - change in the "manner ot their election. The house favors popular vote." ; " .'-"j. Dundonald's forces, for whom fears were entertained, are safe on the south bank of the Tugela river. Five business men of Walla Walla were victimized by a smooth, foiger, who cashed bogus checks y' s The Prince Regent of Bavaria has conferred the Order of St. Michaels, first-class, on Dr. Nansen; the explorer. In Cincinnati, Charles Barlruff, a tanner, killed his wife, his son and his daughter and then tried to set the house on fire. . - . I X ' T '. .. A fuheraHtram, arranged by "the Southern Paoifio, will ; convey - the re mains of General Lawton. and Major Logan to the East. ' '" -" i James H. Britton ex-mayor ' of St. Louis, and for many years one of the leading bankers of the West, '- died at Ardley, N. Y., aged 83. . - Captain C' H. Stockton," 'president of the naval war college, says: , ''Com mand of the sea on our North Pacific coast and the waters of the western basin of the North' Paoifio should be in our hands in peace and war time. This can only be effected by readiness of a proper and sufficient naval -Jotco either on the spot, or. to be furnished from the .'Atlantic . through an un tramelled canal. " In additiontO" this, and ready for combining, should be the available foroes "normally attached to the Philippines and the waters about China, Japan and Coveal In other words, the Pacific ocean, : from Samoa northward, should be within our control." " ' - .' " ; ' San Francisco' has a daily paper printed in Chinese. A,;-- ,. . ; v., , 7. ;. i Joseph L. Mayers.-' state senator of Ohio, from Coshocton, walked to the capitol from his home, a distance of ' 100 miles, to show his independence of railroads. . 7 J , : . ' " ; Citizens of Dickinson 'county, Knn., have organized a relief association for the purpose of sending corn to India for free distribution in the famine- stricken districts. 1 LATER NEWS. " The Boers at Stormberg . are hard pressed. , . : ; - ; The house passed the Indian appio priation bill, s . ; : ? . , The transport Manuense has arrived at San Francisco from Manila. . W. J. Bryan spoke to an audience ol 2,000 people at Ohicopee, Mass.- ' Cardinal Gibbons commends congress for its action in the Roberts case. Nielson, of Minneapolis, lowered the two-mile skating record of 6:51 to 5:33. William Stanley Hazeltine, the ma rine artist, is dead in Borne, aged 54 years. ' : ;. -r. -''. A serious riot occurred in Porto Bico during the parades of two political parties. . Chicapro trades-unionists in the Fed eration of Labor-denourieed Governor Taylor, of Kentucky. - r . ''."The president has issued a proolama tion fixing a tariff of duties and taxes for the island of Guam. . ' The passengers and mail brought from Honolulu by the steamer Austra lia 'were released from quarantine. . The , strike at Cramp's shipyard, which has been in progress since Au gust, has been officially declared off. '. . Wm. Goebel, the contesting gover nor of Kentucky, is dead from the re suit of the bullet fired by an unknown assassin. . - I - The British government has contract' ed with the .Philadelphia & Beading Bailroad Company for 1,000.000 tons of coal. - Fire in St. . Louis destroyed - four blocks. - causing 'a property loss of $1,500,000.' One man was killed and several injured. A reward of $5,000 has been offered for the arrest and conviction of the per son or persons who made the. attempt on the life of William Goebel. " General Kobbe has occupied' tfie is lands of Lamar and Leyte. In the fight at Catbalogan 10 insurgents were killed and the Americans captured five cannon, with their artillerymen. ; ; k Secretary Beitz, of the Transvaal re publio, says that the Boers have never abused the white flag,, and that . the Bri'ish murdered women, children and American citizens at Derdepoort. The ,value of property captured by Ad miral Dewey's fleet in Manila bay has been estimated by the board of ap praisal at $326,141. The largest items in the statement are: : "Ship and boat equipment, $241,566; ordnance mate' rials, $14,294, and fuel, $20,568." The appraisal was' called for as evi dence in the suit brought, bv Admiral Dewey tor the award of prize money. t The . Boers credit divine 'providence with their Tugela victory. .7 j.. No river and harbor bill, will be pre sented at this session of congress. The British parliament has reassem bled. No disorder was manifested. Alexander Dunsmuir, the coal king of the Pacific coast, died in New York city, aged 47 years. - ; . . . Services in commemoration of the martyrdom . of Charles I, of England were held in Boston- The transport Missouri, en route to San Francisco from Manila, has 17 in sane soldiers aboard. '". ; ! Fire destroyed the business portion of the town of Winfield, Kan. Hun dreds of people are homeless. Lieutenant Winston Churchill , de scribes the battle of Spionkop as the hardest fight of the South African war. All is quiet in Samoa. The natives are more settled than at any time since the ..disturbance between the native factions. jr,:VJ:-: 'l,'. The sheriff of Colfax, Wash., has offered a reward of $500 for the capture of Clemens, the murderer of a man named Boland. r ' : A special dispatch from Cape Town says 150 American scouts, who arrived there as muleteers, have enlisted in the British forces. 7. J r"' :" - ' v' ". ' A cold wava is prevailing east of the Rocky mountains. , The temperature is eight degrees below zero at Chicago and six below at Omaha. Vy ' The Fergus Printing Company, oi Chicago, one tof ; the oldest printing houses' in th city, was thrown into the streets for non-payment of rent. Great Northern officials and em ployes' ; grievance committee held -a conference and it is announced there will be no strike, all differences' being settled. . j - 't .;' "- Governor Taylor declares that a state of insurrection now prevails in Ken tucky. He has ordered the legislature adjourned, but the Democrats have re fused to obey his edict. . . B. V. Wilson has been arrested in Snn Francisco on the charge of having embezzled a package containing $600, while . he was t agent ' for . the Great Northern .Express Company at Frank lin,' King county, Wash. ( - Lee Gong, a Chinaman of Fargo, N. D., who alleges St. Louis is his home, appealed today from the United States court to the secretary of the treasury, and was released on bail. He was the Srst of the 70 Chinamen charged with violating the exclusion act, to be heard by the courts. ' . r ' A newsboy of Philadelphia was ar rested under the blue law of 1794 and fined four dollars for " selling news papers on Sunday. . f , 7. ... , . Admiral Schley, who . was 'recently made a thirty-second degree Mason, has been a - member , of the : fraternity iince his twenty-first birthday. : v .7 A law just passed in Norway makes girls ineligible for matrimony unless they can show' certificates of skill in cooking, knitting and spinning. - Off MET BY A POINTOF." ORDER Allen, of Nebraska, Concluded His Ar raignment of Secretary Gage Indian School Question in the House. Washington, Feb. 5 -An efforts by Pettigrew, of South Dakota, to discuss the Philippine question in the . senate today was of no avif, as he was met by appoint of ordt which took him from the floor. . igtten only so far as to charge that tniT great journals of the country would, not publish the facts concerning the Philippine war, Subsequently he offered another reso lution on' which I he will speak next week.v "Allen," of Nebraska, concluded his speech in the arraignment of Secre' tary. Gage because of '. his transaction with the National City bank of ' New York. He had previously introduced a resolution providing for an investiga' tion by the senate of ihe treasury de partment,' but objection to its consid eration sent it over until next week. ' " 'The house today devoted its attention to the Indian appropriation bill. It got no further, however, than the ap propriations for Indians schools, -where an effort was inaugurated by Fitzger aid, of New York, to permit the secre tary of the interior to- contract with schools for " the education of Indian children where the goevrnment lacks facilities.'? No appropriation is made for contract schools in this bill. It is claimed that the present Indian school facilities are inadequate. . -. HOBSON'S THOUSANDS. More Witnesses for Prosecution. In the ; - v Clark Case. . Washington, Feb. .When the sen' ate committee on privileges and elec tions met today, Campbell, represent ing the memorialists in the prosecution of the charges against Senator Clark, of " Montana, . in connection with his election to the United States senate, announced that he had: three more wit nesses to. examine, thus deferring the beginning of the presentation of the defense. ," f i: The 'first - witness was Frank E Wright, cashier of a bank at Lewiston, Idaho.. Wright was questioned concern' ing the accounts of State Kepresenta tive Long and State Senator Hobson, the latter being jpresideu t of . his bank I Ueaid that prior Jiveeeting of he legislature, Long nad . owed the bank $400, and Hobson had owed it $22,000. Long had paid his note in April," and Hobson ' paid his In' May last both "with checks.-. The account transcripts were placed ; in evidence The one of Hobsop's case showed that in April last a letter was received from the Continental National bank of Chi cago, advising the Fergus County bank of a credit of $25,000 in Hobson's be half. Hobson was then in London, but the witness did hot think he had gone to London with Senator Clark. Hobson had never told him where he obtained the $25,000.;' On cross-examination, the witness said that Hob son ' was considered a wealthy man, worth :; about ' $300,000 or $400,000. He knew that he had sold some mines in London, but did not know whether the $25,000 was derived from this source. . ' --. . .- SOUDANESE TROOPS REBEL. Serious Trouble likely to Occur In ... - . Upper Egypt.- C '.'.' '- Paris," Feb. 5. A dispatch to the Havas news agenoy from Cairo con' firms the report that a rebellion had occurred among the Soudanese troops in Khartoum. It says: "There is much anxiety here." .there'have been many ' grave incidents, notable the growing" discontent in the Egyptian arm, which has reached to a mutiny in two Soudanese battalions. The gov ernment has sent Colonel Wingate to parle with them. " ,1 ; The army complains of bad treat ment and the secret dispatch of Egyp tian troops to South Africa. It appears certain that -10 Maxims and a large assignment of saddles have gone to Dur ban, and a number of English officers and civil . functionaries have obtained unlimited furlough to go to ' South Africa,, which is b5rieved to be a breaoh of Egypt's neutrality. sThe govern ment is alarmed at the attitude of the black troops, and has asked the khe dive to intervene. ' The latter has sent a letter urging obedience, but anxiety nevertheless continues. Egypt is al most denuded of European soldiers. Hay Sends Boer Fund to Transvaal. Washington, Feb. 5. Secretary Hay has received the sum of $2,750 col lected by the. St. Louis Westliche Post and transmitted to the department of state by Mr. Pretorious, to be used for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the Boer soldiers. The secretary has forwarded the money by the mails to Adelbert Hay, United States consul at Pretoria, to be turned over to Presi dent Kruger for the purposes specified. The action of the state department, it is explained, applies only to contri butions for charitable objects. 7 Short Mall Route to Nome. Washington, Feb. 5. The postoffioe department has direoted that a shorter mail route, entirely within American territory, shall be established to com municate with '" the Cape Nome gold fields. This will be from Katmai, on the coast, via Nushagok and St. Mich ael,' and " will be several hundred miles shorter than the present one by way of the Yukon river. The first trip will be made next March. The serv ice over this route will be continued next winter. -7 Senate . Once More Shut ; on Petti grew. THE PLAGUE SITUATION. lerolo Efforts Taken at Honolulu to . 7. . - Check the Disease. - San Francisco, Feb. 3. The steamer Australia, seven-days . from Honolulu, arrived today and reports that up to the time of her departure, 41 deaths from plague had occurred, and there was a total of 52 cases. , The Australia had on board 175 passengers, the larg' est number which ever came to this port on. a single steamer from the Hawaiian islands. ' " In an effort to stamp out the plague, it was decided to burn one of the blocks in Chinatown. The fire was started, and it gained such headway that the fire department could not control it. The flames spread rapidly from one block to another, and " soon the whole Chinese quarter was destroyed. Hard ly a house was left standing in the dis triot.i- The Chinese and other residents of the district fledMrorri I their " homes in . terror, and were unable : to save much of their effects. As a result of the destruction of the Chinese quarter, 7,000 people were rendered homeless, and they are now living in tents. ... :- The fire destroyed 12 blocks, bound ed by Kukui, Queen and Nunau Btreets, The most notable building burned was the Kaumakakpili, . a prominent land mark, and the most comfortable edifice of its kind in Honolulu. It contained a large pipe organ, valued at $5,000. The steamship Iroquois rendered valu able aid. She put put two '. lines : of hose which saved , the Honolulu iron works. -7 77-.; '7 The 7 Australia's passengers , were taken off and placed in the quarrantine station at Angel island, where they will remain till tomorrow. . V ' According to advices from Honolulu, the transport j Aztec, which left this port for Hilo. with "400 mules " and horses, may not attempt ' to." land her cargo at Hilo. Lighters woud ' havO to be employed, as the wharf there can not accommodate the Aztec. At pres ent the weather conditions are , such that the horses cannot be landed safely, and it is expected that the Aztec will have to return to Honolulu. 7 , ; There was a small riot at the deten- tion camp at Honolulu the night of the 22d, owing to the refusal of the author ities to allow the Japanese to burn a lot of new lumber for ; fuel purposes, and because they were restrained from burning a new cottage in which one of their number had died of the plague. The arrival of the reserves ended the troubles, and a careful watch is being kept, as the Japanese are exceedinlgy sullen and some have armed themselves with clubs. ):f',-;'.i, "v Affairs at Hilo have quieted, and : no more trouble is expected. Affairs In Japan. 7 .Yokohama, Jan 1 5,7, via.'"$an"2Fran- cisco, Feb. 8. The event of this veek has been ' the arrival of the United States transport Grant with the Forty' eighth regiment, U. S. V. (colored), on board. . In consequence of the break ing out of the plague in Honolulu, the Grant was obliged to put in. "here ; for coal. Permission having been granted by the authorities, a dress parade of the regiment was held this afternoon and a great crowd witnessed ' the unusual spectacle of an armed body of American soldiery landing upon the shores of Japan. . ' : . ... .5- : The ? entire - disappearance of the plague from Kobe and the occurrence of no more sporadic cases in other parts of the empire, its ravages being now confined entirely to the city of Osaka, is a fact attracting much attention. - In the later city It has assumed its ' most dangerous form, that of lung attack, and has thus become the very breath of pestilence. In spite of this, however, only 89 cases have occurred there. Boer "War In Illinois.' 7 , Chicago, Feb ."'8. A speoial to the Times-Herald from Danville, 111 , says: Frank Specht, a German, who has an English wife, and William Shoemaker, an Englishman, with a German wife, got into an argument over the Boer war last night. The injured are: 7 . Frank Specht, - stabbed three times with a pitchfork; may die. William Shoe maker, badldy beaten ! and scratched; Mrs. William Shoemaker, . scratched and hair torn out; Mrs. Frank Specht, badly bruised and scratched. - At the beginning of the fracas, the women stood valiantly '. for , their own nationality, but as the fight progressed each forgot country and fought for her husband. 7 W hen the . police arrived, Specht was unconscious and ' bleeding profusely, while the women were tear ing at each other's clothes and hair. 7 Negus Friendly to England. , New York, Feb. 8. A dispatch from Zurich states that ' the reports that Menelik is arming are untrue, and that the negus has rejected French and Rus sian counsel to attach the English from the rear. " Menelik in November last re ceived an extraordinary ambassador sent to him by " England, ; with the greatest honor. He held any number of conferences with the English envoy, at which Herr He, his Swiss adviser, was present. : The negus wsi highly delighted with the result of the . nego tiations and loaded the embassy with costly presents for the queen. French and Russian diplomats are dissatisfied at the turn which things have taken.' English influence, in Abyssnia is steadily increasing. Men elik will not visit Paris. He takes the greatest possible interest in the con struction of theDjibouti-Harrar railway. ' " Missionary Killed By Chinese. " Paris, ; Feb. 8. A . dispatch 'from Peking says: The report of the death of Emperor Kwang Su is not confirm ed. The dispatch adds that the safety of foreigners is not threatened, 'but that an English ' missionary - having been murdered in the province 7of Shang Tung, the British, American, French, Italian and German ministers have addressed a note to the foreign office asking that measures be taken by the Chinese authorities for the safety oi missionaries. 7 .. 1 Gil FIREJN ST. IIS In' the Heart of the Retail Sec : ,, tion of the City. FOUR : BLOCKS 1 WERE - BURNT Property Worth 81, 500,000 Destroyed Losses ' Were Distributed Among Many One Man Killed. St. Louis, Mo.,. Feb. 8. Property to the estimated value of $1,500,000 was burned today, the greater part of four blocks of buildings and their contents between Third and Sixth : streets and Franklin avenue and MprgaitAtreetvin the heart of the retail "seufcionf-being destroyed. . One fireman , was killed, nine other members of the fire depart ment were injured more or less . serl oasly, and five or six citizens ' Were hurt slightly.. None ot the injured will die, as far as known tonight. .. - The : loss on both buildings and stocks Of goods is approximately $1,500,000. 7 Definite figures are ex ceedingly hard to obtain..- There were six retail concerns which . were heavy losers. - The remainder of the loss is divided in varying proportions among a soore or more of small shopkeepers or firms. Only two ooncerns suffered loss of over $100,000 Penny & Gentles and Schaper Bros.: ; The buildings in which the two ooncerns were housed were owned by the Mary K. Knox estate, and were erected-at a cost of $165,000. Penny & Gentles' loss, which is oov ered entirely by insurance, is estimated at $135,000. . Schaper Bros.,', loss is es timated at $100,000. - These, two con cerns occupied about half the block on the west side of Broadway, south from the corner of Franklin avenue, and the buildings were entirely destroyed. " i The rest of the block on the west side of the street is taken up by the build ings occupied by the Famous dry goods store, whose loss was comparatively slight. -rJ---'- 7.,'."(,7'Vi: - On Franklin, just back of Penny & Gentles, the building occupied by the Fuch Millinery & Cloak Company suffered a loss on the stock of $40,000. The store occupied by D. . Crawford J& Co., at Broadway and Franklin avenue. was entirblv burned, with a loss on buildings and stock of $70,000. .,: The People's Housefurnishing Company, at 814 North Broadway, was completely wrecked; loss $50,000.-; ? At 812 North Broadway, Deere Bros.' store, filled with a stock of 5 ; and 10-cent goods, sustained a $33,000 loss oa . buildings and stock. ' ' r''---'C. ':. -..--"---:. ' -7 Tbe firesweptjthrouiatk ..block from Broadway to" Fourth "street and burned all the buildings from 827 to 809 North Fourth street. These build ings were" old three : and ; four . story structures, some ocoupied as tenements above and Btores below, ; "while Others were vacant. ' Here the St. Louis Dressed Beef & r. Provisions Company, Herboth 7 Mercantile Company, 7 the Sohisler-Cornelia Seed Company, ' and three small stores, suffered an aggre gate loss of $65,000, while the losses on buildings amounted to fully $45,- 000... ; -. . 7-7. ' ' Among the firms " and individuals that suffered heavily , from the fire are the following, whose places of business were on the east side of Fourth and west side of Third Streets: ' '' A.' Nasse,': -wholesale " grocer; Plant Seed Company; Krenning Glass Com pany; Jbassett'S piummng esiaDiisn ment; McLain & Alcorn Commission Company; Bueller Block Commission Company; Nelson Distilling Company; Hake & Sons Commission . Company; George - A, Benton, produce; Bauer Flower Company; Shaw & Richmond, producer Their losses aggregate thous ands of dollars and are partly v covered by insurance. .."7 Late tonight John Cummmgs, pri vate watchman of Penny & Gentles, was arrested and is being held, pending an investigation into the origin of . the fire. - He was taken into custody as the result of a statement by a woman room ing opposite, to the : effect that she had seen a man answering the watchman's description, 1 lighting . matches : in the store previous to the fire.- 7 Cummings denied having had anything to do with it, and states that be was at home when the fire broke out. ' - 7" 7" Wm. Goebel Is Dead.. Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 6. The bullet fired by an unknown assassin last Tues day morning ended the life of William Goebel at 6:45 o'clock this evening. The only persons present at the death bed were Mr..- Goebel's sister, - Mrs. Brawneckerj and his brother, . Arthur Goebel,. of Cincinnati,, who has been in constant attendance .. at ' Mr. Goebel's bedside, and Dr. McCormack,' Justus Goebel, a brother, who nas been hurry ing from Arizona as fast as steam would carry in a vain hope of reaching his dying brother in time for some token of recognition, arrived 40 minutes too late. ' ' - -"".,' Hazletine, the Marine Artist. . New York, Feb. 6. William Stanley Hazeltine, the marine artist, is dead in pome, aged 64 years. He was a native pf Philadelphia. " . '"- .., ' Capt. Sigsbee, the hero of the Maine, and who will take charge of the naval intelligence bureau on February 1 ,. has purchased a house in Washington. ' Siege Rations at Mafeklng, Mafeking, Feb. 5. Siege rations of bread and meat have only now been en forced. ' Oats intended for horses are now saved to supply the: troopers, if needed. 7 Tinned milk and matches are commandeered. Liquor is scarce. . Hot Weather in Buenos Ayres. Buenos Ayres, Feb. 6. One hun dred and two sunstrokes were officially reported in this' city yesterday-;;. Of. these 98 were fatal. The temperature. was 120 in the shade, TREATY .WITH THE SULUS. President Sends All the Correspondence ' to the Senate. Washington, -Feb. 5. In compliance: with a resolution of inquiry, the presi dent has sent to the senate a copy oi the report and all accompanying paperi of Brigadier-General J. C' . Bates, in relation to the negotiation of a treaty of agreement made by him with th sultan of Sulu, last August. In reply ing to the request the president says: : "The payments of money required by the agreement will be made . from : tht revenues of the Philippine islands, un less congress shall direct otherwise. Such payments are not for specific" ser vices, but are a part of the considera tion going to the sultan, tribe or nation under the agreement,, and they. art stipulated as subject to the action ol congress, in conformity with the prac tice of this government from the earliest times in Its agreements with 'the vari ous Indian nations operating and gov- . erning portions of territory subject ta the sovereignty of the United "States." 7 General Otis In transmitting : the treaty, August 2 T, says: 7?" ' '-; "The attitude of . these people hai been a subject of apprehension for sev eral months, and by this agreement, I believe, the apprehended pending dif ferences are happily adjusted. ''.---7, " " " Secretary Boot, in , a reply " dated October 27, tells General Otis that ;' the agreemnet is confirmed and ap proved by the president, subject to the action of congress, and with the under standing and reservation, which should be distinctly communicated to the sul tan of Sulu, that this agreement is not to be deemed in any way to authOrizs or give consent of the United ' States ta the existence of slavery in the Sulu archipelago, ', At the same time when y'pa communicate to the sultan - the above mentioned understanding,, the president desires that you should make inquiry as to ; the number of person! ' held in slavery in the arohipelago, and what arrangement it may be practicable for their emancipation."" , In his instructions to General- Bates, under this direction, General Otis says: "It is believed that the market price of slaves in the archipelago is insigni ficant,, ranging from $30 to $90, Mexi can, and that in some instances own ers will be pleased to grant freedom to their slaves if : they can t escape the burden of supporting them. 7 " -- General Otis continues to the .effect that the character of the domestic slav ery existing in the archipelago differs, greatly from the former slavery institu tion of the United States, the : slaves becoming', members of the., owner's family.-:: ;77 -7 .-7"7'', '..-:.. ::..."": : - General Bates, in his report, stated that when he first asked to see the sul- ; tan, the latter sent his greetings,,- say jijgjie eoul not come to the ge&jsral, be-', cause, he had boils on his neck, and oould not put on his coat, but that he would recognize the protection of the United States, requesting as a favor that ha might hoist his own flag alongside that of the United States. . The sultan's brother went to Jolo to' meet General Bates, and the sultan afterwards joined him. General Bates states in this con nection that the Sulus are very jealous of their institution of slavery. . 7 In his original instructions to Gen eral Bates, General Otis instructed him to push to the front the question of sov- -ereignty, and told him he could promise for the United States not to interfere with, but to protect, the Moros in the free exercise of their religion and cus toms, social and domestic, and to re spect the rights and dignities of ' the sultan. 7 In return they -must acknow ledge the sovereignty of the . United States. He also instructed' General Bates that it was -Important 'that the United States should occupy the prin cipal distribution centers of trade, and that Siassi, the capital, should be occu pied by our troops at no distant day. A Half-Million-Dollar Fire. 7 Dayton, O., .Feb. . 5. Early this morning a fire, the result ot a boiler explosion, in the tobacco warehouse oi J. P.- Wolf, threatened "for, a while to do immense damage in the manufactur ing district of this city. The fire was finally gotten under control, not. how ever, before fully $500,000 worth ol ' property was destroyed. The prinoipal losers are: J. P. Wolf & Sons, tobacco merchants; E. Bimm & Sons, grocers; Benedict, Cigars; Dayton Paper Novel ty Company. 77" '"7'. . ' .-' ;.. Nightwatchman Snedmger was over-. come by smoke and found unconscious by firemen." 7 : Several firemen were badly irozeny and Fireman MoCOy was hurt, probably by falling walls. Liquor Traffle In Mexico. City of Mexico, Feb.: 5. The press continues to denounce the growth of the liquor 7 trafflo " in : Mexico, : and ascribes to the increasing consumption . of ardent spirits in various, forms, the augmented mortality and crime. The Methodists here,' headed by Bishop Mo- 1 Cabe and Bev. Dr. Butler, have begun a campaign against, intemperance and the local Catholic journals are exhort ing theii readers to arouse themselves ' to prevent the country from becoming' prey to alcholism . It is reported that the government will endeavor by means of publio action to aid the tem perance movement. . ; Transport Ohio Arrives.-' " ' ' San Francisco,. Feb. 5. The : trans-. port Ohio, 37 days from Manila, arrived here " today. The Ohio brought 150 bodies and two passengers. ,": t. 7 ; : Cole Waved Examination" Boston, Feb. 8,Charles H.r Cole, . formerly president of the . Globe National bank, and who is charged with embezzling and misappropriating )0,000, the property. . of .the . bank,. waived examination today, . and was held in $50,000 bonds : for ' the grand jury of the district "court, ' which sits" March 20.. - Benjamin E. , Smith- and Benjamin' Walls, of Boston, were ac cepted as surieties. Cole .was brought here early in January from Los Ange les. Cal. mam