The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, December 28, 1899, Image 4

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    Captain Gridley's J Restored by
Mother M Peu.
Mrs.Grldley, mother of Captain Grldley, who was in command
of Dewey's flag-ship, at the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Man
ila, says of our remedy, Peruna: r " ; i l
"At the solicitation of a friend I used Peruna, and can truth'
fully say It is a grand tonic and is a woman's friend, and should be
used In every household. After using It for a short period 1 feel like
a new person. Ann B. Orldjey.
Nearly all our ills are due to catarrh. We are liable to have catarrh of the
head, catarrh of the throat, catarrh of the lungs, stomaoh, kidneys, bladder and
pelvio organs. Peruna oures catarrh, wherever located. Address Dr. Hart
man, Columbus, Ohio, for free book. . - .' . - . . i
An Important Factor In Transconti
nental Travel.
' No one crossing the continent can
afford to cut Salt Lake City from his
route. The attractions of the place,
including the Mormon Temple, Taber
nacle and Church institutions, the
Great Salt Lake deader and denser
than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land
the picturesque environment and the
warm sulphur - and hot springs, are
rrair.fvr tr r.ViA sniiArA Vftrrl than flnv lo
cality on the American continent.
The Kio Grande Western Kailway,
connecting on the East with the Den
ver & Eio .Grande and Colorado Mid
land Railways and on the West with
the Southern Paoiflo - (Central Route)
and Oregon Short Line, . is the 'only
transcontlnetnal line passing directly
through Salt Lake City. The route
through Salt Lake City via the Rio
Grande Western Railway is famous all
the year round. : On account of : the
equable climate of Utah and Colorado
it is just as popular in winter as in
summer. Send 2o to J. D. Mansfield,
258 Washington St., Portland, or Geo.
W. Heintz, Acting General Passenger
Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of
"Salt Lake City the City of the
Saints." ;
! Improved Train Equipment.
' The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library oar to their Portland-Chioago
through train, and a dining car servioe
has been luaiiguarated.. The train is
equipped with the latest chair cars,
day coaches and luxurious flrst-olasa
and ordinary eleepeis. Direot connec
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cific, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities.
For information, rates, etc, call on
any O. R. & N. agent, or address W.
H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Portland. ' -' - - " .'
- The hodcarriers of Cripple Creek,
Col., district have made a demand for
an eight-hour day and an increase of
wages from $3.50 to $4 per day. Wait
ers and cooks have recently secured a
six-day week without striking, and all
city laborors have been advanced from
$1.75 to $2 per day. , . . -
An Excellent Combination.
Tne pleasant method and beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
BTBUf or Flos, manufactured by the
California Fie Syrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative -and presenting
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, olsansing' the system effectually,
dispelling' colds, headaches and fevers
g-ently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, make it the ideal .
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
' ijtibviixb, Kir. new yobs, h. t.
For sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle.
' ...TATUM & BO WEN...
29 to 35 Flrtl Street PORTLAND. OR.
and Magio Lantern Bargain List
No, IS now ready for' mailing.
T. P. ANDREWS, 109 Montgomery
St... San Francisco.
OARiprn Is Curable
UAllULII Without the Use of Knife,
Address DR. NEWKLRK, Mountain Home, Ida.
fillHfS WHI-kf ill FISf FAILS.
it ALL
Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time; Bom fry amf gists.
Cars of the Orchard. ' '
The paBt year, with its unusual cli
matio conditions, has been marked by
a signal negleot of tillage operations in
the orohards of the state. One result
of this has been the formation of an ex
tra large amount of fruit wood and
buds, and under ordinary conditions,
next spring there will set a very much
greater amount of fruit than will be
best for both the interest of the tree
and the orchardist. The- orchard
should receive a judicious, yes,
ous pruning this winter, to the "end
that liberal thinning of fruit spurs shall
be had, otherwise the more expensive
work of hand thinning must be done or
else there will be produced a mass' of
small inferior friut for which no mar
ket can be found, and as too often oc
curs, the larger part of the crop be
comes a watae.
Now. is the time to make a thorough
examination of the trees; study the
various" systems of pruning ; and " the
ends they are sought to reaoh. Watch
the inseot and fungous foes and the
climatio effects upon the fruit and
foliage buds, and with the opening of
spring be prepared to give the orchard
a vigorous but judicious pruning and
j then follow this with generous tillage
oi me son. uniy unaer conaiwras
like these can we expect to get the best
of returns from the orchard next year,
under the usual Oregon climatio condi
tions. Oregon Agricultural ' College
and Experiment Station. ' '-
VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cnreflbr
Dr. Kline's Invigorating Tonio. FREE'l. Trial
Bottle containing 2 Weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline's
Institute, Kit Area St., Philadelphia. Pounded 1671.
;; All street railway companies operatr
ing in the city of New York are re
quired by law to run at least one closed
car in every four at all seasons of the
year. ,:. ' ; ;
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money, if it
fails to cure. E. VV. Grove's signature
is on each box: 25c- ' - -
jThe coal mines near Edina, '.'Mo.,
have been compelled to shut down be
cause the operators could not find men
to dig. - : ' --. - ' . ,
Mothers will find Mrs. "Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the best remedy to use for their
children during the teething period. .
. K. H. Edmonds, of Baltimore, places
the amount of wages which will be
paid to factory hands in the South this
year at the large sum of $350,000,000.
Piso's Cure for Consumption Is the only
cough medicine used in my house. D. C.
Albright, Mitflinburg, Pa., Dec. 11, '93.
Climate), Scenery and Nature's ' Sanl
, tariara.
. - Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air,
constitute the faotors which are rapid
ly making Colorado the health and
pleasure grounds of the world. -
Here the sun shines 857 days of the
average year, and it blends with the
crisp, electric mountain air to produce
a -. climate matchless in the known
world. No pen can portray, no brush
can pioture the majestic grandeur of
the scenery along the line of the Denver
& Rio Grande Railroad in Colorado.
Tarries going East should travel via
this line which is known all over the
world as the Scenio. Line of the world.
For any information regarding rates,
time tables, etc., oall on or address R.
O.xNiohol, general . agent,. 251 Wash
ington street. Portland, Or., or any
agent of the O. R. & N. Co., or South
ern Paoiflo Company. -
Are Yea Going East? .
If so, you should see that
your ticket reads via the
Great Rook Island route,
and you will get the best.
Pullman palaoe sleeping cars,' elegant
reolining ohaircais "free," and library
buffet cars on all through trains. Best
dining car service in the world. ; Popu
lar personally conduoted excursions
once a week to all points "East. .. For
full particulars call on or address any
ticket agent, or ' A. E. COOPER,
Q. A. P. D., 0. R. I. & P. Ry., 246
- Washington street, Portland,. Or. i
j ta Fayette Dollars. - :
The La Fayette memorial commission
has announced that the United States
mint at Philadelphia would soon begin
striking the La Fayette dollar 'author
ized by congress irJ aid of the monu
ment. The coin, a . legal tender, will
bear upon its face In bas relief a double
medallion of the heads of Washington
and La Fayette, and upon its reverse a
miniature reproduction of the eques
trian statue of La Fayette, to be ' used
on the . monument. The number is
limited to one for each 1,500 of the
population of the : country. The first
coin struck of the 50,000 will be pre
sented by the president of the United
States to the president of the French
republic As the , La Fayette dollar
will be a desirable souvenir and me
mento of the children's monument to
the "Knight of Liberty," the commis
sion'has fixed the prloe at two dollars.
The dies are finished and a specimen
coin has beejjsent to Washington.
Conclusion From Experiments Con.
ducted by Oregon Agricultural Sta
'. tion Industry In Washington.
The Oregon agricultural experiment
station at Corvallis has issued a pam
phlet in which it presents the conclu
sions reached after five years of investi
gation concerning beet sugar produc
tion in Oregon. It says three sections
of the state , are exceptionally well
adapted to the industry, viz.: Union
county in the vicinity of La Grande;
Malheur county, in.the vicinity, of On
tario, and Arcadia; Jackson county, in
the violnity of Medford, possessing' as
it does a large area capable of produc
ing ' a very large supply of ; beets.
Water, fuel and limestone . are ' easily
and oheaply obtainable in each lo
cality. ,;s-v:i .. "' V"
The most serious obstacle in any of
these localities is the limited number
of people available for field help at
short notice, especially would this be
true in Malheur county. ; . -
Western Oregon is, not well adapted
to the industry on account of the early
fall rains and a soil which is very
heavy and sticky, and tenacious to the
beet when wet, and it also lacks a
cheap lime supply. V- V . ,t
Beet growing in Malheur . county
would have to be under a system of ir
rigation similar to that in Utah. , '
' It beets are planted in the middle of
April either in eastern or southern Ore
gon nothing is gained by; delaying har
vest later than the first week in . September.-
. - ', ". ' -?; '"
. The Original Klein Wanzlebener and
the Elite Klein .Wanzlebener have
"proven themselves well adapted to the
conditions in the Grande. Konde valley,
and have both given good results in
Jackson county, i The former has given
the better results in the . latter . place..
Eaoh has given better results in each
place than the Vilmorin. , . : . ,
In eastern Oregon beets may be left
In the ground quite late without seri
ous loss from second growth. -
Beets for sugar production should not
be planted on alkali soils. -.
Beete may be allowed to grow much
larger here than in Germany and still
hold an exoellent per .. cent of sugar.
The hill lands of Jackson county are
not well adapted to the industry. ;
The establishment of a sugar factory
makes possible a most excellent oppor
tunity for a high development 'of the
dairy industry. This is of no mean
consequence when it is remembered
that all three of the localities which
present favorable conditions for the in
dustry produce immense quantities of
alfalfa, and yet ship in dairy products
in large amounts. ".Why not produce
them at home and supply the neighbor
ing sections? -
The establishment of a sugar factory
means also the development of a large
fuel and lime industry. . - (
Waverly Sugar Factory. .
The new sugar factory at Waverly,
Spokane county, Washington, began
operations December 6. This is the
first beet sugar factory to be built ia
this state, and the seoond in the Pacific
Northwest. The farmers in the vicinity
of the factory raised about 400 acres of
beets this year, the yield being 4 to 12
tons per acre. D. C. Corbin, of . Spo
kane, owner of the factory is paying
$4 per ton for beets containing 12 to 14
per cent of sugar and 83 1-3 cents per
ton additional for each per cent of
sugar avove 14. The average price for
the entire crop is about $4.50 per ton.
Taking the average yield" as eight
tons, half, way between the extremes,
this would give a gross return of $38
per aore. The cost per .acre of , the
beets delivered at the factory is in the
neighborhood of $25 to $30.- ' This
leaveB some profit to the average beet
grower, and . considerable : to those
whose beets give . yields of . 10 or 12
tons per acre. Another year, when
the fanners know more of beet culture,
and are in position to give ' their crops
the attention they need, better results
may fairly be expected. This Is the
beginning of an industry - which will,
if successful, become an important feat
ure of Eastern Washington agrioulture.
It will give the farmers of the Palouse
country a profitable crop to grow in
rotation, with wheat. When the farm
ers have learned the' value of sugar
beet pulp as a stock feed, it will also
doubtless result in an increase - of live
stock on the wheat ranches in the vi
cinity of the factory. - - ' . . y -
Northwest Notes. ' -
Postmaster Winter, of Colville, has
resigned. . '.,' ' ... .. '; '. .''.", .
Spokane saloons are ' compelled to
close at midnight now. , . . , :
The enrollment of pupils in La
Grande's publio schools is 641, with 15
teachers. -. -. .- , ' ;' --' " .
Dogs killed 26 head of sheep for a
Kentuck slough rancher in Coos county
last week. - He has killeti one of the
dogs.: " . !.
. The money orders issued from , the
Tillamook postoffice last month num
bered 850, amounting to $4,899, " while
the money orders paid out numbered
100, amounting to $1,465.
H. H. Lazard has been ' appointed
county olerk of Coos county, . to suc
ceed W. E. Rackleff , who , violated the
office-holders' rule that few die and
none resign, by vacating the place last
week. : .- -'w'- :.;. -
Fairs of the second Southern Ore
gon district, embracing Coos, Curry
and Douglas counties, have heretofore
been held at Roseburg. This year an
effort is to 1)6 made to . have , the "fair
held at Marshfield. - ; ;;,
The Great Northern will keep 500 to
1,000 men employed all winter, and
expend $150,000 in laying" new track
and improving its right of way through
Spokane. Besides this, new depots are
to be constructed there, and new
bridges built. ' - ; : -.'.-'
The Syrian colony of Tacoma is
aroused over outrages recently perpe
trated on their countrymen. One of
them, a peddler, was robbed by high
waymen a few days ago. Sometime
previous another peddler had mysteri
ously disappeared, and they now think
he was murdered and robbed, as he was
known to carry quite a sum of money.
So now the colony is raising a fund to
pay for a search for the , missing ped
dler 's body and discover in what man
ner he came to his death ,
" Tekoa gralndealers are in a pool,
and refuse to sell wheat for less than
10 cents per busbeL
s: : ". :
Undisturbed, However, by an Unfavor
able Money Situation.; t -.'
. Bradstreet's says: General trade in
wholesale and manufacturing lines is
quieting down, but it is worth noting.
It is undisturbed by the money situa
tion, the influence of which has been
confined to speculative circles. Holi
day trade, on the other hand, has heen
given a deoided impetus, and compari
sons with the same period of preceding
years are uniformly favorable, ..little
doubt remaining that although retail,
trade in seasonable lines has been af
fected in some localities by unfavor
able weather, holiday specialties have
enjoyed exceptional activity..-.'. As re
gards prices, it is a notable fact that
as many staples have advanced this
week as there have declined, while by
far the larger number of quotations
have remained steady or firm. - The
strength of textiles is still a most nota
ble feature of 4he general situation. ;
Cotton goods are heivily sold ahead
by agents, and a very large spring busi
ness has already been booked. Raw
cotton is firm and unchanged on the
week, partly owing to the light re
ceipts and to reaffirmation of a short
crop estimated by the department of
agrioulture. Manufactured goods,
where not advanced, are firmly held.; ..
Wheat, including - flour, shipments
for the week aggregate 8,250,649 bush
els,! against 5,133,83L bushels last
week, 6,248,659 bushels in the corre
sponding week Jast year, " 4,464,899
bushels in 1897, 8,524,826 bushels in
1896 and 2,056,043 bushels in 1895.
Since July 1 this season, the exports of
wheat aggregate 97,559,926; bushels
against 109,720,853 bushels last year
and. 118,809,197 bushels in 1898-99.
Business failures in the United States
for the week were only 210 as com
pared with 220 , last week, 234 in this
week a year ago, 283 in 1897, and 359
in 1896. '-:---' -' - " '
,. Seattle Markets. '
Onions, new, $1.001.25 per sack.
, Potatoes, new, $1620. . , , i
Beets, per sack, 7585c. . V !
Turnips, per sack, 60o.. i . '.
Carrots, per sack, 60c. ;, ...,
;f Parsnips, per sack, 75 85c. .
. Cauliflower, 76c $1 per dozen.
Cabbage, native and California, 75
90o per 100 pounds. - -". ,
.Peaches, 65 80c. : : ;-;;f";
Apples, $1.251.50 per box. '
Pears, $1.001.25 per box. '
v Prunes, 6Po per box. ' ..'""'
Watermelons, $1.50. , ' ;j '.j,.: .":'.
"'Nutmegs, 6075o. . , : , .
. Butter Creamery,. 82o.- per pound;
"airy, 17 22c; ranch, 22o per pound.
Eggs Firm, 80(it81c.
Cheese Native, 16o.' "
Poultry 9 lOo; dressed, 11 13o.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $12.00;
choice Eastern Washington timothy,
fl7.0018.00 ,. -
Corn Whole, $28.00; cracked, $28;
feed meal, $28. '.:. ; " ' -."
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$21; whole, $22. - -
Flour Patent, per barrel, : $3.8S;
bWnded straights, $3.10; California,
$3.25; buokwheat flOur, $0.00; gra
ham, per--barrel,v$3.80;whole, wheat
flour, $3.10; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton,-. $16.00;
shorts, per ton, $17.00.: :
-" Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal,
per ton, $32.00.
(" . . .. Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, ; 6152o;
Valley, . 62c; Bluestem, 68o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.00; graham,
$2.50; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 84 35c; choice
gray, 85c per bushel. , -.
Barley Feed barley, i $1616.50;
brewing, $18.0019.00 per ton. .,-,'.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per
ton. : ---' . . '
Hay Timothy, $9 11) clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $6 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy ; creamery, 50 55o;
seconds, 4245o; dairy, 8740oj
store, 25 85c. , ; '-"-
Eggs 1820c per dozen. . -"';'". r
. Cheese Oregon full : cream, . 18o;
Young America, 14o; now cheese lOo
per pound. ' "' -
: Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
8.60 per dozen; hens; $4.60; springs,
$2.008.50; geese, $7.008.50 for old;
$4.506.50 for young; ducks, $4.50
per dozen; : turkeys, live, 1415o
per pound. . '
Potatoes 6060o per sack; sweets,
22o per pound.. '; ;
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c;
per sack; garlic," 7o per pound; cauli
flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1;
beans, 56o per pound; celery,- 70
75o per dozen; cucumbers, . 50c per
box; peas, 84oper pound; tomatoes,
75o per . box;, green ' corn, 12
15o per dozen. ' "' . ? '-" .
Hops 8llc; 1898 crop, 66o;
Wool Valley, 12 18o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 8140; mohair, 27
80o per pound. "," , : '.'..' :i.
'Mutton Gross, best sheep,. wethers
and ewes, 8Ko; dressed mutton, 6K
7o per pound lambs, 7)o per pound. '
" Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.50; dressed,
$5.606.00 per 100 pounds. :';
Beef Gross, top steers, $3. 50 4.00;
cows, $3 8.50; . dressed beef, 6j
7 Mo per pound.
Veal Large, G)lKi smalli 89
SKo per pound. : ;
.." San Francisco Market. '- ; r
Wool Spring Nevada, 1215opex
pourid; Eastern Oregon, 12 16c; Val
ley, 2022c; Northern, 1012o.
Hops 1899 crop, ll12o per
pound. - :. v' t' i. ' ". :. ' .
.,. Onions Yellow,- 75 85o per sack.
; "' Butter Fancy creamery ' 24 25c;
do seconds, 2224c; fancy dairy, 21
22c; do secortds, 1920p per pound.
Eggs Store, 25 27c; fancy, ranch,
36c. : V.- ,i ' -. :-':;::.: ."'-
- Millstuffs Middlings,. $17.00
20.00; bran, $14 15.00. , ,
Hay Wheat $7.00 10: wheat and
oat $7.509.00r' best barley $5.00
7.50; alfalfa, $5.007.50 per. ton;
straw, 85 45o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, $1-00; Ore
gon Burbanks, 60o1.10; river Bur
banks, -45 75c; , Salinas Burbanks,
$1.001.25 per sack.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.758.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 75c$1.50;
do choice $1.75 2.00 per box. -
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60
2.50 per bunch; pineapples, : nom
inal; . Persian dates, 68o per
couava. ,
. Wedding for "OrIrlnal" Folk.
For peculiar marriage customs- the
Negritos cannot be beaten. The young
man who seeks a bride first obtains the"
favor of her parents and then pursues
her, catching her in his arms. 7 She
breaks loose and runs, and does not
yield until he has caught her several
times. Finally he leads her in triumph
to her home. ; Here the .father drags
the youth up a ladder to ' the , floor of
their hut. The mother drags, up the
maiden. They are made to kneel, and
the father pours over them a cocoanut
shell full of water He then bumps
their heads together, and the ceremony
is completed. They spend their honey
moon in, the depths of the jnountains,
and for five days and nights are lost to
sight, after which they come back to
everyday life. Then there is another
marriage custom. " Instead of the
youth and maiden being dragged : up
the hut.; ladder, , they are , made to
climT) two sapplings that grow near
each other. Then an elder of the
group grasps the sapplings and draws
them together until the .heads of the
young couple touch, with a . kiss or
bump, according to the force used.
This makes them man and wife. N.
Y, Press. ; -'-.-- --- -. '' '' ; . .;-
--. ' .. ' ' 7 - -' ''- ''
' Perhaps the most trying experience
in the career of a maiden who has
passed the first blush of romantio girl
hood is when she braces herself to' meet
the shock of a proposal .of . marriage
from some man, and the shock doesn't
come. Cincinnati Enquirer. ; J
There's only one way to set it right.
Clean yourself out gently but thoroughly and tone up your bowels with CASCARETS.
r Every form of bowel trouble is quickly arid permanently
25c. 50c.
To any needy mortal suffering from bowel troubles and' too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. .Address
' - - Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning adverUsent and paper. .:';'.. '-;-'t''4
Fenoe and AVlre Works.
and iron fencing; orllce railing, etc. 834 Alder.
Machinery and Supplies,
chlnery, supplies. 48-60 First St., Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE, ' Portland, Orkook.
can give you the best bargains in general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. The new
steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un
equalled. - -. . '
I treated soien
I titically and
confldenti al
ly. Corniponileoci
W000ARO & CO.. 108 Second St.. Portland.
How long have you
suffered with' . . .
C. H.
- Hc Long Have You" Read About 5 Drops" Without Taking Them ?
Do yoti not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough?
If so, then try the "5 Drops" and be promptly and permanently cured of
your afflictions. "5 Drops" is a speedy ana Sure Cure for Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia, Sciatica Lumbago (lame back), Kidney Diseases.
Asthma Hay Fever. Dyspepsia, Catarrh of all kinds, Bronchitis
Ia Grippe. Headache (nervous and neuralgic). Heart Weakness
Dropsy Earache Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup Toothache.
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping: Numbness Malaria and
kindred diseases. "5 Drops" has cured more people during the past four
rears, of the above-named diseases, than' all other remedies known, and
trade mark.
in case of Bheumatlsm is curing more than all the doetors.paient medicines, electric belts and
batteries combined, for they cannot cure Coronio Rheumatism; Therefore waste no more valu
able time and money, but try "6 Drops" and be promptly CURED. "5 Drops" is not only the
best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a Sl.00 bottle contains 800 doses. .Price per bottle, fl.OO,
prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottles for $5.00. For the next 80 davs we will send a 25c sample
rKKE to anyone sending 10 cents to pay for themailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day.
n A
'THIS 35 Stoya for $2141- Save the
AvwiAitora- riuunuri wa naDinoicui
Profit. Take acWanUge of oar ftoatraot
purwuase, utuari dvo aavanoeu moir
prices of Parlor Stoves, bat oar oontraot
i with the tnannfaotnrera compels them
rto famish uj with thsse, so we can sell
them at a email profit at $21.41, $24.27 and
$'J7.?7. YOU would be prond of either
a one of these parlor stoves. The plotares
cive due a iamtiaea or tueireJeganoe.
Rttnt 1. O. T. on raotit nt of Qln. von to
pay balance to your banker or freight
agent on arrival at your depot.
t-Ar"lThe sreatest barirai na ever offered.
-1 -I" . " . . a T I
T.firttB Rtove tnkAB &9 fuel than a small on fur haut
riven; near in mina wnen "rrnng.
61nce 1863,
mmediote lasting
A Literary Project.
U Stern Parent No, Marcella, I posi
tively forbid you to receive George Gay-
boy. '' He's taken to bad ways lately;
. does nothing but frequent race tracks
and poolrooms. . " .
! Marcella Oh," but, pa, hehas a
' good Object in going there. He's a
literary man, you know, and 4ie told me
he was making a book' , on the races..
Harlem Life. :'; ; . y -' r:. -
- Prosperity for 1900.
. Indications point to frreftt prosperty for
the coming year. This is the sign of a
healthy nature. The success of a country,
as well as of an individual, depends upon
health. If you have any stomach trouble
try Hostetter's Stomach Bitters which
cures dyspepsia, indigestion and bilious
ness. . - ' .
There was no assignable cause for
12,204 fires last year. - v 1 ; - s.'
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. . - - -
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the past 16 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancial? able to carry out any obligations mad8
by tueir firm. ;.
Wist & Trtux,
'- Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, .'-.
' W'noleale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ilall'g Catarrh Cure is tr.ken'.nttfnally, acting
flirectly on the blood and m. oous surfaces of
the system. Pri ;e 7ic per bo'.de. So.d by eH
drugrists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills r' th best. y '
In Germany, between Dusseldorf and
Crefeld, a distance of 14 miles, an ex
press train is run by electricity at a
maximum speed of 87 miles an hour.'
A horrible, slimy monster that
makes man's life a misery.
After eating : , a bloated belly,
belching of gas from the stomach,
a foul, ill-smelling scurf on the ;
tongue, dizziness, headache, a sour
rising and spitting up of half-digest- -ed
food, it's Bowel Bloatl ; '
When the bowels stop , working ; they,
become filled with putrid, rotting matter, ,
, forming poisonous gases that go through t
the whole body. ; If you don't have a reg
ular, natural movement of the bowels at ;
least once a day your fate is bowel bloat,
with all the nasty, disgusting symptoms
that eo with it. -i '
You Can't Make a Mistake by Taking the
For it is the favorite throueh Dining; Car
and Buffet-Library Car Line cast. - - . . : .
. For further particulars call on or address :
J. K. MAGEL, C. T. A. W. E. COMAN, G. A.
, C. O. TERRY, T. P. A. . ,
124 Third Street, . Portland, Or.
Can't be beat.
PRreE.ft ffB.78
extra CASLE25c.rflF0i
WND Oatalogn.1
Dr for a 2 oent
a I wire, .lamp
c arnltniv.
! Stores and Ranges, D Agricnltaral Implaments.
I Baby Oarriases. F Irura and 1'aUnt Medloines.
t Moaioal Instrument.. M Organ, and Sswtns
Anhlnna. I .ninvnln.. .1 3iinM ana RDOrtina Oooda.
K Ladir and OenU' Fornlshlns Gooda. LxDrj
Goods. M Ready-made Olothlna for Men and Boys.
N Boots and Shoes. O LadiMrOapes and Cloaks.
8end 16 cU and our Large Supply Catalogue oontaln
"Ing over 10CO pages and overone hundred thftuaaaaVats
prioes will be sent ozpress paid.
The Ideal French Tonic
Endorsed by Medical Faculty
efficacious agreeable
T rr i a ia55
"Take Time By
; i; : The Forelock'
, Don't waH until sickness overtakes you.
When that tired feeling, the first rheu
matic pain, the first warnings of impure
blood are manifest, take Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and you tuill rescue your health and
probably save a serious sickness. 'Be sure
to get Hood's, because .' "
' His Highest Critical Praise.
Edward Terry tells of a pretty inci
dent whioh occurred during a tour in
Australia. .. "Do you know what I con
sider the most glowing tribute I ever
received?..' The compliment came from
a child. - There was a crowded . house,
an intent audience, and humor had for
the instant given place to pathos. . You
might have heard a pin drop and I felt
the tension of the house was at break-,
ing point. The intense silence was
broken by a childish voice a girl's
who, turning to her parent, asked in a
broken voice: 'Mother, is it real?' "
San Francisco Bulletin.-- "
;; At a mass meeting held in St. Paul
it was decided to establish a uniform
rate of 25 cents for hair cutting. Out
of 105 shops in St.' Paul all but three
were represented at the meeting and all
present signed the agreement.
grow paying crops because they're
fresh and always tbs best. For
ale everywhere., Refuse substitutes.
Stick to Ferry's Seeds and prosper.
1900 Seed Annual free. Write for U.
" D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit. Mich.
R . -. DR. KJlRTEL'S BQOE, ; ;
elief -for Women"
r-w oensrw, m piam, seaiea envelope, wnw
laxs and Testimonials of DB, HARTKL'fl
French Female Pills.
Praised by thousands of satisfied ladies as
safe, always reliable and without an equal.
Rnld hVfiir rinico-intain hrvr CiitnK
fla on top tn Blue. White and Red. Take no other.
sVreuob Drug Co., SSI & 883 rrl St., Xew York City.
,Do Yoa Ever. Feel ;.
That life Is not worth llvlng.v Tired out before
the day's work Is begun. , .. , ' .
floore's Revealed Remedy
Yi 111 build up your system, purify your blood.
Good health makes happiness, f 1.00 per bo I tie
at .your druggist's, s, . :.- . rvr.:
ITCHING Piles protinoe moisture and oauue itohiug;
This forma as welt as Blind, Bleeding or Protruding -Piles
are cured by Or. Booanko's Pile Remedy
Stops itching and bleeains. Abttorbs tumors, ftoo a
Jar at druggists or sent by mai 1. Treatise froe. Write
me about your oase. DR. BOS AN it O, Philada.fPa.
nd Is"pB?shi,lenioT?li
Cure Sick Hesdach.
HmnlMind Pnrifir t,m
Blood, Aid Ingestion sndPrerent Biliousness. Do
not Gripe or Sicken. Toconrlnce you, we will mail
ample free, or foil box for2(ic. I)R. HOSANKV
CO., Philada., B cuna. Sold by Druggists.
' For Gonorrhoea and Gleet rpet Pabst's Okay Specific. It
ts the ONLY medicine which will cure each and every
case. NO CASE known it has ever failed to cure, no
matter how serious or of how long: standing. Result
from its use will astonish you. It is absolutely safe,
prevents stricture,- and can be taken without inoouve
nience-and detention from business. PRICE. $3.00. For
sale by all reliable druggists, or sent prepaid by express,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
PABST CHEMICAL CO., Chicago, lit
Circular mailed on request. -
Use Big for unnafnral
irritations or ulceration!
of mucous meuibraneu.
Painless, and not astrla
ItkeEvaus Chemiou Co. ent or poinoua. .
BOM by DrnffKUts,
nr suknf In nlalw.
by express, prepaid, for
$1.00, or S bottles, $2.75.
Circular sent on request.
N. P. N. V.
MO. 53 '0.
JBKK writing- to advertisers
mention tnis paper.
i i ii niiii' irTnt'imiMi Jr
F: la 1 to ft days. Tfl
- OOkraoteed . tl
Jf not to luiotarl.
V 1 I Pnvaatl OoDtkrion!