The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, November 16, 1899, Image 4

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    "You Can't Catch the
wma in a iei.
Neither can you cure catarrh by toca.
Applications. It is constitutional disease,
and is cured by Hood's SarsaparSU be
cause it is a constitutional remedy. It
expels from ' the blood the imparity
which causes the disease, and rebaSdi
and repairs the inflamed membranes.
- - Enthusiasm Received a Cheek.
An enterprising washing machfru
agent, who has been meeting with good
success in Whitneyville, had his ardoi
sadly dampened the other . day. -; II
called at a house in town, and, the mia
tress being absent, he persuaded hei
eon to let him show up the merits o!
hia machine in a practical way. Then
were no dirty clothes in the house, con
s equently . the ' agent persuaded th
young man to change his shirt and giv
him the garment on which to exercise
the cleansing power of his new inven
tion. He inserted the shirt in the
washer and placed it on the stove madt
glowing hot with dry edgings. As h
alternated his labors in filling the stove
and revolving his machine, the lady oi
the house made her appearance. She
marched straight to the oven door and
flung it wide open. The smoke from
mined pot of beans fulled the room tc
suffocation. The agent was foroed tc
make an ignominious retreat. Wher
he seeks permission to test the machine
now he looks sort of soared as he re'
marks in a casual way
there are no beans in the
, madam. ' ' Lewiston Journal. ,
i ' How It 'Worked. , v - -
1 ' Mrs. Newlywed (reading) Love if
a balloon that lifts us up to heaven;
marriage is the paraohute that brings
us siowiy back to earth again I .
Mr, Jlewlywed (also reading) An
other parachute horror 1 Man falls
8,000 feet and is dashed to pieces
Same old. story I Parachute fails tc
workl ruck, ;
Are Tou Going East?
If so, you should see that
your ticket rends , via the
, Groat Rook Island route,
and you will get the best.
Pullman palace sleeping cars, elegant
reclining ohaircara "free," and library
buffet cars on all through trains. Best
dining car service in the world. Popu
lar personally conducted ezoursiona
once a week to all points East. Por
lull particulars call on or address any
ticket agent, or A. E. COOPER,
Q. A. P. D.. O. E. 1. & P. Ry., 848
Washington street, Portland, Or.
Improved Train Equipment.
The O. R. & N. and Oregon Short
Line have added a buffet, smoking and
library car td their Portland-Chioago
, through train, and a dining car servics
has been inauguarated. The train it
equipped with the latest ohair cars,
day conches arid luxurious first-class
and ordinary sleepers. Direot conneo
tion made at Granger with Union Pa
cifio, and at Ogden with Rio Grande
' line, from all points in Oregon, Wash
ington and Idaho to all Eastern oitiea
.For information, rates," etc., ' call on
; any O. R. & N. agent, or address VV.
II. Eurlburt, General Passenger Agent,
Portland. .
' Climute, Scenery and Nature'! Bant
. tarium.
' ; Scenery, altitude, sunshine and air,
constitute the factors which are rapid
ly making Colorado the- health and
pleasure grounds of the world.;
Here the sun shines 857 days of the
average year,, and it blends with the
criBp, electrio mountain air to produce
a climate matchless in the known
world. No pen can portray, no brush
can picture the majestio. grandeur oi
the scenery along the line or the Denver
& Rio Grande Railroad in Colorado.
Parties going East should travel via
this line, which is known all over the
world as the Scenic Line of the world.
, For any information regarding rates,
time tables, etc, call on or address R.
O. Nichol, general agent, 251 Wash
ington street,' Portland, Or., or any
agent of the O. R. & N. Co.; or South
', ern Pacifio Company...' .
At Chippewa Falls, Wis., the tele
phone companies consolidated,, and
'forthwith the rate was doubled.'
United States possesses 22,705 mer
chant vessels. :'"
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
.effects of the well known remedy,
8yrup of Figs, manufactured by the
California Fis Syrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in the form most refreshing-to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
' dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
' every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
laxative. . ;
v In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fig Syrup
Co, only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggists. Price 50c. per bottle.
Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I
xj in time, woia dt aruimists.
I mm :, . ... M
e 9
S HAVEN'T the least fear,", said
MaJ. Delaford.
"Then you're a man of unbound
ed courage," retorted his friend, Ulys
ses Crinklethorpe. "For may I ven
ture to be frank?" ,. -'
"Oh, certainly, certainly 1 By all
means."- ' . . ' ' ; '
"Well, then, they do say that Mrs.
FlashlDgton drove her . first husband
into his grave by her ungovernable
temper." '.- - - -
"I've, heard that before," said MaJ.
Delaford, puffing complacently away
at his cigar. '
"But, of course," with a little sarcastic
laugh, "you don't believe it?"
"Excuse me," said Maj. Delaford, se
verely,."! do believe It I have seen,
now and then, an expression in Jus
tlna's eyes which fully carries out any
theory of that nature."
"And ' yet you are going' to marry
her?" ' '.. '. : ' "
"And yet I am going to marry her."
"Felix Delaford, are you crazy ?"
"Not that l am aware of."
"Will you be honest with me?"
"To be sure," nodded the Major. :
"Then, why do you marry Mrs. Flash
Ington?" ." . . : t ;
"Well, from a variety of reasons. One
is that I like her. She's a pretty little
gypsy, with a skin like white velvet,
and delicious long lashes to her eyes!"
. "Proceed." , ; , . . - ?
; "A second is mind, now, I never did
pretend to be one of the disinterested
lovers one reads about in dime novels
that, the dear, departed Flashington
left her' remarkably well off. . And I
have more merit than money." r
"I think you will repent it," said Mr,
Crinklethorpe, "for, by' all accounts,
the black-eyed divinity is neither more
nor less. than a virago.". .-. ,.-," :
"There are very few actions In this
world that one - doesn't - repent, in -a
greater or less degree," said Maj. Dela
ford, sententlously, "but, averaging
things, I'm willing to risk it."
And MaJ. Delaford was married the
next week to Mrs. Flashington.
It was not long, as Mr. Crinklethorpe
had foretold,' before the.claw began to
peep from under Mrs. Flashington Del
aford's velvet sheath. :'
j "Felix," she said one day, "I don't
like this location." . ' . '-
"Don't you, my. dear?" said Maj. Del
aford. "I've lived here two-and-thirty
years and always found it very pleas
ant." "I don't like it,", said Mrs. Delaford.
"I prefer a house nearer the park." . ft
MaJ. Delaford went on reading.
I "Felix, I say?" The bride's voice
was raised a degree or so higher the
dangerous sparkle had come into her
v"Yes, Justy.' j, , 4, r '
"I mean to moye uptown.".. - ;
"Do you?"
"And. at once.".. ... ... ..
"Very weU," said the Major, "then
you will move alone. I shall remain
where I am." y , t. .. v, . T v . , . -'
"Maj. Delaford", you are a brute!"
The Major bowed.1 Justina burst Into
tears. . '
- "Yes, a brute, and I'm sorry I ever
married you!"
. And after that Mrs. Delaford did not
speak to her husband, for two days.
But as the Major appeared In no wise
affected by this taciturnity she adopted
another plan, and scolded steadily for
three days. . .; -
"Look , here, Justy, this , won't,"
said the Major, at the week's end. ""I
don't fancy either a dumb woman or a
fury!" - . -; i
"That. I should live to be so spoken
to," whimpered Mrs. Delaford; ;'
" "So,''t Went on the Major, "I have
written to my cousin Rosamond Bly, to
come and spend the summer here."
"I won't have ' her : In' my house!"
shrieked the-bride.
"But I will have her In mine," com
posedly retorted the husband. r
'.'Let me see her presume to enter this
house!" cried Justina. .'.
"Let me see you presume to be un
civil to her," said the Major, knitting
his brows In a way that Mrs. Delaford
had never seen in her late husband's
countenance. For, to tell the truth, the
late Mr. FlashlDgton had been but a
chicken-hearted Individual at best.
Mrs. Delaford flounced out of the
room and banged the door viciously be
hind her. ,
Miss Bly arrived the next day a
cherry-cheeked, bright-eyed girl,, with
lips wreathed In smiles, and a brand
new traveling suit cut after a deal pret
tier pattern than the bride's own. Mrs.
Delaford refused to speak to her.
, "Justina," said ber husband, In a
warning voice, "this Is my cousin, Ros
amond. I hope you will make her wel
come to our home."
But Mrs. Delaford only threw a slip
per at her husband, burst Into tears,
and rau hysterically upstairs. -
"Oh, Felix! what's the matter?"
asked Rosamond, half-frightened out of
her senses. "Had I better go home?"
"By no means, my dear Rosamond,"
said the Major. "You see, I have mar
ried a woman with a temper. But she'll
be all the more charming when that
fault Is rooted out of her character." ,
o so
- The Major went upstairs and tried to
open the door. . It was locked.
"Justina," he said, gently, "it is I.
Let me in." 7
"I won't!" snapped the bride.
"Will you come downstairs, then?"
"I will not come out of my room until
that woman is out of the house!" sput
tered forth Mrs. Delaford.
"Very well, my dear,' 'said the Major,
and he returned to the drawing-room
with unruffled philosophy. . ..
Mrs. Delaford adhered to her resolu
tion, although "it was much tried by
'sundry ' peculiar sounds she heard on
the outside of her door. v
"Maj. Delaford has carpenters al
work altering the house," thought she.
"It makes but little difference to me In
any case. I shan't stay here."
. At the end of the third day, however,
she concluded to go downstairs.. But
when she opened the door, lo and be
hold! her egress was barred by a grated
iron door. . . . - I v . v
. "Mercy upon us!" cried Mrs. Dela
ford. "What is this?"
. "Please, ma'am," said the little maid,
who had brought up her meals three
times a day, "it's master as had It
done." . . . .' -
.. "What for?" cried Justina.
"Please, ma'am," said Hetty, trem
bling all over, "don't you know you're
crazy?" 7 " ' ' " .. ,
"Insolent minion!" . said ' Mrs.- Dela
ford, "call your master at once.''
, MaJ. Delaford came immediately up
stairs, with Rosamond Bly clinging in
a frightened sort of way to his arm.
"How do you feel now, my dear?" he
asked, solicitously.
"I'm well enough," snarled Mrs. Del
aford. "Open that door, quick!" "
"Mad! Very mad, Indeed!" said MaJ.
Delaford, in a sotto voce, turning to
"Ruffian 1" crfed the bride, "how dare
you speak so?" ' .
r "Getting violent!" added the Major,
shaking his head. - , "V ' ;
"Let me out, I say!" persisted Mrs.
Delaford, rattling at the bars. "What
does this absurd mummery mean?"
"Perhaps a strait waistcoat would
be advisable," said the Major. "But as
long as she remains tolerably manage
able I shall not send her an asylum."
Mrs. Delaford began to cry. -
"Oh, Felix, how -can you talk so?"
sobbed she. "I am as sane as you are!"
"Poor thing!" murmured the Major,
compassionately. "The hardest part of
Insanity must be when one becomes
partially cornsclous of its deadly doom."
Mrs. Delaford shut the door rather
vehemently and began to cry hysteri
cally. . " .: .- ;
. "I'm not mad!" said she. , "I won't be
made a mad woman of!"
But how to help herself that was the
question. The door was barred effec
tuallythe windows opened upon the
dead wall of a neighboring Institute of
the Fine Arts, and were three stories
above ground. Sho might have shrieked
herself hoarse in that direction before
any one could hear her. She sat down
to think. What should she do?" What
was to" become of her? Did that dread
ful hint of Felix concerning the asylum
mean anything? For once In her life
the late Mrs. Flashington was actually
frightened. . .
"Has my temper really been so terri
ble," she asked herself, "that people
mistake it for I can hardly breathe the
word insanity?" .
It was a new idea; she pondered it
carefully and cried bitterly over It. :
When Hetty came, as usual, with the
napkin-covered tray, Mrs. Delaford's
face was pale and tear-swollen.
"'Hetty," said she, "will you ask your'
master to step up here for a few niln
utes?"'7 ,. '.....
Maj. Delaford obeyed the summons
at once.. - . . -
"Well, my love," said he, "what is
it?" v '-- r ' ---
.. "Felix," said Mrs. Delaford, bursting
Into fresh tears, "I have acted very
foolishly. - I beg your pardon. And I
beg Rosamond's pardon, too." ' '
Maj. Delaford opened the grated door
at once Justina flew Into his arms
and then there was a reconciliation af
ter the most approved style.. ' r . '
; Mrs. Delaford was as sweet as a June
morning after that and If ever she
manifested symptoms of a relapse all
that Maj. Delaford . found necessary
was to allude?, in a general way, to lun
atics and asylums, -
And Ulysses Crinklethorpe : never
could Imagine by what means this mod
ern Petruchio tamed his dark-eyed
shrew. New York News.
Liquor In France,
' M. Dostre, in the Revue des Deux
Mondes, says that In some portions of
France there Is one liquor shop for
every eleven Inhabitants, or . every
three adults. In other words, he says:
"One elector In four passes .his life in
pouring out alcohol for the other
three." The consumption . of brandy
has Increased fourfold since 1850. ,
A man's estimate of himself is one
thing and his actual worth is another,
. -
"mad! vhbi mad, ismed!'- f ..
Millions Subsist am ttioe.
Without question, the grain most
extensively used as an article of food
all the world over is rice. Hundreds
of million of people chiefly subsist on
it,; and its consumption is constantly
increasing. , It is the principal diet of
at least one-third of the human race,
formingthe chief food of the native popu
lations of. India, China, Japan, Mada
gascar; many parts of Africa, and in
fact of almost all eastern nations. The
Burmese and Siamese are the greatest
consumers of it. . A Malay laborer gets
through.66 pounds monthly; a Bnmese
or Siamese 46 pounds in . the same
period . 1 The eastern nations also chiefly
obtain their beverages from rice, which
is the principal grain distilled in Siam,
Japan, and China. Saki, or rice beer,
is produced in Japan to the extent of
150,000,000 gallons annually. Although
rice is such a universal article of food,
it is not so nourishing as wheat or some
other grains. . More, than nine-tenths of
its substance, consists of starch :. or
water; consequently it forms more fat
than muscle. The yield of rice is five
times as heavy as that of wheat,.' fhe
two crops yearly giving from eighty to
a hundred bushels per acre.
A.n Important Factor - in - Transcontl
; X . nental Travel. .'i v---:f
. No one crossing the continent can
afford to cut Salt Lake City from his
route. The attractions of the place,
including the Mormon Temple, Taber
nacle and Church- institutions, ' the
Great Salt Lake deader and denser
than the Dead Sea in the Holy Land
the picturesque environment and the
warm sulphur and hot springs, : are
greater to the square yard than any lo
cality on the American continent. -' ,
The Rio Grande Western Railway,
connecting on the EaBt with the Den
ver & Rio Grande and Colorado - Mid
land Railways and on the West with
the Southern Padifio (Central Route)
and Oregon Short Line, is the . only
transcontinetnal line passing directly
through Salt Lake City. ' The route
through Salt Lake City via the Rio
Grande Western Railway is famous all
the year round. On account of , the
equable climate of Utah and Colorado
it is just as popular in winter as in
summer. Send 2c to J. D. Mansfield,
253 Washington St., Portland, or Geo.
W. Heintz, Acting General Passenger
Agent, Salt Lake City, for a copy of
"Salt Lake City the City . of the
Saints." '- " - ' .
The famous cedars are on Mount
Lebanon. In 1690 there were sixteen
that measured over thirty feet in cir
cumference. : "' "' '" : '
' : Did you ever have that feeling of oppression, like a weight on your chest, or a load of cobble-stones in your
stomach, keeping you awake nights with a horrible sensation of anxiety, or tossing restlessly in terrible dreams,
that make the cold perspiration break out all over you? That's insomnia, or sleeplessness, and some unfortun
ates suffer iwith it : night;after nightuntil their reason is in danger and they are on the edge of going mad. The
cause Of this fearful ailment is in the stomachjmd bowels, and a Cas'caret taken "at night will soon bring relief and
give the sufferer sweet,
1 i .,,.:. .'V JF he The Coldeat.
f j "SSSSE . - IWI VaW vat rS mM ah-1 bi' ' I I
CASCARETS art absolutely harmless, a purely vegetabls compound. No mercurial or other mineral pill-poisoa la Caseanrts. Cascarets promptly, effectively and permanently
eure every disorder of the Stomach , Liver and Intestines.. They not only care constipation, but correct any and every form of irregularity of the bowels , including diarrhoea and dysentery.
Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste good, do good. Never sickenweaken or gripe. Be sure you get the genuine! Beware of imitations and substitutes I Buy a box of CASCARETS
to-day, and if not pleased in every respect, get your money back I Write ng for booklet and tree sample I Address STERLING BBMBDT COMPANY, CHICAGO or HBW YORK.
-:"'i -..: -.-.': w- ' - : " ''.-''' . , --r ,.; .. sso
appointed men and women agents- who moke
Jaum in a sihipn at I ya CCKQ
mediately ttUKb FukU 01'U tULfitifcUft'H OOMf Lk'fk OUTFIT on the followinsr easy conditions. Bach ouut etwts
aa laeariy es.OO for It is made wry wwplrto o insure immediate snscaas for the aacaU The outfit coaeltta of one
haadtoata haavy eleth bound book. 10x7x3 lntihes, oontalnlns; a complete assortment of lrr aaaiplM'af our eotlr line ol
atoa's ant women's ataeklntoakos. also handsome large fashion figures, etc., one confidential price and Instruction
book, ont tape measure, one rubber stamp with your name and pad, business cards, order blanks, stationery,
etc. WB BAaB SO CHARUB FOB THIS OUTFIT, but as a guarantee of sood faith on your part and to protect us
against those who would order outfits (which eot aa noari? Sft.OO) out of curiosity or just to (ret the cloth samples,
we roquire everyone, after net hint the outfit at the xprM osBeo, to pay as a temporary deposit 50 esata and express
charges, and we will return the 60 eanta with your first order. Understand we will send you the complete outfit
by express O. O. t., subject to examination, 70a to oxanhia the oatfit at your expreat offlee and if found perfectly
satisfactory and you are conrlnoed yoa eaa sake hobs; taking Orders, pa the express agent SO aad express eaergest
we to return yoar 50e with your flrst order.
START TO UnRU AT ONfiP You need no money) show tbe samples, take the orders at your own price.
OIHHI m wunrt wi unc. B tPofl fop y0BPMlr. W6 wiU nU your orders daily, send the maclrtn-
toshes to your customers G. O. D., subject to examination, eolleet yoar fall telling; price aae weakly send joa in eaah yvor
full profit. Ho other work It ao alaipla. Money aaa't ha made aaalar. Any aiaa or wtau any where can make So.OV every
day. Our book of Instruetloaa makes everything so plain that anyone can do the work at once and be sure of bis
wa?ae from the start. Gut thla nolleo out and sond to as today saying1 you will grive it 10 days' trial. TOD WILL NKTBB
KKGBKT IT. Nearly everyoaa aoada the &O eenU with their applteatloa. We refer t Metropolitan Natloaal Bank r any Bxpraai
WANTED Active aftents in every county
' seat for our Gas Lamp.- Makes its owu
fas. Hetter light than electricity or Wclsbach
2ity eas; cheaper than kerosene; retails $5;
big money-maker. Standard Lamp Com
pany, Dept. B, CHICAGO.
Benedictine Salve.
Experience of Many Tears Clearly Dem
onstrates the Great Efficiency of
This Liniment. Postpaid, . .
, 25c a Box. Address
Benedictine Priory, Mt. Angel, Or.
( New Ori.kans, La., Nov. 8, 1898.
"Rev. Father Enclosed find money order tor
Miotber box of your Salve. I find it very good
Itdesd, and trv not to be without it.
- PA'fEICK GAKRY, 622 Bolivar St.
' Louisvillb, Ky Jan. 19, 1899.
Rev. Fathers I find your Salve to be the best
alva" that I ever used.
KU. 6CHiBVBL, 742 X. Walnut St.
They Hardly Mean It.
Public men speak of their unworthi
ness, but very few of . them would be
willing to be taken at their publicly
expressed estimation of themselves.
Chicago Daily News. .. , : " ;
Tea Poisoning. - 1
Victims of tea poisoning are becoming
alarmingly prevalent. Momen demand
the life and variety of Health, and instead
of doing it naturally by building up their
system they resort to "tea. They should
take Hpstet'ter's fcitornach Bitters. It tones
up the' nerves, regulates the bowles and
cures dyspepsia, -
A carload of dried canned potatoes
contains 8,000 bushels, but would hold
only 500 bushels in their natural state
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet".
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv
ous feet, and instantly takes the sting out
of corns and bunions. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot
Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy.
It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nail's,
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials.
Try it today. Sold by all druggists and
shoe stores. By mail for 25c in stamps.
Trial package FREE. Address, Alien S.
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
At Tacoma ehingle manufacturers are
complaining of a car shortage and ship
ments are seriously delayed. ':
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. . E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25c. .."-''
"' A new law requiring corporations to
pay wages at least monthly has been
declared constitutional in California.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup the bes.t remedy to use for their
Children during the teething period.
The greatest whiskey industry ' is in
the United States, the 'output being
more than 80,000,000 gallons a year.
I shall recommend Piso's Cure for con
sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan,
Plumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, 1895.
The Treaty elm,- under which Wil
liam Penn signed the famous treaty
with the Indians in 1683, was upon the
banks of. the Delaware. " It died ' in
1829.:u ';r'.-:- '!-"-::
CITg Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness
rilv aflurflrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send fur J'EKE S3.0O trial
bottle and treatise. J) It. It. B. KJUUSli, lid., aa)
A.rcb si -eet, Philadelphia, Pa.
., Tracing.
Miss Walsingham We can trace
our ancestry hack to the Norman con
quest, .can't we, mother? - : ; f
Mrs. Walsingham (sadly) Yes, but
we don't know where your father was
last night. Someryille Journal.
refreshing sleep. - Always insist on getting CASCARETSl
air t thim
. ANNUAL SALES, 5,000,000 BOXES.
Men and Women make $50 to $200 every month selling our
Gentt' and Ladies' Waterproof Mackintoshes or Rain Coats.
W8 HE,'8 KM KIMTOBURS la ftll ityle at SI. SO to .!&.
CAPES ntSi.OOlo ts.oe.
VOU (man or wonuui) can make $Q.OO everyday taking
orders for these crarments. At tout low price, wrroM will
oror from yom. for n one can meet your prices.
WE WANT ONE AGENT man or woman) In every city
wc wAmi uric wucrai ;nd oountyin th'e Vmiu6 gute
ICo xperlnee ary, bo caplUl nqalrod. ' We furnish a BIO
BOOK mt acklatoil. Cloth SamalM, faabioa flnm, jour aaaie oa
rnbbar stamp, tap aMasare, buslaoHMrda, al 1 neceBBaxy statiOUr
ery. Everything complete for doing business.
We are the LARCEST DEALERS in America
ea'ttaad WoncB WaUrpreof Haeklatoihea and we sell them at
the lowoat prim eror kaowa. and excluslrelT throu&rh reirularlr
$50.00 to saoo.OO every month at the work.
Ou this notice out and send to us. Bute the Urriiory job
lhtwoila, Saylnjourletteryou will glre this work
an imnwuiaw nai ox at least iv dais, ana we win im
Fence and Wire Works.
and iron fencing; office railing, etc. 834 Alder.
Machinery and Supplies.
chlnery, supplies. 48-60 First St., Portland, Or.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon,
can give yoa the best bargains In general
machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and -windmills. The new
steel IXL windmill, gold by him, is un
equalled. - - ,
ti Heal It and
confident! al
ly. Corrsspsndftnes
C. H. WOOCAhP CO., 108 Second St.. Pprilgnd.
The Burmese, .
The Burmese will sacrifice any pros
pect of money-making to go to a feast.
These are called pives, and often the
entertainment is elaborate.' I remem
ber going to . one : in Upper Burma J
There was a good deal of dancing, but
neither the host nor his guest danced;
that would have been undignified. . The
dancers were paid, and they twirled
lazily or jumped excitedly as occasion
required. . Most of the time, however,
was spent in chatter and smoking.
Smoking is the only thing at which the
Burmese are industrious. They start
smoking at the early age of 8, and they
smoke themselves into the next world.
Girls smoke quite as assiduously as the
men, and as the cigars are .; very , big ,
many a pretty mouth is strained to ac-1
comodate a giant eheroot. Pall Mall
Magazine . ' ' . ;
" The walnut was originally called the
gaulinut in England because it came
from France (Gaul). Walnuts ' played
an important part at the siege of
Amiens, near the end of the sixteenth
century, when a party- of Spanish sol
diers, dressed as v French peasants,
brought a cartload of nuts to sell and,
as the gates opened " for them to enter,
the nuts were spilled upon the ground,
and sentinels stooped to pick them up.
when the Spanish .soldiers pounced
upon them, killed them and guarded
the gates while the . Spanish army en'
tered. "" ' -
Z 100 REWARD Sloe.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
Jearn that there Is at least one dreaded disease
that science hag been able to cure In all its
stages, and that is catarrh. Hall'sCatarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
ot the system, thereby destroying the founda
tion Of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro
prietors have so much faith In its curative
powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that It fails to cure. Bend for list
of testimonials. Address -
0t , F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the beet. - 'r
" Anderson, Ind., needs hundreds of
houses. " -''
The Pleasantest, Most Powerful and
Effective KeverfalJlng Remedy for
La Grippe, Catarrh, ;
Rheumatism. , . ;.
txi not Will cure any ach$ or pain known
in the human body. Send for trial bottle, 25c.
This offer lasts 30 days only, i Large bottle (300
doses of 5 DROP8 each) 1.00 or 8 for J2.50.
; 107 and 169 Dearborn St., Chicago.
.' The famous banyan tree is in Ceyloni
on Mount Lavinia, seven miles from
Colombo. ' There are two roads through
the stems, and its shadow at noon cov
ers four acros. ' . .. ''-.
hobo-mobo troocks! tuck.
'I bave been using CASCARETS
for Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted
for over twenty years, and I can say that
Cascareta have given me more relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall cer
tainly recommend them to my friends as be
ing all they are represented."
Thos.Gillabd, Elgin. UL
thr i
29 to 3B First Street ' ! PORTLAND, OR.
The best ink made, but no
dearer than the poorest. '
Deep-Seated Diseases ;
Such as Rheumatism, and diseases peculiar to
women, require a blood purifier that purifies.
Hoore's Revealed Remedy
Will give immediate relief almost in every case
It cures if taken regularly and sufficient time,
f 1 per bottle at your druggist's.
Ton Can't Make a Mistake' by Taking the
For it is the favorite through Dining Car
and Buffet-Library Car Line East. "
For further particulars call on or address
J. R. NAGEL, G. P. A. W. E. COMAN, G. A.
124 Third Street, , : Portland, Or.
elief for Women
nencTrae, in puun, sealed enTeiope. writs
to-dy for this Book.ooutainintr Particu
Ura mad TesUmonials ol Dli. MARTitL'8
French Female Pills.
Praised b j tboQBanda of utlsfled ladies J
af a. mJwa.TR reliable and without an eauaL
m fioidbraU druurriBWlii metal box, French
op In Blue, white ana Red. Take no other.
Prug Co., 961 m fotkiiou. new Xw city.
Has on toi
I Says ol Peruna: I join Sena-
H fors Sullivan, Roach and Ate-
k Entry In their good opinion of s
j Peruna as an effective catarrh I
'. Would Need Borne of It.
Hazel Sandstone has asked me tc
lend him $25, and I don't knov
whether to do it "or not." ' Would "youl "
Nutto (earnestly) I ' would, old
man. , He invited me to dine with him
this evening. Stray Stories.
."There is a ' difference between a
man and an egg, ". said the casual re-.
marker. "When a man gets old he is
no longer fit for the scramble, and when
an egg gets old that is all it is fit for."
-Indianapolis Journal.- .-;
We burn 90,000,000,000 .' matches
annually. " V : " , '" ' r
25c. 50c.
TA Bnd Mft(ir, Lantern Bargain List
Uxho. lo now reauy ior inatuiifr.
T. P. ANDREW'S, 109 Montgomery
St... San Francisco. -
I ""nff Machines
Ivkfisi of all kluds and sizes. ;
tor drilling wells for bouse.
i arm, aj ana umgB water
works, Faotorles, Ice Plants, '
Hreworles, lrrlgttt ton, Coal and
Mineral Prospecting, Oil and .
Gas, &o. Latest and Best. 80 -yeorn
experience. WlilTUI
I impel Myifonthly Regulator CAN NOT F A 1 1...
LAUILOI sox Free. Mra.B. Howan, Milwaukee, Wist
For Gonorrhcea and Gleet get Pabsfs Okay Specific. II
Is the ONLY medicine which will cure each and every
case. NO CASK known it has ever failed to cure, no
matter how serious or of how long standing. Results
from its use will astonish you. It Is absolutely safe,
prevents stricture, and can be taken without inconve
nience and detention from business. PRICE. $3.00, For
sale by all reliable druggists, or sent prepaid by express,
plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by
' , pABST CHBAIIOAC CO., Chicago, I1L
Circular mailed on request. -
ITCHINuPiles produce moisture and cause itchiug.
This form, as well as Blind, Bleudinff or Protruding
Piles are cured br Dr. Bosankos Pile Remedy
Stops itching aud bleeding. A bnorbs tumors. 60c a
Jar at druggists or sent by mail. Treatise free. Write
me about your case. DA. BOSANKO. Philada.. Pa.
CURES I Ufle mg Ior """ayura
u i to 6 dsTt. Tl discharges.inflammauons.
OtwraDteed 19 irritations or Ulcerations
not to sviuttire. of mucous membranes. :
Pravunu OoDLa.siAn Painless, and not astriu
ItHEEvAW80heMIOAlCo." nt or poisonous.
oia iy Drngglflts,
. 8. A. A', i Pr 00111 In P'ft'u wrapper.
vy va(ii ubh, jirepaia, ior
M-00, or 3 bottles, S2.73.
Circular sent on requost.
iTIveird PILLS
ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headaohn'
and Dyspepsia, BemoTe Pimples and Purify His
Blood, Aid Digestion sndPrevent Biliousness. DS
notOripe orSIcken. TocoliTinco tou, we will mail
sample free, or full box for 25c. IB. 11S ANKOi
CO., Philada., Pcnna. . Bold by Druggists.
N. F. N. V.
NO. 46 99v
HEN writing to adTertlser pleaaa
nanuoa wn payer. -... ,. -f