The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, November 09, 1899, Image 2

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Published Thursdays by E JR. Jlradley.
Subscription Rates:
One yoar : '. '..jl.50.
8tx montun .. l.OO.
Three monifis : '. . . . .75.
(strictly in advance).
Advertising rate mnde known on application
Entered at the postofflce In Hood River, Ore.!
. . Nov. 1, 1899, ail-second clasa mall matter.
HOOD RIVER, OR., NOV. g, 1S99.
Last Monday was proclaimed a
General holiday by Governor Ro
gers in honor of the returning of
the Oregon Volunteers. .
- The Norwegian eteamship Cuern-
gey sailed from Portland last week
with 3,430,653 feet of Oregon lum
ber as her cargo, and was dis
patched by the Pacific Export
Lumber Company. .-
The latest reports from the
Transvaal states that the English
had been victorious in an engage'
ment at Ladysmith, and in addi-
tion to the Boers killed had taken
two thousand prisoners.
Snmpter is enjoying a "heap
big" boom these days. Mines and
real estate are changing hands at
fabuluous prices, and building op
erations on an extensive scale is
the general order of the dajr. ,
Keports from (Jape JNome are
about equally divided between the
subjects of gold and typhoid fever.
There seems to be quite . a large
amount of both there at the present
time. It is said that two thousand
men will leave the Klondike next
Spring for the gold fields -of Cape
Nome. - " " . ...
' The expression of the Oregonian
that Admiral Dewey belittles- him
self by getting married so late. in
life will hardly nnu general re
sponse. Although sixty-two years
of age Admiral Dewey is hale and
hearty, and . bids fair to live and
enjoy life for twenty or twenty-five
years to come, and it is not : even
regrettable he should seek a suit
able companion with which to pass
his remaining years be they few or
many. " ' " '
Many Democratic papers and
leaders throughout the country are
strongly supporting the adminis
tration in its . Philippine policy
And why should they not? There
is- not one good reason for differing
trpwv this question at the present
time- while there are many and po
tent reasons why all should unite
in upholding the honor and integ
rity of our country.- A" determined
and united movement all along the
linc-at home and abroad will
have a tendency to speedily settle
the affair, and settle it right.
The Transvaal war' is proving to
be something more than a skirmish.
There are fighters on both sides
and the reports- from the field of
hostilities indicate that each ad
vancing step attempted by the Bri
tons is stubbornly met by the fol-
fowers of Oom Paul, who appear to
be not only well equipped for war
but also intelligent and brave fight
ers. - It is not within our province
to say which side has the most of
justice possibly both have reason
for taking the stand they, hold
but we must say that it is highly
regrettable, that their differences
could not have been adjusted with
out the- great loss of . life that has
token place and which will yet re
ault before the conflict ends..
No great progress was ever yet
made in a town where the people
were divided, or in which all efforts
were for keeping back advancement.
It requires a united and aggressive
' people to make a - town grow, no
matter, how great may be its nautr
al" advantages- That Hood River
Valley has nmny and. decided na
tural advantages in the way of lo
cation, soil, water, timber, trans
portation facilities, and climate un
paralleled5, no one can question",
and there can be no justifiable rea
son why our town, should not grow
to three times its- present siase during-
frre'next faur or five years. A
personal grievance should never be
allowed, to stand in- the way of pub
lic enterprise and mutual advance
ment.. All should work , as much
in harmony' as possible on every
question that has for its funda
mental principle the betteument evf
thetown, socially-,, morally or fi
nancially.. A live, up-to-date and
vwgMeHeive-.people are" -not usually
fcmnd; in a dead town. That Hood
S-Lver is not dead is apparent to
ewuy oner bat: tfiat - Rer progress
saight eafeily be augmented 110 one
mM- question- . '
Tim state elections:
. Up to the hour of going to press
it has been impossible for the Sun
to obtain ' any authentic reports
from the election in the different
states, though the indications .are
that it has been - a republican vic
tory all along the line. Ohio has
undoubtedly gone republican by an
overwhelming majority. In" Ne
braska, where the. opposition ' has
made a desperate : 'fight, the" vote
promises to be close with chances
good for the republicans. New
York .is claimed . by Crocker, but
the returns, sometimes change such
early boasting. Kentucky has her
usual amount of excitement and
from-several points come reports of
-, In other states the vote polled
seems to have been light.- .
I SxcJiange Clippings.
Interesting Paragraphs Gleaned
. From Various Sources.
John iNeece, of Hood Kiver,-was m
the city last week looking over the situ
ation on the new line with a ' view to
taking some of the sub-contracts. -Moro
Charles W. Clark, the popular Hood
River Druggist, left this morning for
home after having visited friends here
and in Dufur, yesterday. Times-Moun
taineer.. , ., : ; ' - -
Frank Miller left at this office Satur
day a turnip weighing 49 pounds, raised
from government seed gotten at this
office and grown on his ranch two miles
above town. Goldendale Sentinel."--'
In the case of Charles Prather, charged
with assaulting .Leonard Field 'with-- a
dangerous weapon last Thursday, near
Mosier, and which came up for hearing
in Justice Bayard's court yesterday
afternoon, he was bound over in the
sum of $250 to appear before the grand
jury. The Dalles Chronicle. ,-. .
-Supt. C. L: Gilbert' and Prof. J. T,
Neff attended the Hood Kiver Teachers'
Association, which held its first meeting
last Saturday, , with an attendance of
about thirty. In the near future a'sim
ilar association will be organized at
Dufur. . Meetings will be held once a
month, at which time some standard
work on teaching will be read and dis
cussed. The study of the course of
study for grammar grade schools of Ore
gon will be a special feature of the meet
ing. With better teachers the natural
result will be better schools .-The Dalles
Chronicle. - . "
The effect of spraying apple orchards
and giving them proper care is shown
by the result obtained by S. A. Sears,
of Hood Eiver. He has a small orchard
which he sprayed several times during
the season and has harvested therefrom
600 boxes of apples for which he has al
ready been offered $1.50 per box. In his
fruit there is not two per cent of the
apples. that are wormy, while his neigh
bors who have given their orchards less
care find from 40 to 50 per cent of their
apples unmarketable because of the fact
they are full of worms. The Dalles
Times-Mountaineer. -v. ; ' ' . . ....
Editor S. P. Shutt is m Sump
ter. ' To Mr. Shutt . belongs a large
amount of credit for having stood up for
Sumpter in the dark days when she was
struggling to secure a railroad and to be
placed on the map of Oregon. - He then
owned the News, which has since be
come the American, which is accentuat
ing' and extending the good work of
standing up for Sumpter he so well
begun. ' ;
Mr. Shutt, has so much faith in this
town that he has leased his paper, the
Hood Eiver Sun, for one year,; and will
give his attention to looking after his
real estate and mining interests in and
around Sumpter. , He has many friends
hereabouts, and is a shrewd business
man, and the chances are that he will
make good money here during the next
twelve months. Blue Mountain" Amer
ican. " ." - V - . " .'- ' ; . '
., : Obituary.
Died.: On Monday morning-, Nov.. 6, at
4 :30 o'clock Lucy, beloved wife of Mr.
C. A. Bell, aged 18- years, 10 months
. and 15 days. .
The people of Hood Eiver were deeply
grieved on Monday morning last to learn
that in the early hours of the morning
the death angel had entered the home
of Mr. C. A; Bell, of . Mt. Hood Hotel,
and taken his wife, who, only at few
brief days before was about, and appar
ently in her usual good health.': The
lady Was ill but four days, but though
careful and skilled attention was given
her by physicians' and friends, it was
impossible to save her life, an attack of
pneumonia, complicated with septi
caemia, having caused her death, -
: Deceased was formerly Miss Lucy
Ellison,, and had been a resident of Hood
Eiver for nearly half of her life. Her
mother, two sisters and three brothers,
are left to mourn her early death, ' and
they, together with the sorrowing hus
band, have the heartfelt sympathy of
the entire community of Hood Eiver
valley ia their sad affliction.
' The funeral took place from her late
h&me at Mt. Hood hotel- on Tuesday
afternoon-at two- o'oloek, tRe- services
being conducted by Eev. Hershner. A
large number of friends attended, many
of whom followed her remains as they
were carried to the LO. O. F. cemetery
and there sadly laid, at rest-- Many
beautiful floral tributes were laid-on her
casket, and the grave ' was also strewn
with flowers from the hands of sorrow
ing relatives and sympathizing friends.
School Report.
The following named pupils of Hood
Eiver Public Schools were neither tardy
nor absent during the month ending
Nov. 3,, 1899: -Percy
A-dams, '..
Lillian Shutes,
Etta Blagg,
Amy Angell,
Clinton Mooney,
Georgia Prather, '
Belle Howell, ......
Anna McCafferty,
Ethel Cox, - .
Carl Coon,
Amy Stuhr, -Stella
Stuhr, "
Willie Evinger,
.. Ilia Rood,
Chas. Fostevin,
Austin Lockman,
Bertha Borden, .
Pearl Cox,
' Lawrence Gerdes,
- Florence Cox,
Claude Thompson,
Celestia Metcalf, ",
Chas. Shutfe, ;
Harvey Band,
George Howe, ;
Clyde Band, -Dolly
Welds, ' :
Pansy. Baker,
Elving Fosberg,
Lester Fobs, ' , .
Maud Gee, ' .
Edith Mulkins, ' .
Harry Fredeiri,
Birnie Eand,
Roy Blagg, ". -'
Euth Coon,
Majorie Baker,
Hazel McCovy, .
May Mooney, -Grace
Prather, .
Avis Watt,
Carrie Copple,
Eichard Bartlett,
Faith Bartlett,
Myrtle Jones,
Earl Blagg,
Herbert Watson,
Arthur Jones,
Stella Parsons,
Delia Boling,
Freddie Gee,
El wood Luckey,
Edna Morrison,
Blanche Stuhr,
Eoy Evinger,
Henry Brown,
Aldine Bartmess,
Marie Lockman, .
Ethel Mooney,
Susie Hall,
Lenore Aeams,
Clifford Stuhr.
C. D. Thompson, Principal.
There have been 185 pupils enrolled
at the public school so far this year.
The primary, second, and third de
partments met in Miss Graham's room
last Friday afternoon for entertainment.
The second meeting of the Hood Eiver
Teachers' Association convened in Eooin
A, last Saturday. The meeting ' was
opened by an address by Pres. F. B.
Barnes, after which Supt. Gilbert talked
about the State course of Study. C. D.
Thompson presented the topic "Is too
much arithmetic taught in our public
schools?" Both of these topicswe're
quite generally discussed. Several teach
ers, as well as patrons and pupils, were
present and the exercises were inier
spersed with music and recitation. A
very interesting program has been pre
pared for the next meeting, which is to
be held about Dec. 9. The public is in
vited to attend these ' meetings, since
they are held for the benefit of our pub
lic schools. ' , .
. School Report. "
Following is-a report of White Salmon
schools for the mbnth ending Oct. 27.
" Total number enrolled 44; Average
number belonging 42; per cent of at
tendance 90.5. ..V
No7 enrolled in- advanced department
25. Those neither absent or tardy were
Eoy Ward, Frank Egan,' August Lau
terback, Geneva Wolford, Georgia John
son, Anna Wolford, Lydia Crow and
Guy Crow. " .' 1 : . -.-;'-.
' t '. Eben Drum, Principal.
No. enrolled in primary departmen 19.
Those . neither . absent or , tardy ; were
Frixie Thomas, Arthur Jones, Thurman
Jones, Earl Zeigler, Leslie; Egan ' and
Otto Thomas. -
Mrs. C D. Moore, Assistant.
"t Physician and Surgeon, '
Oftice: Over Everhart's Store. 'Phone 81;
Residence 33 and Central.
F. WATT, - , '
. Physician and Surgeon,
- HOOD RIVER, OREGON. . " ' ' . ' "
Telephone Residence 81; Office 83. Surgeon
, for O. R. & N. Co. .
', Physician and Surgeon,
Office over Williams' Drug Store. Telephone-:-;
: . Main 112. ' '
HOOD RIVER. . .' . . . ; ' OREGON.
A Homey and Counsellor at Iaw,
' Abstracter and Notary Public, -
l In Hood River, Opposite Postofficb,
Now Ready for Business.
Is prepared to furnish, at all times, any and
everything usually found in a ,
.. first-class bakery.
Bread, Pies and Cakes Baked to Order
on Short Notice.
Hisrh Water Advertising- Mark.
The New Tork HeraFd ol Arrfl 17 printed aa
editorial otatement that on the previous day
(Sunday, April 10) ita paid advertising reached
the high water mark In that Journal's history.
" The Ohicag-o Tribune " on that same day, last
Sunday, April 10, printed: not only more adver
tising than the New York Herald, but what Is
believed to be the greatest amount ever printed
in a single issue of any regular main edition of
a newspaper. Leaving out of account the twenty-two
columns of advertising printed by the
New York Herald on that day In the special1 sec
tion v devoted to the Interests of Brooklyn and
New Jersey and appearing only In those editions,
the record of The Tribune ' for April 16 sur
passed' that of the Herald for the same day by
more than 10,000 agate lines of paid advertising.
Even allowing, the- Herald all ft claims. Includ
ing Its Brooklyn and New Jersey supplements,
the New York Herald on that day still fell short
of ' The Tribune " by more than 1,000 knea in
the actual amount of paid advertising.
The exact figures are given as followsr The
New York Herald of April 16 printed in Its main
edition, exclusive of its Brooklyn and New Jer
sey supplements, 77,823 agate lines of advertise
ments. Including those supplements rt claims
8,7C0. "The Chicago Tribune" printed that
day 88,4150 agate lines of paid advertisements.
The comparison should be made in lines of agate
measure, because the columns of ' The Trib
une " are longer and contain- 305 agate lines,
while those of the New York Herald contain only
288 Hnes of agate each.
For the four Sundays ending April 16; the
number of columns of advertisements in the New
York Hsrald, according to ita own claims and
Including its Brooklyn and New Jersey special
section. wasl,M67.25. In the same period of time
The Tribune " printed 1,084.43 columns of ac
tual' paid advertisements. These; reduced to
agate- lines, give the New York Herald 307,S(i8
Unas and The THbune " 830;7ffr line In " The
Trlbime there were printed in -that period
23,383 more agate lines than In the New York
Herald. This excess was equal to eighty-one
columns of the size of those of the New York
Herald. Therefore the New York Herald printed
an average of 20.25 columns less each Sunday
than The Chicago Tribune."
Is still in the field of action and selling .
Fresh and Cured Meats,
- Bacon, Lard,
Groceries, Flour and Feed
In Every Nook and Corner of Hood River Valley.
. Largest Retail Business in the Valley.
' - "Miss us and you are not in the swim."
VQuick Sales and Fair Margins of Profit"
Suit us. -: '
Phone 21.
We solicit your patronage. Goods delivered. Store opens 7:00 a. m.
In the
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
- ; Stbvesanci Steel Ranges,
Iron 3 teel, Coal, Hardwood and Wagon Ma
terial, Windmills, Pumps; Water, Sewer,
and Terra Cotta Pipe, Plumbing and
. : Plumlbers' Supplies. ;
; Plows; Harness and Farm Machinery,
i Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies. 1
Rifles, Shotguns, Revolvers, Ammunion.
; These are a few of the lines which we carry.
A Large and Well Selected Stock
to Choose Fromr
' " ! , ' ' '. ..I-.'"'-.
Send us your inquiries. We want your trade
and will try to merit it.,
Mays & Crowe,
. i Ptrrr a full Hue nC i ,
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots Shoes, Gents'
Furnishing goods, flour, feed, hardware.
i ---m - -
: , Sole Agents for Millers's Celebrated Shoes. A full line ,
of heaters and cook stoves in stock at bottom prices.
' ' : Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the Valley.)
''-"'. - ii DEALER IN m
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
. Shoes, Flour, Feed, Etc.
Notary Public.
"The Klondyke"
-Is the place to
Confectionery, Cigars
; - kinds and
Home-made Candies, Fresh
m Season, Soda Water
W. B. COLE, Prop.,
It Reasonable Prices
Vegetables, groceries, canned goods, flour, feed
and grain, at
Everhart's Store i n Hood River.
line of
go for nice, fresh-
and Tobaccos of all
EruitSi - Oranges and Lemons
and Other Mild JJnnks.
- Hood River, Or.
New Furniture at Portland Prices.
"- mm m m . ..... .
FURNITURE, Paints, Oils,
Builders' Supplies, Etc.
Is complete and not equaled between Portland and The Dalles
. A firstclass mechanic ready to do all kinds of repairing, and ' .
new work either by the job or by the day. -
Shingles and Finishing Lumber
. . Constantly on Hand. -
Rooms on Oak Street and Second Street, Hood. River, Or
Bring Your Fruit to
The Davidson Fruit Co.
- W v Get.the Highest Prices
When markets warrant, we ship the fruit, otherwise handle it in ou?
cannery. We aim to merit your patronage by providing the mos
- remunerative markets possible for your products. .,
Agents fob Studebaker .Vehicles, Canton Clipper Plows and Cultivators,
and other Agricultural Implements and Garden Took. The best
at moderate prices, . . .
General Mer c h a n d i s e
: - v . ' : J " .-:. OF ALL KINDS.
"' 9 mm
Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods,
Don't send away for what' you can buy at home just as cheap and just as good.
.., . . ; . BLE PRICES, CALL ON .
Davenport Bros.'
Lumber Co.
R. H. WEBER, Prop., The Dalles, Or.,
-.(Srotver and Dealer in--
Fruit, Shade T J P C O Grape Vines
Ornamental l L L 0 Small Fruits
- Evergreens, Roses .: and Shrubbery, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies,
. '; , - Dahlias, Peonies, Etc. .
Ifursery and Packing Grounds half mile east of Fair Grounds.
Agents for the Myers I.eveb Bucket Brass Spray Pump.
Remember our Trees are Grown Without Irrigation. Send for Catalogue.
Telephone 330 - - P. O. Box 292.
Ed Williams.
Hood tn?E$ PHflmAcv,
Prescriptions a Specialty Filled "JI Night;
. Stationery Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
Store With a Full and Complete Stock.
Undertaker and Embalmer, Paints and Oils
Building Material, Wallpaper, Etc. ;
We are not given to sputtering around about what we are doing, but
----- are here every day in the week,, selling goods too, at Portland prices.
. - . - - .
' v Dealer in choice brands of
RACCOS, Etc., JIood River, Or.
All Kinds of Soft DHnks, Hts, Etc
T. L. Blodgett
Harness, saddles, bridles, whips:, collar
. Stirrups, Robei?,
Everything Usually found in
Good hand-made harness.- Carriage trimmings. Repairing done--
Dr. F. 0. Brosius
Sweatpads, Etc.
a First-class Harness Shop'