The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, November 09, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 7.
William McKinley
Vice-President Garrett A. Hobart
Secretary of 8tate..t John Hay
Secretary oi Treasury Lyman i. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War ..Klihu Root
Secretary of Navy John D. Ixng
Postmaster-General ..James A. Gary
Attorney-General -.John W. GriKKS
Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson
" . ' '. ". STATE OP OREGON. ' .-.
e.... '! Goo. W. McBrlde
Senators j Joseph Simon
Congressmen.. j""";;;;;"l"f him? HTongue
Attorney-General D. R. N. Blackburn
Governor ........I. . T. T. Geer
Secretary of State......... ...F. I. Dunbar
Treasurer C. S. Moore
- Printer W. H. Leeds
Supt. of-Pal)lic Instruction J. H. Ackerman
V ( C, E. Wulverton
Supreme Judges ..F. X. Moore
Circuit Judge tV"W' L5 J?"Mhw
.... Prosecuting Attorney.,?..., .'..Ak.dttyhe
state senatorBj;;;";;;;;;;;r;;;;jonil"MlcheU
. Representative ,,..' W. Morton
Judge i... Robert Mays
- . , ( D,.Kliisey
Commissioners j .""..Ji...";?.?. ....N-. C. Ivans
County Clerk .V.VV.V"j3A; M.'Kelsay
' Sheriff. S. Robert Kelly
Treasurer. C. Li Phillips
Assessor W. H. Whipple
School Superintendent ;. C. L. Gilbert
Surveyor ., -.J- B,Obit
Coroner W. H. Butts
Justice of Peace ...George T. Prather
Constable E. S. Olinger
' The County Court of Wasco county meets on
the lirst Mondays in January, March, May,
. July, September and November. . , ...
Circuit Court of Wasco county meets on the
third Mondays in February, May and Novem
ber. .. . - v .. .
iE. L. Smith
.. .....C. A. Bell
.. ,...P. F. Bradford, 8r.
.'.........A. 8. Blower
Clyde T. Bonuey
J. H. Dukes
J. H. Ferguson
J. R. Nickelsen
Marshal ,
., George P. Crowell
..........E. S. Olinger
; .. Jav P. Lucas
.....Otis Patterson
.. W. R Dunbar
L. B. Clough
.t.John M. Hill
Thomas Masgrove
C. B. Moores
William Galloway
VIA ....
'"'' AND ' ;'
Dcean Steamers Leave Portland Every 6 Daye
Stonmora Monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong, via ' the
Northern Pacific Steamship Co., In con
nection with the O. K. & N. '
For full Information cull on O. R. ATI. agent,
E. B. CLARK, Hood River, or address '
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
O. R. & N,
Time Table for Hood Klver
No. 4 4 :87 P. m
No. S. 6:67 a. m.
No. 1... 4:00 p. m.
Way f reightl0:26 a. m.
No. 2. 10:42 p. m
Way freight.. 2:45 p. m,
E. B. CLARK, Agent.
SteamerB Daily (Except Bunday) Bettveen '
Portland, Cascade Locks, Stevenson,
Sprague, White Salmon, HOOD
RIVER and The Dalles.
TRIP .... - -
THE DALLES OFFICE; First and Court Sts.
General Agent,
' ' The Dalles, Or.
Due at Hood River, eaBtbound, 4 p.m.: west
bound, 9:30 a. m. -
Leaves Portland at 7 a m.; Leaves The Dalles
at 7:00 a. m.
, ' MAILS.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the
same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m.
For White Salmon (Wash.) leaves daily at 6:45
a. m.i arrives at 7:16 p. m.
From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer
Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
ForBingen (Wash,) leaves at 6:46 p. m.i ar
do iTin i b
: - - TO THE :
From All Parts of the New
- World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening; of the Past Week
Called From the Telegraph Columns
; Captain Geary, who waa killed at.
tfalabon, October 16, was a native of
Boer losses at Ladysmitb are esti
nated at between 900 and 1.000 killed
nd wounded. . ,. ., ;..
Oregon salmon eggs aro being sent to
Australian waters where ' they are ex
pected to thrive. "" ; ,
England has called out more reserves
ind within 10 days men to replace the)
captured forces - will sail - foe South
Africa. . ".-
- The state will pay the Iowans' fares
aome. Three special sleeping-cat
kraifea, and subsistence) will be iur
aished them.
The Wllman-Wagner Company haa
o pulled'lta strings that even indepen
dent railway lines will turn their sleep
Ing cars over to the combine.
Cable advices to the war department
Indicate that General Young's column
is pressing on toward San Jose,, though
progress is difficult on account of wet
weather. ,
The Washington regiment has been
mustered out. About 800 men, includ
ing the Seattle companies, left by
iteamer ' for home. The Others go
uorth by rail. sJ il
. Although all repiinent9.have their
full quota, recruiting will be continued
for the Philippics. .''.Men will be
needed each month to fill vacancies by
Ntsualties and discharges.
Colonel Wholloy, of the Washingrton
volunteer infantry, has been appointed
major of the Forty-first volunteer in
fantry and has been - ordered to join
that regiment for service in the Philip
pines. , ' "
A party of students from the Univer
sity of Chicago will, go to the Ken
tucky mountains,, where the recent
feuds have occurred, to study simple
frontier life as retained by the moun
tainiers. A Lima, Peru, dispatch says Du
rand 'a revolutionary forces are being
closely pursued by the ' government
troops, and -according to official dis
patches, the situation . of the leader ol
Peru's latest revolution seems to b
precarious. -
'..An elastio bank note currency with
the gold standard enacted into law is
what Secretary: Gage will ask for in
his annual report. He will recommend
enactment of a law for the issue of
bank notes against - deposits of bonds
and" greenbacks, and allowing banks to
issue notes against their assets under
certain restrictions. ' . '
The recuperative powers of the Boers
are. regarded with - wonder by tht
British. ' . : , - ,.
The Peruvian-cocoa crop is a failure;
The plants were damaged by insects
and the price has already doubled. -
A professional baseball . league for
1900, to include Seattle, Tacoma, Port
land and Vancouver, B. C, is now on
the tapis. ;;
. Admiral Schley will . go to South
Africa in command of the South At
lantic squadron to . protect American
interests during the progress of the war.
Interesting experiments of Marconi's
system on warships resulted in wire
less telegraph messages being success
fully transmitted over 29 miles oi
space. - .. . ; - '. -" ...
Professor Arthur McGiffert, of Union
seminary. New York, refuses to quietly
resign from the Presbyterian ministry,
and another heresy trial seems inevt
lable. ' :
-. The president, it is said, considers
that the Germans and British caused
the trouble at Samoa and that they
should pay the greater portion of the
damaged ,
At Kamloops, B. C, John Hayes is
to be tried for murder. - He is accused
by the confession of his sister of hav
ing killed her husband, she acting as
accomplice. -
Dwight L. Townsend, founder of the
Postal Telegraph Company, UniteQ
Lines Telegraph Company and the fam
ous Havemeyer sugar factory, is dead
at New York.
In his message President McKinley
will ask for an appropriation for a
commission to be appointed to investi
gate the commercial and industrial con
dition of the Chinese empire.
The Aberdeen :' Packing Company's
cannery at Fairhaven, Wash., was:
burned. All machinery and stock, In-1
eluding 15,000 cases of canned salmon,
went up in smoke; loss, $150,000.
- Captain Leary, the naval governor of
the island of Guam, . in the Ladrones, j
was forced to adopt heroic measures to
enforce his administration. The friari '
were hostile to his orders so he invited
them to leave.
William Waldorf Astor has paid
$406,896 taxes in New York this year.
A bust of ex-Speaker Reed is being
executed in bronze for the Maine legia
laturC. .. . -
George F. Edmunds has presented
2,500 volumes of standard books to the
high school library in Burlington, Yt.
- Mrs. D. M. Rice, of Aptos, Cal., if
the olest daughter of American parents
born in that state. . She is but 63 year
The British think they inflictod tcrri
tie loss on the Boers in Thursday's
lighting. , ,
Ex-President Harrison has returned
to the United States after an extended
trip abroad. .
Puerto Cabello has surrendered to
General Castro and the officials of the
de facto government. '": v ;'
Half a million dollars' worth oi
property was destroyed by fire in Kan
sas City. -' - , -
The Washington boys are home.
They were greeted everywhere with en
thusiastic demonstrations. .
- The general belief in London is thai
the "Boers are now. waiting for more
guns from Pretoria before attacking
Lady smith. ... , ' ; '
Eastern Oregon - is experiencing itt
first labor strike. . Fifty miners of the
Bonanza mine near Baker City, are oul
for shorter hours. , '
Of the Coeur d'Alene rioters tried in
Moscow . for conspiracy . against the
United States, 10 were found guilt;
and three were acquitted. .
The ship Charles E. Moody, long
overdue at .Honolulu, has at last ar
rived.' She was 190 days in making the
passage from Norfolk navy yard.
Boeri are said to have issued letter!
of marque in Europe and the United
States, and British commerce may
suffer, even if the transports do not.
In his annual report United Statei
treasurer suggests the impounding of re'
deemed treasury notes and thinki
banks should increase their circulators
England has sent 10,000 rounds ol
lyddite shells to South Africa. Ac
cording to estimates, a single shell ol
this kind falling into a compact bod;
will kill 800 men.- ' ; -. :
' John R. McLean, Democratic candi
date for governor of Ohio, has given
out ' an address through the press in
which he predicts that "Hanna ii
beaten." . ''--'
The most important expedition of tht
fall campaign chasing Aguinaldo ii
now on, and it is predicted that tht
rebel capital will soon be untenable foi
the insurgents. - ' '
s Marconi will not operate with tht
signal corps of the United States, but
will return to England in . connection
with the use of the wireless system ol
telegraphy in South Africa. -
Nicaragua wants some of Costa
Rica's coast territory. The govern
ment has completely routed the insur
gents and dealt a death blow to the re
volutionary movement in Peru.
' The Shamrock has sailed for home.
Vice-President Hobart's days of pub
lic service are said to be over.
A lone highwayman held up six peo
ple at one time near Pendleton, Or.
It was reported in London that one
of the troopships ' which sailed for the
Cape last week had been lost at sea.
The Russian minister of finance as
serts that his country is better in con
dition than either France or England.
: The disaster to the British at Lady
smith was caused by mules running
away with all the reserve ammunition.
' The receipts for the Jeffries-Sharkej
prizefight in New York were the largest
for any sporting or dramatic event is
history. ' - . . ' . -
The transport Han cook since hei
remodeling at San Francisco can la;
claim to being the finest troopship in
the world. -
One of the greatest financial combi
nations of the century is now forming.
It will control all' the telephones and
telegraph lines. ; '
Inspector-General ' Breckinridge - oi
the United States army, " is in Saa
Francisco, where he will remain somi
time on official business.
Announcement is made at San Fran
cisco that the Paoifio Coast Biscuil
Company is a go. It is otherwlsi.
known as the cracker trust.
Germany cannot trade for England't
interests in - Samoa without the ap
proval and consent ' of . Uncle Sam.
Negotiations to that end are now on.
Wireless telegraphy is to be used ii
the Samoas. , It costs much , less and
will be more practicable than the cablt
system, in view of the coral growth In
the sea. - -V:;V
Senator Allison says President Mc
Kinley has no authority to order with
drawal of the army and navy from tht
Philippines. It would require a spe
cial act of congress to do this.
President Schurman, of the Philip
pine commission, says that we did nol
acquire entire control of the sultan ol
Sulu's domain in the war with Spain
and we have only an external protec
torate. :'j
The international commercial . con
gress in their resolutions adopted ai
Philadelphia favor lasting peace among
nations, assimilation of trade-mars
laws, parcel post system, international
bureau of statistics and inter-oceani
canal. - . ' -. .;
General Fnnston, of the Twentieth
Kansas, was charged in the San Fran
cisco Monitor, a Catholic paper, wit!
taking two magnificent chalices from
Philippine churches. ' He has brought
suit against that paper and ' against
Archbishop Ireland for criminal libel.
A Charter has been Issued by the
state department of Pennsylvania to
the Sharon Steel Company, of Sharon,
With a capital of $8,000,000. -: -
Stepa are being taken in Hartford,
Conn., for the erection of a free library
building in memory of Noah Webster, 1
the lexicographer. j
Dr. Mary E. Mosher is the only wo- f
man doctor alowed to practice in the
Yukon district and the only homeopath
in the entire Northwest territory.
Summary of Its; Investiga
tions in the; Islands. '
Dewey Hade No Promise to Aguinaldo
A History of Events That Preeeded
the Spanish War. ;'-. ; ;. .
Washington, Nov. 4. In accordance
with the understanding reached at the
conference at the White House yester
day, the Philippine commission sub
mitted to the president the preliminary
report which it had promised to pre
pare. "'. ';'
The report appears to be a compact
summary of conditions on the islands
as the commission left them; of the his
torical events which preceded .the
Spanish war and led - to: the original
Filipino insurrection; of the exchange:
between Admiral Dewey and the othe
American commanders and the insur
gents, the breaking out and progress of
the present insurrection, and finally a
statement of the capacity of the ' Fili
pinos for self-gdvernment-A notable
feature of the report is a memorandum
by Admiral Dewey, explanatory of hi
relations with Aguinaldo. s . v'
The commission tells briefly how it
conducted the task intrusted to it,
hearing statements from all classes ol
people in Manila, as to the capability
of : the - Filipinos for , self-government,
the habits and Customs of the people,
and also the establishment of municipal
governments in many towns. - All thii
matter is to be included Jin the final
report. . v.. ;" " "'.:.-":.
'"History of the Islands, s
Turning to the history of the islands,
the commission attaches a little impor
tance to the divers rebellions which
had preceded that of 1896. As to this
movement, it declares it was in no
sense an attempt to win independence,
but solely to obtain relief from intoler
able abuses. To sustain this statement
the commission quotes from an insur
gent proclamat on showing . that what
was demanded was, the expulsion ol
the friars and the restitution to. the
-people of their lands, with a division
of the Episcopal sees between Spanish
and native priests. It . was also de
manded that the Filipinos have parlia
mentary representation, freedom of the
press, religious toleration, economic
autonomy and laws simlar to those ol
Spain. The abolition of ihe power oi
banishment i wag demanded, with a
legal equality for all persons inlaw
and equality ' in "pay" between; SpantBii
and native civil servants. '
, The commission declares that these
demands had good ground; that on pa
per the Spanish system of government
was tolerable,' but in practice, every
Spanish governor did. what he saw.' fit,
and the evil deeds of men in the gov
ernment were ' hidden from Spam by
strict press censorship. " Allusion ie
mado to the powerful Katipunan so
ciety, patterned on the Masonio order,
and mainly, made up of Tagals, as a
powerful revolutionary force. , w
- The war begun in 1896 was termin
ated by the treaty of Biao-Na-Bate.
The Filipinos were numerous,, but pos
sessed only about 800 small arms. The
Spanish felt that it would require 100,
000 men to capture their stronghold,
and concluded to resort to the use ol
money, .
The arrangement was not acceptable
to the . people. The promises were
never carried out. ' Spanish abuses be
gan afresh, in Manila alone 'more than
two 200 men being executed. Hence
sporadic revolutions occurred, though
they possessed nothing like the strength
of the original movement. The insur
gents lacked arms, ammunition and
leaders. The treaty had ended the
war, which, with the exception of an
unimportant outbreak in" Cebu, ' had
been (.'confined to Luzon, Spain's sov
reignty in the islands never having
been questioned and the thought of in
dependence never having been enter
tained, r '
The report then tells how General
Angustini came to Manila as governor
general at this juncture, and war broke
out between Spain and the United
States.-' Angustini sought to secure
the support of the Filpinos to defend
Spain against America, promising them
autonomy, but the Filipinos did not
trust him. Then came the first of May
and the destruction of the Spanish fleet
by Dewey,, with the resulting loss ol
prestige to Spain. ; Then in June, Agui
naldo came. '-
" Kelatlona With Agnlnaldo.- '
On this' point the commission says:
"The following memorandum on thie
subject has been furnished the com
mission by Admiral DeweyV :
. " 'Memorandum of relations with
Aguinaldo: , On April 24, -1898, the
following' cipher dispatch was received
at Hong: Kong from E. ' Spencer Pratt,
United States consul-general at Singa
pore: - - . ' :
" " "Aguinaldo, ' insurgent ; leader,
here. Will come to Hong Kong, ar
range with commodore for general co
operation insurgents Manila if desired.
Telegraph. . V . .,; PRATT.' ",
" 'On- the same ! day - Commodore
Dowey telegraphed Mr.' Pratt: 'Tell
Aguinaldo come soon as possible." The
Gunboat Sank a Poacher. , :
San'Francisco, Nov. 4. The whal
ing bark Charles A. Morgan, which ar-,
rived today from Japanese waters,
brings the story of - the sinking of a !
Japanese sealing schooner by the Rus- j
sian gunboat Alexis. The schooner, '
which carried a crew of 21 men, was
caught poaching on Russian sealing
preserves. - . '
Three of her men were picked np by
the Russian's boats, but the rest were
aecessity for haste being due to the
fact that the squadron had been notified
by the Hong Kong government to leave
those waters by the following day.
The squadron left Hong Kong on the
morning of the 25thr and Mirs bay on
the 27th. Aguinaldo did not leave
Singapore until the 26th, and so did
not arrive in Hong Kong in time to
have a conference with the commo
'dore.' - ". '-'
' "It had been reported to the commo
dore as early as March 1 by the United
States consul at Manila and others,
that the Filiipnos had broken out in
insurrection against the Spanish author'
ity ' in the vicinity of Manila, and on
March 80 Mr. Wlliams had tele
graphed: 'Five thousand rebels armed
in camp near city. Loyal to us in case
of war.' -, .
Upon the arrival of the squadron at
Manila it- was found there was no in
surrection to speak of, and it was ac
cordingly decided to allow Aguinaldo
to come to Cavite on board the MoCul
loch. He arrived, with 18 of his staff,
on May 19, and immediately came on
board the Olympia to call on the com
mander-in-chief, after which . he : was
llowed to land at Cavite and organzie
n army. This was ; done with the
purpose of strengthening the United
States forces and weakening those of
the enemy. No alliance of . any kind
was entered into with Aguinaldo, noi
was any promise of independence made
to him, then or at any other time." -
: First Idea of Independence.
The commission's report then rap
idly sketches events now historical. It
tells in substance how the Filipinos at
tacked the Spanish, and how General
Anderson arrived, and Aguinaldo, at
his request, removed from Cavite' to
Bacoor. "' " - ' ;:- . -
The 1 report states that Aguinaldo
wished to attack the ' Americans when
they landed at Paranaque, but was de
terred by lack of arms and ammuni
tion. From that point on there was a
growing friction between the Filipinos
and the American troops.
A brief chapter tells of the lack of
success attending the effort made at
this time by Generl Merritt, through a
commission, to arrive at a mutual un
derstanding with Aguinaldo as to the
intention, purposes and desires of the
Filipino people. - - v -
The Outbreak.
This brings the story up to the out
break on the evening of February 4,
with the attack upon the American
troops following the action of the Ne
braska sentinel. The commission, in
concluding this chapter, says:
"After the landing of our troops,
Aguinaldo made up his mind that it
would be necessary to fight the Ameri
cans, and after the making of the
Jxeaty of peace at Paris his determination--iwa4
strengthened. He did not
only openly deolare that he intended to
fight the Americans, but he excited
everybody, and especially the military,
by claiming independence, and it is
doubtful whether he had the power to
check or control the army at the time
hostilities broke out. Deplorable as
war is, the one in which we are now
engaged was unavoidable. We were
attcked by bold, adventurous and en
thusiastic army. No alternative was
left to us except ignominious retreat.
- "It is not to be conceived that any
American had sanctioned the surrender
of Manila to the insurgents. Our ob
ligations to other nations and to the
friendly Filipinos and to ourselves and
our flag demanded that force should be
met with force. Whatever the future
of the Philippines may be, there is no
course open to us now except the prose
cution of the war until the insurgents
are reduced to submission. ; The com
mission is of the opinion that there has
been no time since the destruction ol
the Spanish squadron by Admral Dewej
when it was possible to withdraw our
forces from the ..islands, either with
honor to ourselves or with safety to tht
inhabitants." ' 1 1 '
: ."Should our power, by any. fatality,
be withdrawn the commission believes
the government of the Philippines
would, speedily lapse into anarchy,
which would excuse, if it did not ne
cessitate, the invtervention of other
powers, and the eventual " division oi
the islands among them.'' Only through
American occupation, therefore, is the
idea of a free government and unitl
Philippine commonwealth at . all con
ceivable. : '-;-'"' -vv
November SO a Day of Thanksgiving
Things to Be Thankful For.
. Salem, Nov. 8 Governor Geer today
proclaimed November 80 a day of gen
eral thanksgiving. The proclamation
among other things contains the fol
lowing: -
"The year - just drawing to a close
has been one of general happiness and
contentment. . The earth has' given
forth abundance , of its proudcts, for
which in all cases better compensation
has been received than in former years.
Our laboring classes are more generally
employed at, wages more nearly satis
fctory than at any previous time for a
generation. , v ; -
"The mandates of spreading civiliza
tion are calling upon us as a great na
tion, to carry forward the banner of
progress and enlightenment, and the
task is being performed with willing
nees and enthusiasm that do credit to
our recognition of duty that we could
not shirk if we would and would not ii
we could." -
' ; Disease Wag More Deadly. .
Washington, Nov. 4. A recapitula
tion of the casualties in action and
deaths in the regular and volunteer
arimes between May 1 1898, and June
80, 1899, contained in the annual re
port of the adjutant-general of .the
army shows a grand total of 10,076
men. The casualty list alone aggre
gates 8,454, of whom 85 officers and
458 enlisted men were killed and 197
officers" and- 2,764 enlisted men
wounded. .
Campaign Under Way
In the Islands i ?
A Fleet mt Transports and Cunftosta
Bail to Co-Operata With land Farces
End Next Sprlns. ,
' Manila, Nov. 7. This evening a fleet
of transports and gunboats left Manila
for the most important expedition of
the autumn campaign. Its destina
tion is supposed to be Dagupan, or
some other northern - port. General
Weaton commands, with a brigade con
sisting of the Thirteenth infantry, the
Thirty-third infantry, two guns of thei
Sixth artillery and two gatlings. The
transports Sheridan, Francisco de Reys
and Aztec carry the troops, with that
gunboat - Helena as escort. ". A dis
patch boat was sent ahead to arrange'
a rendezvous with the United States
cruiser Charleston and the warships
that are patrolling the northern coast
of Luzon.,
It is assumed here that the purpose
of the expedition is to move down the
Dagupan-Manila railroad towards
Tarlao, in order to prevent Aguinaldo 's
forces making another base - farther
south. Dagupan and Apparri are the
strongholds of the insurgents in the
north. i ' ; ,
It hasbeen the unanimous opinion of
military experts that Dagupan should
be made a base of operations, but suffi
cient troops have heretofore been lack
ing. With Generals Wheaton, Mac
Arthur and Lawton moving upon Tarlao
from three directions, and the moun
tains hemming in the other side', : the
insurgents'- capital will soon become
untenable, Aguinaldo may attempt to
shift his headquarters to the rich tobac
co country at the northern end of . the
island. It will be difficult . for the
insurgents to escape. Should the
scheduled operations succeed, organ
ized insurrection on a barge scale should
bejat an end early next spring, although
guerrila warfare is likely to continue
for a long time. No one . anticipates
that the insurgents will make many
hard battles.
Manila, Nov. 7. 10:15 A. M. Two
columns of Generals MacArthur's divi
sion yesterday took Magaling, about six
miles northeast of Angeles. Colonel
Smith, with two battalions of the Sev
enteenth infantry, two guns of the First
artillery, and a body of engineers,
advanced from " Angeles. ' Major
O'Brien, with a battalion of the - Sev
enteenth infantry and two troops of the
Fourth cavalry, moved from Calulut.
Colonel Smith killed 11 insurgents,
wounded 128 and captured 60, as well
as taking a lot of insurgent transporta
tion. .: Major O'Brien killed 49 insurg
ents, wounded many and took 28 pris
oners. The Americans had 11 men
Retreat Cut Off. '
London, Nov, 7. The war office has
issued the following announcement: .
- "The colonial office has received in
formation to the effect that the British
troops have withdrawn from Colenso
and have concentrated further south,
but we have no news of any engage
ment in that neighborhood."
The evacuation of Colenso is un
doubtedly a most serious matter for the
British in Natal, as it not only testifies
to the . complete investment of Lady
smith by the Boers, but makes the
relief of General Sir George Stewart
White an extremely difficult operation.
.' Ten Men Convicted.
Moscow, Id.t Nov. 7. The ' jury
which has been out in the Coeur
d'Alene miners' trial brought in a ver
dict at 11 a. m. today, The jurymen
filed into the courtroom and the verdiot
was delivered by Foreman Tucker.
Ten of the defendants were found guilty
and three not gulty. The convicted
men are: Dennis O'Rourke., Arthur
Wallace, Henry Maroni, John Luucin-
netti, C. R. Burres, Francis Butler, E.
Abinola, P. F. O'Donnell, Mike Mal-
vey, Loins Salla. Those who were
acquitted are: F. W. Garrett, Fred
Shaw, W. V. Bundren. : ,
Under the statutes the penalty for
conspiracy against the United States
and a delay of the mails is a one of not
less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000,
or not to exceed two years imprison
ment, or both fine and imprisonment.
Boys Beach Home.
Tacoma, Nov. 7. Companies A, C,
I, E and L, of the First Washington
regiment, arrived today.' Company F
went direct : home from Portland to
Dayton, and company G, of Vancouver,
stopped at its home. Companies A and
L, of Spokane went to Spokane at 7
o'clock tonight, while the Walla Walla,
Tacoma and Yakima companies will
attend the Seattle- celebration, 'the
Tacoma company going over in the
morning," and the other two leaving
late tonight. - The First Washington
regiment band accompanied the . com
panies coming north by rail, and dis
banded here, the members going to
their homes. -.
A banquet and reception ' were ten
dered the companies here today, and a
parade of military and civio societies
escorted the companies to the banquet
halls. Between 80,000 and 50,000
people cheered the returned volunteers
at the depot and along the line of
march, "'.
Lives lost in a Fire.
Now York,' Nov. 6. Fire - today
gutted the seven-story building at 94,
96 and 98 Mott street, occupied prin
cipally by the Manhattan Bed & Spring
Company, and it is believed caused the
death of three persons. Michael Con
lin, an engineer, was killed, and
Charles Smith and a youth named
Rogers are missing.
Hany Vessels Reported In Trouble One
Serious Disaster.
Chicago," Nov. 6. The northeast
gale, which has been raging for over 48
hours and brought the first snow of the
season to this locality, still continues.
Life savers at various lake points have
been kept busy watching for and aid
ing vessels in distress. The following
vessels were reported as being in trouble
at various points: -- -v
Schooner William II. Dunham,
ashore near St. Joseph, Mich.; steamer,
name unknown, ashore near Bois Blano
Island; schooner Kate Lyons, stranded
near Cathead; schooner Elgin, put in
at Milwaukee, leaking badly. . -
The fleet of sheltered vessels in Chi
cago harbor, lasfs" night was reported as
greatly; increased. Over 240 r boats -have
ben reported in shelter during
the last two da vs, which makes an un
usually large list.
The schooner rigged, yacht Chiquita, -with
a dead man 'Supposed to be D. S.
Way, the ..owner stibd captain, lashed
to the rigging",' vejit ashore in the gale
three miles easi-'.of . Miller's f- Station, ;
Ind. It . believed that all the - crew
and passengers ha vo perished. Gar
mentsfound in the cabin indicated
thatt -least one woman was among
the .unfortunate party on the yacht.
i Whfere the vessel belonged was not as
certained last night, but it was
thought it was from some Michigan
port. - '' .-T'..: ''r''' ' ""' '
The dead man lashed to the rigging
was apparently 50 years of age. ; On
his left temple was a deep cut, prob
ably caused by a falling spar. The
signature "D. S. Way" was found on a
number of papers and effects in the
cabin. The name "D. S,. Way" - was
found also on the silverware. ; , In the
cabin was found a woman's complete
wardrobe. .'-
In the cabin there was a fully
equipped amateur photographer's outfit
and among other things a large num
ber of pictures. The supplies had all
been bought in Charlevoix, Mich.
The Chiquita was first seen by Albert
Sabinske, a fisherman, who lives on
the shore a mile from Miller's, as he
was looking for driftwood in the morn
ing. At that time he saw three oi
the crew on the deck. : " '
A squad from the South Chicago life
savers is patrolling the beach - in
search of the missing bodies.
But Lawton Scatters Them In All Di
rectionsTheir Cavalry Gone.
Washington, Nov. 6. The war de
partment has received the following
"Manila On November 1, Lieuten
ant Slavens and 18 men reconnoitered
In McArthur's front," and struck 40 oi
more insurgents.: ; They immediately
attacked and dispersed them, killing
three and wounding a number. No
casualities. -.- " .: .. -'-..
"Yesterday, in Lawton's advance at
Aliago, he struck the enemy both west
and south of the city- Batson's Maca-
bebe scouts, reconnoitering - south,
struck the Insurgents in ambush.
Lieutenant Boutelle was killed and one
scout wounded. ' Batson routed the en
emy, " and left seven dead in. the
thickets. . ' -. -.
"Yesterday, Bell, of the Thirty-sixth
volunteers, with regiment and troop ol
the'Fourth cavalry, cleared the country
of all armed insurgents from Florida
Blanca to. a considerable distance be
yond Porac, pursuing . them into the
mountains, capturing nine of their cav
alry foroes, several guns' considerable
property, killing, wounding , and cap
turing a number of the enemy. "The
insurgents' cavalry of that section is
practically destroyed. Bell's casual
ties were one man killed and two
wounded. 1 ':. . . OTIS." -
A Devrey Reunion.
Tacoma,, Nov. 6. A." M. Dewey,
special agent of the government .depart
ment of labor, has announced here that
all members of the Dewey family re
lated to Admiral Dewey would hold a
reunion at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in
New York in January or February.
Dewey, who is a cousin of the Admiral
has been one of the prime movers in
the plan for reunion. - He says accept
ance have been received from all parts
of the country, indicating that 1,500
Deweys will gather in New York to
meet the admiral and his bride.
Over 100 Deweys from the Pacific
coast will be present. Admiral Dewej
has been requested to fix the date ol
the reunion.
Will Move to Seattle.
San Francisco, Nov. 6, The Call
ays that on January 1 San Francisco
will cease to be the shipping and gen
eral business center of - the Pacific
Coast steamship Company, : and all of
the local interests of that concern will
be moved to Seattle. ' Although no
public announcement of the fact has
been yet made, it has become known
that Goodall, Perkins & Co., which
firm for years was the ' company's
agents and managers, have been de
prived of the agency and is closing up
its books as rapidly as possible in order
that the formal transfer of the business
may take place on or before . the ap
pointed date.
The change is due to the fact that
the Great Northern Railway Com
pany, with headquarters in Seattle, has
secured a controlling interest in the
steamship company. ;
Hobart's -Withdrawal. .'
New York," Nov. 4. A special to
the Herald from - Washington says:
Vice-President , Hobart's-""announcement,
through members of his family,
of his retirement from public life will
make it necessary for the republican
national convention to choose another
running mate for Presidnet McKinley,
should the president be renominated
next year. It will also necessitate the
choice of a president pro tem for the
senate, to preside over its deliberations
until a new vice-president takes office