The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, November 02, 1899, Image 1

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    .) .
NO. 6.
President....... .. William McKlnlej
Vice-President Garrett A. Hobart
Secretary of State - John Hay
Secretary of Treasury Lyman i. Gujte
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Klihu Hoot
Secretary of Navy ......John D. Long
I'oatmaster-Gcncral James A. Gary
-Attorney-General....... John W. Griggs
Secretary of Agriculture .........James Wilron
I.. . Geo. W. Mnllrido
Bonators Joseph Simon
( M. A. Moody
Congressmen., j ; .,..Thos. H. Trinirue
Attornev-flcnoral I). K. N. MRKkbum
Governor , a .... T. T. Deer
Secretary of State... ; F. I. Dunbar
Treasurer C. 8. Moore
Primer . , W. H. Leeds
Sunt, of Public Instruction J, H. Ackerman
( C. K. Wolverton
Suiueinc Judges i ...F. A. Moore
( E. a. Bean
Circuit Judge.........:..'.. Wr L. Bradshan
Prosecuting Attorney A. A. Jay no
. , i ,' E. B. Dufur
State Senators j Johu jMlcliell
Representative.... ..J. W. Morton
Ju.lge , Robert Mays
. . i . .D. 8. Kinsey
Commissioners 1 " . ; jj. c. Evans
Comity Clerk ."7.7.7.?."?". -A. M. Kelsay
Bherirf Robert Kelly
Treasurer i ........C. L. Phlllh
AsseHHor V. H. Whipple
School Superintendent C. L. Gilbert
Surveyor J. B. Groit
Coroner...." W. H. Butts
Justice of Peace ....George T. Pralher
Constable E. 8. Oliuger
-.'" COUNTY COURT. ""' -
The Comity Court of Wasco county meets on
tlie first Mondiiys in January, March, May,
July. September and November. .
Circuit Court of Wasco county meets on th
third Mondays in February, May and Xovem-
h" . , UOOD RIVER CITY. - . '
B. I.. Smith
C. A. Bell
P. F. Bradford, Sr.
..........A. S. Blnwe s
Clyde T. Bonney
..J. 11. Dukes
3. H. Ferguson
.... J. R. Nickelsen
..George P. Crowell
....J. 8. Oliuger
, THE BAIXE8. . . ..'
Register ......Jay P. Lncas
Receiver... ,.. , Otis Patterson
VANCOUVER. .- '' f
Register .....W. R Dunbar
Receiver L. B. Clough
- . WAL1A WAI.LA. . . .-- -
Register...;..; .....John M. Hill
Receiver Thomas Masgrove
Register C B. Moore's
Receiver William Galloway
, .r" vu
9cean Steamers Leave Portland Evary S Days
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong, via the
Northern Paciflo Steamship Co., in con
oection with the 0. R. b N.
. For full information call on O. R. b N. went
K. B. CLARK, Hood River, or address
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Of.
O. B. N. Time Table for Hood River
No. 4 4:87 p.m.
No. S 6:67 a. m.
No. 1.. 4:00 p. m.
Way freightl0:26 a. m.
No. 2 10:42 p. ill.
Way freight.. 2:45 p. in.
E. B. CLARK, Agent.
1 , '"ArjV.e ;
I'll . " i." lW-irtJ;.-!','ii
Steamers lmuy except ounaayj Between .
Portland, Cascade Locks, Stevenson,
Sprague, White Salmon, HOOD
rTy rfSr . J ft. - r.n
mTTO n ITT VO rWTnV Wtvat mnA Pll Ota
: General Agent,
The Dalles. Or.
Due at Hood River, eastbonnd, 4 p. m.i west
bound, 9:30 a. m-.
leaves Portland at 7 a m.; Leaves The Dalles
at 7 :00 a. m.
" MAILS. ' ." .-.
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the
tame days at noon. '
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. m. Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m.
For White Salmon (Wash.) leaves dally at 6:45
a. m.; arrives at 7:16 p. m.
From White Ralmon leaves for Fulda. Gilmer,
Trout Lake and Glonwood Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
ForBlngen (Wash.) leaves at 5:45 p.m.; ar
rives at 2 p. m. ... (
' ' . TO THE .,
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import'
ant Happenings of the Past Weel
Qulle'd From the Telegraph Colnmea
The Burghers are said to have secured
the services of 13,000 natives.
. , Prolongation of war beyond British
expectations is now said to be certain.
The navy department is to give Mar
coni's wireless telegraphy a practical
test. ;V
.England will expect the Boers to
pay the cost of . war when tho end
comes. .. . .
'The government ' ;of Venezuela has
been turned over to Castro, who seems
to be very popular.
United States army . officers have
been sent to South Africa to watch the
progress of the war. . . .
A Chicago cnndysian has confessed
to the police that he has 42 wives in
different parts of the world.
Fifteen siok men of the Iowa regi
mont are now in the general hospital
at the Presidio, Ban Francisco. '. " :
Russia has at last agreed that, the.
claim resulting . from, the seizure of
seals in Behring sea shall be arbitrated.
Ho Ho is stirred by the expectation
of important fighting.. Volleys are be
ing fired at the American outposts
nightly. . . . . ,
Colonel John B. Yates, one of Gen
eral Sherman's main supports in the
famous march to the sea, is dead at
Ainesburg, Ont. ; f - ',". .
The battleships ,Texas and Indiana
are to go out of commission, as the
officers - and men ' are needed in the
Philippines. Others may follow. ;
A " Berlin dispatch . says telegrams
from Brussels announce that in the
Transvaal legation ciroles it is stated
that France and Bussia will not per
mit the annexation of the Transvaal
and Orange Free State to England.
At Atchison, Kan., two robbers shot
and killed one man and wounded an
other in a store, which they later robbed.--
They were pursued by a posse
and they shot and killed a policeman
and another man, both members of the
pursuers. ., . . ,v -
Canada has made a now" proposition
for permanent settlement of the Alaska
dispute. She again asks for arbitra
tion on terms similar to those imposed
by the United States and Great Britain
over Venezuela, , Fifty years of ocou
pancy is considered conclusive evi
dence of title1. -' She is willing - to give
up Skagway and Dyea, but wants Pyra
mid Harbor. " ' " - r:i
"- The revolution at Colombia is spread
ing. - ; -.' -. .
President ' Kruger is reported as in
favor of unconditional surrender.
. Insurgents in : Southern Luzon at
tacked Calamba, but were driven off.
Eveleth, Minn., is to be "moved to
make room for mining operations on
the town Bite-. ,; ,
"William H. Brown rode 1,000 miles
awheel in 84 hours, breaking the rec
ord by seven hours. '"' ."..(
William Wilkie, aged 19, was killed
by Charles Chelin in. Chicago, as '. the
result of a prizefight. .; - t .
; The British losses in Natal in three
days' fighting are said to have beer,
nearly 600 killed and wounded. .
- England's newspapers must here
after look to the United States and
Canada for their paper pulp.
' - German carp found in the Columbia
and Wilamette rivers in great numbers
will be frozen for foreign shipment.
. Thieves entered the . postoffice - at
Albany, ' Or., through a tunnel and
robbed the vault, securing about $300.
The remains of r Lieutenant-Colonel
Miley, Shafter's chief aide, - were
brought home on the Senator. He fell
a victim to fever in the Philippines. :y
Changes in ranks of naval officers
have made it necessary to give Sampson
and Schley less advancement than
owould have been given out last session
of congress.
Montana was visited by a disastrous
snow storm, the worst in 20 years.
The loss of life will exceed 20 persons
in Teton county, and 20, 000 sheep per
ished in the storm. . . ..
A scouting party of the Thirty-sixth
volunteers encountered insurgents in
southwest Santa Arita, scattering them,
killing Bix and capturing eight, and 10
rifles. , No casualties. - . .
A cablegram has been received at the
state department from United States
Consul Gudger, at , Panama, stating
that an insurrection has broken out
there, and that martial law has been
declared. ,
Bates, Lawton and Funston have re
ceived deserved appointments. Bates
has been made major-general of volun
teers, Lawton brigadier-general in regu
lar army and Funston has been given
reappointment. t"
One hundred years ago it waB consid
ered a wonderful achievement for ten
men to manufacture 48,000 pins a day.
Now three make 7,500,000 pins in the
same time. .'"..' - j
It is complained that the blacksmiths
of Minneapolis, St. . Paul and Duluth
show lack of interest in the operation
of the horseshoers' license law. . The
members of the craft in Duluth were so
disinterested that they conceded thoir
vacancy to the board of examiners to
The Boer loss at Eland's Laagto wai
46 killed and 64 wounded. " - ; r
John Barrett, ex-United States min
ister to Siam, is lecturing in the South,
Eight men. were buried alive by. a
cave-in on the Isabella mine at Cripple
Cteek, Colo. - " ' '
President McKinley and Secretary
Long attended the launching of the Shu-
brick at Richmond, Va. ' " ? '
The Twentieth Kansas volunteers
have been mustered out. They left for
home on a special train. '
'. Colonel Ray thinks the Valdes trail,
an all-A'iterican route to the Alaskan
gold fields,, suitable for a railroad..
: Agents of the Transvaal government
are in Chicago seeking to enlist Amer
icans for service in the - ranks of the.
Boers.- . . . ,
With impressive military honors the
body of General Guy V- Henry was
buried at Arlington cemetery, Wash'
ington. .. r, .
. The move for the increase of the Ger
man navy was made by Emperor Wil
liam in person, and as yet is wholl
unsupported. . ,
The Fourth infantry, 1,200 officers
and men, has left Fort Riley, Kansas,
for San Francisco, en route to th
Philippines. ' : -. ... . ;
A circular issued by the Ohio repufo
lican state executive committee, soliC'
iting contributions! from . federal em
ployes has been ; declare by the civil
service board, contrary to law. ;
According to the latest reports from
Cape Town .General Joubert has joiner
hands with the Free State forces, and
there has been - some outpost fighting,
President Kruger has arrived at Glen'
coe. A-.' -I. ",-'-- l-0
Michael Hatal was killed while per
forming a feat of magio in . catching
bullets in his teeth,- at; New York.
Leaden bullets had been substituted by
some one for the usual "dummy" arti
cle. . - .;,;;f; -4v-.-.-
General Fitzhugh Lee, while visiting
in Washington, said in an ; interview
that the Cuban people are steadily im
proving under the existing protectorate
of the United States, but are not yet
quite ready for purely Cuban govern
ment. ,i :.' ;.j .
- A desperate street fight between
members ofU Tennessee colony recently
located at North Salem, Ind.,? and citi
zens of North Salem, resulted in the
instant death of one man and the fatal
wounding of another, and minor injur
ies for many others. '.'-.
' The special correspondent of the Lon
don Daily Mail at Ladysmith, describe!
the arrival of the war balloon there.
It was welcomed, he said, with wild
dances by the Kaffirs, who regard it ai
a deity. ; General White and General
Archibald Hunter both ascended and
reconnoitered the enemy's position. i -A
national, billiard association ma;
soon be in the field. ' .. r , ;
Washington is said to be the most
productive of the Fanning group ol
islands.-.- '.,- -:
- It is rumored that A. D. Clarke, an
Englishman, may try for the cup to gel
even with Lord Dvinraven.
.. Colonel Frost, says , the stories ol
American soldiers looting churches it
absoultely false. He praises Otis,
' The university of Oregon will play
football against the university of Cali
fornia at Berkeley campus November 18.
St. Louis' world's : fair is to be a
great one. The ; fund has already
reaohed $4,000,000, The total amount
aimed at is $5,000,000.
,,, The White Star steamer Germanic
collided with a barge near Liverpool
and was seriously injured. She will
not sail for New York this trip. .
- Reverend McKinnon asserts ' that
General Luna, the rebel chief killed by
Aguinaldo's orderly, had killed hi
wife and mother-in-law in Paris and
fled. . : x--,""'-''
' - A Paris dispatch says Russia has no
interest in Kruger's people or their lit
tle republio, and . will not interfere.
Germany is said to be friendly to the
English.-. ; v .
A giant brass combine is being
formed which it is stated will comprise
all the plants in the Naugatuck valley,
Connecticut. The main office will be
in New York city..'. - . ' - . . '
The 19 Russian men-of-war in the
Pacific will shortly be reinforced by
six ships from the Eastern squadron.
The Berlin Tageblatt sees in this a con
nection with the rumors of the Chino
Japanese alliance. : ..."
J Seoretary Long will make' a recom
mendation for but a limited increase ol
the new navy in his forthcoming annual
report. . He will devote most of hie
energies to urging abolition of limit ol
cost in the construction of battleships.
Herr Hopeff , ex-treasurer of . the Al
bert Verein, a charitable organization
under the patronage of the king and
queen of Saxony, was sentenoed to im
prisonment for four years and nine
months for misappropriating 250,000
marks of the society's funds. ,. -
At Paris, Mo., the grand jury re
turned an indictment for murder in the
first degree against Alexander Jester,
on the charge of murdering Gilbert
Gates, son of a Chicago millionaire, 28
years ago. ..... .. . . r ;., .....
"It begins," says Tin and Terne,
"to look as though Anderson . tod El
wood are to be the tinplate centers oi
manufacture in the West." '
The union cigar-makers of , Tampa,
Fla.,' have enforced a demand that
cigar factories be scrubbed and cleaned
onoe a month. - . - ,. y -
There are upwards of 1,000,000 ship
pers of produce in the United States,
and it is believed that from their ranks
a strong national organization can be
Destruction of the George B. Stetson 09
..the Const of Fonnoia. -
San Francisco, Oct. 80. Mrs. P. W.
Patton, the wife - of Captain Patton,
whose vessel, the American ship George
B. Stetson,-was burned, at sea off the
coast of Formosa about two months
ago, has just arrived here, and tells a
graphic story of the destruction of the
vessel." She was the : only woman
aboard. : . ;;.; X - -
"I did not understand at first .when
the alarm was given," said Mrs. Pat
ton, "but a moment later my husband
came into the cabin . and told me to
hurry and clothe the baby and myself
for a trip in an open boat.; By the
time I was clothed and reached the
deck, the flames had got. aft as far as
the mainmast, and the rigging almost
above my head was all ablaze.
"The longboat was in the water long
side with eight of the crew. Just as
I got into the boat there was a loud
roar and the skylight and roof of the
cabin were lifted off by an explosion of
the gases that had formed in the room
aft. . A moment later the whole ship
was a mass of flames, and as we pulled
away the mainmast fell. A few min
utes later there was a sudden, roll, and
the ship went down. - .
. "Two days and two nights we were
in that boat. About noon of the sec
ond day we saw land and that evening
we landed on the little island of Ti Pin
Tsen, which was taken from the Chi
nese by the Japanese during the recent
war. We landed at a small village of
the natives and the baby and" I - were
the greatest curiosities the natives had
ever seen. " ,
The George B. ! Stetson was bound
from Portland, Or., for Tien Tsin, with
a cargo ; of ; railroad lumber, in com
mand of Captain Patton. She had a
crew of 20 men. On the evening of
September 10, off the east coast of For
mosa, smoke was discovered coming up
out of the forepeak. Captain , Patton
tried to rally hia crew, but they were
panio-stricken, and paid no heed to dis
cipline, 4. The boats were launched to
save them from burning..
From the island the survivors of the
Stetson went to Nagasaki in a small
Japanese steamer. "--.. ;
Inspection at Vancouver. -
Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 80. Tele
graphic orders from the adjutant-general's
office in Washington were re
ceived today, directing the military
authorities of this department to re
ceive no more recruits for volunteer
service. : ; , . , : ..
The Thirty-ninth regiment, United
States volunteer infantry, .and two
companies of the Forty-fifth, recruited
here, were given general inspection to
day by Captain 'Henry P. McCain, as
sistant adjutant-general, department of
the Columbia, who was appointed in
specting officer for this special purpose.
The inspection : " was thorough : in
very detail of .camp and field service
and equipment. 4. : ' . ' -
Two hundred . and fourteen pack
mules and 80 men arrived here today
from St. Louis. The mules are intend
ed for use of the army in the Philip
pines, and will be sent on the transport
Lennox from Portland. , . , , -
t - Rivera Dismissed. -:.
Havana, Oot. . , 80. General ! Rios
Rivera, , ex-civil governor of the prov
ince of Havana, whose withdrawal
from the governorship was reported
as a resignation, denies : that he re
signed."., He says he was dismissed,
and that he does not know upon what
grounds the dismissal was ordered.
He admits - that he had recently re
marked that he would . resign in the
event that at least one - of the three
nominations he had made to public
office was not approved, but he attrib
utes his : dismissal ; to : the direct in
fluence of Senor Domingo Mendoz Ca
pote, secretary of state in the advisory
cabinet of Governor-General Brooke.
' He Took Tax Honey.
'Eugene, Or., Oct. 80. Deputy. Sher
iff H-VJ. I5ay has been- found to be a
defaulter to the amount of a little more
than $2,100. He went to Portland
last Friday .. on -"business, and tele
graphed his wife from Portland Sun
day, that he would be home Tuesday.
Since then nothing has been heard o
him. , . . ;'.- ' .."'' "
A reward of $100 has been offered
for his arrest. . His defalcation is a
great surprise to his friends, as he has
always been considered . trustworthy.
The money taken was tax money col
lected in the past two months. .
'"Disappearance at Sea.
Washington, Oct. 80. 'News was re
ceived at the war department of the ar
rival of the hospital ship Relief at Ma
nila. - She reported the disappearance
at sea, between Guam and Manila, of
Lieutenant Robert D. Carmody, who
went to Guam with a marine battalion
on the Yosemite, when Captain Leary
was sent out as governor to take posses
sion of the island. There are no details
of the occurrence; It appears Carmody
was taken aboard at Guam, presumably
sick, and on orders home, or else cn
furlough. - It is thought possible he
may have jumped overboard while de
lirious. ; '" ''t .-- - " ;"?
... ' iMIssonri at Port Said. .
Port Said, Oct. 80. The United
States transport Missouri, with a large
quantity of . medical supplies and a
number of nurses, has arrived here, en
route to Manila. ' v ' - ,
Helen Gould and Mormonlam.
New York, Oct. 80. Miss Helen
Gould has given $6,000 to the League
for Social Service to be used in a cru
sade against Mormonism, The league'
has issued 1,000,000 pamphlets in pur
suance of Miss Gould's directions.
They are aimed directly at Mormonism
and Brigham H. Roberts, as congress
man, and will be . distributed all over
the country. When they are exhausted
millions more will follow them. The
pamphlets and blank petitions will be
sent to 50,000 clergymen,
Wealthy V Ilo Ilo Visayan
Violates His Oath.
His Arrest May Lead to an Outbreak of
' Natives Insurgents . Repulsed In a
Skirmish North of San Isidro.
Manila, Oct. 80. M. Rnperto San
tiago, one of the wealthiest Visayans
who had taken the oath of allegiance
to the United States, and who posed as
a friend of the Americans, has been
arrested at Ilo Ilo, while other Visa
yans are being watched. , The prisoner
is charged with organizing a revolt
tionary junta. Santiago owns sugar
estates throughout the island of Negros.
It is asserted that a council of 10
and the manager of the junta met daily
at Santiago's office for the purpose of
engineering an extensive scheme of col
lections for an . insurrection. One of
Santiago's steamers was captured tar
rying supplies to the rebels. : His ar
rest caused rumors of an" outbreak of
the natives of Ilo Ilo, and precautions
have been taken to prevent trouble.
. . A battalion of the Eighteenth regi
ment and marines of the gunboat Con
cord, formed an expedition at Concep
tion,' Northern Panay, to search for the
Concord's coxswain, who was lured
ashore by a white flag, and who is sup
posed to be a prisoner. .. They found
the plape deserted, and burned every
house as a punishment. ' . .
" -i -I . Want to Ficht Boers.' ! r"'
An informal meting was held here
this evening of men proposing to pro
ceed to South Africa to fight for the
British. - More than 100 Englishmen,
Australians and Americans decided to
go. They organized a party and be
lieve they can secure 200 more men.
The volunteers include " ex-soldiers,
frontiersmen, Englishmen familiar
with the Transvaal, and commercial
clerks. .. .-.- - . '
- A Brisk Fight.
Manila, Oct."; SO. General Young's
column, which left San Isidro at day
break, moving northward in the direc
tion of Santa Rosa, encountered the
enemy strongly entrenched just beyond
the Tuboatin river. A brisk fight en
sued . and the rebels . were . repulsed.
Two Americans were killed and one
founded. Pursuit was impossible, ow
ing to - the width and depth of the
stream. ..-. .. . - ..-
Filipino "Envoy Will Not Be Received.
New York, Oct.' , 80. A special, to
the World - from ' Washington says:
Secretary of State Hay, when asked if
Senor Regidor, . the Filipino envoy,
would be permitted . to appear before
the Philippine commission, said:
"I have heard that he contemplated
visiting the United States and - would
present some such plan as that outlined
by the newspapers. He would have no
official oi diplomatic status in Wash
ington, either as agent of the. Filipino
insurgents or as a diplomatic represent
ative of the so-called Filipino govern
ment. The question of his being heard
by the Philippine peace commission
rests entirely with the commission it
self. : The state department is not con
cerned in the matter in any way- " ::
Boers Evidently Reconstructing; Their
Plans English Are Resting.
London, Oct. 80. The war situation
this morning presents no new features.
It is presumed in Natal that the Boers
are reconstructing their ; plans and that
the English are resting, but telegrams
from Ladysmith, at express rates, still
occupy -48 hours in transmission to
London, and,' therefore, it is not im
possible that something is happening.
The Daily Telegraph has the follow
ing from Ladysmith, dated Wednesday:
, "Our cavalry patrols have been fired
on this afternoon and chased by the en
emy near the scene of the Reitfontein
engagement.; The Boers show signs of
becoming aggressive. We learned of
the capture of the hussars in response
to a military wire sent, to Command-'
ant-General Jonbert."
- According 'to the latest account of
the first ' battle at Glencoe, the Boer
army amounted to 7,000 men, and
about noon another army, almost as
large, under Commanant-Geneval Jou
bert, , advanced within 6,000 yards of
Glencoe camp and . then retired. . The
Boer losses were very heavy, fully 800.
On the Northern Border.
, Cape Town, Oct. '80. A" telegram
from Buluwayo, Rhodesia, says: A
Boer force is threatening Chief Khama
and Chief Linchwei, . who are loyal to
Great Britain. . The two chiefs' coun
try lies at the extreme northwest of the
Transvaal and includes Bechnanaland.
It seems a gross mistake for the Boers
to ' provoke war among ' the natives.
The probable explanation is that the
Boer force intends to destroy the rail
way to Buluwayo, whioh runs through
Khamas' country ,and thereby prevent
a movement by Colonel Plnmer's force
to go to the relief, of Mafeking. Al
ready there have been stories of a Rho
desian armored train engaging the
Boers some distance north of Mafeking.
- v V Rhodes Watched the Fight. - '. .
Cape Town, Oct. 80. According to
further sadvices from . Kimberley, the
Boers removed ; their - killed and
Wounded in cars. . No reliable estimate
pf their losses has been made. Mr.
Rhodes rode out and watched the fight.
The townspeople, ' including the
women, mounted the trenches, watch
ing eagerly for the return of the troops.
Mr. Rhodes is cheerful and gives din
ner parties daily, at which luxuries are
abundant. . '
President McKinley Issues the Usual
. Proclamation.
The president has issued the folio w
ing proclamation: - .. '
"A national custom, dear to the
hearts of the people, calls for the set
ting apart of one day . in each year for
special thanksgiving to Almighty God
for the blessings of the preceedinsfyear,
This " honored observance - acquires
with time a tenderer significance. It
enriches domestic life; it summons un
der the family roof the absent children
to glad reunion with those they love.
Seldom as this nation had greater cause
for profound thanksgiving. No great
pestilence has invaded our shore; lib
eral ' employment waits - upon labor,
abundant crops have rewarded the
efforts of the husbandman. Increased
comforts have come to the home. - The
national finanoes have been sustained
and made firmer. In all . branches of
industry and trade there .has been an
unequaled degree of prosperity, while
there has been a steady - gain in the
moral and educational growth of our
national character. Churches and
Bchools have flourished. : American pa
triotism has been exalted. -Those en
gaged in maintaining the honor of the
flag with such signal success have
been,; in a large degree, spared from
disaster and disease. , . An . honorable
peace has been ratified with a foreign
nation with which we were at war, and
we are now at friendly relations . with
every power on earth. " - ' .
"The trust which we have assumed
for the benefit 'of "the people of Cuba
has :' faithfully v advanced. There is
marked progress toward the restoration
of healthy industrial, conditions, and
under wise sanitary regulations the
island has " enjoyed unusual exemption
from the scourge of fever. The hurri
cane which swept over our1 new pos
session of Puerto Rico, . destroying the
homes and property of the inhabitants,
called forth the instant sympathy of
the people of the ( United States, who
were swift ; to respond with generous
aid to the sufferers. While the insur
rection still continues in ' the island of
Luzon, business is resuming its activ
ity and confidence in the good purposes
of the United States is being; rapidly es
tablished throughout the ' archipelago,
i "For these , reasons, ; and countless
others, I, William McKinley, president
of the United States, hereby name
Thursday, the 80th day of November
next,, as a day of general thanksgiving
and prayer, to be observed as such by
all our people . on . this continent and
in our newly acquired islands, as well
as by those who may be at sea or so
journing ' in ' foreign ' lands, and I ad
vise that on this day religious exercises
shall be conducted in the churches or
meeting places ' of ' all denominations
In order that in the social features of
the day its real sigificance . may not be
lost sight of, , but fervent prayers may
be offered to the Most High for a con
tinuance of the divine guidance, with
out which man's efforts are vain, and
for divine consolation to those whose
kindred ..and . friends ; have sacrificed
their lives for our country. ... ...
I recommend also, that on this
day, bo far as may be found practicable,
labor shall cease from, its .accustomed
toil, and charity abound toward the
sick, the needy and the poor. -
- In witness whereof I have set my
hand and caused the seal of the United
States to be affixed. : r -
Is It Malaria or Alum? '
Languor, loss of appetite, indigestion
and often feverishness ;:are the com
mon symptoms .of --a physiological con
dition termed "malaria. '.'y All these
symptoms may be and frequently are
the effect of the use Of alum baking
powders in food making. ' Theref is no
question about the poisonous effect of
alum upon the system. It obstructs
digestion, prostrates the nerves, coagu
lates and devitalizes the blood.""' All
this has been made clear, thanks to
physicians, boards of health, and food
commissions. So "highly injurious to
the health of 'the community" doe's
the eminent head of the University oi
Pennsylvania, Dr. Barker, consider the
alum baking powders, . that . he says
"their . sale should be prohibited Dy
law." -.' - ': -y ':'
Under these circumstances : it ' is
worth the while of every housewife to
employ- the very - little care that is
necessary to keep so dangerous an ele
ment from the food of her family..' '' ';;
A pure cream of tartar baking pow
der, which is the only kind that should
be used, ought to cost about forty-five
to fifty ,; 'cents a pound. Therefore, ii
you . are paying much less, something
is wrong; if you are paying twenty-five
cents or less per pound, the.' powder
is certainly made from alum.;. .
Always bear these simple facts in
mind when purchasing baking powder.
Popular Science Monthly. : . -:
';r Musio Kills a Horse. ,
Musio caused the death of a beauti
ful 8-year-old filly at Florence, Ala.,
the . other day. A' farmer drove his
valuable young mare into town, and as
he was driving up the principal street
a brass band suddely struck up its bla
tant musio. The mare had never heard
a sound like that before and so startled
was she that she dropped dead in the
shafts of the trap. , A veterinary sur
geon who examined the carcass declared
that the mare had died of heart failure,
due to excitemet caused by the sound
of the uaocustomed musio of the brass
band. Roanoke News. .,": . -'-'
' Maryland's Women Voters. '
The first election ever held in Mary
land at which women were allowed to
vote for municipal officers was held in
Arundel recently. The town is gov
erned by seven commissioners elected
each year by the legal voters residing
within the corporation and owners oi
real estate. The census recently taken
showed that there were 852 . persons at
Arundel. ' ' ' ..
About one German woman in, 27
Works in a factory.
Experiencing Many Difflcul
' ties on the March.
The Boat Was Fired Upon by . a Party
of Insurgents Rearing a White Flag
,: Gen. Bates Ordered South,
Manila, Oct. 81. General Young,
With the infantry, is advancing upon
Cabanatuan : under difficulties. . The
country is furrowed with rivers and
deep ravines, the bridges over which
have been destroyed; the mud is deep,
rations are short, and the - transporta
tion of supplies has ; been delayed by
low water, and the poor condition of
the roads. '. There are sufficient stores,
however, to keep the brigade. " The in
surgents for a long time have lived off
the ; country, ' impoverishing it. The
American horses are not yet "accus
tomed to w the native grass and a long
bullock train left San Fernando carry
ing hay for the cavalry ,:
The Spaniards report that there are
no insurgents at Cabanatuan. ': The
gunboat Laguna de Bay dispersed a
foroe of rebels who were engaged in
constructing " trehchei beyond . Santa
Rosa. ' The boat was - fired . upon by a
party of insurgents ; bearing a white
flag. She is now -aground. - -
Numbers of Chinese . are coming to
Angeles from Tarlac, paying the insur
gents for the . privilege. , It is reported
that Aguinaldo and .. the Filipino con
gress are still at Tarlao.
: There are about 8,000 insurgents be
fore Angeles. . They have been quiet
for the past week. . ; . . v '
Two thousand rebels are at Bamban,
five miles to the north. '
General Bates has been recalled from
San Fernando, and ordered to sail for
11.A as...tln. .'..!..... .
Situation Sufficiently Dangerous to Ex-
.; cite Anxiety, :
London, Oct. 81. The position ol
Ladysmith, without being alarming, is
sufficiently dangerous V to . excite anx
iety. Evidently the Boers are trying
to repeat their Dundee tactics. Roughly
estimated, they have 17,000 men, as.
against .12,000 ..British.. General- Sir
artillery, - but his is of lesser range.
The delay in the Boer attack is reported ,
to be due to the non-amval - of Com
mandant-General Joubert's column.
This has given' the British - a much
needed respite after their, recent exer
tions, i . ; - ..
. Everything, it is now considered,
hinges on General White's resources
and judgment. Nothing is known re
garding the progress of defensive works
for the protection of Ladysmith. The
censorship is ' more active than ever.
According to the Daily Chronicle's cor
respondent, "the new regulations limit
the number of words allowed for press
messages to one-fourth the number al
lowable before." ; - -
Farmers . In , the - neighborhood of
Ladysmith have left their farms and
stock at the mercy of the Boers and are
congregated in the town. ; . -
Two guns the Boers have mounted
are powerful weapons." They are the
ones used in shelling Dundee, and it is
a matter of considerable surprise how
they managed to : transport such heavy
pieces.-' .."--' ... 'Wj..:-..
Fourteen " Persons Were " Cremated in
. Faires. Alabama., j , . v.
Mobile, Ala. j Oct.; 28. News was
received here today that 14 people had
been burned to death at Faires, Bald
win county, about 30 miles northeast of
Mobile. Sometime Monday night last
fire destroyed the dwellings of Harry
Gooodlaw and Samueli Smithson, cre
mating all the occupant of both houses.
The Goodlaw family consisted of
father, mother and six ohildren. There
were six persons residing in the Smith
son home, the husband, : wife, three
children, and a sister of Mr. Smithson.
The fires are believed to have been of
accidental origin." ,
Storm In West Indies.
Santiago de : Cuba, Oct. 81. After
days of continuous rain storms, a terri
fic hurricane from the southeast swept
over Santiago today, causing much des- -truction.
- Twelve houses were wrecked
and others badly damaged. "- The un
precedented rainfall continues. - Tele
graph wires are down, and it is impos
sible for vessels to . enter or leave the
harbor. A Ward liner has been de
layed ' four days. The United States -transport
Burnside has been kept cruis
ing outside . the harbor, , and fears are
entertained for the safety of the fleet of
schooners from Hayti and Jamaica that
usually arrive on Monday morning.
1 '..-..-'Jamaica Was Swept. -
Kingston, Jamaica, v Oct. 81. Re
ports of the severe rain storm that has
swept the conutry arrived from various
points and confirm the fear that exten
sive damage has been done. The Rio
Cobre inundated " Spanishtown, doing
considerable harm. - All the railroad
lines are interrupted, ' and most of the ,
highways ' are impassable in conse
quence of the floods and landslides.
Advioes from the town of Black River
report great damage to shipping and
wharves, as well as ' serious injury to
Six Hundred Sheep Cremated. -
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. ; 81. The
sheep pens at the stockyards, covering
an entire block, were destroyed by fire
last night, and 600 head of sheep were
cremated.. Four firemen were seriuosly
injured by falling walls, and . one of
them, Charles Peterson, driver of a
hook-and-ladder truck, may die. The,
loss is estimated at $90,000,