True 'Economy The difference of cost between a good and a poor baking pow : der would not amount for a fam ily's supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would cost many times this in doctors' bills. Royal Baking Powder may cost a little more per can, but it insures perfect, wholesome food. In fact, it is more economical in the end, because it goes further in leavening and never- spoils the food. Royal Baking Powder used always in making the biscuit and cake saves both health and money. You cannot, if you value good health, afford to use cheap, Jow-grade, alum baking pow ders. They are apt to spoil the food; they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is deleterious. ROYAL BAKING MWOEH CO., NaVV YORK. The Mlsslenary'a Little Joker. A native Maori chieftain, the de scendant of cannibal kings, is now com pleting his medical education in Chi cago. Cannibalism ended in his tribe, he eays, when Bishop Selwyn converted his grandfather; but he tells some stap les of it which have a distinctly humor rous flavor. - For instance: It is said that onoe a chief captured a missionary who was anything but a toothsome morsel, as he was old and thin and looked as if his flesh would be tough. The missionary warned the ohief that he would not make a good dinner, and pulling up his trousers, cut a slice off the calf of his leg and. offered it to the chief. The - chief tasted it, said he didn't like it, and passed it to a sub chief. The sub tasted it, made a wry " faoe, and passed it on. The next man who took a bite of it spat it out. The missionary was released. After he had gone it was discovered that he wore a cork leg. - ' : Use of Great Name. Here's a tip for some of our old friends who have big names and need a little ready money: Turner Beall, president of the Produce Exchange Trust Company used to be seoretray of the Produce Kxcange and of the New York Southern Society. Among the men of his acquaintance he admires none so much as he does Colonel Wil liamde Hertburne Washington. A lit tle while ago he asked Colonel Wash ington if he might use his name in a financial transaction. Having implicit faith in Beall, the colonel consented, and was pleased to receive a short time afterward a check for $15,000, his hare of a deal made by his friend on the strength of the name of Washing ton. - " The Elder's Inspiration. At the close of a forenoon session of a ministerial conference, in announcing the opening subject for the afternoon, the presiding officer said: "Elder H. will present a paper on 'The Devil.' " Then he added, earnestly: "Please be prompt in attendance, for Brother H. has a carefully prepared paper and Is full of his subject." And the Homiletic Review says that it was some minutes before the presiding offi cer understood the laughter which fol lowed his remarks. Cooked Towel. In Vienna. One of the best known citizens of Santa Clara, who has been along while Europe, brings back a number of funny stories about Vienna. - "In that city, " he says, "poker and cocktails are playing the duce with men and women, especially these pre pared cocktails. I was in a Viennese liquor place where one of the men spoke a little English. '"Buy a bottle of cooked towels?' he asked me. v . " 'Gracious, what is that?' , " 'Not know cooked towels? -Surely monsier is an American?' " 'I am.' '". " 'Why cooked towels is the name of your drink. The great American drink.' . . " ' ; -" " 'Do you mean cocktails?' I asked. ' " 'Ah, mon Dieu, no. - Cooked tow els. See, here's the inscription.' - " 'We call these cocktails, my friend. ' " "Ah, thank you, I thank you. I ask the American ladies and gentlemen to buy the cooked towels and they laugh at me. Now I know. It is cockus tails. Ah, that is good to know; cockus tails.' " San Francisco News Letter. Returned the Compliment. The obsequious person who seeks fees from travelers by pretending to mis take them for noblemen occasionally meets one who does not fall into the trap. The following example is taken from an English paper: An English gentleman of somewhat imposing per sonal appearance had a door opened for him at the Paris opera house by an usher, who bowed low and said: "The door is open, prince." The English man glanced at him, and, without ex tending the expected fee, sipmly said: "Thank you very much, viscount." In Too Great Baste. Wife What's the matter, John? You walk lame. Husband Yes, a pretty girl with fluffy hair and dia mond earrings got on the car coming up, and I sprained my leg in giving her a seat. New York World. Ho One Said Nay. "Scotland's emblem is a thistle, and her poets are fond of talking about braes," said - the reckless punster. "One would judge from this that Cale donia is a paradise for donkeys." 25c SAMPLE BOTTLE 10c FOR NEXT 30 DAYS No DISEASE has so baffled the medical skill of all ages as RHEUMATISM. and no remedy ham over boon known to euro It until "3 Drops," the Rheumatlo Cure . demonstrated Its wonderful curative power, V.. Jt ham never failed to oura RHEUMATISM In any form, Aouto or Ghronlom fvn I. wrrmt a PramlnMift T vslMnn haa 1 1 wttn tiaksi hail ftfl tkade mask - years of active Practice of Medlaln. t I have never before In my m years of cractlcc of medicine riven tny testimonial or recom mendation to any patent medicine, but there Is a remedy, the result of which has come under my own observation ; for there Is no Disease which has so baffled the medical skill of all ages as Kheumatlsm and to Una a llellable remedy lor the same. At last we have found it "5 DROPS," manufactured by the Swanson Hheumatio Cure Company, Chicago, 111. .. The "5 DROPS," has prove Itself wonderful for its curative power In Rheumatism, not in l Temporary Reliever only, but to give a Permanent Cure even in chronic cases. Son ago, I had among others several Rheumatic esses, under my treatment and prescribed for these patients the very best Remedies which I skillfully selected, but without desirable results. I then beard of 5 DROPS " and of its Wonderful Cares, and prescribed it to a few patients who HAS A HOUSE FULL OF HONEY Wisconsin Farmer Makes a Disoovery in an Abandoned Building-. Mr. Whitte, a Pleasant Prairie, Wis,, farmer, has more bees and honey than he knows what to do with. -About two years ago a swarm of bees took possession of an old frame house on his farm and as they were not disturbed they multiplied until there are mil lions of them. . Mr.' White recently made an attepmt to enter the old house; he succeeded in getting far -enough to find the whole interior ; lined with honey comb and then he made a hasty retreat. He says there must be several hundred pounds of honey there, but he does not want any of it at present. He will wait fcr zero weather before making another at tempt. ; -. ' -. ' . i j The machinery moulders of Pitts burg have decided to ask the manufac turers for an advance in wages of at least 10 per oent, and the establish ment of a minimum wage rate of not less' than $2.75 per day. The attend ance numbered over 300, representing every machine shop in the city and al- most 1,000 skilled mechanics. The moulders have made no demand for a wage advanoe since- 1880, when they won their fight "after a short strike. Since that . time wages have gone up and down, and all semblance of um formity has been obliterated. Some of the shops are paying as high as ?3 a day, while others pay 40 to 50 cents An ordinary' dinner-table wine glass was recently broken by singing. The man who did it had a deep, full voice, He set the glass on the table, stood be; side it and ran up and down the scale as though in search of a note. When he settled on one rather high the glass shook visibly. The note was repeated sung as loudly as possible, and finally the glass shivered and crashed into bits, The lily of the valley contains prus- sic acid. It is thought dangerous to put the stalks in a person's mouth, be cause if the sap chances to get into a crack in the lips an annoying swelling is produced. : A MAGNIFICENT WOMAN, Holds Up Peruna as the Ideal Rem edy For Female Catarrh. found relief from its use within a few days. After that I prescribed it to a great number and to my surprise, I will soy that in the course of Two or Three Weeks after they had used "O DROPS" and "5 Drop" Plasters they were Cured. Amonsr these were a few who had. for a number ef veara been suffering with Chronic! Rheumatism, who had piloted themselves around on Crutches. They came to my ofBce with out vrutcnes ana 101a me iney were perieciiy well. . xncy give an tne crm to " o wkui h -end to "a Drop" Plasters and this is their testimony t. the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Com out Crutches and told me they were perfectly Well. pany for tbeir kindness and for the conscientious fay in whloh they are placing these Wonder- ful Remedies among suffering humanity, which they told me to write to the Company as an acknowledgement. - - , As I have seen the Curative Power of "5 DROPS" and "5 Drop" Plasters, In a great many instances, I can Truly recommend them and also that the firm is perfectly honest and re liable to deal with. C. A. JACKSON, Physician and Surgeon, Kearney, Neb., Aug. 29, 1890. Haw Lohg Hmvm You Svffmrd with RHEUM A TISM 7 How Long Hmvm Ton Rmmd About "S DROP" Without Tmklng Thorn T - - Do you not think you have wasted precious time and suffered enough? If so, then try the " 5 drops " and be promptly and permanently cured of your afflictions. " 5 Drops " is a speedy and Sure Cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago (lame back), Kidney Diseases, Asthma, Hay-Fever, Dyspepsia, Catarrh of all kinds, Bronchitis, La Orlppe, Headache, Nervous or Neuralgic, Heart Weakness, Dropsy, Earache, Spasmodic and Catarrhal Croup, Toothache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Creeping Numbness, flalaria, and kindred dis eases. " 5 Drops " has cured more people, during the past four years, of the above named diseases than all other remedies known, and in case of Rheumatism is curing more than all the doctors, patent medicines, electric belts and batteries combined, for they cannot cure Chronic Rheumatism. ' Therefore, waste no more valuable time and money longer, but try " $ Drops " and be promptly CURED. " 5 Drops " is not only the best medicine, but it is the cheapest, for a $ 1.00 bottle contains 300 doses. Price per bottle $1.00, prepaid by mail or express, or 6 bottles (or 45-00. For the next 39 days we will send a 35c sample FREE to any one pending 10 cents to pay for the nailing. Agents wanted. Write to-day. s SWANSON RHIUMATIO Cy Rf Cp leO-lM E. LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. g; r Mrs. Clara Makemer. Mrs. 'Cllara Makemer, housekeeper for the Florence Crittenden Anchorage Mis sion, of Chi -ago, writes the following letter from 802 Chestnut street, Chi cago: .; ..- : - "Peruna is the best tonio I have ever known for general debility, a sur cure for liver complaint, and a nevei failing adjuster in cases of dyspepsia. "I have used it in cases of female irregularities and weak nerves com mon to the sex, and have found it most satisfactory." From early girlhood to the end of th child-bearing period ' few women an entirely free from some degree of ca tarrh of the pelvio organs. . ' . With Peruna the thousand and one ailments dependent upon catarrh ol the pelivc organs can be wholly averted. "Health and Beauty" sent free to women only, by The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. v The Grand Braee. One of the Bohemian citizens of the town went home the other . night after having donned a pair of skates that would have slid him over an Arizona desert with the mercury bubbling out of the top of " the thermometer. He had no recollection of how he got home and even the next morning he was not certain whether he was on a storm tossed Atlantic liner or making a leap from a balloon minus a parachute, He went down ' to the breakfast table with enough." wet towels wrapped around his head to make a turban for the mahdi. His "wife met him with reproaches in her eyes, but she did not scold mm. .She wanted to inform him of his conduct the night before, how- ever. "My dear,';' she said, "did you know that you came very near killing us all when you went to bed last night?" "Nope," said her husband, thickly, as he felt his hot forehead. . "Well, you did. You knocked over the baby's cradle. Then you blew out the gas and we were nearly as phyxiated. What do you think of that?" ; Her husband is usually a resourceful man, but the fumes of many cocktails taken the night before somewhat cloud ed his intellect. He made a grand brace and tried to look pathetic. . M'love, he said, as a rayof inspir ation burst through his foggy brain, "wasn't I here to die with you?" Washingtoa Post. - r Vanderbilt an Inventor. "She works, Mr. Waite," said Cor nelius Vanderbilt,- Jr., as he entered the office of the superintendent of mo tive power of ; the New York Central railroad. He had just come down from Albany, ' where locomotive No 947 had been tested to see if the fire box invented by Mr. Vanderbilt was a real fire box or only a toy. v The young scion of the great rail roading family ran the locomotive him self. It was built at the company's shops at West Albany, and it made its first tirp on Wednesday afternoon. The Vanderbilt fire box can be easily taken out for repairs and put back again. This is an improvement over fire boxes in use at present, which can not be extracted under 10 days. : Young Cornelius, the inventor, is a draftsman in Mr. Waite's office, and has designed several locomotives. Explosives. Thirty years ago there were only two dozen explosive compounds known to- chemists; now there are over 1,000. Passing of the Horse. 80 soon as nature sees an improvement there is a change. The candle gave way to electricity and the horse to the automobile. The fact that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has been sold for over half a centurv. proves its value.1- There is nothing to equal it tor stoniacn or liver trouDie, The Old Man Caught. The Father Yonng man, I think 1 heard you kissing my daughter in the parlor a short while ago. The Yonng Man- Oh I then you are not as deaf as people think you are, af ter all ? Yonkers Satesman.: , There Is more Catarrh In this section of the oountry than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, ana py constantly railing 10 cure witn local treatment, pronounced it incurable, Science has proven catarrh to be a constitu tional disease, and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man- uiaoiurea Dy r. j. uneney uo., xoieao, unio, U the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Ad. dress. P. J. CHENEY s CO., Toledo, O, Sold by Druggists, 78o. Hall's Family Pills are the best. - - literary Switzerland. A French statistician ' records that Switzerland ' produces annually more books than any other country in pro portion to the number of inhabitants namely, one to every 8,000. Germany comes next with one to every 8,200,' Italy with one for 8,800, France one for 8,500, England one for 6,500 and the United States one for 12,400. Pittsburg Post. ' Improved, Train Kqnipment. - The O. R. &,N. and Oregon Short Line have added a buffet, smoking and library car to their Portland-Chicago through train, and a dining car service has been : inauguarated. - The train is equipped with the latest chair cars, day coaches and luxurious first-class and ordinary sleepers. Direot connec tion made at Granger with Union Pa oiflo, and at Ogden with Rio Grande line, from all points in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho to all Eastern cities. For information, rates, etc.,-call on any O. K. & N. agent, or address VV. H. Hurlburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland. : - . A half million-dollar cotton mill let to be erected in North Carolina and operated by electric power entirely. Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a family medicine with us since 1865. J. K. Madison, 2400 42d Ave., Chicago, Ills. - To - help the lock-out workmen in Denmark an entertainment and ball was given in Brooklyn recently, ,1 ITS Permanently Cured. No fitsor nervousness after first day's dm of Dr. Kline's Grttni Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE S2.QO trial Donieana treatise, vn. n. tu JUSiHi, LXO., 1 Area street, Philadelphia. Pa. - A $500,000 sugar beet factory has been offered Fort Dodge if sufficient beets are guaranteed. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Booth. ins SvniD the best remedv to use for their children during the teething period. For 13 years the left arm of " Eli Forbes, of East Brushfield, Mass., had been useless from rheumatism. ' He was sitting at his 'window one evening recently when a 'thunderstorm arose. A flash of lightning seemed to play about his affected arm, causing a shock and prolonged pricking sensation. In an instant the arm shot forward invol untarily, and , from that time it has been as well as ever. ' Beginning Tuesday last, the Denver Overland Cotton Mills put on a double shift of workmen in response to the de mand for : low grade cotton stuff throughout the country The compan, will run day and night. The former force was 250 employes, but this will be doubled as rapidly as the works can be adjusted to -the new conditions. The Unpardonable Breach. "Maud, would you like to sue a man for breach of promise?" . 1 - - v "Not unless the promise he had made was to buy me ice cream."- Chicago Record. ACTIVITY IS WIDESPREAD. Tolume and Value Testify to Prevailing Prosperous Conditions.. ' Bradstreet's says: Trade activity is widespread, all volume and value testi fying to prevailing prosperous condi tions. Only good reports are received from distributive ' trade centers, and some markets report fall demand as holding ' out longer than - expected, Railway earnings, bank clearings, re turns and quotations of staple prices are all encouraging, pointing as they do to a maximum volume of business for this period of the year.; Crop re turns for October bear our earlier im pressions of shortened yields of most leading agricultural products.. . Expec tation of more moderate yields of lead ing cereals is not confined to this coun try; the world's wheat crop will admit tedly be smaller, and rye, barley and oats yields are not expected' to be so large as a year ago. The higher range of prices of all staples, and particularly of agricultural products, will furnish a profitable balance of producers. The liberality of foreign demand is perhaps, best known in the September report of exports of leading products. Shipment of breadstuffs are as large as those of August, and there was natur ally a heavy gain in-cotton exports, which are doubled those of the same month a year ago. Totals of leading exports show an increase of 23 per cent over September, 1896, but a decrease of 8.5 per cent from . September 1897. which witnessed very heavy shipments of breadstuffs. Wheat, including flour,' shipments for the week aggregate 5,265,634 bush els, against . 5,183,898 bushels last week, 4,729,996 bushels in the corre sponding week of 1898, 5,549,720 bush els in 1897, 4,156,817 bushels in 1896 and 2,409,446 bushels in 1895. Business failures in the United States number 164, as compared with 146 last week. ' - PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Portland Market. - - Wheat Walla Walla, 57 & 58c; Val ley, 680; Bluestem, 60c per bushel Flour Best grades, $3.25; graham, $2.65; superfine, $2.15 tier barrel. Oats Choice white, 85 36c; choice gray, 88 84c per bushel. Barleys-Feed barley, $15 16.00; brewing, $18.5019.00 per ton. Mulstuffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16 per ton. --. - .: . - Hay Timothy, $9 11; clover, $7 8; Oregon wild hay, $6 per ton, Butter Fanoy - creamery, 45 50c: seconds, . 4042o; dairy, .80 35c; store, 222740. Eggs 2022Kc per dozen. Cheese Oregon full . cream, 18c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, ; $3.00 4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs, $2.003.50; geese, $6.007 for old; $4.506.60 for young; ducks, $4.50 5.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 12 14o per pound. Potatoes-5060o per sack; sweets, 22o per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 90c; per sack; garho, 7o per pound; cauli flower, 75o per dozen; parsnips, $1; beans, 5 80 per pound; celery, 70 75o per dozen; cucumbers, 50o per box; peas, 84o per pound; tomatoes, 25o per box; green , corn, 122 15o per dozen. .;.- Hops 710o; 1897 crop, 56o, Wool Valley, 1213o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 814o; mohair, 27 8O0 per pound. s Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 3&c; dressed mutton, 6 7o per pound; lambs, 7Ko Tier pound Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $6.00 7.00 per 100 pounds. Beef Uross, top steers, $3.504.00; cows, $3 8.50; dressed beef, 67Mc per pound. Veal Large, 6M7Mc; small, 8 8to per pound. - ' Seattle Markets. Onions, new, $1.251.50 per sack, Potatoes, new, 75c$l. Beets, per sack, $1.10. Turnips, per sack, 75o. Carrots, per sack, 90o. Parsnips, per sack, 90c. Cauliflower, 75c per dozen. Cabbage, native and California.' $1 !1.25perl00 pounds. Peaohes, 6580o. ' .. - . Apples, $1.25 1.50 per box. Pears, $1.001.25 per box. Prunes, 6O0 per box. Watermelons, $1.50. Cantaloupes, 5075o. ; -Butter' Creamery, 28o per pound', dairy, 17 22of ranch, !217o per pound. - .,- ; ifiggS Z7Z00. Cheese Native, 1314o. . Poultry 14c; dressed, 5c. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $8 11; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $14 15. . . Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $21; whole, $22. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50; blended straights, $3.25; , California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; gra ham, per barrel, $2.90; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.75. Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $15.00; shorts, per ton, $16.00. Feed Chopped feed, $20.50 per ton; middlings, per ton, $22; oil cake meal, perton, $35.00." v ... San Francisco Market. Wool Spring Nevada, 1214oper pound; Eastern Oregon, 12 15c; Val ley, 17 19c; Northern, 810o. Hops 1899 crop, 912o per pound.' ' - '; - Onions Yellow, 7585o per sack. Butter Fancy creamery 29 80c; do seconds, 25 28c; fancy dairy, 24 25c; do seconds, 20 22c per pound. Eggs Store, 22 2 7 c; fancy ranch. 86 38c. - Millstuffs Middlings, : $18.50 20.00; nran, $16.50 17.50. ; Hay Wheats $69.50; wheat and oat $6.008.50; best barley $5.00 .00; alfalfa, $5.00 7.00 per ton; straw, 2535o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 4050o; Ore gon Burbanks, $1.25 1.50; river Bur banks, 50 75c; Salinas Burbanks, 90c $1.10 per sack. Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia, $2.758.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 00; California lemons 75c$1.50; do choice $1.752. 00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50 50 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 66sO per Pound. ' THE -YOUTH'S COMPANION Tor 1900 We 'mean to have the new volume surpass all former ones in the Interest of its articles, , .,, the charm of, its stories, "and the value of its miscellaneous reading. : ; : : : : . The Companion Calendar x For 1900, which is given to every new sub scriber, is a Calendar beyond compare. : : QUBSCRIBE NOW, sending $1.75, the price of a year's subscription, with this slip, or the name of this paper and we will send you The Companion Free for the remain ing weeks of 1899, the beautiful Companion Calendar, and the 53 issues of the new volume to January, 1901. 1 l 303 Send us your address on a postal and we will mail you our Illustrated Announcement of the 1900 volume and sample copies of the Paper Free. The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. J Scarcely any German soap comes to this country. England is Germany's best soap customer, and last year bought 2,250,000 pounds out of a total export of less than 6,000,000. In 1898 Germany's exports of perfume amount ed to $2,250,000, a gain of. almost $500,000 over 1897. 1 - i The Terre Haute city council has passed a resolution for which Council man Eeinbold, . vice-president of the State Federation of Labor, has been working for , three years, that all city printing be done in a union office. Every alderman in Grand Rapids who voted for the street railroad fran chise and stood for, re-election in the recent municipal contest was defeated by ihe labor vote. - . . , Denny "Th' gur-rul thot Oi mar ray must be loike foine silk." Nora "An'J how is thot?" Denny "Not shrink when it comes to washing." When first known to the Romans silk , was so dear that it was sold weight for weight with gold. v - German production of pig iron in the first half of the current year was 4,000,000 tons, against 3,000,000 in the same time in 1898. , . Berlin has the smallest elephant in the world. It is but 89 inches high and weighs 160 pounds. Tacoma cigarmakers earn $12 to $18 ft. -OTAftlr. .- -v-- New York city is to pay unskilled la borers $2 a day. ' - 4-POUND CATALOGUE FPFF hub. iMtvuiTcri, nsnitir ', meyefet, rhoUrgrsplile lust wbattyour storekeeper at home must pay for 'sand will prevent him from overcharging: you on ; explains Juat how to order, how much the iWlirlit, - THIS BIG CATALOGUE eoutalHs lfiSa pse, Is ixm Inches 10,000 Illustration?, the Unreal, Moat'eonplele mnS lowest priced eetelosiw itr?vUTu.'". ",'S!,ts TH' iPWESTWHOlESAlt CHICAGO PltlCES M EVEAYTHINO Including everythin,: in Groceries, Drueo, IlrjUued., K tlooe, UloUtlnf. , Uleako, Dreetee, Boote Md Skoes,, Jewelry, Books, ' Herd were,, Irrleultarel Implesieals, rursillare, Harness, Saddles, Buggies, Sewlag Backless, troekerj, Organe, Pianos, Mnsieal Instrnsieate. rnrnlsklng woods, duns, Re.ol.era, risking Tsekle, Blereles, Pkatographlo Muu"s um i cud juoii nuavj anythlnir you DUV . e xpt-ou or mall will be on anything to your town. The bic book costs nearly fl.OO, the poRtajre alone Is SI cents. OUR FRFF OrrPR Cut this ad. out and aend to us r vrrpH. with ia ectaU ln .tamps to help pay the 34 cents postage, ad tlie Big Book wilt he seat ( Fit KM by sill potpId,and if you don't think It In worth 100 tlmen the lfteenta you send, as a Key to the lowest wholesale prioos ol everything, say so and we will immediately return your 16 eenli. WHAT THE PKEHS SAYB ABOUT THIfl CATALOG ITEi "It Is a monument of business mformation." Minneapolis (MinnJ Tribune. : "A wonderful piece of work." Washington National Tribune. "The Catalogue is a wonder." Manchester N. H. Union. 'Rears, Roebuck A Co. li one of the largest houses of Its kind In Chicago." Chicago Inter Ocean. OtralrJ pofslbly be sent Into a district." Boyce's Monthly, Chicago y , a v.a vavwuvHU" " m 'Ml uopKrfriueii BW1U PUIIVU QOW1I,- AUttnio UOrirUl UHlOn. "The catalogue is certainly a merchandise encyclopaedia." Chicago Ep worth Herald- " A law should be passed compelling the use of this catalogue In all public schools." The Hon. G- A- Sonthtoun. We COUld QUOte thousands Of similar nxtrmotm. fUnd 1ft Anta at nmmm ..II! -.i ib. A-.-a knL .. Add,M' SEAR8. ROEBUCK & CO. lno.), CHIOACO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. The arabs assert that they were the first to make better. The method was strangely discovered. It was their habit to carry milk in skins, on the backs of camels. , The steady logging of the animals churned the milk into butter. - - y . . PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Folic, and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS; WIRE and lroii fencing; office railing, etc. !W4Alder. Secret of a Girl's Beauty Hob. J. H. Fletcher, formerly I vv.viuv. vi Kuuu V.SUUt, put MXVYf a resident ol Salem, Ore., says : "For oyer two years my daughter bad been deollnlng from a strong, healthy, rosy-cheeked girl to a pale weak and helpless Invalid She was afflicted with terri ble headaches, and gradually grew weaker and more languid, apparently without eause. I tried several doctors, butall without avail. Finally, to please a friend, I bought a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Fills for Pale People, and to our sur prise, before It was nsed her head aches ceased, the color began to re turn to her cheeks and lips and her strength began to assert itself. I bought Ave boxes more, nnd by the time she bad finished them she was completely restored, and to-day she is a robust, rosy, healthy girl Instead of a pals, tired and sickly one." Jom tht Oregon independent, Salem, Ore , Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pals People re never told by the dozen or hundred, but always In packages. At all druggists, or direct from the Dr. Williams Medicine Co,, Schenectady, N. Y., 60 cents per box, 6 boast $2.60. en Can't Make a Mistake by Taklrg the Machinery ami Supplies. CAWSTON CO.: ENGINES, BOILERS, MA. clunery, supplies. 48-60 First St., Portland, Or. JOHN POOLE, Portland, Obeooit, can give you the best bargains In general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold by him, is un equalled. - .: - - BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP 0 F FIGS ... MANXTFAOTTTKED BT ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. tsT" NOTE THE NAME. Barters ink Makes millions think. MACHINE PY. ALL KINDS '. ...TATUM St BOWEN... 29 to 36 Flrtt Street V PORTLAND. OR. " . DR. HARTKLV BOOK,', ' ' lief for Women" twuirw, in puun, wuea enreiopo. wtim to-dy for this Book, containing Parti ca Ur And TestijnoiilaU of DR. MAKTliLH French Female Pills. Praised bj thousands of satisfied ladies a safe, always reliable and without an equal, -Boldbralt drutctrisrsln metal box. Frencfc ton In HhiA white unH u.l TbWa .a uk.. rreiwb Orug Co.,88l ft 883 fearlBU, hew Yor City. - Re -wskV C, H. W00DAK0 k CO.. Rupture treated scien tillcally and conildentl al - .j. ... ly. CurrapMstiiet Itlicitil . 108 Second St., Portland. T SURE CURE FOR PILES ITCHING Piles prodnce molsturu and o.QHe ituhins; This form, As welt as Blind, Blending or Protruding Piles are cured by Or. Boaanko's Pile Remedy Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tumors. 60c a Jar at druggists or sent by mail. Treatise free. -Write me about roux case. SU.BOSANKO,Ph ilada., Pa. I rjUEei 1 ta b de.s. Ousrsateed Dot le stricture. For it is the favorite through Dinine Car and Buffet-Library Car Line East. For further particulars call on or address . R. NAGEL, G. P. A. W. E. COMAN, G. A. (J. O. XEBKY, T. i: A. 124 Third Street, Portlanh, Or. YOUNG MEN! For Gonorrhoea and Gleet set Pabst's Okay Specific. It the ONLY medicine which will cure each ami every oase, NO CASE known it has ever railed to cure, no matter how serious or of how long standing. Result from Its use will astonish you. It is absolutely safe. rcv.Dui Hvrioiurw, ana can do ntaeo wiiuout inconve lience and detention from busineM. PTtlOE. ttS.00. For sate by all reliable drafrfsta, or sent prepaid by express, plainly wrapped, on receipt of price, by ' PaBWcHEMIOAlX).,Chlceo,IU. Ciraular mailed on request. - t - CURE YOURSELF? Use Big for unnatural discharges, iiiliaiiinmtious. irritations or ulceration. ' Of Itl Ilf,1H IPrsreots eentMioa. Pninlees, and not astrinC THeEvans OhemicalCo, eut r Poisonous. now y .'ruc-arlats, or sent in plain wrapper, by express, prepaid, for tl.flO, or S bottles, 2.75. Circular wit on -request. 'S,ml7vevrcdP!LLS ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Headache and Dyspepsia, Remove Pimples and Purijy tke ' Blood, Aid Digestion sndPrerent Biliousness. Do not Gripe or Sicken. Tocon.lnce rou.we will mail "?p'e 'ree, or full box for 25c. DK. BOgANKO CO.,Phiia(la.,jVeuna. Sold bj DruggisU. RELIEF FOR WOMAN That tired, languid feeling, the valnsin the back and the olironio headache will disappear quicklyif you take Hoore's Revealed Remedy It Is an Ideal medicine for women, easy and pleasant to take, fl.00 per bottle at your drug. gist's. . k,i Best Cough Syrup. Tames Good. TJse fjl I E3 ' )" t'- "'i PT driigflats. Kr Write lo NATHAN PENSION ir IP BICKFORU. Washington. D. C. they will re I ceive quick replies. B. nth K. H. Vols. Staff 2uth Corps. Prosecuting claims since 187a. K. P. M. V. 'NO. 43-'9t. USD' writing to advertisers please mention this paper,