The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, October 12, 1899, Image 2

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SIaOAN p. shutt.
Subacription Rates:
One year. . . trr. .......... ;.1.60.
Six months '..' ':' 1.00. .
Tliree months ... . . .... ... ; .75.
(utrictly in advance); '
Advi itislng rates mucin known on application
HCOl) RIVER, OR., OCT. xa, 1899.
Pii-tnrcuquc Windings Through a. Re
gion Reminiscent of Pioneers and. In
dian Occupancy. ' '
Orpgonlan, Oct. 1.' ... -- .
Kvryboily who flshos in this port of ,the
Hon invest claims acquaintance with the White
Prlivcn river, orpopite Hood River, since alone-
Bide Its'. foaming cataract and elnmps of fir
runs the read to Trout lake, that Mecca, of all
anglers. Hundreds of Wayfarers from the
crowded city every season travel over this 80-
mile stretch of road, thai heads crammed with
visions of piscatory triumphs and yet those
who .foully fcnow .the lively, gurgling, little
'mouutain sjream thai cheers them ou their
vay may be counted on the fingers of one
hi'uj. -- -
'"Sow day ft may peeome a popular summer
fo te put one finger upon the map, select a
fMraiislng mountain stream for exploration
so Ktadyi vt nen' with a team, of hardy
wAstur ai a wagon load of merry hearts,
1ha-x tj trust mouth to source, through wild
s.d and Bower-tangled meadow, till the glen
iics t canyon, the canyon runs into a
moHBtafn gorge, and sheep-dotted fields give
way to glaciers aud alpine height, that can
silly bo traversed afoot, with ropes and stal
wart trusty guides. , The explorer who thus at
tempt's to trace out the course of the White
Salmon river feds all the enthusiasm of
original invcstigation..He becomes an ardent
student of geography and history at close range,
antf Rntb U the most fascinating diversion in
- the world. : ' ', .'i".';" ' ''-,''',-
St tfees not take him long to discover that no
correct map has ever been made of the region,
and when he returns from his Jaunt, sun-blistered
and unshaven, but happy, ho is sure to
utttshcta the .8 rst man he ..meets" 'on the
atre!, and, pulling a ragged and bepenciled
rquare of folded paper from his breast coat
pocket, point out all the glaring and idiotic er
rors of the pretended mr p-maker.; The mount
ains are put in wrong ; the rivers are wrong.
... riw.,u.'tu ni.unintii-v nnthtnc riirht About it. ex
cept the township lines, v" ' -.......--
- Rises ill a Glacier. "a -
And then he will show you how ' White
.'Salmon river rises in a glacier on the south
west side of Mount Adams, where its waters
can be seen glistening beneath the snow and
ice; how it flows underground until it reaches
the snow line, going west, then southeast, then
three miles south, and then two miles south
east, then south behaving altogether as If it
had quite lost its head. Perhaps it has ab
sorbed some of the populistic notions of its na
tive state. At any rata it goes round and
found, making almost a complete circle of 25
miles to. Trout lake, where It apparently re
gains Its reason and rushes headlong south, in
the strclghtest, most direct line possible, for
.Oregon, as though bent upon getting cut of the
state ol Washington without delay. ,
Stost people, the Original Investigator goes
on to say and there is a touch of scorn in his
voice imagine that because the road that runs
alongside of the White Salmon is full of wind
tugs and crooks, the river is also full of wind
ings and crooks. .But this Is not at all the case.
The rood is as crochety as a woman, but the
river ia as blunt and straightforward as the
typical old Oregonian. In this respect, continues-the
Original Investigator, with an air of
wisdom, it differs greatly from the ordinary
mountain stream, which pursues quite a tor
tuous course, Really the Whfte Salmon is a
tery estsaordinary river. :; ?
Its namef That is derived from the pale
color of the fish found in Its waters. These are
M, worn-out salmon. After they have
spawned their flesh turns white, and they are
so weak that it is an easy matter to catch them.
For this reason the Indians used to flock to the
river in large numbers every year in the fish
ing season, ill order to dry enough fish to last
through the winter. Many interesting relics
have foeuu found in this famous old camping
ground of the Klickitats, and the collector of
joweled Indian arrowheads who visits this
spot, at the river's mouth, will be able to add
considerably to his stock of curios. .m
Home Burned, but Scalps Saved.
It was near this spot that E. S. Joslyn lived,
the first white settler In the section, who made
his home there about 45 years ' ago, and was
burned out twice by the Indians. Once in the
earlv '50s his wife crossed the river to find a
squ.iw whom she needed to help her wash,
She caught sight of groups of unfamiliar,
fiercely painted faces among the braves it was
about the time of the CascadeB massacre but
her suspicions were not .aroused till she re
ceived a significant sign from "Indian John
son," whom old pioneers will remember as a
faithhil and valued friend to the whites; With
out further parleying she took her departure,
aud, recrossing to the spot where she had tied
her horse, found that animal snorting and
plungiug.wlldly, with distended nostrils and
nlooiisk& eyes in a frenzy of excitement at
something he had seen. Thoroughly terrified
by this time, she leapod upon his back, and
they together went bounding , toward home
with the speed of the wind.
There Mrs.Joslyn found her husband, al
ready warned, ready to flee for his life and
merely awaiting her arrival. The family left
everything behind them, and, only a few min
utes after they were out of sight, theft house
was plundered and burned to the ground, amid
the w hoops and yells of the Indians. ' After
ward the Jostyns returned and made another
home,, which was also burned. Their place is
now owned by A, R. Byrket. . "
ilh this exception, due to no fault of their
w o the early settlers along the White Salmon
Hwd 011 very good terms with the Indians.
Tiwj wete iet peace-abiding men, and made
tf-metitv- oi being strictly Just and fair in their
&'uinigs. Uk the. red men. . -
TA. ftat whose Uie Columbia river steamboat
3u; lands for the little settlement of White
SuJojiox contains, a- Urge acreage of choice
M jaw bciay land. It has a warm southern ex
yjswe, and -the residents claim" that the
earliest and finest berries found in the 1'ort
laiid market are grown on its soil, the season
being two weeks earlier than at Hood River,
Which is directly opposite. ): - ... . , .
Famous Jewett Farm.
Barry Jywett is ji pioneer of 25. years ago, : He
has boon extensively engaged in the nursery
business and has always been a good friend of
the lujiiaus, who call him "Man oi God" sag
IiaIio tyea and frequently ask hint to do their
measuring tor them, when dealing with other
i&ei. The Jewett farm contains about 800
bucisvuud is well known for its generous hos
ptUaity c-Wuiue- farul products and romantic
houuty oi situation. The land lies on a level
prj.uuului'y about 4iX) feet ill height, and jut
ting out sharply towards (he Columbia river.
Tuo view up aud down the river from these
beetling rocks is one of wild grandeur.
IVrcued on this bluff, and surrounded by ex
toilenvu.iawns and flower gardens, is the pietur
u&ttuc, vine-covered farmhouse, cheering the
aye witii Us white wails aud bright red roof.
Xedr it is a narrow and 'precipitous gorge,
where a mountain stream tails over fern-covered
rocks', 300 or 400 feet below.' Jersey cream
ana butter and vineyards and orchards of
choice uuits uombine to make lifo comfortable,
wlijiesojiie and happy iu this romantic spot,
as many Portland people who have enjoyed the
hospitality of the Jewett iarm van testily.
Airs. Jewett, even mure tnan most pioneers,
has helped to make nistory. Sue was the lirsl
Bui Lurried the mails to Camas v.rairie. and
U 0118 time, school director. She has I
managed the business of the farm, taught
music, cooked delectable dinners, furnished
contributions to The Arena, and since she was
15 years of ago has, at one time and another,
raised twenty children, of various ages, most
of thorn orphans, especially consigned to her
her motherly care. These are now sturdy lads
aud lassies, efficient and happy-hearted work
ers in the household, or on the farnw With all
this display of boundless energy Mrs. Jewett,
from her childhood up, has had to content!
with, bodily Infirmities such as would have
fendered the ordinary woman useless She If
at present contemplating establishing a stock
farm for the children and making a fish pone'
that shall rival Trout lake. . ( ' . '-."':'
Pioneer- Woman's Indomitable : Pluck.
At least one illustration of her pluck in over
coming difficulties has become known fron
one end of the state of Washington to the other.
About six years ago she invited the state
Grange to meet at her home. - Just before the
time of the meeting, the house was burned to
the ground. Not a whit daunted, she put her
wits and hands to work and, in less than two
weeks she and her husband entertained the
Grange in royal style, feeding several hundred
people on barbecued ox, lemon pie, strawber
ries and the like. The grange women of the
neighborhood helped her serve these to her
guests.; 8ho found beds for over a hundred
persons on this occasion,, and made much of
the bedclothing hersalf. - -
The country that borders on the White
Salmon river, like every other paradise, shows
the trail of the serpent. Rattlesnakes are plen
tiful there, as well as strawberries. The first
white settlers, found them in great numbers,
and the situation was rendered worse by the
superstitious fancies of the Klickitat Indians,
who refused to extirpate them, on the ground
that every rattlesnakewas a departed chief of
great. renown, who would curse them if they
did him harm a queer form a of -doctrine of
transmigration of souls. The Indians have the
same superstition regarding the coyote and the
buzzard. At present the rattlesnakes are
chiefly confined to the fastnesses of a certain
mountain which a body need not climb unless
he wish to and a'' sequestered Rattlesnake
creek, where they have set up an exclusive
oligarchy of their own, which no one cares to
uisturo. ; t .. ... , , ......
Eight miles from the mouth of the White
Salmon, one comes to the falls, where the foam
ing river, seen against a dark background of
fir trees, plunges headlong down Its rocky bed
a distance of 20 feet or more. From here on
the climb to Trout lake about 1800 feet above
sea level is over an easy grade, through dense
forests as yet undosecratod by fire or ax.
Sportsman's Paradise.
In their shady thickets, cougars, wild cats,
coyotes and bears have their lair. Wild cana
ries, several species of snow bird, magpies,
black birds, blue lays and hawks make their
home in the tree tops, while pheasant, grouse
and a few quail are in the brush below, to
tempt the sportsman. Most of the heavy tim
ber along the river Is owned by R. D. Cameron
In some places the sides of the canyon rise ab
ruptly to a height of-several hundred feet.
' It was in such a spot as this that the first ex
ploring party from White Salmon to Trout lake
crossed the river 15 years ago, at which time
the Trout lake country was first explored and
settled. The lake itself is really only a widen
ing of Trout creek, which runs through a com
paratively open ' country into the White
Salmon. The-falls of Trout creek on the land
of August Wagnitz, who controls the mill
power of the little torrent, are fast becoming
popular camping and picnic" grounds with
Portland people. Old settlers say that since
they first came, 15 years ago, the lake has filled
up considerably. It is a beautiful marshy ex
panse of water, half a mile in length by one
fourth of a mile wide, and very shallow, being
only about seven or eight feet deep. It lies
about 10 miles from the snow line of Mount
Adams,, which rises grandly to the north of it.
There are two other lakes In this Section
Steamboat lake, where Trout stream heads,
containing a mound like the bow of a boat, and
Fish lake, which is extraordinarily full of very
large trout, 800 to 400 in a school. Very few
anglers resort there, however, since the lake is
too fur away and inaccessible to make it possi
ble to preserve the fish until they can return to
the settlement. - -
'r' Profitable Dairy Business. ''
The countrjr about Trout lake is fast growing
famous for its dairies, its cheese factories and
stockraising. In the dairy business the profit
averages f35 a head, though 440 a head was
made last year by one dairy. The settlers,
numbering about 35 families, are principally
thrifty Germans and Swiss. Peter Stoler, who
arrived in .'80, was the first pioneer. On the
sidos of Mount Adams are great sheep ranges.
This year 70,000 sheep were pastured on the
south slope, between the Cispus and White
Salmon, and 135,000 more on the north slope,
between the north bank of the Muddy and the
"divide" between the' Cispus and White
Salmon. - . . ' . .. ; :
- The ice-caves are probably the best-known
feature of this section. One of these is 12 or 14
feet in height, and contains thousands of shin
ing icicles, from one to two feet thick, the ice
floor being about the same thickness. The
sparkling beauty of the effect may easily be im
agined. The water, trickling down through
the top of the cave, froze, this year, In July.
There used to be massive columns of ice ex
tending from floor to roof, but these have been
cut away by practical-minded dairymen, who
used them for preserving butter.
The large lava cave, which is nearly a mile
ill length, 50 feet high and 25 feet broad, is fully
as interesting as the ice caves. It has been
known only three years. The opening is from
the top, a 50-foot ladder Carrying one down in
to what seems to the timorous stranger the in
fernal pit Itself. A mile of Cimmerian dark
ness stretches before him, . What a capital lair
it would make for wild beasts ; a bear, or a cou
gar, or a wildcat, might easily make the
descent from the ground above, What if a
malicious Indian, one of the hundreds gallop
ing over the country, should come along and
take that ladder away,' leaving the explorer 50
feet away from sunlight and happiness, -down
in this musty blackness? - " ... ' 'i
"Expansion is strong ", in the
East,-" : says Senator , b'imon, who
has just returned from Washing
ton. ."Our government has taken
a forward position . in the far East
and we cannot retreat without dis
honor, ; The ; American people
would never : sanction the surren
der of a foot of ground won1 by our
arms in the East. ' Neither will
they indorse - the political party
whose leaders propose to throw
away the vast opportunities which
possession of the Philippines : has
opened to our commerce in the
Jiast. . The American people are a
living nation, not a dying one.
They are determined to have, their
share of the trade which the awak
ening of Asia is sure to create, and
no man or combination of men can
turn them back. They are not go
ing to be turned out of China any
more than they were turned out of
Oregon more than 50 years ago.
1 iound republicans generally
in favor of expansion and the demo
crats divided. I should judge that
about half the democrats " I met
were expansionists and the other
half anti -expansionist. ; The ex
pansion democrats whom I met are
not going to follow Bryan into the
so-called anti-imperialist '.'.'camp.
hy 8ayJtPat. the SpaiUSh yf&V WiiS
ill -a QlCasUTe JorCed ftpOlljUg "byjthej
'lowing up of the Maine and the
ill treatment of Cuba, and that it
would be suicidal and cowardly for
us to retreat. Other democrats in
dorse expansion because of the en
larged trade which it is sure to
brine to our shores. It is proba
ble, that if the Spanish war had
been a war of our own seeking, we
should ' now have the " democrats
united solidly' against us.' "As it is
one-half the party., is. patriotically
supporting the government in its
hour of trial, and the ether" half is
seeking to embarass the nation and
cause it to abandon a plain duty
V"The gold standard has come to
stay.--..Republicans,' with whom
talked are determined to have an
unequivocal declaration on the' sub
j ect, to th e end that gold shall be
firmly and perpetiially established
as the monetary standard oi the
United States. I found a strong
sentiment in favor of congress
making an immediate settlement
of this question. '
"Eastern republicans are hopeful
of success in the presidential elec
tion next year. The indications
are that Bryan will be the demo-
cratnj nominee. If he ; is . norm
nated, the republican candidate, no.
matter ., who he may , be,, ; will ' be
elected. Bryan and Bryanism are
lining up for. their final . overthrow
next year. They will face a united
prosperous ' and ' happy country
and their defeat will be overwhelm
ing. ' The fate ; that awaits them
ought to be a lasting object-lesson
to all who seek, to obstruct national
progress and menace the material
welfare of the country."
The Blue Mountain , American
of Sumpter, has been enlarged from
8 to 12 pages, and is undoubtedly
now one of the brightest, ablest and
most prosperous Weekly newspapers
in the United States, 'considering
the size of the town and field in
which, it is published. , Editor E,
E. Young is entitled to great credit
for the rapid manner in which he
is bringing the Sumpter mining
distnet to the tront and to the at
tention of large capital. ' -
Senator Heitfield, of Idaho", now in
Washington, said: ''Fifty per cent, of
the silver republicans in my state whtr
went out ol the party several years ago
have come back, and I believe that more
of them will come in right along. - Many
are coming back on account of the ad
ministration's expansion policy, refusing
trt ern TL-lt-K HoTnrw.vaa that laaim
Goldendale Sentinel. '
-., .... f- -
Dry Goods,
Fancy Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
i-".'r-;f ';.: Crockery.
Hood Riveb, Ok., Sept. 21, '99.
To All Buyers:
Our System, "Buy and Sell for
Cash," has shown wonderful possibili
ties. Our immense cuts on
Dry Goods, 10 to 30 per cent.
Stoves, 25 per cent.
Crockery and Glassware, 20 per
. ; cent. ' ;v -. ...'. .v "
Boots and Shoes, 10 to 50 per cent.
Jewelry and .Silverware, 50 per
cent., to close out, . .-. . ,
'A ' ' Toilet Articles and Perfumes,
50 per cent., to close out.
Clothing, 30 to 40 per cent., to
close out.
j- Mill and Loggers Supplies, 30
per cent., to close out,
has proven that it can be done and
make money. ... Because, the credit
Pays from 2 to 10 per cent, more for
goods j ' - - "
Pays a book-keeper eood waees:
Loses 5 to 8 per cent, of accounts, which
you must pav , -
Loses the cash discounts in buying :
forgets to charge items sold, making a
. . total difference in favor of "Buy and
Sell for Cash" of 6 to 18 per
cent. I Consider this and our LOW
EXPENSES and you knowwhy we
(minus freight)-, and make money.
The complete success of our effort
justifies our decision to include AZdi
GROCERIES on the new percentage
basis. ; ' .
To make our reasoning plain compare
following prices with credit purchases.
Extra C Susar, 18 lbs. . . . . ...... .'. tl.00
D.Gran.j " - 17 fts., 1.00
Washing Soap; full weight. 7 bars. v .25
Pearline Wash, powders, 1 pkg; . . ... .05
Monkey Soap, 3 bars ........ c .... . .25
V, i n. ..'-. IK , , tn
xuocimi; vuuee, J. 1U
Arbuckles " -21b
Mocha and Java, 1 lb ... . .
Sun dried Japan Tea, 1 2
Star Tobacco, I lb. , .
Battle Axe " lit
Scalping Knife, 1 tb , . . .' - .35
BigNickle, 1ft , ".30
White Beans, 33 Va. ; . . . . . 1.00
Pink or Black Beans, 30 tts. . ; . . :. 1.00
No. 1 Rice, 10 lbs : 1.00
No. 3 . ": " 20 lbs.;.;.'::-; ...... 1.00
G Diamond Flour, warranted, bbl. 3.10
H. O. mush, pkg..:; ...10
Grandma's mush, 3 pkgs..; . .-w . - .25
Feed Cash market. -.' .-,..
Pyramid Washing Powder, 4 lbs. , .
Lard, 5s
" 10s.....
Calumet Baking Powder, per can. .
Folgers' " ' " " ..
Prize "' " "
Salmon, -- "
Tomatoes, ..... .. "
Corn, . " . . .
Sardines, , "
Condensed milk, " . ,
Pickles, per keg. .". . . . . . . . . . . , .. . . . 1.05
Pickles, per bottle ........... v, : . . .20
Syrup, Ex; Heavy Dripy per gal. . . , .50
Lemon Sugar, per can,. ............ .20
Peaches, , " ... . . .10
String Beans, " " .... ....... . .10
Peas, - " .10
Assorted Jellies, per glass , . ; -124
Dairy Salt, 501b sack. f . ; ... . -.50
Table ".. . 101b " 10
" A full-line of' Fancy Groceries, Can
dies, Spices, Crackers and mushes at
CASH PRICES. . , ...
All salable PRODUCE accepted as
Does it pay you to buy on credit ?
udsmess '
Does it pay you to buv
uenefit of the
Not while we live ancV
ave a 850-foot '
Is sti!i in the field
Fresh and
- Bacon,
Groceries Flour and Feed
In Every Nook and Corner of Hood River Valley.- -
Largest Retail Business in the Valley. ,.
"Miss us and you are not in the swim." .
"Quick Sales and Fair Margins of . Profit"
Suit us.
Here are some samples ; ... - i
, ' t: Picnic Hams. . . i ...... ... . . lie
r' 'Lard '. 50 and 90c
1 . ' Rolled Barley, per sack. ; ', . . . . . 90c :- . '.' .. -
' ' Shorts, per sack.,. .:...."......:... .85c
v Cream Wheat Mush, 3 packages for 25c v
" Pyramid Washing Powder, per pkg. 25c J ' " '
- Pearline, Six 5-cent packages for. .25c '
We solicit your patronage. Goods delivered. Store opens 6:30 a. m
If You Appreciate a Good Thing,
"' GET A .
The Royal Tailor have clothed six million
'. Artistic Fitting. We arc showing their superb BHinples in the most elegant colorings pro.
, uuceu. tl ou win kick yourseii u you uou i
's Wool Pants, Ready Made, Cheaper than Anywhere.
Hood River, Oregon. . :
Notary Public.
Go to Sherrin's for your couches and
loungea. . f
Buy your school shoes from Bone &
McDonald. . - , . .
Don't forget to call and see Sherrill's
new stockof pillows. ; . . .;.
See Geo. Prather before buying resi
dence lota in Hood River. '
Try our famous Lustro Roast Coffee,
20c. per 8. Bone & McDonald.
Sherrill's new stock of Rockers are
hard to beat. Call and see them.
If you wear shoes, The People's Store
is interested in you and gives very best
deal. 4
Bone & McDonald will sell you baking
powder for 12c. per lb. Satisfaction
guaranteed or money refunded.
The best bargains in real estate can
be had by applving to Geo. T. Prather,
agent for Blowers- addition All prices.
Just opened up a fine line of ladies'
Mackintoshes. Call and see them, at
Bone & McDonald's. . .. -
For your mattress springs and bed
room suites call at Sherrill's and get his.
prices before going to Portland.
Geo.- T.; i Prather .. has " secufed v the
asencv for selling lots in the Blowers
addition the best and prettiest building
site in Hood River. - : -
It will be a source of satisfaction to all
and a great saving to our many large
buyers of mill-stun that Rand & Stewart
have entered the market as cash carload
buyers and will hereafter distribute
Dalles Diamond, Peacock, Golbendale
Diamond .Graham and Whole Wheat
Flour, Bran, Shorts, Barley, Wheat and
Congregational Church. '
Preaching services with worshiD everv Sun
day at 11 a.- m. and 7:80 p. uw -unless otherwise
announced. Junior Society every Sunday at
p. m. : Christian Endeavor Societv at 7 u. m.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. ,
The Ladies' Aid Society meets on the 1st and
3d; Fridays oi each mouth at 2 p. m. The
Wonmns'AliShioiiH,ry Society meets the last Sat
urday of each month at 2 p. m. The pastor will
reacn a sermon to tne cniiaren tne nrst un-
ay of each month at 11 a. m.
A cordial welcome to all who come v .
First-class painting and paper hang
ing, call on hi. L,. Rood, at Hood Kiv. r.
Paper hanging
and - kalsomining a
Several houses for rent on the Para
dise farm, also comfortable home and
large orchard. Ihe right man can make
money raising fruit. A good place to
winter; Will lake a portion of pay in
work. . Apply to Vr. Adams. .
R. Lane, of Hood River, is prepared to do all
kinds of Artistic, Decorative, Sign and Land
scape Painting at the most reasonable prices.
Give him a trial. - i. .. ,
Of Portland, Oregon, and
secure its Kplendid premium,
Edited hy Marshall Everett and profusely illus-
traieu. .
of action and selling
Cured Meats,
Lard,-: --
$35;: VEDETTE, $25.
men. and have made a record of value-eivinc and
see mem oniu aiier oruering emewnere.
JU F. SHAW, . ,
Physician and Surgeon,
Office : Over Everhart's Store. 'Phone 81 ;
Residence 88 and Central.
Physician and Surgeon,
Telephone: Residence 31; Office 83. Burgeon
for O. R. 4 N. Co.
"Physician and Surgeon,
Office over Williams' Drug Store.
' , '" ; ' Main 112.
HOOD RIVER, ' - ' ' "'
HAS HIS' : '. '
In Hood River, Opposite Postoffice, -
Now Ready for Business.
Is prepared to furnish, at all times, any and
everything usually found in a '
. - first-lass bakery. .. ;
Bread, Pies and Cakes Baked to Order
on Short Notice. r
P. F. Bradford,
Manufacturer of All Kinds Of
Fruit Packages.
First-Class work at the moderate rates of 16c a
shave and 25c for hair-cut. -
Razors Honed.
Give Us a Call.
nblic to call
C A. BELL, Prop.
First-class in Every Particular. Moderate Rates.
. ' ! Table Supplied With the Best in the Market.
E. S. Olinger.
J. J.
; " " ' : j Daily Stage Between
Hood River and Cloud Cap Inn.
First-class Turnouts for Tourists and Commercial Travelers.
Competent Drivers, Good Conveyances, Moderate Rates. -
- '
" General livery, delivery and dray work of every description.
The best of care taken of transient stock, and satisfaction guaranteed.
Bring Your Fruit1 to
The Davidson Fruit Co.
ii Get the Highest Prices.
When markets warrant, we ship the fruit, otherwise handle it in our
cannery." We aim to merit your patronage by providing the most
remunerative markets possible for your products.
Agents for Studebaker Vehicles, Canton Clipper Plows and Cultivators,
and other Agricultural Implements and Garden Tools. The best
: at moderate prices. .
General Merchandise
Country Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods:
, . ' o
Don't send away for what you can buy at home just aa cheap and just as good. .
Davenport Bros.'
R. H. WEBER, Prop., The Dalles, Or.,
Grower and Dealer ln
Fruit, Shade
' ..... AND ....
Evergreens, Roses and Shrubbery, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies,
, . Dahlias, Peonies, Etc. . .
r Nursery and Packing Groundg ball mile east of Fair Grounds.
Agents pob the Myers Lever Bucket Brass Spray Pump.
Remember our Trees are Grown Without Irrigation. Send for Catalogue.
, ... Telephone 830 , - . -. - : - :-,4 -.- : P. O. Box 212.
Ed Williams.
Hood snEt PHAmflcv,
Prescriptions a Specialty Filled v Night.
- , Stationery, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
Store With a Full
Undertaker and Embalmer, Paints and Oils
Building Material, Wallpaper, Etc.- .
We are not given to sputtering around about what we are doing, but ; :
are nere every day in the week,
",, .-'.' Dealer in choice brands of .
All Iinds of Soft.DHnks, Hats, Etc.
T. Jj. Blodgett
Harness, saddles, bridles, whips, collars,
Stirrups, Robes,
Everything Usually found in
Good hand-made harness.": Carriage trimmings. Repairing done. ..
A. B. Foley.
Lumber Co.,
s Grape Vines
: ..AND. .:':'- -.
Small Fruits
Dr. F. C. Bkosius.
and Complete Stock. .
selling goods too, at .Portland prices.
Hood River, Or.
Sweatpads, Etc.
a Eirst-class Harness Shop.