HOOD RIVER SUN. SLiOflN p, shutt. -V Subscription Rntesi Ono ?tsnr l-50. ix months , 1.00. Ti) ree months . .'ft. (strictly in advance). Advertising rates made known on application MOOD RIVER, OR., OCT. 3, T1m 0. R. & N. people have been clo'mg some excellent work .for Ore gon as well as for that railroad, in experimenting with grains an grumes on tracts of land in Eastern Orison, and thus demonstrating the quality and value of the soil . During. the past few years the O R. it. N. has keen the most effective immigration agent Oregon eou have had. ..." And it. has not only thus shown up a portion of the state's resources ..by experimental lion ; and exposition, but it has "brought this knowledge home to the most desirable classes of people for immigrants farmers with some jneans who desire to better their climatic condition. A large pm portion of the excellent class of im migrants now coming to this Sec tion are doing so as a result of the : "very practical and useful work of the O. R. & M. (Jo. lhis company Js also spending many thousands of tfollars straightening and otherwise improving their road between The Dalles and Portland, which is thoroughly appreciated by the traveling public. - The Pennoyer saw mill at Port land is to be set running again as soon as the machinery can be put in running order. ; Who says times arc not better? ... Pennoyer, one of the calamity-howlers, and the re puted poor man's friend acknowl edges it by starting, up his mill, which he declared would not be run until better times. This is one of the largest lumber mills in the state and employs a. large number of men. Many poor men are await ing the mill to be set in motion, as they expect to be 'employed in it. Bully for Pennoyer! There is a good demand for Ore gon timber claims, and many deeded- quarter sections are being purchased for $300 tp-600. The purchasers feel confident that these 'Claims will be worth from $6000 to $7000 ....within five years. From present indications there will be very little timber unclaimed in Oregon after, this year, and many contests will be filed in local land offices for the purpose of canceling entries formerly made on claims since abandoned. Portland Tele. gram. . '- ' . -' The Dewey celebration at New "York, Friday and Saturday, was the greatest demonstration the world has ever shown any one man. It is estimated that over . 3,000,000 outside visitors were Dresent and that the city is $40,000,000 better fixed" on account of it. Hood . River might just as well have had this celebration had Dewey been .. r:i.i.i .... ii. .a i. .rif.'iT.i 1 141 1 Mi II .i.ih Milliliter run. 1111 fin- jections would be made to his land ing here. . Hood River valley contains no more enthusiastic friend than Mr. John, Bradley, . our enterprising 7aker. He has been in almost verv state in the Union and also in every nook and corner . of Can ada, on the lookout for an ideal cli mate,, but never found it until he came-' to Hood River a few years agov Being an intelligent and very wbservant gentleman, he" is a com petent judge in such matters. Hon. E. L. Smith desires us to say that' he believes our worthy'and abie" representative to congress, Hon.. M-A. Moody of The Dalles, in- entmeu to- tne credit lor ootain ingfor Hood River valley the ru ial free mail delivery system. Nevertheless-the people thus benefitted thoroughly appreciate Mr. Smith's efforts- for his valuable assistance in Zfeelping Mr. Moody secure- for our people this great convenience. Appearances today are. that the last-reported ultimatum of Cham liertain will only be replied to by Boer bullets. Either side is liable at any moment now to fire the first fetal shot,, and then ,. without fur iihev declaration or ceremony, the Tsar that will wipe the independent Ttf-'republic out of existence will Jte n. Nearly 1000 ' copies of the Sun eii! sent out last, week in this im mediate neighborhood,, but not one lalf enough to go round, judging irom the demand for extra copies. If you have not destroyed the copy ivi -vriii bisf. woplc Rnd it to mmfl friivft'l in the East or elsewhere. THEM'S OUR SENTIMENTS Hon. H. W. Scott, editor of the Oregonian, would make a repre sentative U. S. senator from Ore gon. ' He is a man of superior intellect, great breadth of compre hension in national and interna tional circles of influence and has a strength of character' second in degree to no man now- before the American public. His honesty is fearless and .uncompromising. He is the embodiment of the' new and determined spirit of the great North west and stands to do more for our broader commercial and political future than any other man. He should go to the senate from Ore gon. Blue Mountain American. The city of New York was not in the business of receiving Dewey in a manner never surpassed just for glory. It has been estimated that $12,000,000 a day was left there for several, days last week. It is rare occasion when the almjghty dollar does not play an important part. .... - - ' - ' . Water works service sufficient to accommodate 2000 people is being provided for the new town of Shan iko, in Sherman county. ' We un derstand that a new paper is soon to be started in the new town by Mr. Middleton, of Portland, for merly city editor of the Oregonian If the business of our postoflice continues to increase right along. as it has lately, it will not be long until it will be in the third-class list, with $1000 a year salary. """ If the people will be quiet for a few days it may be permitted to witness the exhibition of Professor Kruger's skill as a lion tamer in South Africa. , The palmy days of the Oregon farmer are at hand, when he can afford not only a trip abroad, but an occasional operation for appen dicitis. . . - , The old war veterans are all ex pansionists. They could not be otherwise and be . wise. Eugene Register. ; ' - ' ; r The Sun thanks the press of the state for the many kind words of encouragement and good wishes. CUPPINGS.. News of Local Interest From onr Nearby Exchanges. .. Times-Mountaineer. Geo. Prather, of Hood River, was in i.ne cny on Dusuiess inureuay. Rftv. .TertkinH And ffl.milv. of Hood iviver, tire visiting irifjiutj in xne uauvn. t . - : a r r i . j M'l r i . , i T. P. Ketehum boueht about 400 lambs from Walter O'Dell, of .Hood Kiver. . ' .. " . . County Clerk A.. 31. Kelsav returned Monday from a trip through ' the in terior. W hue gone he visitea Antelope, also the new town of Shaniko and the Sherman county towns. Mr. Kelsey. is of the opinion that Moro, Wasco and Urass alley has an able rival m Khan iko, as the prospects of that place are exceptionally prigni. ... , Articles of incorporation were filed in the county clerk's office today for a com pany which will be known as the Shaniko- Warehouse Company, with head quarters at Shaniko, the proposed ter minus ot tne Uolumoia southern Kail- way. the capital stock will amount to $42,000 divided into 420 shares at $100 each. The incorporators are B. r, Laughlin and Wentworth Lord, of The Dalles ana w . ti. Moore, ol Shaniko. A shocking tragedy occurred near the free bridge Monday atiernoon. when Mrs. W..T. uyton drowned herself and her two children a boy of 4 years and a girl ot 3 years in the Deschutes river. A family jar in tne morning led the un fortunate woman to end her own and her children s fives, the bodies were recovered next morning. Uyton formerly owned a farm near Ttie Dalles, and was married here five years ago, since which time he 'has been a rancher in Sherman county. His wife was a native of Grass alley. , " ' Moro Observer. .. . :-,.-. Will those who think "Bryan will run again" please explain when he quit run ning f Antelope has the $1,500 this year that has been going to the district fair at the Dalles. Moore Bros, have sold a half interest in Shaniko to a party of loading capital ists, amongst whom are D. M. and J. W French, B. F. Laughlin, W. Lord and E C. Pease. Articles have been filed in corporating the Shaniko Warehouse Co., and also to extend the townsite company- .', .. , ; uoiuennaie oenimei. .- . The few Klickitat farmers who exerted "nerve" last fall and sent at great ex pense to Walla Walla valley and pro cured the red Russian wheat for a trial seeding on uplands are said to be in unusuallv good spirits over their experi ment. The yield in bushels ranges from 35 to. 50 per acre. To show the marked difference of the returns a farmer on Spring creek sowed blue stem and red Russian side by side on the same- character ' of soil. The average yield of the former was 23 and of the latter 35 bushels per acre. " All the red Russian variety produced m Klickitat this year will be used by local farmers for reseoding. It is believed the demand for seed will require the importation of new wheat by Klickitat farmers. Stevenson Pioneer. Col. Davidson and Mr. Johns, of the Lost Lake Lumber Company, of Hood River, were in town several davs this week looking after timber. Their mill at Hood River is too large to' be kept busy with logs from the near vicinity and so they must get logs from other places, and Stevenson is about the handiest place to get them from. One of Aguinaldo's. particular friends and supporters, Jerry Simp son the notorious anarchist, who was talking treason before a Kan sas audience the other; night, was very properly hissed off the stage. and his voice drowned by the re sonant, inspiring, patriotic tones of "The Star Spangled Banner." An exchange adds that he was "lucky (or unlucky) to escape with his worthless life. . '.-..?"' Dewey says he isn't fit to be president, but during his adminis tration at Manila, when he was in sole command, he showed shrewder diplomacy, better statesmanship and more common sense than prob ably would have been displayed by either Mr. McKinley or Mr. Bryan Spokane Spokesman-Re view.. Where They Are Now. Take a walk through a .cemetery ofa large city, and you will pass the last renting place of t he man who blew down the muzzle of a gun to see if it wae loaded. A little further down the slope is the man who tried to jump on a mov ing train. . The handsome marble shaft of the man who blew out the gas casts a shadow across the bosom of the hired girl who lit the tire with kerosene, while in close proximity lies all that is mortal of the old lady who kept strychnine and baking powder on the same shelf in the pantry. " The dude who wore a plug hat in Texas is quiet now, and he rests beside the gambler who turned the trump from the bottom of the deck. The fair damsel who pinched ber corset to the last hole and danced every number at the firemen's ball, slumbers close to her lover, the intelligent idiot who rode a bicycle ten miles in nine minutes. The stylish young man who smoked a cigar while cleaning his clothes with gasoline, sleeps most peacefully, and the branches of the rosebush which adorns the last resting place of the old maid who contracted the morphine habit and took too much, wave over her grave. But, alasl Beneath a grassy mound moulders a greasy suspender button, all that could be found of the printer's devil who lit a cigarette over the benzine can while washing the roUer. The troubles of the farmer who stood in front of the sickle to oil his mowing machine are over now, and so are those of the battle scarred veteran who fought in the Mexican war, won laurels in the last great rebellion, but failed to successfully draw his musket through a barbed wire fence while out hunting woodebucks. Yes, the fools are slowly floating down the river and through the backyard fence of the past. Pretty soon they will all be gone ; then someone will invent a way to make a living without work, and life will become one round ol hilarious enjoyment. o OFFICE OF o RAND & STEWART, .'"'-' Dry Goods, 1 Fancy Goods, I Boots and Shoes, flHafdiuape, :-. , fGPoeeries, ' Croekepy. - Hood River, Or., Sept. 21, '99. To All Buyers: Our System, "Buy and. Sell for Cash," has shown wonderful possibili ties. Our immense cuts on . , Dry Goods, 10 to 30 per' cent. . Stoves, 25 per cent. . ' : - Crockery and Glabsware, 20 per cent. . . '. . Boots and Shoes , 10 to 50 per cent'. Jewelry and Silverware, 50 per r cent., to close but, . . Toilet Articles and Perfumes, 50 per cent., to close out, .. : -' Clothing, 30 to 40 per cent., to .. . close out, , ' . ; Mill and Loggers Supplies, 30 " , " per cent., to close out, has proven that it can be done and make money. Because the credit merchant " "';'' ' ' .' ". ' Pays from 2 to 10 per cent, more for goods : -.' ' " . ' '. Pay 8 a book-keeper good wages; . Loses 5 to 8 per cent, of accounts, which you must pav : Loses the cash discounts in buying; . Forgets to charge items sold,' making a total ditterence in favor of "Buy and 'Sell for Cash" of 6 to 18 per cent. . Consider this and our LOW EXPENSES and you know why we .meet PORTLAND CASH PRICES '; (minus freight) AND MAKE MONEY. The complete success of our effort justifies our decision to include Ahlt GROCERIES on the new -percentage basis. ..... ' " ; '.: To make our reasoning plain compare following prices with credit purchases. also CASH BIllS FROM PORTLAND. Extra C Sugar, 18 lbs.". . , : . . .'. . . $1.00 D Gran. - " 17 ft8.'. . ... . . . . . . , . 1.00 Washing Soap, full weight, 7 bars. .25 Pearline Wash, powders, 1 pkg. ... .05 Monkey Soap, 3 oars. . . , ! .25 Yosemite Coffee, 1 lt ... ; ; ......... . .10 Arbuckles "... .2 lb. . . .25 Mocha and Java, 1 fi . ,', . , . . .30 Sun dried Japan Tea, i lb .45 Star Tobacco, 1 fi '. ; . .45 Battle Axe " 1 ft...;,,;-.......,. :.45 Scalping Knife, 1 lb............... ..35 Big Nickle, lfc. .30 White Beans.33 Bs 1.00 Pink or Black Beans, 30 fbs 1.00 No. 1 Rice, 16 lbs... . 1.00 No. 3 " 20 lbs... 1.00 G Diamond Flour, warranted, bbl. 3.10 H. O. Mush, pkg...,...;: ..; -.10 Grandma's Mush, 3 pkgs. ...'..,.: .25 Feed Cawh Market. . . . - . , Pyramid. Washing Powder, 4 lbs. .V .20 Lard, 5s. . .. . . . . ... ..... .'. . . . . . .-.'. . " .45 ' 108. . . :.. :. . .90 Calumet Baking Powder, per can. . ' .25 Folgers " , ." " - " ' . : - ..35 Prize : " -.-'- . " J- " .. .40 Salmon, . ' ." .10 tomatoes, " , , . " .10 Com, ' 4 -. '.'. " . .' .10 Sardines, . .. ..... ;. .10 Condensed Milk, .. " ... .15 Pickles, per keg . . . ... ; '.'.. ............ 1.05 Pickles, per bottle. 20 Syrup, Ex. Heavy Drip, per gal.. .': .50 Lemon Sugar, per can. . ........ .20 Peaches, " .. .', . . .10 String Beans, ; " .10 Peas, ... " . ., ......... .10 Assorted Jellies, per glass .1214 Dairv Salt, 501b sack. . . . . . .50 Table " 101b .10 A full line of Fancy Groceries, Can dies, Spices, Crackers and Mushes at CASH PRICES. ' ; ' ; . All "salable PRODUCE accepted as CASH. ' ' . . . : Does it pay you to buy on credit? . Does it pay you to buy in Portland ? Not while we live and remain - 7 Yours frulyv ' : RAND & STEWART. RECIPROCITY Is still in the field Fresh and - t v- Bacon, Groceries, Flour and Feed In Every Nook and Corner of JEIood River Valley. . , NEW AND FRESH GOODS AT "RUSH ALONG ' PRICES - .., Largest Retail Business in the Valley. , - "Miss us and you are not in the swim." "Quick Sales and - Fair Margins of Profit" :""r;'.": ' :x Suit us. : .'..;'--.- :'".".'" . Here are some samples: ' " . ' . ' ' . ; Picnic Hams. .......... . . . . .11c v :v; - ; '' Lard 50 and 90c: 'J'-;''v r Rolled Barley, per sack. . ....... . .,..90c ' " ''.-..' : " v' . .. - 1 Shorts, per sack ...'..-...- .Hoc , , . Cream Wheat Mush, 3 packages for 25c - -. - -Pyramid Washing Powder, per pkg, ,25c . ''.--- ' ... . - Pearline, Six 5-cent packages for. . ,.25c We solicit your patronage. Goods delivered. Store opens 6:30 a. m CLYDE W. BONN EX. Iff You Appreciate a Good Thing, ';' ';,r '.VJ GET A 'y': HAIITFOIID CYCLE, $35; VEDETTE, $25. :'." :."' "' ' ;:-' Gtffc' :'-" -'-'"'. '' '.. The Royal Tailors hve clothed six million men, nd have made a record of value-EivinK and Artistic Fitting. We are showing their superb . - uuwu. i uu win men yuuj ijeii 11 yuu uun i see .uieiu uiiiii aiier uiueniig eisewneie. ... Men's Wool Pants, Ready Made, Cheaper than Anywhere, : ' ' '" " , - - cmmtfo' : ' - - : ;.: --. .'.- - ,.WE GIVE THE VALUES. THE PEOPLE'S STORE, Hood River, Oregon. . The HOOD RIVER TRADING CO. : AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES. REAL ESTATE Notary Public. BUSINESS LOCALS. Go to Sherrill's for your couches and lounges. '." . .. Buy your school shoes from Bone & McDonald. - " . . ' Don't foreet to call and see Sherrill's new stock of pillows. Try our famous Lustro Roast Coffee, 20c. .per K. Bone & McDonald. Sherrill's newJ stock of Rockers are hard to beat. ' Call and see them. If you wear shoes, The People's Store is interested in you and gives very best deal. ' Bone & McDonald will sell vou bakinc powder for 12c. per lb. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ; Just opened up a flue line of ladies' Mackintoshes. - Call and see them, at Bone & McDonald's. , r For your mattress springs and bed room suites call at Sherrill's and get his prices before going to Portland. . HORSES FOR SALE. C. H. Luther has for sale cheap at his farm the Berger place, 8 :miles south west of town, A head of work horses, harness and wagon.. ...... WHEN YOU WANT First-class paintine and paper hang ing, call on E. L. Rood, at Hood River. Paper hanging and kalsomining . a specialty. ' ... , ' FOR RENT. Several houses for rent on the Para dise farm,' also comfortable home and large orchard. The right man can make money raising fruit. A good place to winter; Will take a portion of, pay in worn. Apply to nr. Aaams, . FINE PAINTING. R. Lane, of Hood River, is Dreimred to do all kinds of Artistic, Decorative, Sijrn and land scape Paintine at the most reasonable jmces. Give him a trial. THE LEADING PAPKR - THJBl LEADING PAPfclt - Tlili; LEADING PAPEIl ' OP THE PACIFIC COAST, . ' . OP THE PACIFIC COAST, OF THE PACIFIC COAST, THE SAN -FRANCISCO CHRONIOLK THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE. " Thb Chroniclb ranks with the greatest newspapers in . the United States. - The Chronici-b has no equal on the Pa cific Coast. It leads all in ability, enter prise and news. . The Chronicle's Telegraphic Reports are the latest and most reliable, its Local News the fullest and spiciest, and its Edi tcrials from the ablest pens in the country. Thb Chronicle has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations or oppressions of any kind. It will be independent In every thing, neutral In nothing. i - : , THE DAILY, by mail, postage paid, ouly ,$S 70 a year. ,, . . .... . .,. . , . . THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the f reatest weekly In the country, $1 50 a year Including oosttisre'i. lo anv nart of the United States, Canada and' Mexico. . The Weekly Chronicle, the brightest and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints regularly 84 columns, or twelve pages, of News, Literature and General Information; also a magnificent Agricultural Department. Sample copies sent free. ; , , . Do You Want the .- CHRONICLE REVERSIBLE MAP? . Showing the United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico on one , side, and the MAP OF THE WORLD , On the other side. Send $2 and get the MAP and WEEKLY CHRONICLE for " One Year, postage prepaid on Map and Paper. , , Address . , -Proprietor ' M. H. de YOUNG, 'San Francisco Chronicle." San Francisco, Cal. of action selling Cured Meats, Lard, I samples in the most elegant colorings pro- Conveyancing". F. SHAW, Physician and Surgeon, HOOD RIVER, OREGON. - Office: Over Everhart's Store. 'Phone 81 Residence 33 and Central. - J. F. WATT, V Physician and Surgeon, HOOD RIVER, OREOON. . Telephone : Residence 81; Office 83. Surgeon for O. R. & N. Co. . Physician' and Surgeon, Office over Williams' Drug Store. Telephone . . , . ..; ... Main 112. r HOOD RIVER, - - OREOON. JOHN BRADLEY ,' . , .. HAS HIS i NEW BAKERY In Hood River, Opposite Postofftce, Now Ready for Business, Is prepared to furnish, at all times, any and "everything usually found in a first-class bakery. Bread, Pies and Cakes Baked to Order on Short Notice. P. F. Bradford, Manufacturer of AU Ktnds of - r i , BOXES And Fruit Packages. HOOD JIIVER, ORE. EVANS & RUSSELL, BARBERS; HOOD RIVER, ORE. First-Class work at the moderate rates of 15c a shave and 26c for hair-cut. . Razors Honed. Give Us a Call. II. C. BATEHAM, -PROPRIETOR- COLUMBIA NURSERY, HOOD RIVER, OR.' v ALL KINDS OF NURSERY STOCK; LARGE AS80RT- V . MKNT. BEST VARIETIES. An invitation is extended to the public to call and inspect my trees and shrubbery. . M T. HOOD HOTEL HOOD RIVER, OR. G. A. iBELL, Prop. First-class jn Every Particular. Moderate Rates. Table Supplied With the Best in the Market.' E. S. Omnger: j. J. MT. HOOD STAGE CO. Daily Stage Between : n - ' . . Hood River and Cloud Cap Inn. First-class Turnouts for Tourists and Commercial Travelers. Competent Drivers, Good Conveyances, Moderate Rates. - General livery,, delivery and The best of care taken of transient Bring1 Your Fruit tol The Davidson Fruit Co. h, jVimI Get the Highest Prices. When markets warrant,-we ship the fruit, otherwise handle it in our . cannery.' We aim to merit your patronage by providing the' most remunerative markets possible for your products. . . WE SELL FRUIT BOXES AND CRATES OF HOME MANUFACTURE. Agents for Studebaker Vehicles, Canton Clipper Plows and Cultivators, - . and other Agricultural Implements and Garden Tools. The best ; at moderate prices. - ' . - . . HOOD RIVEK, - - - OREGON. ALEX STEWART, -DEALER IN- Genera 1 Me rchandis e OF ALL KINDS. - MOSIER, : : OREGON. Country Produce Taken ' ": ; ; .' ; - o Don't send away for what you can buy at home just aa cheap and just as good. IF YOU WANT GOOD SEASONED LUMBER OF "ALL KINDS AT REASON A - ' BLE PRICES, CALL ON Davenport Bros.' -DEALERS IN- LUMBER, WOOD, POSTS, ETC; HOOD RIVER, OREGON. THE DALLES R. H. WEBER, Prop., The Dalles, Or., Grower and Dealer in- TREES Fruit, Shade i ' AND . ' Ornamental ' Evergreens, Roses and' Shrubbery, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lilies; ". : Dahlias, Peonies, Etc. ' . , , ' ; Nursery and Packing Grounds half mile east of Fair Grounds. Agents for the Myers Lever Bucket Brass Spray Pvmp.. .- ; . Remember onr Trees are Grown Without Irrigation. Send for Catalogue. -Telephone 830 - ' ' P. O. Box 292. Ed Williams. WILLIAMS -Proprietors Hood river PHflRmAcv, HOOD RIVER, OR. Prescriptions a Specialty-Eille(l Night. Stationery, Toilet, Articles, Perfumery , Etc. - FURNITURE Store With a Full Undertaker and Embalmer, Paints and Oils Building Material, Wallpaper, lite. - - We are not given to sputtering around about what we are doing, but , are here every day in the week, selling goods too, at Portland prices.; : S. E. BARTMESS, - KM SFE WEL . ' ' Dealer in choice brands of " ' ' ' . . - KEY WEST AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, TO- 13ACCOS, Etc., All Kinds of Soft KEG AND BOTTLED BEER B Y THE GALL ON. GOTO, m 1j. Blodgett -FOR- Harness, saddles, bridles, whips, collars, Stirrups, Robes; Everything Usually, found in Good hand-made harness. Carriage trimmings. Repairing done. A. B. TOI.EY. dray work of every description! stock, and satisfaction guaranteed. in Exchange for Goods. Lumber Co. NURSERIES Grape Vines .AND . i Small Fruits j Dr. F. C. Buosnja. &: BROSIUS, Aft and Complete Stock. - HOOD RIVER, OR. Hood River, Or. Drinks, Hats; Ete.: Sweatpads, Etc. a First-class Harness Shop. LlICKKY.