The Hood River sun. (Hood River, Wasco County, Oregon) 1899-19??, October 05, 1899, Image 1

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NO. 2.
President William McKinley
Vlce-PreBident Garrett A. Hobart
Secretary of State , .........John Hay:
Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Qags
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Kllhu Root
Secretary of Navy .....John D. Long
Postmaster-tteneral James A. Gary
Attorney-General John W. GriKKi
Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson
Attornev-tieneral .D. R. N. Blackburn
Governor T. T. Geor
Secretary of State F.-I. Dunbar
: Treasurer ...... '. C. 8. Moore
Printer W. H. Leeds
Supt. of Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman
u. E. Wolverton
I". A. Moor
R. 8. Bean
Circuit Judge .W. L. Bradshaw
Fro&ecutiug Attorney A. A.Jayue
State Senators j .Z JohnMicheU
Representative - J. W. Morton
Judge.. Robeit Mays
Commissioner, j rZZZCI
County Clerk A. M. Kelsay
Sheriff. Robert Kelly
.Treasurer..... C. L. Phillips
Assessor W. II. Whipple
School Superintendent ..C. L. Gilbert
Surveyor -...J. B. Grolt
Coroner W. H. Butts
Justice of Peace ..George T. Prather
Constable E. . Olinger
The County Court of Wasco county meets on
the first Monduys in January, March, May,
July, September and November.
- CIRCUIT COURT. , .' '.
Circuit Court of Wasco county meets on th
third Mondays In February, May and Novem-
' Mayor.... E. L. Smith
f C.A.Bell
P. F. Bradford, Sr.
Connollmen William Yntes
J. H. Dukes
I J. H. Ferguson
Recorder .'............... J. R. Nlc.kelsen
Treasurer George P. Crowell
Marshal E. 8. Olinger
Register... .. ..Jay P. Lucas
Receiver Otis Patterson
.v VANCOUVER. -.-.
Register ......W. R Dunbar
Receiver L. B. Clougu
Register ......John M. Hill
Receiver , Thomas Masgrove
Register.........'. ... ..C. B. Moorcs
Receiver William Galloway
- ' AND '' ' ' '
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 6 Day,
' Steameri Monthly from Port' and to
Yokohama and Hong Kong, via the
Northern Pacific- Steamship Co., in con
nection with the O. R. & N. ":; -
For lull information eall ou O. R. A K. ateoW
I. B. CLARK, Hood River, or address
:;"" W. H. HURLBURT,
General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or.
O. It. ft N. Time Table for Hood River
No. 4 4:87 p. m
No. 8 5:67 a. m.
No. 1 4:00 p. m.
WarfrelKhtlO:25a. m.
. Way freight.'. 2:45 p. in.
E. B. CLARK, Agent.
Steamers Daily (Except Sunday) Between
Portland, Cascade Locks, Stevenson,
Sprague, White Salmon, HOOD
RIVER and The Dalles.
- $1.23
THE DALLES OFFICE : First and Court Sts. '
General Agent, '
The Dalles, Or.
Due at Hood River, vastbound, 4 p. m.: west
bound, 8:80 a. m.
Leaves Portland at 7 a m.; Leaves The Dalles
t 8:46 a. m.
. - ' " - ' MAILS. ' . "
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'clock
a. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays; departs the
same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 a. In. Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives at 6 p. m.
For White Salmon (Wash.) leaves dally at 6:45
a. m.; arrives at 7:15 p. m.
From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gilmer,
Trout Lake aud Glen wood Mondays, Wednes
day, and Fridays. -
For Bingen (Wash.) leaves at 5:45 p.m.; ar
rives at 2 p. m.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of, the Import
ant Happenings ' of the Fast Week
- Galled From the Telegraph Columns
American machine and tool compan
ies are going to erect works iu Ger
many. .
The new torpedo boat Craven has
been launched at the Bath, Me., iron
works. ' .. '
: A hail and wind storm through the
apple district of Missouri did great
damage to the crop. "i
Between four and fivo hundred per
sons were killed . in India by earth
quakes and landslides.
Fire did $5,000 damage in a nine
story building in , New York. The
watchmen were asleep. s
Last British dispatch to the Boers
was pacific in tone and it is said will
clear the way for peace. '
Fivo officers of the Japanese army
are reported to be assisting the insur
gents in their war preparations.
There is great excitement in the
Cheyenne Sioux agency over the mur
der of Long Haley, by a squaw man.
' General Manual ; Guzman Alvarez,
governor of the province of Bermudez,
has - revolted against tho Venezuelan
government. . ; . -..
The governing body of the Colorado
Mining Stock Association has voted to
reduce the rates of commission charged
practically 50 per cent. - ;
Reports from Guadeloupe estimate
the damage from the recent hurricane
at $5,000,000. Forty lives were lost
and 250 persons seriously injured.
Rumors that General Otis is to bo
recalled are being revived. Ma jor
Genearl Brooko is soon to leave Cuba,
and it is said that he is slaiod to com
mand in the Philippines. . -
The throe treaty powers, Great Brit
sin, Germany-and the United . States,
are considering at Washington the
claims arising out of tho bombardment
of Samoa last summer by the American
and British navies.
' A new steamer line between Mexico
and South American ports to begin Janur
ary 1, will strive to develop Mexico's
cotton industry and place her in a posi
tion to compete with the United States,
England and other countries.
A head-end collision between a pas
senger train and a freight occurred on
the New York Central about half a
mile west of Auburn, and as a result
three people were killed, two fatally
injured aud four seriously , injured.
The responsibility for the accident is
not yet determined. " . ' .
The insurgents were routed near Ce
bu by General Snyder. Seven forts
and quite a number of smooth bore
cannon were destroyed. ; The Tennes
see regiment was already aboard the
transport to come home, but disem
barked to take part in the engagement.
Our loss . was one killed and four
wounded. ' ' !
, The Koarsarge made 17 knots in her
trial run.
Otis will hold Subig as a base of op
erations. ...
Lopez and 64 . followers surrendered
to Byrnes at Negros island.
Vice-President Hobart is ill, and
may not again preside in the senate.
The remaining six companies of Mon
tana volunteers have arrived in San
Francisco; i ';-..""
Otis' Chinese exclusion act is caus
ing considerable uneasiness in diplo
matic cicrles. ' v : '--.
Three new cases, making SI so far
and 6 deaths is the yellow fever report
from New Orleans. '
Naalrv 10 iwr nnnt nf tha ranininntfl
of the Victoria cross are military doo-
tors. : '-. ' V :
More bubonic plague is reported at
Alexandria. There are four new cases
at Sparta, Portugal. ,
The large Dungeness coal mine in
West Virginia, which has been lying
idle for two years, has resumed.
A relief expedition has been sent by
the mounted police to Mackenzie trail,
where great suffering is said to pre
vial. - ' . . :.; .'
Dewey's ships are in need of repairs,
and several million dollars will be
spent in overhauling and remodeling
them. . ". '
Mrs. Steinheider, ' of . Dorchester,
Neb., ended her life by winding wil
low withes around her throat until she
succeeded in strangling herself.
In accordanoe with the rights of the
Russian orthodox church, Miss Julia
Dent Grant, daughter of Brigadier-General
and Mrs. Frederick Grant, and
granddaughter of General Ulysses S.
Grant, and Prince Cantacuzene, Count
Spranznki, of Russia, were married in
New York. . . ;
Sir Thomas J. Lipton says" he owes .
his business success to his commercial
training in America.
Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Campbell,
of the Thirtieth volunteers, is the only
newspaper editor holding that rank in
the army.- ';
The bronze statue of the confeder
ate admiral, Raphael Semmes, to be
set up in Mobile, Ala., is to be of
heroic size, the work of Casper Buberl,.
of New York. V
The Nevada cavalry has sailed for
me. : .
The North Dakota soldiers have
reached home.
The insurgents in Eastern Mindanao
have offered to surrender. -
The president has approved the sen
tence of Captain O. M. Carter.
Forty -eight new cases and two deaths
from yellow fever were reported from
Key West Sunday.
Admiral Dewey has accepted the in
vitations of Philadelphia and Chicago
to visit those cities.
The Transvaal situation has caused a
stagnation in business in London and
stocks are at a standstill.
The North Atlantic squadron will go
to Hampton Roads, where the change
in commanders will take place and the
winter maneuvers be mapped out. v-
The Filipinos have given up 14
American prisoners. All of them are
enlisted men, but" Lieutenant Gilmore
and his comrades are not with them.
i : Rear-Admiral Walker, of the cana'
commission, while in New York at tht
Dewey celebration, declared that the
Nicaragua canal would surely be built.
The decision of the Japanese respect
ing their schools to allow no religious
teaching will seriously embarrass the
missionaries, whose chief purpose is
to proselyte the young.
If the volume of business continues
for the next four months at the ratio of
the past eight months, the export trade
of Havana for the first year of Ameri
can occupation will exceed the hand
some sum of $29,000,000. .
Not the faintest hint is allowed to
escape as to what diplomatic commu
nications, if any, are passing between
London and South Africa. Troops are
massing on the frontier and it is said
that the Boers . may declare war at any
moment. ...
The United States cruiser New Or
leans has arrived at New York from
Santo Domingo, where she had been
sent. to look after American . interests
during the anticipated . troubles subse
quent to the assassination of President
A number cf the ill-fated Scotsman's
crew arrived in Montreal. They were
placed nnder arrest and plunder to the
amount of $3,000 taken from them. It
was with difficulty that tho polico
saved the wretches from being hurled
into the sea by the infuriated . Cana
dians. ' -
A letter from Fort Francis. Ontario,
says; Ungavaland, a region as deso
late and unknown as the Klondike. was
four years ago, has juBt been pene
trated by a party of prospectors. - From
their reports and from the statements
of a member of the Canadian geological
survey, they have run into a new Klon
dike, and one richer in diversified min
erals, i - -;
Lumber is worth $150 a thousand at
Cape Nome.
The Idaho volunteers were given a
reception as they passed through Port
land. !
It is estimated that there were
2,000,000 visitors in New York during
the Dewey celebration.
A fire in Rossland, B. C, for a time
threatened to wipe out the town, but
the flames were controlled -with a loss
of $5,000.
A scheme is on foot in New York to
secure American capital for the com
pletion of the unfinished Porto Rican
railroad in Porto Rico. . -t?
- The bark Tillio Baker has returned
from Havana with a cargo of such of
the armor plate as the divers were able
to recover from the wreck of the battle
ship Maine. ; . .
The cruiser Chicago, the flagship of
Rear-Admiral Howison, has reached
New York, after a long cruise, during
which she touched the coast of Africa
and visited Port Said.
Some of the non-union men put to
work in the New York Sun office when
the union men walked out some time
ago have struck. They allege that the
Sun did not keep its agreement. '
News has reached Victoria of an ac
tive -volcano on James island, one of
the Calapagos group: It became active
three ' . months ago, sending . broad
streams of lava down its sides. . , .
At a meeting of citizens recently the
name of Anvil City, Alaska, was
changed to Nome. This was done to
make the name of the city correspond
with the name of the postoffice.
'' A new national temperance organiza
tion, to be known as the Young Peo
ple's Christian Temperance Union, was
organized in Chicago. ' It is pledged to
raise 1,000,000 votes for the Prohibi
tidn party. . . ; . ; . ?, r.
Generals Marcono and Ron, who
have been in command of government
forces in Venezuela, have joined the
revolutionsts with all their arms. At
Carite the . revolutionists captured a
gunboat, but lost four killed and two
: A large ! rush order for American
draft horses was placed at the Chicago
stockyards by the English government.
No limit was- placed on the number
wanted, and they are to be for immed
iate shipment. ' They are for use in
the Transvaal in the event of hostili
ties.. '
Emperor William is said to be the
only living sovereign of Europe upon
whose life no attempt has yet been
made. - y . '
The society of total ' abstainers just
formed in Venna is the first ever estab
lished in Austria. Everybody drinks
in Austria. -
Thomas A. Edison and other Eastern
capitalists have bought the Oritz grant
in New Mexcio for $1,000,000. Mr.
Edison has a new process of treating
low grade ores and placer dirt. .
The Great Marine Parade in
Dewey's Honor.
Olympla and the 'Warships Led the Pro
, cession Sir Thomas Lipton Shared
the Enthusiasm With the Hero.
New York, Oct. 2. The natl pa
rade, from the standpoint of the war
ships, was an immense marine picture,
a water pageant with 'so little of inci
dent, copamred with,, its great size,
that it appealed to the' eye as a paint
ing rather than . a drama. : The vast
gathering of water craft maintained on
average speed of eight knots, but so
magnificent was its area that the im
pression was one of exceingly slow and
stately -movement. The picture was
continually changing, but it melted
slowly in such measured rythm from
form to form that the sense of motion
was largely lost. It started under a
brilliant sky, passed at the mouth of
the Hudson through the threat of an
ugly storm, , and emerged through a
rainbow arch that stretched from shore
to shore into a clear and brilliant
sunset off the Grant tomb.
The night had been a busy one in the
fleet of warships off '- Tompkinsvlle.
The last details of the day's ceremony
were hardly settled before the day
itself broke on a scene of greater activ
ity than the classio anchorage had
ever witnessed before. .
The great vessels of the white squad
ron swung, at their anchorage as for
the past two days, but the crowd of
neighboring craft had been swelled pasj
counting. As far as could be seen the
water was a mass of moving steamers.
The evolution began at 1 o'clock,
and in 15 minutes the fighting line
was straightened out up the harbor.
Admiral Dewey was going to his own
place at the head of a squadron that
would' have won, at need, three battles
of Manila bay without stopping for
breakfast. :. ., '- I "
: The head of the column was a broad
arrow. Six torpedo boats spread out
at the bar, three on a side, from the
Olympia's qnarter. Outside of them
a flying wedge of police patrol boats
formed a great V, whose apex was the
Olympla. 1 . ' ' -y "-
Flanking them, ahead and astern,
were the harbor fire boats, spouting
great columns of water ' that turned
threateningly toward the excursion
boats on" either side wheii they at
tempted to crowd tho line of march.
But the pageant back of this power
ful vanguard was not limited to a
single or sextuple line of ships. It
was a sinuous marine monster half a
mile wide, whose vertebrae were the
ships of the white squadron, and whose
ribs were rows upon rows of every 'sort
of floating thing that had ever run by
steam in New York harbor.
From the time . the British yacht
Erin started she certainly was the
chief attraction along the river front,
after the Olympla had gone by, and
Sir Thomas Lipton was -accorded an
ovation all along the line. To those
on board the: Erin, decked out as she
was with flags of all nations, it looked
as if the American people were greatly
pleased with Sir Thomas, and were
delighted at an opportunity to give
him a hrrrty , welcome. . They ran
alongside in tugs, barges, launches and
big excursion., steamers, and shouted
all sorts of complimentary things to
him, while the tall yachstman on the
upper brigde of . the Erin wore a smile,
and not infrequently called back his
thanks for the kind wishes.
Those of the British Subjects Aggregate
Washington, Sept. 80. The British
commissioner to Samoa, Mr. Eliot, has
received from Apia a full report on the
claims made by the ' British subjects
for damage resulting from the bom
bardment and the native uprising.
The claims aggregate something over
$87,000. Of this amount about $30,-
000 grows out of the depredations of
the Mataafa rebels in January and
March last, while some $5,000 is for
losses resulting from the bombardment
of the British-American , naval forces
and the succeeding operations on land.
The original amount of the claims was
doubled the amount now submitted to
the British commissioner as they were
first subjected to a rigid : scrutiny by a
British official at Apia. Mr. Eliot
called at the -White House today and
had a talk with the president, in the
course of which Mr. McK ml ey ex
pressed his satisfaction with the work
of the Samoan commission.
Cleared of Rebels.
; Manila, Oct. . 2. General Mac Ar
thur's column has returned to Angeles,
where Generals MaoArthur, Wheaton
and Wheeler have established their
headquarters, with 8,000 troops. It is
expected they will remain there until
a general advance is ordered. . There
ore no troops at Porac. Nine Ameri
cans were wounded in yesterday's
fighting, two it is believed fatally.; It
is estimated that 50 insurgents were
killed or wounded. ;
Conference at Angeles.
Manila, Oct. 2. Generals Otis and
Schwan and possibly Generals Lawton
and Bates will proceed to Angeles to
day, Where they may confer with Fili
pino commissioners, as the result of
an exchange of communications be
tween General MacArthur and the in
surgents. A Filipino general is ex
pected with the American ' prisoners
today. ' . Two reconnoitering,. parties
came into collision with the unsurgents
near Almus and four Americans - were
The Committee From Washington State
Boards the Olympla.
New York, Sept. 80. New York
was decked brilliantly . today in
honor of the gallant sailor who is wait
ing at her gate. Had an ocean of color
swept through the city, its ebbing tide
could not have stained the streets more
brilliantly. Hundreds of miles of red,
white and blue bunting cover the noble
facades of Broadway and Fifth avenue,
and a million flags flutter over the
town. Not even the churches have
escaped the universal decorations. ' The
doors and gothio windows of old Trin
ity, on lower Broadway, ate gracefully
draped with the national colors, and in
ancient Trinity graveyard, the tomb
of that gallant sailor, who, dying,
issued the command not to give up the
ship, lies shrouded in the silken folds
of the flag for which he died. -
When the committee from Washing
ton reached the Olytnpia, each mem
ber of the committee was cordially
greeted by Admiral . Dewey, but the
warmest hand clasp and heartiest greet
ing was for the admiral's lifelong
iend, Senator Proctor, of Vermon'
he captain presented each of the vi
itors to Captain Lamberton, and then
all went to the admiral's cabin, where
the committee completed the pro
gramme of the Washington ceremony,
and the admiral expressed his entire
satisfaction with the celebration. Sec
retary Pruden presented an invitation
to a dinner with the president, and the
admiral accepted it.
; Admiral George W. Baird, who
sailed with Farragut and Dewey in the
Gulf in 1861, unrolled a package which
he had carefully ; guarded all the way
to the Olympia, and displaying a faded
blue admiral's ensign, . upon which
were stitched four white stars, said to
Admiral Dewey: . .-
"Admiral, I wish to present to you
the first admiral's flag ever 'broken
out' in the navy of this country. ; The
admiral whose name and memory we
all so revere first hoisted this ensign
upon the good ship Hartford, before
New Orleans, and afterwards upon the
Franklin, and since it came down
" "am that masthead it has never beer
lipped by the wind or worn by tl.
lements. You, the worthy successor
of that great admiral whose tactics you
so successfully followed a short while
ago, I deem the proper person for Far
ragut's mantle to fall upon."
This flag was made by Quartermaster
Knowles out of a blue "number" flag,
when Farragut was first made a rear
admlral.""Two white stars were sewed
on it. When Farragut was made an
admiral, two more white stars were
sewed on itv Farragut flew this flag
on the Hartford at New Orleans, and
afterwards in the "Mediterranean.' "The
admiral was deeply affected, and tears
where in his eyes as he gazed at the
souvenir. It was several moments be
fore he recovered his voice. Finally
he said:
. "I'll fly it. I'll fly it at masthead.
I'll fly it in the parade. I'l fly it
always. And and when I strike my
admiral's flag this shall be the flag I
shall strike." t.', , v
This Was the most impressive scene
that has occurred on the Olypmia since
her arriavl in this port, and for somr
ime no one spoke. The silence wa
not broken until he called his Chinese
steward and ordered a case of cham
pagne. The Washingtonians remained on
board chatting with the admiral for
an hour. A portion of the committee
left for Washington at 2:80 o'clock.
Effect of the Recent Storms and Floods
in India.
Calcutta, Sept80. Lieutenant-Governor
Sir John ' Woodburn announces
that 500 lives were lost in Darjeling,
capital of the district of that name, in
addition to those drowned on the
plains. i
Great havoo has been caused at Kur
seong. The Margaret! Ehope estate
lost 100 acres and the Mealand factory
was destroyed. Some coolies were
buried in the ruins of the manager's
house, which was partially destroyed.
The Avongrove estate lost 80 acres and
t,000 tea bushes.- The collie lines
?ere swept away and hundreds wen
killed. A factory was also destroyed
at that place. L A huge landslide below
St. Mary's seminary destroyed the rail
road bridge and completely blocked the
road. . A breach 800 yards wide has
been made and the rails are hanging in
the air. It is thought the break can
not be repaired within 80 days. ;
. Boilermakers Strike.
; San Francisco, Sept. 29. The boiler-
makers who quit work on the govern
ment transports lasfweek on account
of the notification from their employ
ers that they would be required to
work nine hours per day, instead of
eight hours, as . they had previously
been doing, and all the men employed
at boilermaking in the Risdon and
Fulton shops, who walked out this
week in sympathy with the strikers,
are still out. The men are determined
Jo hold out for the eight hour working
day and double pay for overtime, these
being the terms granted them by the
federal law on all government work.
. Contributions to Dewey Fund. "
Washington, Sept. 80. Among to
day's contributions to the Dewey home
fund were: C. P. Huntington, $2,000,
and the Chicago Tribune,
London, Sept. 80. The decision of
the volksraad of the Orange Free State
to join with the Transvaal in the event
of hostilities, although fully expected,
is the leading news today and will
naturally stiffen the Boers' independent
attitude. . The raad's resolution has
made the brotherhood of arms between
the Transvaal and the Orange. Free
State, of which hitherto there was only
a strong probability, an absolute cer
tainty, and the British will have to
face the situation.
Aguinaldo's Third Trial Has
Failed as Before.
-' '
Interview With Hla Envoy, Who Talks
Like a Genuine Anti-Imperialist
Filipino Soldiers' Condition.. .
Manila, Oct. 8. Aguinaldo's third
attempt to shift his difficulties into
the field of diplomacy is a repetition of
the other two, with an impossible en
deavor to obtain some sot of recogni
tion of his so-called government. -
The Filipino envoys had on hour's
conference with General Otis this
morning. They brought from Agui
naldo a message that he desired peace
and wished to send a civilian goveifi
mental commission to discuss the ques
tion. General Otis replied that it was
impossible for him to recognize Agui
naldo's government in that way. They
presented a letter from Aguinaldo as
' 'president of the repnblio, ' ' which was
largely a repetition of- his recent ap
peals for recognition. General Oth
informed them that, while he was will
ing ' to correspond with Aguinaldo as
general of the insurgent forces, he must
positively decline to recognize him at
president of the civil government.
Another conference will be held to
morrow." The Filipinos will remain - two or
three days. Their movements are un
restricted, bat they are under the con
stant chaperonage of Captain Johnson,
of the Sixteenth infantry. -Today they
visited the hospitals and distributed
money among the wounded Filipinos,
after which they made calls and re
ceived visitors at their hotel. ; Natives
in their Sunday clothing thronged the
plaza in front of the hotel all day,
stretching their necks towards the win
dows for a glimpse of the showy uni
forms of the enovys. . The assemblage
finally increased to 1,000 people.
When the envoys emerged for an after
noon drive -the natives . removed their
hats deferentially and . a crowd in ve
hicles and on foot followed the carriage
through the streets.
, "We desired peace, but peace with
independence and honor," said General
Aliejandrino today,, while conversing
with a press representative. . He im
presses One as dignified and dispassion
ate and a keen man of the wolrd. He
was educated in Euorpe, and designed
the remarkable entrenchments from
Manila to Tarlaor- While reticent con
cerning his mission, his conversation
throws an interesting light on the Fili
pino view of the American attitude. ;
"How long can the Filipino army
withstand" 60,000 troops?" asked , the
press representative. - 1
"Fighting in our way, we can main
tain a state of war and the necessity
of a large army of occupation indefi
nitely. You Americans are holding e
few miles around " Manila, a narrow
line of railroad to Angeles and a circle
around San Fernando. But you are
ignorant of the resources of Luzon.
We hold the rich, immense productive
northern country from which to draw.
Our people contribute the money and
food for our army, and this is done at a
minimum cost - ;
"It is an interesting question what
the cost to the American people is oi
maintaining troops in the Philippines.
A Filipino exists with a handful of rice
and a pair of linen trousers. We do
not have to pay our soldiers. Even
with our present supply of arms and
ammunition, we could keep your army
occupied for years. ,
. "With an expense- that grows daily,
how long will your people ' stand itt
The Filipino people do not wish to con
tinue the fighting. We have no army
contractors. We have no business men
making profits from the maintenance
of our army. There is nothing in it
for us, nor are our salaries large enough
to keep us fighting for money and posi
tion." '
Fifty Thousand Men in the Land Parad,
Climax of Celebration.
New York, Oct. 8. The land parade
today , capped the climax. The. city,
state and nation united in a vast dem
onstration worthy of the hero of Manila.
The earth trembled beneath, the tread
of 50,000 men, and the air was torn
with the shouts of millions. . The na
val parade of yesterday was magnifi
cent and superb, but the wonder of
modern times was the great land pa
rade.-' Thousands of proud men of our
land and sea forces, the militia of 16
states and the veterans of the civil and
Spanish-American wars swelled the
procession and gave it the dignity in
size that it boasted in sentiment.
Admiral Dewey, the hero of the day,
and the officers of- the fleet, in all the
glory of their gold-laced uniforms and
gold-trimmed cocked hats,' were : in
open barouches. Mayor Van; Wyck
sat beside Admiral Dewey. The front
seat of the carriage was banked with
beautiful floral pieces. The hero was
recognized by the people on the in
stant, and the cheers and huzzahs along
the line of march, seemed fairly to lift
the sky. Everybody cheered and nearly
everybody jumped up and down in
frantic enthusiasm.
. Two Killed by a Train.
San Francisco, Oct. 8. A cart con
taining Lorenzo Ciordella and his fam
ily, consisting of his wife Rosa and
two sons, Angelo, aged 2 years, and
Guido, 7 months old, was struck by
northbound San Jose train at Sunny
side crossing tonight. The cart and
its occupants were hurled high in the
air, and they fell to the ground 40 feet
away. The father and eldest child
were- instantly killed, and the mother
seriously injured. She held the baby
in. her arms, and it escaped unhurt,
Fifteen Women .Passengers Drowned
' Ship Looted by Crew.
Montreal, Oct. 2. Two hundred and
fifty scantily clad, baggage-bereft men,
women and children were on board of
an inter-colonial special which steamed
into Bonaventura depot tonight. They
composed the greater number of those
who sailed from Liverpool September
14 on the steamship Scotsman, bound
for Montreal, which was wrecked on
the shores of the Straits of Belle Isle at
2:80 o'clock the morning of the 21st.
It was not only a tale of shipwreck '
that they had to tell, but one of death,
of suffering and pillage, for fifteen, at
least, of the Scotsman's - passengers
perished, all suffered cruelty from cold
and privation and almost the worst
horror of all, the men who were sup
posed to succor and- assist : those com
mitted to their care in the hour oi
need, turned on the helpless passengers
and with loaded guns and revolvers
compelled them to part with the few
valuables they had saved. : Captain
Skrimshire and his officers were excep
tions. . For the honor of the British
merchant marine, the crime may not
be ascribed to the men engaged in it,
but to a gang of wharf rats and hangers-on,
picked up on the docks at Liver
pool to replace the usual crew of the
Scotsman, which joined the seamen's
strike on the other side.
The list of those who perished is as
follows: First-class passengers Miss
Street, Montreal; Mrs. Childs, wife of
the stage manager of the. "Sign of the
Cross' company; Mrs. Robertson and
infant; Mrs. Scott; Mrs. Robinson,
wife of the manager of the Sunlight
Soap Company, of Toronto; Mrs. Rob
inson; Mrs. Dickinson, wife of a former
editor of the Toronto Globe. Second
class passengers Mrs. M. M. Scott,
Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Talbot, Mrs. Tut
hill, Mrs. Skelton Mrs. Eliza Watkins,
Miss B. Weavers.
It will be noticed that all who per- .
ished were women. This is accounted
for by the fact that they were occu
pants of- the first boat which left the
steamer after she struck and which was "
swamped before it could get clear ol
the ship. .
Canse of the New Orleans Cotton Gi-
change's Suspension of Business.
New Orleans, Oct. 2. Intense excite
ment prevails on the cotton exchange
here, and the directors of the exchange
-have met and suspended business.
The New York market is closed today,
and the only quotations this morning
to guide local investors were from Liv
erpool. The market had scarcely
opened when the operators had become
paralyzed by advices clicked from over
the ocean. " It showed futures jumping
in leaps and bounds.' In half an hour
reports showed that the Liverpool mar
ket had jumped nearly a cent. The
whole exchange went wild, and the ex
citement spreading to tfie streets, mul
titudes crowded around the doors of
the building. .." .
At 10 o'clock a meeting of the di
rectors was called and prompt action
was taken, suspending all business.
Operators were unable to explain the
tremendous jump, and it was the com
mon belief on the floor that the wires
had been tapped and that a gigantic
swindling game was on foot some
where. . -
Private cables were going to Liver
pool - by the dozens, seeking informa
tion. While the telegraphic wires were
bringing news of the advances at Liver
pool, private cables to prominent local
cotton firms were bearing the news
that there had been little or no change
from yesterday in the Liverpool mar
ket. This at once aroused the sus
picions of the operators, and caused a
hasty meeting of the directors. !
The action of the directors in order
ing a suspension of business checked
the panic, but only temporarily allayed
the excitement, and there is suppressed
anxiety to know the solution of the
puzzle. " ' ." .--'."i-.---
: The directors officially announced
later that today's suspension is due to
fraud. Operators estimate that the
loss suffered here on account of the
swindle will amount to more than
$100,000. -.
. Gold North of Cape Nome.
Tacoma, Oct. 2. Another story of
gold discoveries in the North has been
brought down by Colonel Frank Haight,
a well-known Salt Lake mining man,
who has mining . interests in Alaska.
Colonel Haight was one of the few pas
sengers who came down on the Alli
ance who had come directly out from
Anvil City. He says that a short
while before he left there some pros
pectors came - in with a report of a
great strike at Cape Prince of Wales, .
which is about 100 miles north of Cape
Nome. Colonel Haight says there was
an immediate stampede for the new
grounds. '-. ,.
Chilean Finances.
New York, Oct. 2. A dispatch to
the Herald from Valparaiso says: It
is said the government intends to issue
80,000,000 pesos in silver coin for the
redemption of government bonds. This
scheme, it is believed, will give the
coins their face value; the price of the
bonds will rise and the bank rate of
interest will fall.
Estimates for the wax and marine
departments for the present year, which
amount to 22,298,894 pesos, have been
reduced for 1900 by 4,723,554 pesos, j
Plague Spreading in Portugal.
Oporto, Oct. 2. Confirmation has
been obtained of the report that the
bubonic plague has made its appear
ance at Bagnia, a village outside the
sanitary cordon. The disease was in
troduced there by two patients in the
hospital. .
Last evening a carriage in which
foreign doctors were on their way to
attend a post mortem examination here
was stopped by a number of persons.
The police drove off the assailants and
the doctors escaped, . i
4 i