TALK OF THE TOWN Read the Daily Gazette for all news. Adam Wilhelm and Dr. Bennett were Corvallis visitors yesterday. ' Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. W. W. January, of Harlan, made a June visit to Corvallis yesterday. Cedar bee hives. Largest stock and best prices at O. J. Blackledge's. 6-24-tf Mrs. Beardsley, of the Benton county abstract office, is on the sick list. Call up the Palace of Sweets for your past two weeks, left for home today, ice cream and sherbets. Free delivery. 5-6-tf Gloves and Belts at special prices from 9 to 10 a. m., Wednesday. The Bazaar. 6-29-lt Mrs. J. i Wood for sale.' Leave orders at Rob-inson-Cate Co. j . . 6-24-tf i Closing out sale. All trimmed hats go regardless of cost, at Mrs. Mason's. 6 28 6t Golden Rod Oats are the best. A Willamette Valley product. At Kline's 6-28-6t Take a Kodak with you on your vaca tion, $1 to $65. Instructions free. 6 26 6t Graham & Wells. Miss Beatrice Austin went to New port today to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Fey. -v . Miss Edna Beach, who has been a euest of Miss Ethel Berman for the Norton Adams has sold his residence on the corner of Thirteenth and Harri son streets and will soon have another home finished on the adjoining lot. Shoueh & Sons, the woodsawyers. C. Richardson, who has been I make special price of 40 and 50 Independence, came cents per cord on woodsawine. Call 3rd & Polk. Phone 489- 6-28-tf Titus Ranney, an inmate of the sol- visiting friends at home yesterday. C. A. Freeman finished the plumbing in the elegant new house of Guy Frink fliers Home at Roseburg who has been at fhilomath yesterday. ? , here on leave of absence and looking William Goldson is building a new ' after business matters, returned to the home on south Eleventh street between home this morning. . Washington and Adams. "O. C. Senger and wife left for their new home in Portland today. Mr. Senger. will engage in the ' grocery business. , Miss Flo Paddock, of Iowa, a school friend of Mrs. Prof, Parks, is visiting at the Parks home for a month. , Miss Paddock is a school teacher. Marriage licenses were issued yester day to Elmer Goff and Myrtle Peacock, both of northern Benton; also to Chas.. A. Seabrook of ; Portland, and Jennie Tom, of Corvallis. . Lee Kelly, aged 5 years, died at the family home 3 miles west of Philomath yesterday. Funeral will take place to- j arriving. With the bright outlook for day at 2 o'clock and interment at the j an increased attendance at the college Newton Cemetery. this fall and the new saw mill coming Mrs. Williams and her daughter who i 5t is time the sound of hammer and saw I,!.- hon w v,D i,i should be heard on all sides. At least departed vesterdav for their home in fifty new houaes wiU be needed to SUP" southeastem Orecon. The daughter , dly the demand. "was a graduate at OAC. Railroad Commissioner West, the gen tleman injured in the accident last Sun day; was carried to the train yesterday on a stretcher and placed aboard the train. His home is at Salem. " ' I Carpenters. The Preer Cutlery & j Tool Co.; of. Portland, Ore., have an other large shipment of Gage Tool Co's self -setting planes on the way from the l-f actory at Vineland, N. J. Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. " ; 6-12-tf Notwithstanding many people who were here during the school year have gone home for the vacation season the houses tor rental purposes are very scarce and new people are constantly A Thrilling Rescue. How BertR. Lean, of Cheney, Wash was saved from a frightful death is a story to thrill the world. "A bad cold," he writes, "brought on a desperate lung George Lilly returned yesterday from ! trouble that baffled an expert doctor It mi t !J i.L rt-i r ; "j. j. a visit to the Seattle Exposition. He reports an exceedingly pleasant trip and says the, management was per fectly willing to take his money.B Mr. and Mrs. Morris Merritt. father here. Then I paid $10 to $15 a visit to a lung specialist in Spokane, who did not help me. Then I went to California but without benefit. At last I used Dr. King's New Discovery, which complete and mother of Mrs. H. M. Parks who 1 ly cud Tand W fm " "ff: . . Monday for, their home at Grundy Cen Coughs and Colds, Asthma, Croup and mi uuuy u- j . , ... , j . f - .. . j "... www u v.Li.m, j . m i i i n e , r J...J .-iihi -. i nu i iuii iiu i r-uu 1vMj".jiii uui t for a few days and visit the Exposition, The 220 yard foot race on Second street July 5 will be a stem-winder in the speed ring. Many limber-jointed young sters will clout up for the occasion and the observer should be careful lest he be hit in the eye with a pebble from the flyiug feet.. by all druggists. A Bargain The Fulkersofi six-room cottage, 9th and Madison streets, including all new plumbing, bath tub, stone foundation, woodshed and store room, if removed in "fr fvr twalva Hmra ' TnmiiTP nit r : 4.1.- i A, - j-f.t i has been issued by the Clerk of Benton - " County 34 marriage licenses and of Daily Gazette 50 cents per month; these over one-half were issued during Why not take it. the month, of June. The records dis close that during January three licenses were issued ; in February two, March four, April two, May five and in June eighteen. Truly this has been a month of brides in Benton. All the News All -the Time in the Corvallis Gazette Eases' matches fleed Constant Repairing Their method of carrying them is responsible for the fact. Pinned to the waist or hanging on a chain the delicate mechanism is easily disar ranged. We pay special attention to ladies' watches, and when re paired by ns you will find that they keep in order longer. E W, S, PR TT, Jeweler and Optician 0 STRICTLY STYLISH Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments for Ladies and - Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak for themselves and the prices - are : really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Manilla Davis HE VALUE OF CONFIDENCE "By EVELYN WETWORTH. ICopyrisht. 1909. by American Press Asso ciation.! My poor little girl." gasped old Tom Couyers on his, deathbed, "1 dread to leave you with nothing. If 1 could have lived sis months I might have left you rich." ' ' - , "Oh. I don't mind that. dad. I'll get along." v Sallie Conyers burled her father and packed up their belongings ready to leave the old cabin, near the mine in which all his hopes had been centered. She found a will drawn some time be fore, but now there appeared to be no occasion for a will. Then she went down to Colorado Springs, where she bad an aunt to whom she could look for guidance. When her father died Sallie was six teen. A year later a vein was discov ered in the mine in which she still had an Interest, A dividend was declared that gave her $1,000. which by the terms of the will she could not have till she was twenty -one years old. But the vein soon died out. and the Con yers mine was abandoned. Two. years later a couple of specu lators bought the property for a soug. wiped out the old stock and organized a company called : the ' Hope' Mining company. Meanwhile Sallie Conyers was earn ing her living in Colorado Springs. When she was twenty she became en gaged to a clerk In a bank with a sal ary so infinitesimal that matrimony between the two seemed but a multi plication of their- troubles. But the day was approaching when Sallie would come into her $1,000, and that would enable them to set up in a small way at housekeeping. The day she was paid the money be gan happily and ended in misery. Wil- lard Stearns, her lover, had been long looking for the day when they should be married. Now, when "the money was paid, Sallie told him that she pro posed to invest It in the stock of the Hope Mining company. He looked at her aghast .. . V' I have kept in touch with the prop erty." she said, "and know something about what they are doing. My fa ther worked that mine for three years. He used to talk to me about it because be hadn't any one else to confide what absorbed him. 1 know that when . a certain event happens, if it ever "does happen, a rich lode will be struck." She got out her father's old maps. showing plot after plot crossing and covering, oue another, and tried to ex plain what. her father - had so often explained to her. But eitberhecouW not or would not understand. He took no interest in the angle at which the Sanborn lode dipped nor In the depth at which it crossed the Conyers. A gold mine to him meant a capacious maw capable of swallowing vthe hard earned money ' of simple minded peo ple. He told Sallie that if he married her he had the prospect of living with a woman who had Inherited a specu lative mania. He preferred to go through life alone. Sallie tearfully . accepted , the situa tion. The next day she visited the mine and ' Introduced herself to the superintendent of the boring gang as the daughter of the former owner. He was very kind to her. answered all her questions, but showed no expectation of - striking paying dirt. Indeed. ; he told ber that be expected soon to aban don the work. Sallie asked him how deep was the bole. He told ber It was 1,400 feet. . "Promise' me that you won't stop till you have gone 200 feet farther." she said. "Why so?" "Be cause you'll strike a rich vein at 1,500 feet" He gave the promise, and Sallie re turned to Colorado Springs. The next day she went to a broker and asked the market , price of . Hope Mining shares. They told, her that there had not been a quotation for months, but If 2 or 3 cents were offered it .would bring all she might wish to buy. She authorized them to offer 2 cents share for as much as $1,000 would pur chaser The offer was made and $50,- 000 par value of the stock secured. Old Conyers bad expected to make a strike at from 1.450 to 1,500 feet. Sal lie waited a week in 'a terrible sus pense. She had absolute confidence In her father's expectations, but her $1,000 was backing these expectations. The next day, looking at the quota tions of Hope stock, she was astound ed to see that it bad been run up to 50 bid and few sales. The vein had been struck, the stock became worth $2 a share, and Sallie was rich. Willard Stearns kept away from Sal- He from the day he told her he- would not marry one who bad inherited a mania for speculation. One day he beard of a great rise in Hope Mining company stock and saw an item in a newspaper stating that the daughter of Conyers. who--formerly' owned the mine, bad a large block of the stock. His heart for a moment seemed to cease to beat.' He hoped Sallie would send for ' him. But she didn't. He wrote ber a note congratulating ber on ber good fortune and received a very kind reply. This encouraged him, and be sought to renew the engagement. ; "No," she said, ;your reasons were good, though not exactly as you stated them. Tou and ) are made of differ ent stuff. , l am. like my father, ready to risk all on that in which I have con fidence. Tour natural bent Is In a dif ferent line. Together we should be constantly pulling In different direc tions." . . v - ... . - Sallie Conyers turned out a great speculator and got enormously rich. & WELL H YOU CANNOT AFFORD . TO GO ON YOUR VACATION WITHOUT M ItQOAtl - Free r instructions in developing and printing. ' Dark room free .? to public. One dollar tip to sixty-five dollars. GRAHAM Mellon $f dtUm Contractors and Builders Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line; Please, call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take ; notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. 0. BASSET r, Local Mcr. The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and ' durability tHan Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" A.. Xji -. IMEin er WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Getiar Shakes Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, Bncsc Cement :- Shingles, etc "t jail j& 18$ A Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COPPER S NEWTON HARDWARE GO. Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, - - Corvallis, Oregon Dealers . In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. . . Sole Agents for ; , Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges oundation work, sidewalk and curbing a specialty. .Manufacturers of cement blocks, plain and fancy cement brick, porch columns, cement flues, jardi nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster and lime. . - irst and Adams Sts. Phone 2318 Corvallis, - Oregon Che 0ty Stabks Everything new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call . and give us a v trial. Cor. Madison j and 3d L. F.GRAY, - Manager WHEN YOU WANT SOM ETHING GOOD TO EAT . Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. Fine Xine oft Crockery, Glassware, Cut Glass, Haviland and China ware, LAMPS ETC. Whitney's & Colbert We Make Concrete blocks ot 11 kinds. Concrete bricks, fancy and plain, Concrete tile and steps, Concrete window sills and caps. We Sell High grade Cement and Lime in any quantity. Phone Ind. 3181 413 Second Street South CORVALLIS - - - OREGON 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT In order to clean up. our SPRING SUITS We will erive 20 per cent discount until all are sold A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS, - - OREGON Blacklede A Everett Successors to Henkle & Blackledge FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS Carry a complete line of coffins and caskets in all colors and sizes; also ladies' men's and children's burial robes. Calls attended to day and night. Lady assistant. EMBALMING FOR SHIPPING k SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's furniture store Both phones. ... , si ATTORNEYS . F. YATES, ATTORN E Y-AT-L AW. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only set of abstracts in Benton County PHYSICIANS G. R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office in . Burnett Block, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. B. MORRIS, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. . Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p. m ; 7 to 8 p. m. Phone in both office ani residence. W. T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. . Special attention given to the Eye. Nose . and Throat. Office in Johnson Blau. Ind. 'phone at of - fice and 1 evidence. .' UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVEE, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Embftlmer. - Suc cessor to Bovee - Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Iud. Phone 45. ' BeH PhoDe 241. Lady attendant when desired. PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEL'S 5 STUDIO, - 430 SECOND. Street Phone 4209. 2ND-HAND GOODS GOODMAN'S SECOND-HAND STORE Cash paid for household goods. 424 Second Street. Phone 4325.