CORVALLIS DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening except Sun day.' . Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. PH3NE - - : 210 Address all communications and make ail remittances payable to the Corvaj lis Gazette.- In ordering changes of address, sub scribers should always give old as well as new address. .$ .15 CORVALLIS WEEKLY GAZETTE Wooley, president of the . Mount Holyoke College for Girls. Miss Wooley argued that the girl who works for a living is moie sincere in her love for a home than the college girl, and she declared that the former is of the two, the more anxious to marry,.,. . ,.-, , ..,.,..' .. "I do not see howMiss Wooley arrived at the second half of her conclusion," says Nixola Greeley Smith. "For since . marriage constitutes the only business the Society For Bird Protection SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered bv carrier, per week.... Delivered by carrier, per month. .. .50 1 woman who does not work for a Bv mail, one year, in advance .. 5 ',. . . , .1 By mail, six months, in advance...- 2 50 J living may engage in honorably, By mail, one month, m advance...- .50 1 h t natQraUv be less diffi- cult to please than the working woman. Practically all men be Published Every Friday Entered at the postoffiee at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance-... CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher. PROVISIONS FOR OLD AGE. From an article in the Londoni Economist the following details concerning the new act passed by the Canadian Parliament, es tablishing a bureau for the sale of annuities to workinginen, are taken: In the establishment of the bureau, the erovern ment is not C7 involved in any pecuniary re sponsibility beyond the mere cost of furnishing the machinery which will not exceed $25,000 The smallest annuity that can be purchased . is $50, and the largest $600. Except for cer tain reasons, ordinary annuities are payable till the annuitant has reached the age of 55. They cannot be seized for debt, are not transferable, while money once paid in ou account cannot be withdrawn. If payments are interrupted by sickness, : loss of employment, or any other cause, they may be renewed at any time. Payments may be made weekly, monthly, or yearly, or in lump sums, as is most conve nient. A workingman who at the age of 30 begins to pay 25 cents a "week, obtains at the age of 55 an ordinary annuity of $47, or if he continues his weekly pay ments till he is 70 he thereafter receives nearly $200 annually. For the same weekly payment begun at 20 he receives at 60 an annuity of $130, and if he leaves it on deposit with the govern ment on the understanding that it shall be employed to purchase additional amounts of annuity to commence at 65, he receives a futher sum of $80, making his total annuity at 65 $210. If, at 20, he begins with a lump sum of $10, followed by a weekly pay ment of 25 cents, with lump sums of $10 every five years, ua til he is 60, he is entitled to an annuity of $151; but if his , em ployer adds $10 a year the annu ity at 60 becomes $253, and in the event of the annuitant's dy ing, say at 50, his heirs receive $1215; or if the employe pays 25 cents per week and the em ployer $10 a year, the annuity at 60 is $231, and if the annuitant dies at 50 his heirs get $1110, A man may at 40, by a single de- ieve that marriage is the secret goal of every woman, and that those of us who are over 20 and still single are more or less blighted beings. There is no use quarreling with this fatuous tradition of the self-satisfied sex. Let it suffice that women know it is not so. "It seems to me impossible to generalize concerning the sup eriority as wives of one class of woman over another. Uuques tionably the woman who, has worked for money and who has had to strike a weekly balance between a fixed income and fix ed expenses makes a more prac tide and perhaps a more con siderate wife than the more shel tered and dependent girl. who has lived at home. She has great er responsibility, and for the man who is seeking for tho qualities she would be the better helpmate. -But not all men seek practical wives. Often the most silly, frivolous little creature of our acquaintance makes her bus band happy by her very silliness and frivolity. A man loves woman not - for her points of similarity to him, but her points of difference. He may look up. on her vanity and frivolity, as 4a&c-i n ati n g"fei wrrrngq u. . 1 1 tit s. "From a . woman's point of GGEST'GEHMM IP ODD GIFT FOR CANNON. Articles of incorporation of the Ore gon Audubon Society have been pre pared and will be filed at once with the Secretary of State's office, as well as with the County Clerk. The officers selected for the first annual period are: William L. Finley, president; Horatio H. Parker, . vice-president; Emma' J. Welty, corresponding secretary; Eliza beth. Watson, recording secretary, and Herman T. Bohlman, treasurer. The objects named in the articles are: To use any and all lawful means for the protection of wild birds and animals of the State of Oregon and elsewhere; and by literature, lectures, and, all other available methods to disseminate knowledge and appreciation of wild birds and animals. : To acquire, own, hold, use, sell and otherwise dispose of, and convey, , real and personal property; to accept T'and receive gifts, devises anq legacies; and to borrow money and execute therefor its promissory notes, mortgages ; and assurances. , ' To do any and all acts and things which may be necessary, advisable or convenient for the purpose of - more effectually accomplishing the purposes aforesaid, or any of them. The estimated value of the property and money possessed by the society at this time is $250, and the source of its revenue or income will be from dues, subscriptions, donations, devises-and legacies from its members and others, fteorge Washington a Palatial Vessel With Many Innovations. THE THIRD LARGEST AFLOAT. New North German Lloyd Liner Has Thirty-ona Cabins With Baths At tached Style of Decoration Simple, but Elegant Several Safety Devices Installed. - ? The new North German Lloyd liner George Washington which recently ar rived at New .York on her maiden voy age from Bremen, in addition to being the largest German ship and the third largest vessel afloat. Is different in every way in her Interior decorations from any liner that has ever been In New York. The roominess of the cabins and saloons harmonizes with the colonial style of the decorations. Tbe dining saloon, which-has a seat ing capacity 'of 350 persons, is dec orated In white and gold, with red morocco chairs and a gilded dome, while the sides are adorned with floral designs on a blue background. Each table has been arranged to seat from two to six persons, and the chairs are roomy and movable. On either side of the saloon there are a number of white painted colonial pillars that give It more the appearance of a southern hotel dining room rather than that of a saloon of an Atantic liner. A cold buffet at one end Is another of the numerous Innovations on board. Ipeaker of the House Received Stick of Licorice From New . Yorker. ' One of the most : curious gifts that have ever been received by Speaker Cannon came to him recently from A. W. Ten Eyck of New York. It was a' small stick of licorice Inclosed in a.. common envelope without a word of comment, says a Washington dispatch. The package lay in the New York post- office for' ten days because of insuffi cient postage. It was finally forward ed by Postmaster Morgan and opened by L. Whyte Busbey. the speaker's secretary. The round tube of licorice was exam ined gingerly before it was shown to the speaker In order that Its Identity might be fully determined. ' ' , 'It might be a bomb," was the sug gestion made by a visitor to the speak er's room. 'No," answered Mr. Cannon. "It was probably sent by some friend to break me of the tobacco habit" Mr. Busbey says that, the licorice is one or tne strangest bits or corre spondence be has ever been called on to .answer. Some time ago a match and a piece of bologna sausage were sent to the speaker, but the name of the sender was not given. One of the most attractive parts of and any income which may be derived the first cabin accommodation is the from the investment or use "of any smoking room, which Is divided In two sections, upper ana lower, wnicn are connected by a broad staircase. A full length oil painting of George Washing ton occupies the center of the upper smoking room, which leads out to the open cafe on the awning deck. This cafe Is equipped with small tables and chairs for passengers to take their after "dinner coffee. The gymnasium is on the same deck. Forward on the sun deck Is the solarium, a luxurious lounge seventy feet long by fifty feet wide, decorated with green and gold tapestry and palms and flowers of all moneys or property so acquired."" . Goddess Contest j- Grows Lively The latest count in the contest ', for the Goddess of Liberty is as follows: Mabel Rich.. .............4115 Gertrude McBee. ...7. ...1095 Nora Thomson .560 Ora Gibson, Philomath...- ..........500 kinds, which have a cool and refresh Iva Barclay, 1050 ing effect to the eye. Laura BurnaD....:... ....i ...430 Perfect in its beauty, the great read Grace Wilson .........,..135 Clara Baker..-....'...!..... '.J$im Mary Nolan... ...1.L.260 MabeLWithycombe......... ..-C490 Mary Danneman... ....605 Lulu Spangler ......4..510 The contest closes Friday nights and in the interval the friends of the frec- pective young ladies should do some heavy voting. LAST OF SENIOR WRANGLERS. TV' Ing room represents to a nicety the thoughtful creation of Professor Bruno Paul. It is located on the utter prom enade deck, which Is entirely given over to the public assembly rooms ex cept for a few cabins of the first class. The reading room is In subdued tones, without external, ornamentation, giv ing an air of distinguished restfulness. By reason of its simplicity the idea of spaciousness Is much enhanced. An Ingenious arrangement of the furoK ture , adds to the architectural effect. The bookcases are let Into the walls Famous Cambridge University Honor Won by Chilean Student. The last senior wranglership to be given by Cambridge university in Eng land was awarded to P. J. Daniel of Valparaiso, Chile. Mynott Neville of London obtained second place, and Louis J. Wordell, son of Phineas Wor dell of Philadelphia, was third. The keenest interest was taken in this competition, and the presence of the South American students gave the contest an international aspect. Louis J. : Wordell. who came near winning the last senior wrangleship, is anxious that a wrong impression should not get abroad respecting his objections to being coached for the examination. . x "If I bad been coached," he said, "1 should not have done as well as 1 did. This 1 know from past experience." For the last 150 years and probably longer the "term senior wrangler has been given at Cambridge to the man who was first in the annual examina tion qualifying for the bachelor of arts degree In mathematical honors. The custom now has been abolished. ALL BLACK BALLROOM. of view, or from that of any Misin terested observer in fact, a work ing woman makes an ideal wife. For she knows the value of mon ey. : 'v. . . - "She knows the value or rather the lack of value of promiscuous admiration from men. Tie susceptibility of the sheltered woman to coarse flat tery is the most pitiful thing about her, as well as the most .ngerous to her husband's peace, ine working woman on the contrary, knows the game; and consequently plays the game squarely when she plays it at all. "Men say that she loses a cer tain charm in the process. -There is a whole lot of nonsense talked about 'rubbing the bloom off the peach,' - etc. In a fine peach the bloom goes to the core. In a fine woman it goes to the soul, far beyond the reach of the super ficial contacts of business life." Everything' absolutely f ree " ion " the streets and no fakes will remind one of between the nermanentlv fixed writ the good old-fashioned Fourth of July's ing tables, utilizing every nook -and that was intended by our lore-tathers. The Oreeon Commission extends a general . invitation to all Beaver State people to attend the A. Y. P. E. on Or egon day, July 9. The proof of the revised city charter has been received from the Portland printers and city attorney Bryson and police judge Denmanare now busily engaged reading it. . When the job is finished Mr. Denman says he will have fans in all the saloons combine to keep it memorized so that he can deliver it as the ship well ventilated. an address to the public on July 5, after Judge Harris finishes his oration. Government Selects Site Assistant United States Attorney - J R. Wyatt returned to Portland Wednes day evening from Albany, Ore., , where he represented the Government in the closing up of .a transaction involving the purchase, of a site for the new postoffiee " building there. Congress appropriated $50,000 at a recent session for this purpose, but the transfer of posit, pay arrears of f premium f the property has been delayed Ul OA Al A icttuuil WJ. a tt?uillllCU uciccv ill Luc anu. T", title, and this has now been cleared up. the contract as if he had entered. The site bought by the Governmen tem at 20. Em plovers of labor may I braces lots 1 and 2, in block 17, Albany, contract for annuities for em ployes, and fraternal and bene volent societies for annuities for their members. . ' WOMAN'S POINT OF VIEW. "It is the factory and , shop and office worker,' and noi Xhe college-bred girl' who makes the ideal wife," said - Miss Mary E. and is situated at the corner of Broad- albin and Second streets, in the heart of the city, covering on area of 103x134 feet. It was purchased from George W. Wright and LaureL Lodge, No. 7, Knights of Pythias. Special toilet soap day at the Ba zaar." - - 6 30 It Prof, J. B. Horner went., to Albany today to deliver his ieteresting stereop ticon lecture on Oregon Literature and History before the State Teachers' as sociation. -- corner to the best advantage. For those who wish the very acme of luxury while traveling are two Im perial suites, as they are technically knorn. These , consist of drawing room., breakfast and dining room, bed room fitted with brass beds and bath, together with all toilet accessories. There are thirty-one cabins with baths attached, and all the saloons and deck cabins have been fitted with large windows. The loftiness of the liner between decks and the large electric For Rent 840 acres, 1 1-2 miles from Summit. 700 acres fenced in five pastures run ning water between each pasture, fair buildings, - 72 bearing fruit trees-will lease 5 years straight. . Also have for sale 220 goats and 4 good Jersey cows. D. F. Young. -; 203 N. 14 St., Corvallis. - 6-4-4 tw. CORVALLIS P0ST0FFICE ; Opens 8 a. m , closes 6 p. m. Sundays ana nouaays, opens io a. m., closes n a. m. " ; . . Mails Open rrom , 7, 10 a.m, 12 m. 10 a m, 2, 5 p m 7, 10a m, 12 m 10 a m, 5 p m it :30 am 10 a m 12 m ... 7am 6pm "" , loam 5pm Nearly all of the first cabin rooms are so high above the water line that the windows mpy be left open even In the roughest weather, insuring an abundance of fresh air and light.- The vessel Is divided Into thirteen water tight -compartments, and two Stairways are provided for every com partment below the saloon deck, so that all water tight doors can be closed during a fog without cutting off com munication with the other parts of the ship. The second and third class and steer age accommodations on the George Washington have been fitted out In the same comfortable manner as the first cabin, according to the respective classes. The liner has a second crow's nest suspended from the crosstrees on the foremast so that the lookout man will feel the ice In a fog off the banks of Newfoundland quicker than the man below in the crow's nest by the foretop. The George Washington was built at the yards of the Stettiner Vulcan com pany in Bremen. Her dimensions are: Length 722 feet 5 inches, beam 78 feet, Furnishing Craze Started by One . England's Richest Women. The latest craze in furnishing is the an black ballroom. The fashion was set by Mrs. Houldsworth of London, one of the richest women in England. who inherited most of the money left by the late Mr. Assheton-Smith. The walls of her drawing room, according to a London cable dispatch, are of solid black ebony, with a deep frieze of gold flowers. Above the frieze is a line of mirrors, and in these are reflected electric lamps, each inclosed in a golden lily which stands out In high relief from an ebony panel. The effect is to throw up the bright colors of the women's dresses, "and the long line of mirrors prevents any touch of somberness. Lady Drogbeda. who only recently returned from -a very up to date honeymoon, was so fascinated by Mrs. Houldsworth's ballroom that she following suit with an all black draw ing room relieved with silver and countless small electric lamps ingen iously hidden in its moldings. - i Mails CI jse ' For Portland 5:30, 10:30 a m, lit m .van n n - : Albany 5:30, 10:30 a m, 5;30 depth from awning deck 80 feet speed D m Washington and 10:36 a m, 12:30 California a and 10:3o a m, 5:30 uuiiiui oouiii p m Philomath and points West 12:30 p m Monroe 1 :30, 5:30 p m McMinville and Westaide points Mill City and way ro.nts Philomath and ' Alsea Monroe stage Philomath stage 12:15 p m - 5:30 am 85 am 2pm Sam 18.5 knots, displacement at thtriy-three feet draft 37,000 tons, gross registered tonnage 27,000. horsepower 20.000 and cargo capacity 13,000 tons. The liner has seven decks and Is equipped with Marconi wireless appa ratus, submarine signaling. Stone-Lloyd for closing the water tight bulkhead doors. This device enables the doors to be closed by the simple turning of a wheel on the bridge deck. These doors may be closed and the ship practically hermetically sealed within fifteen Sec onds. Another safeguard is a bell sys tem for fire extinguishing purposes. Some of ' the Innovations of the MNTRAHTMIS nnrl . MIII HFQ& George Washington are the elimina tion in ine caous or tue nrsi crass u upper berths, children's play room, two electrically worked elevators for pas sengers, complete electrical equipment, very wida berths, hot and cold fresh and salt water, . running water In rooms, dark room for the use of ama teur photographers, and on the boat deck are twenty specially constructed dog kennels, in charge of a competent kennel .master, where the pets of pas sengers may be placed during the trip and receive, the best of care. F. I. Gilbert & Son Jobbing Estimates Furnished. Ind. Phone 638 Wood, Hay and ; Oats for Sale ROY RICKARD, Corvallis COFFINS OF GLASS. Texas Inventor Provides Vacuum as : Last Resting Place. A Baltimore manufacturer recently completed the first glass coffin ever made, it Is said. , Dr. H. G. Becker of Texas, the inventor, went to Baltimore to direct the casting of the coffins, They are-warranted to be as lasting as if made of stone. After the body is placed in the cof fin the end is attached and hermetical ly sealed. The closing of the "breech1 of the coffin opens a vial of chemicals which take gaseous form and act as an extra preserving agent. An a pump Is then attached to an openiu, left for t!!- purpose.-- vnruum is es tablished, and the aperture is sealed. Edward Everett Hale. . I"He giveth his beloved sleep." For him no heart fn all the world Has any soreness than of grief. His was the kindly God who curled The tendrils and who spread the leaf. Who gave us sky and sun and rain And saw the world that it was good No god of wrath and greed and pain. But one of human brotherhood. He asked no god of grimy gold To give what mortals call success, . . He worshiped not In accents cold The mammon of unrighteousness, - But just the good of doing good Was all he wrote within his creed And Joyed when that he understood - The healing of another's need. God's gladness in his clasping palm. God's sunshine In his cheering smile, He gave to aching hearts a balm And comforted in sorrow's while. And be was great not of the sword. Not of the miry pride of craft. Not of the clutched and clinking hoard. Not of the rival's venomed shaft. i But he was great because he went The path of gladness day by day And all he earned of Joy he spent For those he met along the way. A kingly greatness this of his. But with no trace of kingly hate, ' For brother love and kindness is The base of what is truly great. . And so he folds his hands in sleep, . His work well done, and his reward la that he hears the chorus deep - -Of them that sing before the Lord. "" What finer thing has God a give, f;' ''- "What nobler task Is writ on htgh. ' ..Than having such a life to live " And having such a death to die? Wilbur U. Nesbit in Chicago Post. iV STRANGE CASE OF HEREDITY. By T. DE WITT BOWMAN. Copyright, 1909. by American Press Asso ciation.! From" my "earliest remembrance 1 lived with Patrick Coulter, an Irish man. All 1 knew about him up to the time I was twelve years old was that he was Mr. Coulter, and 1 was George Bissell. I "was given to understand by him that he bad taken uie as an or phan .and was bringing me up. i cer tainly was not allied to him by blood. for I was as refined in appearance as any gentleman's son. while Mr. Coul ter showed . unmistakable' signs of plebeian origin. He was short, red faced, thickset.' rotund' and with griz- sly gray hair. He wore on bis face a perpetual sour expression. 1 confess that, although 1 was given to under stand that I owed him everything, I bated him. . , , And I had every reason to hate him, for he bated me. He was always surly to me and never even in odd mo ments showed any affection for me. Only In one way did he manifest any interest in me. He would occasionally have fits of generosity with me. giving me money quite freely, but always Im pressing 'it upon me that he was very good to do so and that 1 should ap preciate his kindness. He also seemed to be troubled with a continued fear of losing me. The only knowledge he possessed was that of tfgures. He wrote a good clerical band, and 1 remember that such accounts as 1 happened on that were made by him had a methodical look. When I was twelve years old I one day found Mr. Coulter in conversation witb a lean, hungry looking man. who, when I entered, asked, "Is this the boy?" and Mr. Coulter grumbled a low 'Tea." The man looked at me curi ously, and when he went away I saw him putting a lot of bills in bis pocket-book.- He came after that from time to time, and on several occasions when I happened to see him depart he had evidently received something. His vis its were always accompanied by bad humor on the part of Mr. Coulter, and once I overheard high words between them, - The most remarkable bit of treat ment I received from Mr. Coulter was a good education. When I came to be eighteen I longed to go to college and - begged very hard to be sent to a uni versity. He demurred, but at last con sented, telling me that I should always remember that be bad pinched himself to send me. At college I formed the pleasantest : associations and often spent my vacations witb my college chums.- "M'r. Coulter was greatly vexed at this, but as I was growing to be more of a man every day. and he was . growing old and seemingly a trifle afraid of me, I usually bad my way. At leavmg college I wished to study the law. but for some reason Mr. Coul ter took a strong dislike to my adopt ing this profession, and in this In stance, holding the purse strings, he conquered. One day while I was thinking what I would do to make myself independ ent I had occasion to bunt for a letter 1 had mislaid. Mr. Coulter was not in the bouse, and I rummaged all over It Finally 1 got Into the garret. There were several trunks there, all locked. and an old desk. Protruding from an under portion of the desk I noticed the corner of a paper. I pulled It out and read it. There was nothing In it that I knew anything about, but the band writing attracted my attention at once. Indeed, it was so like mine that for a time I supposed I had written It and wondered how It could have come to be where it was. I put it In my pock et and studied it. The next time Mr. Coulter left me alone In the house I went back to the garret and hunted till I found a letter in the same hand writing. This time I was astonished. It appeared to have been signed by me. At any rate, it was my name and my handwriting. It had been written to Mr. Coulter from abroad and gave Instructions in the matter of certain properties possessed by the writer and evidently managed by Coulter. I folded the letter, put it in my pocket, took It down to my room. locked the door and never gave over making theories with regard to the matter till I struck the right one. The writer of the letter was evidently my father or a near relative. Without ever having seen his handwriting, he redity had determined that as 1 grew to manhood I should adopt it 1 then and there determined, maintaining a perfect secrecy between myself and Mr. Coulter, to make an Investigation. I unearthed a great swindle. The steps I took to do so would form a. separate story. The tracks of the man who had done the swindling had been so adroitly covered that 1 was obliged to proceed step by step and very slow ly. I knew in a few months all I ever came to know, but to untangle my discoveries so as to turn them Into proof required a year. When I had untied the last knot 1 went one day Into Mr. Coulter's study and. laying a lot of papers on his desk before which he sat, said: . "Take your choice between signing those or going to tne penitentiary . He looked up at me white as a sheet, then, taking up the papers, signed every one of them without ' reading them, putting me In possession of a large fortune. " My father, a widower, had died abroad, leaving roe. -a baby. In bis sis ter's care. She died soon after, and Coulter took me. - Then be laid his scheme for appropriating my property. is