Aldrich, the Tariff Gzar Sources of the Rhode Island Senator's Remarkable j Power In Getting ' Votes to Revise the Tar ; . iff Inward. A Specialist Who Is at Home In Secret Conference, In Committee Room or on the Floor Practical. , but No Theorist W By JAMES A. EDGERTON. fHAl" is happening to the tar iff bill? Answer Aldrlch is. happening to it, and that Is : "plenty. If Payne should now" meet his pet child he would greet it as a stranger, as much of a stranger . as Payne himself seemed to his friends ';" after he had lost his whiskers. How.j has Aldrlch worked this transforma-n tion? He has the votes. If he has ' not enough in his own party he j reaches over and picks off a few Dem- ocrats. How does he get these votes? Ask somebody on the inside, and he probably won't tell you. I don't know how he gets them,, but he gets them. Maybe he uses bait or a. chloroform bottle or a club or a fish net, or may be he is Svengall in disguise and a majority of the other senators are Tril bys. . Sherlock Holmes might tell how he does it, but nobody else seems to know, or if anybody does know he does not want to commit himself and keeps as quiet about it as well, as quiet as Aldrlch. Aldrlch is so still that the interstellar silence would sound like a boiler factory compared to him. It is rather a striking spectacle that confronts the American people in this year of our Lord 1909 striking and edifying! Here is one man apparent ly stronger than the whole United States. Last year a great national convention was held and in its plat form adopted a plank favoring tariff revision, which everybody supposed would be revision downward. The other party was for even a stronger tatorial; not from his position In the party, for outside of being "boss of the senate" he has no great standing as a party leader. .. 1 never heard of his going on the stump in a national campaign nor indeed of his having had any part in the canvass at all.. What, then, is the source of his mysterious control of the senate and of all fiscal legislation? What is behind this man, who is repeatedly charged with being the real ruler of the 'United States? Is it John D. Rockefeller, with whom he Is connected by marriage? Well, the richest man in the world might help some, but Aldrlch 'bossed the senate before his daughter wedded Rockefeller's son. These ar,e but inci dents. They do not explain him. . - Many Years In the Senate. And now, having found the things that do not make Aldrich powerful, perhaps we can determine some of the things that do. One is that he has been in the senate twenty-eight years. In a general way seniority regulates promotion in congress, as in the army and navy, and it has produced the same unsatisfactory . results in all three. The senseless system Is now being abrogated in the military, but it stiU obtains in congress. Its iron hand on the upper house was recent ly pictured by Senator Beveridge in the Saturday Evening Post. By mere weight of age in the service Aldrich has gravitated to the head of the finance and steering committees. Another strength of the Rhode Is land senator is that he is a specialist. i" ' V$y'' ' ' ' lls ssao hs X ' T 1 T" ' jt Two Views of Senator NELSON W. ALDMCH, Chairman of Senate Committee on Finance. and more immediate reduction. The campaign was made, and the candi date of the dominant party gave as bis keynote this demand for a down ward revision, his opponent, of course, going him one better. On that issue the first named candidate was elected and took his seat. . Immediately he called a special session of congress to revise the tariff and in his inaugural address said in effect that - revision meant reduction.. In this stand he bad not only the approval of his party as expressed at the polls, but well nigh the unanimous support of the press, resolutions from associations of farmers and business men, practically all organized workingmen and at least one great group of manufacturers." The popular branch of congress, in .which tariff legislation must originate, brought in a bill that, to some extent at least, revised the schedules down ward. And now this one man, this senator from the smallest state- in the , Union, defies the president of the United States, who Is also the head at his own party; defies the other house of congress, defies a large in surgent section of his party in the senate, defies the party platform, de fies the pres$, defies public sentiment and by some means that are a mys tery to the- whole nation gets 'enough votes, either from his own party or the other, actually to Tevlse the tariff upward. There has been hardly any thing like it in American history. ' ' '-' His Mysterious Power.! ! :M Whore does he get his power? Not from his eloquence, for, While he is a fair speaker, there are a score of bet ter orators in the senate; not from his popularity, for it is not one of his con " spicuous assets; not from his educa tion, for he never had much started life as clerk in a fish store and out . Bide of finance and the tariff' has nev er been particularly studious; not from his wealth, for, although a mil lionaire, .there are many other mil lionaires in the -body with not a frac tion of his power; not from his social - qualities, for be tares little for-so- - ciety, has but a slight sense of feumar jpd Is Inclined to be serious and Ale tte looks arter tariff and finance and doesn't bother his head with much else. He has studied these questions till he has them at his fingers' ends. Whatever concerns the bankers, the manufacturers, the railroads, the trusts In a word, "the interests' concerns Aldrlch. There Is no pre tense about it He is quite frank, he stands close to these people, spends much of his time in Wall street, knows what the world of high finance wants, is there as its mouthpieee. Is politically Independent since Rhode Is land will send him to the senate any way, knows the power behind him and can be defiant, and all the other sena tors with like affiliations follow their leader. : Aldrlch is ho theorist He Is a "practical" man. TTi head is cram med with facts, and he marshals them in a plausible, way. He has no qualms, no excuses, nothing but the determina tion to get what he goes after or as much thereof as possible. : So far . as known, Aldrich. has no sentiments -except for tariff schedules. . For public criticism he cares not a whit.. He has no delusions, no sports' and ho fads, i He gravitates between Wash ington New s York and4 Rhode Island and permits no fuss to be made about his comings or goings. Perhaps no body wants to make a fuss, but if any one does he is not encouraged. Great Marshaler of "Votes. " Aldrich knows the legislative game, knows how' to appeal to selfish inter ests of other senators, knows how to put up schedules for trading purposes, knows how to seem to concede or ac tually to concede at one point In order to preserve a more vital one, how to Incorporate legislative Jokers, how to use his power s head of the steering committee, which , gives him the sen tence of life and death over bills and thus makes him able to .hold senators In line; how to threaten If necessary. how to wield the party, whip, how to bring outside pressure to bear, how to persuade, for he can be most persua sivein fact how to use all the wheels within wheels that go to turn the gov ernment, machine. -His business for more than a quarter of a' century has been to learn these things. He Is at home tii the secret conference, In "the committee room or on the floor. ; fle Is plausible and often convincing in debate. But he shows to best advan tage when marshaling his votes jon roll call. - : ' " ' -.. . - ' :'" Roughly stated, these constitute the secrets of. Senator Aldrlch's power length of service, specializing on tariff -and finance, being the alleged spokes man of certain powerful : business groups and mastery ' of legislative methods. I hope I have stated the case fairly. I have tried to keep out mv own personal bias, but we . are seemingly powerless anj.Waj?, and it does no good to call names. 1 - A- year ago ... it was saidf that Mr. Al drich would retire at the, end of his present term, which closes on March 4, 1911. The ostensible reason given was his age,1 which will then be sev enty. The real reason was said to be that he saw a growing- revolt against his leadership aad would retire be fore overthrown. Throughout the ex tra session that revolt has been strong ly in evidence, but "not strongly enough materially to affect Jesuits. But with the headway '-that ; it has gained in his own party there is no predicting what size it may assume in the elections two years hence. The significant remark in Secretary Mac Veagh's Chicago speech to the effect that the president as leader of his party might find ' it : necessary to "change its majority and control" was generally understood to refer to Al drich. and others of his kidney, so that if he does step aside it will only be out of the path of the storm. But all of that will be too late to affect this tariff bill. On that it is now fairly certain that the Rhode Island senator will have his way. Nor is it probable that' the president will veto it how ever deeply he may feel on the sub ject The general view is that he will get the best he can and let it go at that believing that to prolong the agitation at this time would but dis turb business. That will by no means end. the matter, however. The wounds left in this fight will be long in heal ing, and that talk of changing the' "majority and control" may prove no idle threat. - Sturdy Band of Fighters. , We can all thank Senator Aldrlch for one thing. His course has brought into being one of the sturdiest, little bands of fighters that' ever raised the banner of revolt in what they believed a righteous cause. Whatever may be our individual opinions of the tariff itself, there can be nothing but ad miration' for. that dozen of young Re publicans, including Ia Follette, Cum mins, Dolliver, Beveridge, Burkett Brown, Bristow. Clapp, Nelson, Borah and others, who have risked .their po litical all in a battle to keep .faith as they saw It -The country "may find it worth looking at these two pictures on the one hand Aldrich, Intrenched by years, wealth and votes, ' and on the other thes?. young uien -dsriuii, lo make aclosing; &ght- torftaTsa.- losing fight now,-but irnok, written, that In the end it will wjn? That will be after 'the days of Al drich, when he is safe' In his cyclone cellar of retirement. He has the pres ent fight cinched, -and that is enough. After him the deluge. The future can take, care sof itself.- . Very Simple liver. -' What manner of man is he? One of the smooth, diplomatic and secret sort There is Uttle to tell of his life, less of his habits. He does not drink or smoke, lives in the simplest manner, is white of mustache and gray of hair, ruddy of face, muscular, of medium height and his most notable : feature Is a pair of piercing eyes. He began life as a grocery clerk, got into the Providence council, next into the as sembly, then into congress and finally into the senate. That Is the whole of the story, so far as the public knows, though there are whispers of Aldrich having controlled the public utilities of Rhode Island, from which he made millions. Henry Beech Needham tells a story in this connection -of how Marsden J. Perry, Aldrlch's partner in the traction business, once got an option on a lot of horse car lines In Providence and peddled it' around New York, but without success. . Then he bethought himself that Senator Aldrich's name might prove an "open sesame" to certain gentlemen inter ested in sugar. v ; ' "In twenty-four- hours" the matter was closed, and in forty-eight ' hours we had four millions to check against," said the laconic Perry, f; It. has. often been said tthat Sir. Al drich, has no sense of humor. Yet I have' found two fairly good stories credited to him. . Here Is one of them: When - abroad several years ago he visited a typical London music hall. A one act melodrama, called "The British Heart of Oak,' was played by' seven men and a young woman. The time of the melodrama was laid In the early years of the last century, .and four of the players represented Ameri can soldiers. . ' - These American soldiers were' a rag ged, scarecrow lot,, for It was "the idea of the 'melodrama to ridicule '-the American army. As the men came on the., stage they were put through an examination. -V: ... .,-'-,':' I "What 4 was your business before you became a soldier T they would be asked, and . to this question . one an- L.sw.ered that he? had been a tailor,; an other that he had been a cobbler, a third that he had been a cook, and so on. . - : - -' : . . The audience laughed uproariously at an, army composed of men from such sedentary ; and; confining trades, but in the midst of the laughter Sen ator Aldrich's American heart was re joiced to hear a voice shout from the gallery: i Hurray! Great Britain Ucked by tailors, cobblers and cooks! Hurray l" m. . See These Prices Boiled Down to Make Best Bargains tract! v e S p e c 1 a S s One Dozen Ladies' Wool Tailored Suits At Actual Cost. . . All Ladies' Oxfords At a Big Reduction en's and Bov's Clothing at Sale Prices A Lot of Boy's Cloth ing, 4 to 14 years, at HALF PRICES Get on to Our Bargains for next week I K M - . - . . PLAN YOUR VACATION NOW at our expense A CHOICE OF FOUR FREE IS OFFERED YOU CIT ATT! C DURING ALASKA YUKON EXPOSITION YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE VALLEY ALU YOUR EXPENSES PAID r IF. YOU HAVE FRIENDS IN THE EAST WHO WANT TO .VISIT THE PACIFIC COAST WE CAN ARRANGE IT This is fypffifOfipo For complete information address Sunset Travel Club Room 16, Flood Bid's San Francisco THE DAILY GAZETTE ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME