Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, June 26, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except Sun
day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street,
corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. "
PH3NE - - 210
Address all. communications and make
all remittances payable to the Corvai,
lis Gazette.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as well as
new address.
Delivered by carrier, per week $ .15
Delivered by carrier, per month .50
By mail, one year, in advance .. 5.00
By mail, six months, in advance..... 2 50
By mail, one month, in advance. .. .50
Published Every Friday
Entered at the postoffiee at Corvallis,
Oregon, as second class matter.
One year, in advance $2.00
Six moths, in advance- 1.00
CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher.
"The industrial classes make
up the larger part of our popu
lation. Let us adjust our school
system to the good of the major
ity. This is only democratic."
The foregoing is a quotation
from an article in the Oregon
Countryman, an OAC paper. The
article was written by a member
of the '08 class, and the subject
matter pertains to the value of
industrial training in the prim
ary and secondary schools. It
is a theme much discussed in
these later days, but for all that,
the writer in the Oregon Coun-
j; . H PS ' j
trymarfhas not failed to invest it
with new significance. The quo
tation embodies as a summary
that writer's point of view.
As a concrete illustration cov
ering the failure ol present-day
educational methods to serve the
higher interests of the school
community, we are favored with
a glance at some Oregon school
statistics that are food for reflec
We are shown that for the ;
year 1905, "out of 77,390 boys of
school age in the state, only 107 .
graduated from a 4 year course
in the high schools, nineteen
from a 3 year course, sixty-two
from a 2 year course and four
from a 1 year course, or a total
of 192 from all the courses."
It is only fair to assume that
a percentage of this large unr
graduated balance retired from
school ranks by necessity. As a
matter of domestic economy it
has been essential for a number
of these to leave school and go
to work. But that class is small
in this state, and negligible, as
it affects the total of boys who
fall short in their educational
course. The more pertinent and
1 significant fact is that the boy
! himself does not maintain a real
j heart interest in the manifest
aims of the education he receives,
jln his own way the boy regards
the intellectual training of the
i school in the nat' re of an accom-
! plishment that, aside from a few
fundamentals, does not touch
the activities in which he expects
to engage as a man. ' The crea
tive and constructive energies
of the boy are neglected and lie
dormant. The best part of the
boy nature is never aroused, or
Music, Bands and Chorus
if so, by accident rather than de
sign. The parent becomes . as
indifferent'as the pupil : and both
look forward to the earliest pos
sible conclusion "of the school
period as the tin e when, the per
iod of real education in the mat
ter of earning a livelihood will
begin. , . , s r i ,
. Industrial training - generally
adopted in "schools wi substi-
tute interest for this indifference.
With the dormant faculties of
the boy sensitized andH brought
into play, his ambition to go
further in au educational course
will develop into action. That
ambition will be seconded, by
parental appreciation of the new
order, and common-school edu
cation will mean more to the
people than it now means.
The boy mind is not an intel
lectual plant to be grown and
trained according to 'formula.
Within it there is individuality
and inherent qualities of growth
and development which are dis
covered and converted to active
benefit only as the interest of
the boy is aroused in the process
of education.
Democracy in education is,
therefore, truly involved in the
broader view of teaching the
greater number of boys accord
ing to their needs as men." As
a matter of fact, in theV present
system we are given to consider
ation of the fads of the educafor,
rather than the future idemands
of those we educate. AVe ideaize
the classical and fanciful accom
plishment and neglect the call
of the working world. We for
get that the boy's larger interest
lies in his developing ability to
Sports, Races, Ball Game
do something, and as that abil
ity is encouraged the ambition
to know something is strength
ened. We do not employ , the
system that reaches the greater
number of boys the most effec
ually. -Telegram.
O. A. C. Girl
Wins Honors
Miss Mary Sutherland, an Oregon
girl, graduated from the Teachers' col
lege of Columbia university in the June
class, completing a course which enti
tles her to a degree, and bachelor's di
ploma. She was the only girl from Or-
eg(fti in the class and the only one who
finished the prescribed course in one
year's time. Miss Sutherland is a grad
uate of Oregon Agricultural College and
has been a teacher of domestic art in
that institution. She will remain in
New York this summer and will teach
Free instructions in
Dark room free to
sixty-five dollars.
BMIK iMl!! aIH IIP .Mill!
The Benton County
Heal .- Est at e Agent
Corvallis, Oregon
1T -If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange, see us. No padded
prices. As to our responsibility, and methods ot doing business, we refer
vou to the business men of Corvallis. H Some splendid bargains send for
list. ...
Day and Evening
domestic art in Miss Helen Gould's
school for girls at Tarrytown. N. Y.
On the large estate left her by her
father Miss Gould has established this
summer school for girls who come from'
all the countryside to attend. The in
structors go from New York every
morning and are met by coachmen from
the Gould estate with equipages and
are driven to the school.
Women Who Are Envied.
Those attractive women who are love
ly in face, form and temper are the
envy of many who might be-like them.
A weak, sickly woman will be nervous
and irritable. Constipation or Kidney
poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin
eruptions and a wretched complexion.
For all such, Electric Bitters work won
ders. They regulate Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys, purify the blood, give
strong nerves, brighteyes, pure breath,
j smooth, velvety skin, lovely complex-
ion. Many charming women owe their
health and beauty to them. 50c at all
Daily Gazette 50 cents a month.
developing and printing.
public. One dollar up to
Highest Cash Price
Paid for Second
Hand Goods
C. W. McKee
312 Second St. Phone 1323
" Taunton & ESurnap ,
Cement Contractors
Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town
All work guaranteed first
Corvallis , Oro
Powerful and repldwell ma
chine run by gasoline engine.
Wind mill pump repairing,
and drove wells a specialty.
Place your orders now before the
season's rush'work is on. g
Box 526 Corvallis, Oregon
Hay Baler
Will rent on the shares for the sea
son's run, a Hay Baler. Address M.
S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Oregon.
llUMTOJIffB , ......
I E hid? OHS!!? kCE Boauoo j
l! Tguamnteo satisfactory 1