Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, June 24, 1909, Image 4

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    Illellon $f Gendron
Contractors and Builders
- .V
:t :
A, " i:
oundation work, sidewalk and curbing
a specialty Manufacturers ofcemem
blocks, plain and fancy cement brick
porch columns, cement flues, jardi
nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaste
and lime.
Irst and Adams Sts. Phone 2318
Corvallis, - Oregon
tbe City Stables
Everything new and up to
date. Rigs furnished on
short notice. Call
and give us a
trial. Cor.
L. F.GRAY, -
Whitney's & Colbert
We Make
Concrete blocks ot all kinds. Concrete
bricks, fancy and plain, Concrete tile
and steps, Concrete window sills and
We Sell
High grade Cement and I,ime in anyi
Phone Ind. 3181
413 Second Street South
20 Per Cent
In order to clean up our
We will srive 20 per cent discount
until all are sold
Too 1 Ckr in oil TVTnrv PiivnioVunrro
MU M.- W V X 111 KJ 1111 U
Blackledpe & Everett
Successors to HenkJe fc Blarkledge
Carry a complete line of coffins and
caskets in all colors and sizes; also
ladies' men's and children's burial
robes. Calls attended to day and
night. Lady assistant. EKBALMIKS FOR
SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's
furniture store Both phones.
Onice Rooms 3, 4, 1st iSatl Hank Bldg.
Only set of abb tracts in Benton County
Surgeon. ' Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404. ;.
and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon-
voe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office
hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4p.m; 7 to
8 p. m. Phone in both office ani resi-
. denee.
and Surgeon. Special attention given
to the Eye. Noee and Throai. Office
in Johnson Blag. Ind. 'phone at of
flee and lesidence.
or and Licensed Embqlmerr Suc
cessor lo Bovee & Bauer Corvallis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. .'.-Bell Phone
- 241 . Lady attendant when desired.
Street. .Phone 4209.
Cash paid for household goods. 424
Second street, - Phone 4325.
Samuel Untermyer Declares
Trusts Are Enthroned. ,
"There Never Has Been an Honest Ef
fort to Enforce It," Charges the Law
yer Dreads the Awakening and
Fears an Upheaval In the United
Samuel Untermyer, who was counsel
for Adolph Segal In the recent suit
against the sugar trust, sailed from
New York with his wife on the steam
ship Kronprinzessin Cecelie the other
day for Europe. When asked before he
sailed his views as to a criminal pros
ecution of the trust and whether his
client had decided to press such pros
ecution or take any active part in aid-'
lug it, he said:
"What would be the use? The sugar
company has been a consistent law
breaker ever since its birth. Its ac
tivities in congress have been one ''of
the scandals of the country for many
years. It has robbed the public and
ruined its would be competitors. But
It Is no worse than many of the others
in its criminal methods and not quite
so bad .as some.
"This suddenly aroused virtuous ab
horrence of its methods is amusing. It
accidentally happens at the moment to
be the scapegoat, but as the govern
ment has waited until after the prin
cipal; offenders are dead it doesn't
much matter. Whenever the govern
ment really wants to bring the crim
inal rich who are managing these con
spiracies that are notoriously violat
ing the criminal law within the pen
alties of that law. it will not be diffi
cult' There never has been an honest,
intelligent effort to enforce the ample
provisions of the law against any of
the monster monopolies.
"The government has had no trou
ble in convicting and driving out of
business a few poor, struggling, com
paratively harmless combinations that
were put together to prevent bankr
ruptcy and secure a small profit But
the financial buccaneers who have been
'holding up' the 'country In the neces
sities of life, keeping out foreign com
petition through the tariff at one end
and crushing home competition at the
other until the increase in cost of liv
ing Is alarming," have remained im
mune until every lawyer who has had
to deal with this big question knows
that the pretended enforcement of the
law is a huge farce.
"Every time - the government has
had a chance to enforce the criminal
provisions of the law (which consti
tute the only . effective part, the oth
ers being mainly academic) it has run.
There are always so many reasons for
not doing things that it is never diffi
cult to find one. We learned that les
son In. the recent ventilation of cor
porate dishonesty when every exposed
criminal went unpunished, most of
them back at the old game on slightly
modified lines, including the subsidiz
ing of a part of the press through ex
travagant advertising at the policy
holders' expense and Jeering at the
discomfited 'muck rakers.'
"We all know that the anti-trust law
is being openly flouted and violated
every day by some of the most power
ful men in the land. There are num
berless secret, unlawful pools to con
trol prices and restrict production op
erating an New York today, many of
them under written agreements that
are criminal conspiracies on their face.
"If a fraction of. the energy that is
wasted in smashing gambling house
doors and watching saloons, etc., were
expended in getting evidence that Is
'obtainable we should soon be able to
bring this great evil under control.
Somehow or other it .looks as if
the power of these men is too much
for the government. The evidence of
crimes has been for years available
to the public authorities if they would
go about their task as they do in fer
reting out smugglers, counterfeiters,
postoffiee thieves and other classes of
criminals. . -
"We are told by a certain eection of
the press, and some gentlemen around
Wall street are regaining their smug
confidence in that belief, that there
has been a reaction in the public mind
against what they are pleased to call
'attacks' on these criminal conspir
acies. - v
"For the sake of the country let us
hope these gentlemen are mistaken,
for if they are right we shall have an
upheaval in this country as compared
to which the mild and harmless ex
periments of the last administration
will seem like a midsummer zephyr
alongside a cyclone. ;
"These pools and combinations are
growing stronger and more numerous.
Individual enterprise is being stran
gled. Unless they are brought within
the clutch of the criminal law and de
stroyed the future is fraught with dan
ger. The only way to regulate them is
to bury them. So long as the presi
dent of the United States can defy the
law by giving them immunity and go
unrebuked the sentiment of the coun
try is callous. . -
"I dread the awakening. - We are a
hysterical, press ridden people, arid we
go to extremes.
"Until the public mind is .aroused to
a recognition of tbe extent of the evils
from which we are suffering and the
far greater dangers that are threaten
ing us it is useless to attempt to bring
these men within the law. Their pow
er is so great that they are practically
above the law except when confronted
with an aroujed public opinion. 'I de
voted my time and money to that serv
ice In the life insurance fight at great
personal sacrifice and with the aid of
tbe most distinguished body of public
i;iirited citizens ever got together
with only, temporary results and of
the most unsatisfactory kind. 11 ud we
ad nothing for our pains but abuse
nd misrepresentation. lu the end
one of the ('ompauiHs whoseafreuts
mid been forstiiu; ballots, when me
agents were i-auglit. in , the act.', was
able to urutect the confessed : forger
from punishment under cover of in
dicting the secretary .of our committee.
nd it took us years and almost bank
rupted the iMior fellow to prove, bis
own innocence. I refer to poor Mr.
Scrugham. who' was acquitted by a
Jury In three initiates.
But meantime we had no time or
disposition to follow the real crimi
nals. At least one of the companies is
back at its old games again with prac
tically the same crowd In command.
There is no real sustained public sup
port for such movements in this conn
try. We are too fickle, too busy and
too easily led. I repeat that the sugar
trust Is no worse than many of the
others. We are getting just about the
sort of administration of our laws that
we deserve."
Two Thousand Dollars In Prizes
Awarded by Sunday School Union.
In -February. ; 1908. the American
Sunday School union of Philadelphia
offered $2,000 In prizes for three books
to be issued under the John C. Creen
income fund. For the best book on
Christian Principles In Our Rurq
Districts How to Make Them a Con
trolling Influence," $1,000 was offered.
For. the best book on "The Bible an
Attractive Book" a prize of $G00 was
offered and for the next best on the
same subject $400. The competition
closed April 1 last.
The society received a large number
of manuscripts in response to this offer,
many of them of a high order of mer
it. The committee reported the re
sults of its painstaking examination
of the manuscripts at a meeting of the
board held on June 8. The prize of
$1,000 for the best book oh "Christian
Principles In Our Rural Districts" was
awarded to the manuscript entitled
Rural Christendom; or. The Problems
of Christianizing Country Communi
ties," marked "Bertram Rothcarl." .
The prize of $000 for tbe best book
on the topic "The Bible an Attractive
Book" was awarded to the manu
script entitled "The Magnetnsm of
the Bible." marked "M. L. M." and
the prize of $400 for the next best
work on the same topic was awarded
to the manuscript entitled "The At
tractiveness of the Bible An Appre
ciation." '.'.'"
Upon opening the sealed envelopes
after the awards were declared it was
found that the manuscript on the first
topic was written by the Rev. Charles
Roads, D. of Philadelphia The
best work on the second topic was
written by , Malcolm L. MacPhail, 2
Waumbeck street- Boston, and the
next best work on the second topic
was written by George Huntington,
Northfield, Minn. - - -:C,
Nearly Human 'Machine Invented by a
Buffalo Man. '
Much interest is shown throughout
the United States by large commer
cial houses in the recent invention of
Bartow S. Holyneux of Buffalo of his
envelope filling and ' addressing ma
chine, on which he has -worked for
seven years and which he recently
completed. This machine is capable
of sorting from a table six different
circulars and will also insert them in
an envelope, lick the flap and by a
pneumatic process seal the same. It
then properly addresses the envelope,
the corner of which is then licked,
after which a stamp is put in place
and forced on by the above mentioned
pneumatic process' (the United States
government has issued an order per
mitting the sale of stamps in strips to
be used for this invention), the letters
are then conveyed to a counter and
are counted and then carried to one
of Uncle Sam's mail bags. When the
bag is full and closed the counter
shows exactly how many letters are
in the same.
This machine is capable of turning
out 4,000 envelopes and circulars an
hour, addressing., stamping envelopes
and inserting them in mailing bags
and counting them in other words,
will do the work of a hundred girls.
River Transportation Test. .
The United States Steel corporation
has started an investigation of the rel
ative values of water and rail transportation-
of large consignments of
products intended for the south or any
other point which can be reached by
both rail and water. A model barge
with 100 carloads of steel pipe, four
solid trains, was recently started for
New Orleans from Pittsburg, and at
the end of the journey the cargo will
be- most carefully inspected for dam
age in transportation. It has been al
leged by the water people that the
loss by breakage on a rail consign
ment is four times that of a corre
sponding water haul.
- Noninflammabla Picture Films.
.The discovery of a secret process for
the manufacture of . noninflammable
films for moving picture machines was
recently announced by a company in
Rochester. N. . Y. " Should these films
possess the qualities claimed for them
the thousands ; of moving picture
shows throughout the United States
will be comparatively safe from ex
plosions and fires. , A. demonstration of
the process for making the new film
was given the other day at Rochester.
The film is put through several baths,
filters and mixtures, and an Intricate
mechanical apparatus Is required for
its manufacture, v
B ; " Prices - Boiled ' . S
' . Down to Make ' -.
I ' Best Bargains -t H
m These A ft r a c 1 1 v e S pec I a S s 8
jf One Dozen Ladies' 8
glj Wool Tailored Suits - 111
g - ' At Actual Cost. . c - il
v Air Ladies'. Oxfords ' .
j ' At a Big , Reduction g
H? . : ' Men's and ' Boy's II
Clothing at Sale Prices '
III . ' A Lot of Boy's Cloth- . 2$g
ill ' - ing, 4 to 14 years, . . IS!
; . at HALF PRICES . g
jj Get on to Our 'Bargains for next week jfjfl
ghest Cash Price
Paid for Second- -Hand
C. W. McKee
312 Second St. Phone 1323
Daily Gazette 50 cents per month
Why not take it.
Hay Baler
Will rent on the shares for the sea
son's run, a Hay Baler. Address M.
S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Oregon. ...
Taunton & Bitmap
Cement Contractors
Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town
All work guaranteed first
Corvallis, Ore
Powerful and rapid well ma
chine run by gasoline engine.
Wind mill pump repairing,
and drove wells a specialty.
Place your orders now before the
season's rushjwork is on. g
Box 526 Corvallis, Oregon
Tftut bottu ran
The Jackson Loan & Trust Co.
Fort Worth, Texas Jacksow, Mississippi
The Best Paint
There is no better paint made. for appearance and
durability than i
Acme Qualify Paint
Specially prepared for exterior and' interior use.
JL.m Xji- BwOJQ. OX
Second Street, Near Palace Theater
Occidental Lumber Co.
Successors toj
Corvallis Lumber Co.
We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please
call on J. B . IRVING for information and prices. And take
notice that if we. have not got . exactly what you want we will
get it for you. '
G. 0. BASSET r, Local Mcr.
Benton County Lumber Co.
' Manufacturers of all kinds of
Fir lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts,
Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes
Dealers in
Doors, Windows, Lime, BrtCK Cement
I - Shingles, etc