HURRAH FOR t teration CELEBRATION GLORIOUS TIME PLANNED JULY FIFTH FOR GREAT DAY IN CORVALLIS U II U UlUre Observance of Independence Day Will be Characteristic of the Patriotic People Splendid Program is Being Make your Arranged by the Committees, purchases at once Xtra Extra Bargains Prices Talk Compare prices and values Ladies' and children's wearing apparel at prices so extremely low it is foolish to go without a new waist, new skirt, new suit, new dress Linen, repp, poplin, soisette, Kobe silk, ' ' lawns, batiste, in fact all materials to be sacrificed at this price- slashing sale Ribbons in all the most wanted colors in stock to be sold now for about half Trimmings, laces, embroideries etc., etc., on bargain counter at less than half Our men's department is fast selling itself out and the result is broken lots in all lines, but oh, what a .reduction in price! In shoes we excel because the styles and variety shown here this - -season have given us a nice . business, but . now for a big cut in price. FJi:LMILCIR 142 Second Street Everybody is getting: in fine trim for the rousing celebration here in Corvallis on Monday July 5, and that dav will be crowded to the limit with excitement, sports, grand parade, fire works, music, addresses and all the observances that accompany an old time keeping of the Nation's birthday, The various committees have been doing splendid work and there promises not to be a single hitch in the joyous event. The speaker of the day will be Judge L. T. Harris, of Eugene, an eloquent orator and one sure to awaken lots, of patriotic enthusiasm. Miss Vena Kick- ard will read the Declaration of Inde pendence, and Prof. Gaskins will direct a large and well trained chorus in the singing of national songs. - There will be musie by the band, two of them, in fact, and a parade that will be a credit to the artistic talent of the committee in charge, with some popular lady as Goddess of Liberty and Captain McAlexander as Grand Marshal. One attractive feature will be troops of mounted ladies and men, all forming a brilliant cavalcade. - '.. The sports will be numerous and var ied and there will be plenty doing to I amuse and entertain the crowd. The celebration will end with a bril liant display of fireworks at night, . the best that it is possible to obtain, and I will be touched off on the opposite side of the river, so that the crowd ' can all see the magnificent effect from this side. The committee having in charge the contest for the Goddess of Liberty, hopes that the greatest interest will be taken in the voting and that the fund will be large enough to aetray. the ex penses of getting the gorgeous float here for the parade. School Election Next Monday . ... The regular election in District No 6 will be held at the courthouse Monday afternoon, June 21, from two to six o'clock for the election of five school directors, instead of three as formerly, the district having been raised to the first class. The time of W. C. Corbett expires, and he is prominently mention ed for reelection, as also is Judge Denman for his experience and ability in school matters. This election is a most important one and every voter in the : distrist should be sufficiently interested in it to help elect the very best men. SERVICES AT THE CHURCHES Where to Worship in Corvallis Tomor row Morning and Evening. UNION SERVICES The union Sunday evening church ser vices will Degin tomorrow mgnt ana will be held Jn the r Methodist church. A union meeting of the young people's societies of the city- will be held in the same church at 7 p. m. Union church services at 8. ' ; . PRESBYTERIAN " " " Preaching at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning by the pastor, J. R. N. BelL Morning topic, "The Trans figuration." Evening topic, "What is a Man Worth?" at the union services at 8 p. m. at the M. E. church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. ; Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. ; Bible study Thursday at 8 p. m. AH made welcome. Reception of members at the morning service. EPISCOPAL'; Church of the Good Samaritan, corn- i er Jefferson and Seventh streets. Ser vices June 20, Second Trinity. Sunday School at 10 a. m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL "Just Precisely What Does the Lead ership of Jesus Christ Mean to a Twen tieth Century American?" will be the theme of Evan P. Hughes at the First Congregational Church, tomorrow at 11 a. m. .-, . Bible School at 10 al m. will complete 4 the services- held in ' this church. The church and congregation go ta the uaioa . meeting in the M. E. , ehurch at 8 o'clock, Alt are most cor dially invited. ! ' - "BAPTIST" " $ ! Sunday School at 10 a. m. ; preaching : by. Rev. J,- H. Everett, subject, "Go i Forward." No services in the evening as there will be union services Of all the churches at the M. E. church. . , METHODIST EPISCOPAL Services tomorrow as follows;10 ar m.f Sunday school; li a. m., . sermon by the pastor; 7 p.m., Epworth League; 8 p. m., union service, sermon by Rev. J. R. N. Bell. CHRISTIAN ' - Preaching and Communion service at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon, "Con sider Christ." Union service at M. E. church in the evening. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH There will be preaching services at the M. E. church, South, tomorrow at 11 a. nr. by Rev. P. A. Moses. . UNITED EVANGELICAL ; Evangelical Church, corner of Ninth and Harrison streets. The Evangelical congregation will not enter into the union services for the time being, be lieving it would be injurious to their general interest and efficiency, but will take part in the later part of said union services. Subject for 11 a. m., "Gain ing Thy Brother," and at 8 p. m,' "The Temptation of Christ. " Sunday School at 10 a. m. ; K. L. C. E. at 7 prm. I - tm SEASONABLE STOCKS 1 5lv :' ' : ': ' -, saga More Municipal Ownership At the special bond election held in McMinnville Monday, ', the proposition of making an additional bond issue of $30,000 for the completion of the new electric power plant, and' for improve ment of the gravity water system car ried by almost a two-to-one vote, A light vote was polled in the three wards. The result of this authorized bond issue will be an all-day electric current for commercial use. Could Not Be Better. No one has ever made a salve, oint ment, lotion or balm to compare with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands it's supreme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c at all druggists. Again Grand Chaplain Rev. J. R. N. Bell is to continue for another year as grand chaplain of ''the Masonic order in the jurisdiction" of Oregon. This was announced yester-, day by the worthy grand master, elect, Dr. Norris R. Cox, after Rev. Mr. Bell had delighted the members with pleasing address. Corvallis Ladies Appointed Mrs. A. Antoinette Stiles, worthy grand matron of the Grand Chapter, Order Eastern -Star, " has appointed Mrs. Rose J. Wilson on the committee on Dispensation and Charities, and Mrs. Francis - Helm on Appeals " and Grievances. : . These . ladies are promi nent, members of St. Mary's Chapter No. 9. Corvallis. The first chorus, rehearsal for the mu sical partof the program on, July- 5 will be held Monday night at the Presbyte rian church, and Prof. Gaskins would like all who intend taking part to be on hand promptly at 7 o'clock. Daily Gazette 50 cents a month. Succeed when everything else ails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. CORVALLIS P0ST0FEICE Opens 8 a. m , closes 6 p. m. and holidays, opens 10 a. ni., a. m. Sundays closes 11 Mails Open From 7, 10 a.m, 12 m. 10 a m, 2, 5 p m 10 a m, 12 m 10 a m, 5 p m il:S0 a m 10 am 12 m Tarn 5pm 10 a m 5pm : . Mails Close For Portland 5:30, 10:30 a m, 12 m 5:.fW u m. Albany 5:30. 10:30 a m, 5;30 D m Washington and 10:30 a m, 12:30 Eastern .states 5:30 pm California a and 10:30 a m, 5:30 points tiouta p m ' Philomath and points West 12:30 p m Monroe 1:30,5:30 pm MeMinville and Weptside points 12:45 p m Mill City aud way po.nls 5:30 a m Philomath and " Alsea 8-45 a m Monroe stage 2 pm Philomath stage 9 am. TRAVELERS' GUIDE Arrival and Departure of Trains UNION DEPOT, CORVALLIS : R. C. linvillB, Agent - . Arrive ' Southern Pacific Depart 11:30 a ni. Passenger 1:30 p. 5:40 p. m. , Freight ; 6:4o a. m -J Corvallis & Eastern 11 a. m. Passenger east ii:i a 8:35 a in. " . " 6:30 a. m 1:20 p m. " .: west . a:isp. m 4:35 p. m ' " east 6 p. m 8:35 p. m. - ".. 1:40 p. Sunday Trains 1:15 p. m. 11:15 a. hi , "Daily except , Sunday. AH -. other trains dailv." . . v . - Prices Boiled Down to Make Best Bargains See A a a jlZ . These Ul UCllVe oPCiaiS One Dozen Ladies' Wool Tailored Suits At Actual Cost. . . All Ladies' Oxfords At a Big Reduction Men's and Boy's Clothing at Sale Prices A Lot of Boy's Cloth ing, 4 to 14 years, at HALF PRICES Get on to Our Bargains for next week J. H. H ARRIS For Rent 840 acres, 1 1-2 miles from Summit. 700 acres fenced in five pastures run ning water between eachpasture, fair buildings, 72 bearing fruit trees-will lease 5 years straight. Also have for sale 220 goats and 4 good Jersey cows. D. F. Young ' 203 N. 14 St., Corvallis. 6-4-4 t w. Daily Gazette 50 Why not take it. cents per month Hay Baler Will rent on the shares for the sea son s run, a nay tsaier. Aaoress m. S. Woodcock, Corvallis, Oregon. 6-7-D4.Wtf. Taunton & Burnap Cement Contractors Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town All work guaranteed first class. Corvallis, Ore HYDRAULIC WELL DRILLING Powerful and rapid well ma chine run by gasoline engine. Wind mill pump repairing. and drove wells a specialty. Place your orders now before the season's rushVork is on. A. N. HARLAN Box 526 Corvallis, Oregon The Best Paint There is no better paint made for appearance and durability than J Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS' A.. Ij, Miner WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE LONG TIME EASY PAYMENTS RE LI A ALE REPRESENTATIVES WANTED The Jackson Loan & Trust Co. Fort Worth, Texas Jackson, Mississippi Occidental Lumber Co. Successors to Corvallis Lumber Co. We.are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B. IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. 0. BASSET T, Local Mer. Eft &.S.TKE COUGH i I Amu 5 3 if mi IMiYj rMpf r,P5ot&i.oo 1 O LBS V TRiAt BOTTlt FREE fc: AKDALLTKMATAND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATSFACTOftX Of? MOAy ffEFUAQD. ' Benton County Lumber Co Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Gedar Shakes Dealers in Doers, YIndows, Lime, BriCK Cement, Shingles, etc