C0RVALL1S DAILY GAZETTE Published every evening except Sun day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONE - - 210 Address alt communications and make all remittances payable to the Corval ms Gazette. - it is not growing halffastenough. "There is a crying demand for ten times, yes, a hundred times the number of graduates that is now being turned out. The peo ple of Oregon are intensely loyal in support of ' the college, but they are beginning to want to OiC REMINISCENT 10 HIS (Continued from first page') In ordering changes of address, ecribers should always give old as well as new address. tion building now used as the School of Mining Engineering. Analyses . were Qpp Qnm o rf tho hruro orvivn rr hti r L . - . .. .. .. sub- J introduction of beet culture ana the es- to the farms and helping to bet- tablishment of the sugar industry in ter the conditions of the country. Oregon. The School of Pharmacy was This is the primary purpose for which they are contributing their money for its support. "The demand for trained men SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Delivered by carrier, per week S IS .Delivered by carrier, per month...- ' .50 Kw mail rn 'ta r it, anoanrp C fin rJ - - j . 1 , 1, By mail, six months, in advance...- 250 iu agriculture ana Horticulture is By mail, one month, in advance.... .50 v-v . t nVn pnnf;nnnn asked, "Where can I get a man CORVALLIS WEEKLY GAZETTE Published Every Friday Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance 1.00 CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher. DEMAND FORTRAINED FARMERS. W. K. Newell, President of the State Boardof Horticultuie, con tributes to the .June Oregon Countryman an interesting ar ticle compauing the Agricltural courses with other studies, given at OAC and has the following to say about the necessity trained farmers: ."Why 3o not more boys take the agricultural courses at the College? The records show that there are many more students in the mechanical, engineering, and commercial courses than there are in agricultural. The graduating class laet year of 87 members contained only eight to take care of my orchard, or of my dairy?. Are there any who are students at the college that we can get?" I am compelled to answer that the college now scarcely turns out enough men to fill the ranks of Vs own teach' in g staff. That the United States Department of Agriculture has great difficulty in finding trained men enough for the service, and that there is nothing at all left for the- farm, excepting those favored" few who return to theii own farms. "That boys did not turn to ward agriculture in past years was not strange. The rapid de velopment, of the country made farm products comparatively installed, the present Mechanical Hall was built to take the place of the one which had been burned down, and to the greenhouses was added the : Horti cultural Building. V Compulsory labor of one hour per day was required of all students in their re spective courses. For extra time, stu dents were allowed ten cents per hour. Board with room in the dormitories was .v.- ? T , ; COTTnSS Or ITTTB7. First Year. First Term. Chemical Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, Structural and Physiological Botany. First five books of. Davies' Legendre. Second Term. Organic Chemistry." How Crops Grow. English Language. Third Qualitative Analysis. Detection of the alkalies, alkaline-earths, earths, etc. Systematic Botany ; Excursions and Collections. English Lan guage. Second Year. First - Term. Qualitative -Analysis' continued. Detection and Separation of the Elements. Chain Surveying and Mensuration. Geometrical Drawing. - General Piincipesof Zoology, (or German). Second Term. General Principles of Geology. Veg etable Economy; How Plants Feedv Topographical Drawing. Animal Physiology, (or German); Third Term. Geology of Oregon. Vegetable Econ omy. .Entomology, (or German). First Scientific Agricultural Course ; Mafgaret Snell, as manager of the tw o dormitories, made the following an nouncement regarding the cost of living at Cauthorn Hall, which brought many new students the following year: "It is confidently believed, from the ex perience gained in the management of the girls' hall last year, that the cost of living will not exceed six dollars per calendar month of thirty or thirty-one days. The hall will be under the- super vision of Lieutenaut C. E. Dentler, U. ' S. A., as commandant." Doctor Thomas M. Gatch was presi dent for a decade beginning 1897. Dur ing his administration the school was more than doubled in attendance and capacity. The Hall of Agriculture and - Waldo Hall were built and the Chemi cal Building was devoted to Mining En- Ulellots m&m Contractors and Builders -v- ' -I -!-. i -:V.i..': V i .. : . i 'S : - ; " ! Thomas M. Gatch, A.M., Ph.D. President 1897-1907 ' , ly grew to 833, was divided Jas follows : 745 regular students, 56 short course students, and 32 students taking only music. But let President J. K. Weath erford, who speaks for the Regents, tell you of Doctor Gatch; for the Re gents are the highest tribunal in college circles: "President Gatch, reputed for long experience and classic finish, came to us when we were sorely in need of a guiding mind, and grasped the helm with a firm and steady hand, and with the poise of genius directed its course onward with a well-defined purpose and a definite aim and object in view. He came to Oregon in 1859 as president of the Willamette University, at . Salem, Since then he has been president of Wasco Academy, the University' of W ashington and the Agricultural Col- gineering. uourses in music, f orestry, lege, ana ail 01 tnese institutions are j Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineer- ; indebted in great part for their eminent ing and .Literary Commerce were mtro-; duced. The attendance, which gradual-I (Continued on page three) Foundation work, sidewalk and curbing a specialty Manufacturers of cement blocks, plain and fancy cement brick, porch columns, cement flues, jardi nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster and lime. ! First and Adams Sts. ' Phono 2318 Corvallis, - Oregon announced at $2.50 per week, and the small tuition which had been charged was eliminated. :- Although tuition now for cheaP wnile ' at tne same time became free, and the resourses of the ottering great rewards in other institution were reaucea oy tnat mucn, lines ana tue dullard was leit as good enough for the farm. A lamentable state of public oppin- ion fostered the idea that only in business or the professions could a man attain anjr standing or distinction. "This state of affairs is rapid ly changing; the iarmer is now agricultural students, while there iudSed for what he is and is ! no were seventeen in the electrical, four in the civil engineering, and even the course in pharmacy could boast of eleven graduates "This is a strange showing for an Agricultural College and yet it is typical of the American colleges. What is the matter? Where does the fault lie? That such a showing is not a healthy one will be conceded by all, but how shall it be remedied? I do longer handicapped his calling. because of the President and the Board of Regents were so careful with the finances dur ing the panic that the college was en abled to decline $5,000 appropriated as a maintenance fund by the preceding Legislature. This is probably the only incident of the kind in Oregon history. August 1, 1896, the Regents elected Hon. H. B. Miller, one of their number, President of the college to succeed Doc tor Bloss, who resigned. President Mil ler, a fine business man of wide ac quaintance, administered the finances of the college and directed the experiment station Professor F. Berchtold. A. M.. There are no long- the senior member of the faculty, was er any cheap lauds to produce chosen dean of the college. The Presi- . . i c . j--' - dent developed the industrial features crops ai low ugures aim wnii , . - .. , , , r: . w " siip-ouuu uicwuus. x iiueo muoi, ever it was possible. Hence many rule higher and farm incomes changes were made in the curricula to Mnnintlv orefltfir Th threat- that end. The faculty strove to reach J to . h. est development of the country must now be that 01 improving its farms. "Never before has the atten- the farmers as well as,the students, so as to obtain results more immediate. Farmers' institutions grew more popu lar, and a large portion of the people were in this way brought into " touch with the institution for the first time. tion of thoughtful people been The armory and gymnasium was buflt. tj 4I.. tnmJ r, Btrnr.o-l- Warvl t.h The literary societies, wmcn were reor nut mean mi immu- tuau meie - -&v . . renamed constitutions .are too many graduates- in other country. Every business or o their makingt became social as well that miffht be professional man dreams of . the as literary. In the catalogue, Doctor that there is time when he shall have money a proportion enough to enable him to afford lines, though questionable, but entirely too small of those in argric ulture. "Blameis frequently laid upon the management of the schools because, as is claimed, they edu cate the boy away from the farm lhere has been no doubt some justification for such charger, President W. J. Kerr, the present efficient head of OAC - . : . ' . V to own a farm, and he buys one when he reaches that point. lhen he needs a trained man for a manager and cannot find him. 'iou young men who are just beginning, and are wonder- hnt a little thought will show ma what you will do, give this that the blame, primarily, can- matter your attention; investi- not be laid at their door. These gate it for yourselues. You will schools have been created' and find that the farm today offers as equipped for the express pur- much, or more, than any other pose of teaching the agricultural line of industry. You will find and mechanscal branches, and there ample exercise for all the the name itsfilf shows tho relat.- brain power you possess or can ive importance the courses were acquire; you can attain a dig- expected to retain. : mty and influence second to "Tf students will not enter none, and also you can make as these courses, members of the much money (after all it is the faculty are helpless; they can- dollars that attract us) as you not use force to persuade them, will at almost any other calling .Boards 01 Kegents cannot be ex pected to spend the funds for equipment for courses in which you ay lollow. lhere are thousands today starving in the professions who would consider there are no students. The fact tne financial position of the aver- that students have persisted in age farmer an enviable one, and j entering other courses than agri- who would have succeeded as culture or the .mechanic arts has farmer? had they given the care fnrfid tho addition of mnnv nth. to the preparation for that line er branches' for which these that they gave to their profes- schools were never originally in- sional training." tended. I know that the faculty of the Oregon Agricultural Col lege has long lamented that the agricultural classes have not made a better showing, and they have done everything possible to encourage the students in these branches, with the result that the agricultural class this year shows the greatest increase of all in point of- numhers. . But If You Are Worth $50,000 Don t read this." This will not interest you. If you are a man of moderate means and cannot afford to buy high priced property," you will be pleased to know that I can sell you some -choice lots near the college, in a very desirable location, at cheap prices if .taken at once. Direct from the owner. - Address Lockbox No. 114, Corvallis, Ore. 6-18-6tw , 7T -""'r ''5-,v.' u.i -n'lio 1 1 .J j E4jLlIJ- A; id ,lt I M f .'IV--'-j ,"r -j , . , v rcf, " - - - - rrrf-,.s'!S : 5 r' V v' i' " " Cbe gity Stables Everything new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call and give us a trial. Cor. Madison! and 3d L. F.GRAY, - Manager Whitney's & Colbert We Make Concrete blocks ot all kinds. Concrete bricks, fancy and plain, Concrete tile and steps, Concrete window sills and caps. We Sell High grade Cement and Lime in any quantity. Phone Ind. 3181 413 Second Street South CORVALLIS - - OREGON 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT In order to clean up our SPRING SWTS We will erive 20 per cent discount vuntil all are sold - A.K.RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS, - - OREGON . Blacklectee & Everett Successors to Henkle & Blartledge FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS Carry a complete line of coffins and caskets in all colors and sizes; also ladies' men's and children's burial robes. Calls attended to day and night. Lady assistant. EMBALMING FOR SHIPPING SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's furniture store Both phones. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTOENEY-AT-LAW. Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Unly set- ot aostracta in tsentou uounty The Daily Gazette, 50c per month. A Group of Buildings at OAC PHYSICIANS G. R. FARRA, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 9 a. m.; I to 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 2128, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS, M. D , PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 pm.; 7 to 8 p, m. Phone in both office ani residence. VV. T. ROWLEY, M. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eve. Nose - and Throat Office in Johnson Bide. Ind. 'phone at of fice and tesidence. X UNDERTAKERS M. S. BOVKa, FUNERAL DIRECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc- cesser to Bovee fc Bsuer Corvallis, Oregon. Iud. Phone 45. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEL'S STUDIO, 430 SECOND Street Phone 4209. ' 2ND-HAND GOODS GOODMAN'S SECOND-HAND STORE Cash paid for household goods.- 424 - Second Street. - Phone 4325. .