Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, June 14, 1909, Image 3

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Trunks and suit cases at Blackledge's
Furniture store. , 5-17-tf
V ioya ogue ana prea mscner came
up from Portland Sunday evening:.
For Sale Household furniture at 857 .
Tyler street. Phone 2264. 6-9-10 t.
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
mish that wears at A.'L. Miner's. '
- - .,' , . ',; 5-17-tf.;
Call up the Palace of Sweet3 for your
ice cream and sherbets. Free delivery.
" 5-6-tf
Douglas Irvine, of Brownsville, was
over yesterday to visit with father and
Mrs. Effie Smith is prepared to do
dressmaking at 242 Eighth street, cor
ner Jefferson. ' 6-10-6t
General repair shop. All work first
class, promptly done. Back of Beal
Bros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros.
Fob Sale. For the next few days,
horse and buggy. Enquire at the Red
Front Stables or phone 3121. 6-12-2t
Yesterday was decoration day for the
W. O. W. and the graves of the de
parted brothers were strewn with
flowers. - '
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carter went to
Seattle Saturday and will visit the par
ents of Mrs. Carter and take in the Ex
position. Joe Henkle was an over-Sunday vis
itor with his father and mother, r Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Henkle. Joe is now lo
cated at Portland.
Wanted. By young lady to engage
place to work for next fall. Will want
to attend college. Address 446 18th
and Tyler streets, city. 5 24 tf
Henry McCall, a former OAC boy,
now cashier of a bank at LaGrande, is
' here to attend commencement exer
cises and attended the Junior Hop Sat
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jennings, of Eu
gene, have been attending the Seattle
Exposition and will stop in Corvallis for
a few days as 'guests at the home of
Henry Goldson. 4 ;- ? j f
.1 Must be sold at 'once, three lots en
Main street ; one lot on First street ;
two lots on Third street. ' All well lo
cated. A bargain, Hughes & Miller,
140, Second street. - . ? , 6-7-tf . ;
M. 'J. Lazelle, a graduate from the
agricultural course at, OAC, is enjoying
a visit from his father who is a promi
ihent Red Pole thoroughbred breeder
of cattle living near Oregon City,
f A letter from Ll F. Horning, of Tolo,
Idaho, gives flattering reports of .crop
.conuitions in mai country, ine-wneat
will be a bumper crop and with, season
able rains all other crop, will bl good.'
4 - Mrs. L. F. Wilson was a morning
passenger ' to , Portland this ' morning
where she and Mrs. Helm will attend
the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star
as Past Grand officers. The local Star
will be represented by Mrs. Mary Allen,
: and W. P. Lafferty. .. , ... ..... , r
The grocery firm of Horning & Mac-
; kenzie has been dissolved, Mr." Mac
kenzie retiring, 'and - the business to be
Continued by Mr." Horning. For the
past year the firm of Horning & Mac
kenzie has been a popular place with
the trading public both being gentlemen
; of unquestioned integrity and business
ability; Mr. Mackenzie will go to Port
land where lnrger opportunities are to
be found. -. A, - --
E W. S. FR ATT, jeweler and Optician
Ready - to
' ' . " ' -: ..." '
These Garments for Ladies and Misses
are of excellent quality. - The styles speak
' for themselves and the prices are really
. less than the cost of material and making.
. Read the Daily. Gazette for all news.
S. N. Lilly returned from Portland
yesterday evening, w t ' ' " , s
Si N .Wilkins returned to his home in
Portland today. - : ('
Dewalt Elrod, of LaGrande, attended
the Junior Hop Saturday night.
Did you. eat ; Golden Rod for break
fast?. Get it at Kline's. S-12-7t
Mr. and Mrs.' Wesley Jones, of Port
land, are guests at the Purdy home.?
Delbert Prebstel a former OAC stu
eent, now a resident of Portland, was in
attendance at the Junior Hop Saturday
night. 7 "
Ralph Poindexter, a 2-yaar student at
OAC, now a druggist at Prineville, was
a hopper at the Junior Hop Saturday
Hunters and amblers are taking their
licenses for vacation season. County
clerk Moses has ; issued 68 licenses this
Miss Lessie Bush, of Albany, was the
guest of her friend Pansy Peters yes
terday and listened to the Baccalaureate
aldress at the Armory. .
Cora Newton, sister of" Recorder New
ton, returned yesterday from Oaksdale,
Washington, where she has been teach
ing music since last September. '
Frank Bell came up from Oregon City
yesterday and will spend the week with
the closing scenes of his school boy days
he being a member of the graduating
David Gellatly left Corvallis yester
day going direet to Seattle where re
will have charge of the Chelan county,
Washington exhibit at the Exposition
grounds. - , ;
. George W. Cooper lost a valuable
horse yesterday. On going to the field
he found the animal with his leg bro
ken and Mr. Cooper is at a loss to know
how it happened.
The Junior Prom Saturday night was
a most enjoyable affair. The Armory
was beautifully decorated for the func
tion and over 200 couples participated
in the" well arranged program. -
J. F. Aldrich, Superintendent of the
water works, has been , confined at the.
home for several days with the chicken
pox. He has had a severe attack but
will be at his post again in -a few days.
Eat Golden Rod Flakes, f
They are better for breakfast, ,
' I . Than old-fashioned corn cakes, '.
And five minuets time,
" Is all that it takss
" At Kline's. 6-12-tf
Mrs. John Howard, of Prineville,
Eastern Oregon, and Mrs. J. C. Clark,
of Portland, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.
J George Fuller,, and attending the clos
ing exercises at OAC, both being grad
uates of that institution. ,;'
N. Needam, at one time a popular
salesman at S. L. Kline's, and anex
she'riff of Linn county, has bought the
Posey property on Fitth street and will
move to Corvallis to make! it his"' future
home. - Mr. "Needam is a most exem
plary citizen and , will again be gladly
welcomed as a citizen of Corvallis.
4 Could Not Be Better. ?
. No one has ever made a salve, oint
ment, lotion or balm to compare with
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. . It's the one
perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns,
Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers,
Eczema,? SaltRheum.)'; For Sore Eyes,
Cold Sores, Chapped Hands it's supreme.
Infallible for Piles. Only. 25c at all
druggists. ?"-- -
Dales' matcftes nci
. Constant Repairing,
Their method of carrying them . is
, responsible for the fact. Pinhed to
the waist or hanging on a chain the
delicate mechanism is easily disar
ranged. We pay special attention
-'.to- ladies' watches, and. when re
paired by us you will find that they
' kee,p in order longer.
- Wear j
& D&vio
What Commemoration of
Historic Battle Means.
Wide Scope of the Conflict's Influence
. on a Great Nation Graphic Picture
of the Battlefield as It Was In 1775.
Historical Landmark That Has Been
Preserved to Posterity by Women.
Sooner or later every stranger who
visits Boston Invariably announces. I
must see Bunker Hill." June 17 is the
Ideal day to gratify tha wisu. To cor
rectly entertain-any guests a supply oi
luscious chicken and ham sandwiches
should be taken, with plenty of pic
kles and a few pieces of pie. for
Charlestown accent - on the "town,"
and pronounce it clearly, please is
within the "pie belt." We climb the
stately pile on Bunker Hill, attend the
exercises held by some historical asso
ciation, listen to the strains of that old
ode sung at the dedication of the mon
ument in 1S43, when Daniel Webster
delivered his famous oration ; behold
the parade sweep in majesty about the
foot of the historic pile and watch the
sun flash in golden gleams on the re
nowned "Sword of Bunker Hill." Like
many another historical landmark that
otherwise would have been obliterated.
Bunker Hill has been preserved to pos
terity by the devotion of women.
Where today are well kept turf, a
stately monument and joydus sight
seers, in 1775 a bare summit scarred
by cannon shot, a raw, half sodded
fieldworks and low redoubt overlooi
ed the burning churches and houses of
Charlestown. Beyond from the Charles
river the British ' men-of-war joined
the land batteries on the farther bank
In the unceasing thunder of artillery,
hurling death upon the men of Massa
chusetts Bay, . Vermont and Connecti
cut. , ; - --v
Due north to the very verge of the
Mystic ran a weak breastwork across
pasture lands and meadows, with here
and there an orcBard a-bloom with the,
delicate pink and white of apple, pear,
cherry and 'quince, fields of yellow
hearted, white petaled daisies swaying
in the vortex of cannon shot and the
mad rush of furious charges.
Anon the orchards were full of red
coated, 'white gait ered infantry the
snow, white daisies were marred by
great splashes of life blood and ' the
pastures strewn with patches of scar
let where soldiers in their gay uniforms
had fallen to rise no more. To the
left a half score of brass howitzers,
posted amid brick kilns and clay pits,
sought - to' enfilade and sweep away
the Baymen who kept the hill."
Farmers.: sailors, fishermen, trades
men,' clad in everyday garb." armed
with ; their homely weapons of the
chase, with scarcely a flag to fight un
der, suffering hunger, thirst and weari
ness under the broiling sun. coolly train
ed across the Bunker Hill breastwork
the . long,, rusty tubes which had al
ready .heaped windrows of dead and
dying men upon the fields below where
the new mown bay still lay drying.
The British lines continued; to charge.
"Don't fire until you see the whites of
their eyes!" The : word "passed along
the line of set faces and leveled guns.
A moment later hoarse cries, "Fire,
fire!" rang out. A crash of triple vol
leys and the rattle of deadly,file firing
followed. The powder failed. The pro
vincials broke away, pursued by Plt
cairn's marines. For the moment our
fathers' hope of victory was over.
Yes, visit Bunker HilL Look upon
a monument erected to cherish the
memory of a defeat that brought suc
cess, for victory crowned the vanquish
ed that day. The day set apart to
commemorate the battle of Bunker
Hill is exclusively a. Charlestown rholi
day, but far wider than Boston's "tri
mountains" spreads the spirit of Bun
ker Hill throughout a great nation
christened on that day in the red
blood of American freemen. Joe
Mitchell Chappie in National Maga
zine. For June.
Ice by Mail For Nevada Millionaire.
Uncle Sam's ability to handle almost
anything as mail matter was recently
demonstrated when fifteen pounds of
I lee carefully wrapped In a rubber cov
ering were iorwarued to lir. A, M. Mil
ler of Hawthorne, Nev., the package
being consigned to him by an Ice com
pany In Reno. Nev. It was very sultry
in Hawthorne the other day. and Dr.
Miller, who is a millionaire, longed for
a cooling drink. He telegraphed for
fifteen pounds of lee by mail. It was
forwarded as requested, bearing many
stamps. Eleven pounds were lost In
transit '
Lake Champlain's Monument.
- The monument to commemorate the
discovery of Lake Champlaln by Sam
uel de Champlain Is now spoken of as
likely to be erected on Split Rock
point, says a Burlington (Vt) dispatch,
The lake at that point is only about
half a mile wide, but just to the north
gradually broadens to its greatest
width, fourteen miles. Those who fa
vor the Split Rock site point out the
fact that the monument. If erected
there, would be in full view of all
craft traversing the lake north or
south and , that a light placed at the
top of the shaft would be visible for
more than fifty miles In both direc
tions." - '
Great Electric Power Station.
-The largest electric power station In
the world is planned for a suburb of
Johannesburg, South Africa, where a
high waterfall will be utilized to', fur
nish current to operate practically "all
the mines of that district -' . 1 .
t ovel;Feature of? Queensbord? Bridge
Ti Jt - oarn,val .'. New Yorji5VH
.'. One . 'of the i novel feature of : the
liueenslioro bridge carnival in New
iork. during the -week of June 12-19
will Le a 'ciiiiue Marathon race. This
is the first time that this will be tried
and will be open to trained dogs onfy.
The affair will be under the direction
of Philo G. Andersen,, the well known
dog .fancier of Union. 'Course, ' N:; Y.
The race will be from the Manhattan
end of the Queensboro bridge to some
point on the Hoffinan boulevard near
Gleudale, N. Y: The lists are open to
field dogs and hounds. There will be
several contests for trained dogs.
There will be also a race for the booby
prize by dogs not thoroughly trained.
The dogs will have blankets with
numbers so that they can be distin
guished in the race. At first the com
mittee Was doubtful about the possi
bility of carrying on such a race, but
several experts on dogs have satisfied
it that the thing can be accomplished.
In speaking of the matter Mr. Ander
sen said: 1 :
"Dogs can be trained to race as well
as horses, and more so, because they
do not need any jockeying. Some of
the most exciting coursing events of
this kind have been held right on Long
Island, and at one time a good deal of
moaey has been put up on the contest
ants. It will be great sports to see
from 100 to 130 dogs- go streaking
across the big bridge.
"The races can be made more excit
ing by interspersing them with hurdle
and other obstructions. To see these
dogs leaping fences and ropes would
add to the excitement and novelty of
the affair. This race will Interest the
owners of all thoroughbreds and espe
cially the owners of field dogs.
"I have sent notices to about 350
owners, and all of them have signified
their willingness to enter the races. It
will be a question of selection. Each
race should be Jimitedto about fifty
dog's at the maximum. If there are
more than that number the dogs are
apt to run in packs, and that would
spoil the race. Owners of dogs as far
west as Los ' Angeles have signified
their intention " of entering their animals."-
. ' " """ '
Norfolk (Va.) Man Having Vault Hewn
From Solid Block of Peculiar Stone.
Elijah L. Cox, a . well known and
well to do citizen of Berkley ward, in
Norfolk, . Va.. is having prepared for
himself and wife a tomb, or sarcoph
agus, in which the couple , will be
laid to rest when they depart this life..
In many respects this sarcophagus is
notable in that it Is being hewn by
J. D, Couper, a marble worker, brother
of the famous New York sculptor.
William Couper. from a solid block of
a. peculiar kind of stone," much resem
bling granite, and when completed will
weigh approximately about thirty tons.
It is state.d that so far as is known
there Is only one other sarcophagus of
this kind In . the world, and this is lo
cated In . Scotland. , The tomb is said
to be modeled after that of Christ and
will be sealed with a' massive cover.
consisting of a piece of stone weigh
ing about 8,000 pounds. - ,.
Leading Men In Church and State to
" x.Make Count In Mexico.
The Mexican government is collect
ing the names of prominent men in
different localities to aid in taking the
census In Mexico next year.' ' In the
federal district ! President Diaz, the
members of the cabinet, prominent offi
cials, the governor of the federal dis
trict, the chief of police, magistrates
of the supreme court, bankers, law
yers, railroad officials, the metropoli
tan bishop and' high dignitaries of the
Catholic church will . personally cover
sections of Mexico City, taking down
the names of men and women, their
nationality, age, religion and all data
required by the government
. President Diaz , accomplished this
work formerly od his own street, the
Calle de Cadenas, and unaided secured
the names of the inhabitants of every
house, including servants and children.
Volunteer Firemen For China.
The native community of Canton,
China, has proposed to organize a vol
unteer fire brigade and has submitted
a set of regulations to the viceroy for
his approval.
King Edward and the Derby.
Hail. Edward, Rex! ' ' '
Minoru wins
In this, the king of equine spins.
And you're the first of kings to be
The owner of a nag
That led the ponies in the race
And took the Derby rag.
Oh, say.
Don't you feel gay?
Don't you want to cut loose
And kick up your heels
And caVort -round the pasture j
To show how it feels?
" Wow! . -
; What's a throne now, ,
And a scepter and crown.
And a long tailed robe .
And boss of the sea.
And drumbeats round the globe T
Piffle, ain't they?
Tommyrot? .
-- Tour kingdom for a horse;'
That's what! ' '
,. A man may be a. king by birth - -
No competition's In it
But Derby winning well, now that
Takes more than birth to win tt!
; - And say, Ed,
On the dead, .
'j. Did the cops
' Work the drops
On the shed, .
- : Or did they let you lay
"A pound or two your way?
. No? .
' Tea?
. What? ..
Don't tell.
We love a closed shed
But, oh. you Ed!
W. -J. Lampton in New York World.
r!fWFFFQare fresh Roasted
. r 5 - ' " ,
C--VR-" ."vf c-i r--- A-;' -""V..; . :?V I ! ' - -,.. - - i. - ' i
ham and Co. of Portland Oregon, Ensuring Freshness
and Cleanliness. ..;. ;- -'V '
40c per pound ' ; - ; 25q per pound
Please give these Brands your attention when ordering
coffee. '" :
-, . Successors to
Second Street, - -
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Sole Agents for
go Roofing and
iMMMMW....-,.,llliiiiL..m..,Jmm-lngn1. timil lml nm , ..i .,..
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly FUled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Ha vila nd and Chin a ware,
VV;'--.-::LAMPS ETC.
.Summer :"Ra
During the Season 1909
1 .'" '"' "" " ! .. via the ''. ':. ,
Southern Pacific Co.
. .; v ,, . from
To OMAHA and Return - $62.60 '
X To KANSAS CITY and Return $62.60
To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $70.10
To CHICAGO and Return - - $75.10
and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South.
"' Correspondingly low fares.
On Sale Juno 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12
To DENVER and Return - - $57.60
On Sale May 17 July tt August 11
' ' ' Going transit limit io days from date of sale, final return limit October
31st. ' "' " .:';. ; ' ; .. .'. . "' .
These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stop
over privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make
side trips to-many interesting points enroute. ..
Routing on the return trip through California may te had at a slight
' advance over the rates quoted. . .; ,,
" Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished
byR. C. LINNVILIiB, Southern Pacific local agent at Corvallis or
WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent
"... ' Portland, Oregon ,
The Benton County
Real Estate Agent
Corvallis, Oregon
If If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange, see us. No padded
prices, As, to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer
you to the business men of Corvallis. U Some splendid' bargains send for
list. : ' - :
Our books are open for your inspection.
vr rTiQ Buyers name giyen if wanted. We not only
iv prices, but you can satisfy yourself
0r? absolutely at any time that you get what w
CHIGtZtZhJS 7our produce to us. : Writa
to us now for coops, tags, etc
Corvallis, Oregon
Quick H.3sa3 Bangs
m m