Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, June 12, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. I. NO. 36
AT 1
Ever Since the Opening Day the Oregon Bailding has Been the Greatest Attrac
tion at the Fair by Reason of the Central Location, Diversity
and Wealth of Display and the Very Artistic
Arrangement of its Interior.
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Fair Grounds,
June 11 (Special.) Nestled in a grove
of towering evergreens, left from thj
native wilderness of the fair site,
stands the beautiful Colonial building
that houses the Oregon exhibits at this
fair , of all the Northwest. With its
spacious lawns, decorated here and
there with beds of Oregon grape, the
Oregon building is one of the most at
tractive at the exhibition; and. in con-
one is aware of
water, and look-
Passing to the left
the sound of bubbling
ing to see whence comes the gentle rip
pling, one sees the salmon hatchery,
flanked by the aquarium. Here one
may trace the development of -the sal
mon from the ruddy eggs to the full-
grown king of the Columbia, and in
pursuing this quest one also sees the
other fish native to Oregon waters
Turning from this' exhibit back to a
trast to the solid Forestry building, just! further search for colored grain for
across the Washington Circle, its grace-; the human mind is hard to convince,
fnl lines are well revealed.' and must 'be "shown" one sees the
Bordering it to the left is the Wash- j giant sheep that, symbolizes Oregon's
ington building, more -severe in design, j wool industry. After smiling at the
but scarcely less attractive, while across sheep, one. catches a glimpse of a weird
the lawns to the right is che big ram- ! creature of "purplish hue the "prune
bling building that houses the display ! beaver," built of prime prunes in sym
of King County. Directly in front of ; bolic form of the state animal,
the Oregon building is the mvuic pavil- j Turning from this, still in the search
ion, thus making it one of the most I for grain, one is confronted by the dis
centrally located of all the fair edifices, j play of Oregon butter, moulded in a
and one sure to be visited by the major : refrigerating case, and plastic as clay,
part of the visitors from the Pacific ; But one still wants to see the red grain
Four Fast Events Marked Each Two
Days of the Meet and the big Crowd
Was Treated to Several Fine Bursts
t c j I
Northwest, as well as by those from
the further states to the east and south.
In fact, ever since the opening day,
the Oregon building has been the Mecca
of all visitors to the fair. Reports of
its exhibits have gone afar, and its lo
cation is such that it furnishes for. the
tourist an excellent base of operations
in the campaign of sightseeing. During
the frequent band concerts its spacious
porch is crowded witn visitors seeking
rest and enjoyment in the great axra-.
chairs that the Commissioners have
provided on its cool and shady porch;
while the two balconies upstairs are
sure to be filled with other visitors,
who are combining the chance to rest
and at the same time enjoy the views
that these porches afford. One of them
gives a vantage point for observation
of the passing crowds, while the other
has an outlook that is rivalled only by
the wonderful vista of Cascade Court.
- Located as it is, in the heart of the
life of the fair, it is but fitting that the
exhibit within, should be of the finest.
And to make it so, the unparalleled re
sources of the Beaver state have been
drawn upon, and set out in such a man
ner that each division is given almost
equal prominence. -In fact, the interior
arrangement of the Oregon building is
an invitation to look and see what Ore
gon has-, a subtle invitation which leads
the visitor on from case to case, from
room to room, until all that Oregon has
to offer has been seen.
Entering the high doorway beneath
the pillared porch, one is confronted
first with the apple pyramid, an artistic
grouping of Oregon's most luscious
fruit and the green and shining leaves
that make Hood River and Rogue River
orchards so beautiful. . This pyramid,
over 20 feet in height, is kept fresh by
the constant substitution of new fruit
for any that may spoil; a large supply
of prime apples being kept in cold stor
age in the refrigerating plant in the
basement. ' f.
And right there the "leading psy
chology" of the Oregon display begins,
if such a term may be used. The eye
naturally follows up the pyramid to its
apex, and sees beyond the grain picture
of the state's resources that fills the
graceful dome. In colors true to life
this great panorama portrays an idyllic
Oregon scene, showing the palisades of
the Columbia, with its waterfalls; the
dense woods of the mountain districts,
the grain fields and pasture land of the
interior, . the hop vines, the birds and
beasts that are native to the state, and
the perfect peak of Mount Hood, rising
white and cold above alL
As the eye takes in this panorama the
question naturally arises as to how all
this could be done without paints, and
by merely using natural grains " to get
the coloring. And so, naturally enough,'
one turns to the pillars of grain that
support the dome, and to the other
grain exhibits, hunting for the different
- kernels that contain the magic colors of
the dome picture. And one finds them
. ' all, and in the search for the different
cases is led to other exhibits, that at
tract one from time to time away from
the search for the multi-colored grains.
The big three days race meet ars-
ranged for last week at Corvallis Driv
ing Park began Thursday and the larga
crowd in attendance had the pleasure of
seeing several pretty contests , between1
Benton county horses. s
In the first event J.- C. Lowe's
"Pearl" took the best two in three mile
heats in 2:51 and 2:39.
.- The half-mile dash was won by R. S.
State Law Enforces a Penalty For
Starting Fires and Oregon Conserva
tion Commission Will Post Notices in
Every District in State.
. "Beware of forest fires;-put them
out before they get started!"
This is the sentiment the Oregon Con
servation Association will try to stimu
late in the Northwest, before people
have gone camping in the woods. A
meeting will be held on the evening of
Monday, June 14, at the Commercial
Club, in Portland, at which members
ij 11AC ODSVA.aMUU Will ALbCUU 111 ICllG
Irvine's "Bill Short" in 38,2-5 seconds.? number, intent on warning the people
John Kiger's "Pilot Lane" took th,eij against . starting fires in the timber,
mile pace, doing the first Heat in 2:3(There is a state law, making the start-
and the second in 2:25, the lattel- triaT. .:g af a forest fire a penalty, but this
being one of the ' prettiest races ever j i not considered enough, because camp
seen on this track, the finish being a ! era and hunters may start fire through
neck-and-neck contest with "Lady Mai- gnorance of the disastrous. results that
colm," and two others a few feet be- nay tollow, and the assocation wants
hind. , :-he fires put out before' anybody is- ar-
used in the dome picture, and while
lookjr.g for it is led to the lumber ex
hibit, that rivals that in the Forestry
building. And side by side with this is
the mineral exhibit, showing that Ore
gon has resources under her wooded
hills, resources well worth delving for.
By this time the visitor has completed
the circuit of the lower floor, and that
red grain is still missing. So the search
is taken upstairs, and there, sure
enough, in tall glass jars, are the red
and yellow kernels of brilliant hue that
are used in the picture to portray the
colors of the pheasant's wing. Once
satisfied that this dome picture is no
fake, and made doubly sure by the in
spection at close range; one turns to
find the stairs, and in so doing sees
yet other exhibits, notably that of the
state schools and institutions. And so
the visitor is led to examine these be
fore returning to the lower floor.
Tired, perhaps, by the wealth of dis
play that has met the eye, the visitor
searches out a place to rest, and is di
rected by courteous attendants to the
rest rooms. These chambers are fitted
up with a sumptuousness seldom equaled
in the hotel palaces of the East, where
no expense is spared to make the guest
comfortable. . Lounging in a chair as
soft and alluring as the most fastidious
could demand, the visitor rests; and at
the same time sees still other Oregon
exhibits furniture and decorations, on
all sides. No chance has been lost in
the Oregon building to display in the
most attractive form the resources of
the state.
Finally rested, the visitor reluctantly
starts to leave, but a merry crowd com
ing from a darkened door to the right
of the entrance piques the natural curi
osity, and the darkened door is investi
gated. It is found to lead to a spacious
and comtortaDie auditorium, with a
huge white screen at one end, on which
are flashed colored views of the incom
parable scenery of the Beaver state.
Watching these pictures of magic beau
ty and listening , to the description of
the places shown, one waits quite con
tentedly until moving pictures, the .de
light of young and old alike, show the
activities of the pioneer state of the
Pacific Coast pictures of city and coun
try life, of farming, lnmbering and
And so, little realizing how the time
has passed, one leaves the Oregon build
ing, only to discover, perhaps, that half
a day has been spent within during that
insidious search for the red grain. Half
a day and it is time to eat. ; The ques
tion is no sooner propounded than an
answer is found, and in the same Ore
gon building. In the basement is
clean and neat restaurant, where Ore
gon-raised foods are sold at reasonable
prices, and so the visitor returns again
to the hospitality of the state and eats
for the first time, perhaps, Oregon
Alter such treatment one goes away
The three mile, walk, trot and run;i
went to Frank Brown's :Kit." ' ; .l
Yesterday's races resulted as follows: s '
Four and one-half furlong running ;
race won by William Percival's "St.-'
Salvania" in 56 1-2 seconds. ,
Benton county four-year-olds, one?,
mile, went to Blain Southwick's "Bust-;
eted. Ihe members of the asspcia-
!m thmk that an ounce of prevention.;
i better than a jail full of people, and
v ill therefore cause notices to be post-
I in every wooded locality in the state,
eJing campers, stockmen and picnick
i3to extinguish the camp fires before
iving the grounds.
t If thefpublic is careful, there will be
Eight Million Feet Ordered For Use in
Sleeping Cars Chicago, St. Louis
and Milwaukee Shops Want Even
Larger Quantity.
i ii -nrn 1 r -n. .
urana nop niu De a cnitiant dceze
and is Expected to Eclipse Even
The Military Ball Beautiful Deco
rations for the Event.
What Seattle lumbermen predict is
the first step in a big revival in the
lumber trade, was started yesterday,
when specifications were received from
the East for 12, 000,000 feet of lumber
for bids to be opened July 10. The
specifications came from carshops in
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Louis.
The Chicago and Milwaukee shops are
asking tender on 10,000,000 feet, and
the St. Louis shops on ,2,000,000 feet.
The material, according to advices re
ceived here, is to be used in the con
struction of a large number of refriger
ator cars for the Northern Pacific Rail
way Company.
The receipt, of these specifications to
day, coming closely upon the letting of
a contract to Oregon mills for 8,000,000
feet by the Pullman Company, causes
local lumbermen to ' believe that from
now on the. revival in -the lumber tjade
will be rapid. , ' . '
Tonight will be a gala time at the Ar
mory the occasion being the annual
OAC Junior Prom, which is always con
sidered to be the swellest social tunc
tion of the college vear, eclipsing even
the Military Ball in point of attendance
and wealth of decoration.
A large number of invitations have
been issued this year and there will be
many out-of-town people present to en
joy the brilliant event.
Of course the music will be excellent,
the toilets handsome and the floor in
perfect condition, so that all who have
the privilege of attending are certain to
enjoy an evening of exceptional pleasure.
er Brown,." the time being 2:59. - '
Instead of the one-mile pace or trot a4io needof burned districts and home
special race of 3-16 mik-- ult wiF'cra
with the kindliest feelings for the state
below the Columbia, and with a wealth
of information on its resources stored
within the mind. Also this information
has not .been forced on one, but has
been actually sought out, and so makes
a more lasting impression.
ed, ' "Axle Grease'', winning-' from
"Nugget" in 18 3-5 seconds.
The Boys' ' half-mile pony race was
captured by Sampson Jay in 55 seconds.
The races this afternoon will be as
9 Running, 5-8 mile dash, free for
all, purse $100. .
10 Pace or trot,: Benton County
2 in 37 purse $100.
11 Running, 3-? mile dash, free for
all, purse $100.
12 Running, 1 mile dash, free for
all, $100. .
Where to Worship in Corvallis Tomor
row Morning and Evening.
Baccalaureate Sermon at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m. by Dr. Luther R. Dyott, D. D.,
of Portland.
Church of the Good Samaritan, corn
er Jefferson and Seventh streets. Ser
vices June 13, First Trinity. Sunday
School at 10 a, m.
There will be no morning services at
the Baptist church tomorrow on account
of services at the college. Regular
evening services at 8 o'clock. Subject,
"Go Forward. " The public is cordially
Sunday School will meet at 9:30 a.
m. instead of 10 o'clock as usual. There
will not be any other services during
the day, as the congregation will join
in the Baccalaureate service at the ar
mory both morning and evening.
The School for Bible Study of the
First Congregational Church, under
the " superintendency of Prof. A. B.
Cordley, will convene at 9:30 a. m.,
one-half hour earlier than usual, tomor
row, June 13, in order to afford ample
time for the attendants- to reach the
Armory to enjoy the Baccalaureate
sermon. Likewise the Devotional Hour
of the ,C. E. will begin at 6:30 p. m.,
one-half hour earlier than the usual
time, so that the Endeavorers may ar
rive at the Armory punctually for the
Educational Address by Dr. Dyott.
Everyone is most cordially invited, a .':
For Sale. For the next few days,
horse and buggy. Enquire at the Red
Front Stables or phone 3121. 6-12-2t i
Placidus' Schubert has gone to Mon
roe to visit his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hendle. ' " :; - "
. Samuel Jackson and family are going
to remove to Monmouth to make their
1 future home. ' T
Rod And Gun
Club Shoot
Won Gatch Cup
The Intersociety debate last night
at the Armory between the PhiladeU
phian and Amicitian societies, for the
championship and award of the Gatc;h
Cup, opened the commenc-einerit rx1.'-
ularlv cautioned to be eareful about
setting out fires in the clearings, where
the flames may spread, to adjoining
property. " - '
Saw The Timber
Grow For House
Sam H. . Moore is building a fine
residence on Thirteenth street near ,
Harrison and every piece of lumber j
used in the construction of the house he
has seen grow since he came out here, 1
he having driven over the ground on '
which the timber grew when he first
arrived in this part of Oregon, many j
years ago.
Mr. Moore feels proud of his home
because it is truly -a Benton countv ;
prodnct. - j
J ?
The Merchanaise".sntfot given bv the
Corvallis Rod and Gun Club yesterday
and today was an excellent exhibition
of trap sport.
There were three events of ten tar
gets each on the two days ' and each
event had quite a large number of
The winners Friday were Martin,
Richard, Brown, in the first ; Richard,
Martin, Bennetti in the second', and
Heikson, Martin and Bennett in the
This morning Kiger, Burnett and
Martin won the first match ; Kiger,
Milne and Hathaway the second, and
Milne, Witham and Burnett the third.
Valuable prizes had been contributed
by the merchants of the city for each
victory for the Philadelphians. -
The question was "Resolved-that a
Constitutional Amendment should be
adopted providing for the election of
United States Senators by the popular,
vote of the people." the Amicitians,
represented by J. A. Tiffany. R. M.
Kerr andjE. T. Weatnerford, surport
ing the affirmative and R. P. . Landis,
E. P. Williams and E. E, Lemon tak
ing the negative for the Philadelphians.
- The debate was well contested, both
sides making good: points in their argu
ment, but the judges, Prof. James Dry
den, Prof. R. D. Hetzel and Chas, L;
Springer decided that the negative had
t the best of it and Miss Violet Hancock,
who presided over the debate presented
the winners with the Gatch cup, after
Willard Tucker has gone to
to make an extended visit.
event and the winners were all pleased ; stating by whom it had been presented
at their success. Qnn th snrities that had nreviouslv
L - , won it.
Portland . R. Stetts was in from Wren yester- - - '
' 'day. I Daily Gazette 50 cents per month.
New Oxford Styles
June Styles Here
We are just in receipt of a
shipment of all styles of Nemo
Corsets, to fit all figures. These
corsets are so well known we
can not say more for them but
izes of Every Styie
N405 -""Rhjef Bands
Just received, a new lot cf ladies'
tailored suits in blue, the now popular
summer coicr, ' Panamas and , serge,
made with long coats, trimmed with,
buttons. Just the thine for outing.
Latest styles in tan oxfords just re
ceived. Fifth Avenue last, short vamp,
new color of Russia calf and tan yicj.
$2.50 to $3.50