Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, June 08, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. I. KO. 32
THE A.-Y.-P.-E.
Breezy Letter From the Gazette's War
Correspondent Tells of the Arrival of
Regiment in Seattle and the Favor
able Comment Elicited by the Boys.
New Mayor Pledges His Best Efforts
Toward Making Corvallis a Greater
City and Urges Council to Give All
Public Matters Careful Consideration
Judge L. T. Harris, of Eugene, Will Be the Orator of the Day and Professor W
F. Gaskins Will Direct the itlusical Exercises Chorus of 150
Voices Will Sing Patriotic Songs All Kinds of Spcrts
Grand Parade and Other Features.
' "Camp McAlexander, " University of
Washington. June 6, (Special to the
Daily Gazette.) "Zip Boom Bee, Zip
Boom Bee. OA-OA-OAC; Zip-o-ray,,"
which was heard at intervals on the
"Pay Streak" last night, proved to the
vast crowd present that Captain Mc
Alexander's regiment of "braves" was
anything but dead.
Although the journey from Corvallis
to the Fair Grounds was somewhat irk
some, and the long wait for breakfast
after arriving here had told somewhat
upon the patience of the boys, they
proved last night that the OAC spirit is
not excelled by even the famous "Se
attle spirit," for the manner in which
they conducted themselves on the "Pay
Streak" elicited ' much favorable com
ment from the interested spectators,
' and aroused a slight jealousy among the
Regulars on the grounds.
Upon arriving at Seattle Saturday
morning, it was found that the special
train could not proceed to the Exposi
tion Grounds until an extra fare of 25
cents per man was deposited with the
N. P. Railway Co. Captain McAlex
ander held' a brief consultation of about
forty-minutes (exactly three and a .half
hours as timed by the tired and hungry
cadets.) and at the end oi that time the
train was ordered to proceed, but as
yet the cadets have not paid an assess
ment. The next halt was at the Exposition
Grounds. The cadets filed off of the
train and were lined up along the track
awaiting the order to proceed to camp,
and to many of them the wait was very
tiring. It seems, however, that the
time of their arrival had by mistake
been fixed for Monday morning, and as
a result of this, necessary preparations
ior meals and tents had not been made.
The proprietor of the Washington Res
.taurant got busy and. in half an hour
every member of the regiment had been
treated to a .good breakfast of ham and
eggs and coffee. Following this the
regiment proceeded to the University
campus, where tents and Jbedding were
being hauled, and the home of the stu
dents of the Washington University
soon became the temporary home of
450 of Oregon's best.
The Cadet Military Band came into
prominence the fir3t thing after break
fast yesterday, by heading a parade of
.school children from Bremerton. They
.showed up well, although -very tired.
In the afternoon many of the cadets
visited the music hall andjaeard a splen
did concert .by the Innes JBand. It is
one of the finest bands in the country
today, and it is a great privilege for
the boys to hear it. They .give concerts
je,very day, admission free.
One of the striking features of the
A.-Y.-P.-E. is the conspicuous absence
of .graft. Any person who is laboring
under the idea that this fair .is a graft,
will do well .to dispel that idea, for
there is no more graft on the Exposi
tion grounds than there was in Corval
lis during the recent encampment of
the G. A. R. Prices have not be'en
raised, and everybody connected with
the Fair, from .the highest official to
the .gateman, is doing his or her best to
entertain visitors in a friendly and loyal
The jgrounds are beautiful, the build
ings and exhibits are interesting, and
these, combined with the most favor
able weather, are making these few
days' visit of the OAC cadets to the
A.-Y.-P. Exposition the most enjoyable
, and eventful of their lives. It is truly
a great exposition and one .that will
merit a large attendance from all parts
of the world.
On Monday the regiment will take
part in the regular exercises of the
day, which is to be "Chicago Day." In
the evening they will be given a recep
tion at the Washington Building.
The exercises each day will be about
the same, regimental review and ex
hibition drill. Guard mount every morn
The city council met in regular ses
sion last night and it being the conclud
ing meeting of the old administration,
all members were present except Dr.
Harrier, who was with the rest of the
OAC boys in Seattle. Mayor Lilly pre
sided with his usual grace and dignity
and the general business was promptly
disposed of in order to prepare for the
ceremony of installing the new officials
who were recently elected.
The fire, light and water committee
reported favorably on the petition of
A. W. Fischer to run a private power
line to his property and permission was
granted to construct same in accord
ance with the provisions contained in
the application.
The petition of Alex Campbell and
wife, withdrawing their objections to
the opening of the alley through Block
39, in the southwestern part of the city
was read, and it was ordered that the
matter of opening this alley be ap
Gene Tortora was instructed to ex
ecute a bond in favor of the city as se
curity against loss in the event of liti
gation, in such sum as the committee
on public property and streets . and the
mayor should deem advisable, the city
to furnish -Mr. Tortora' with the advice
of the city attorney. The committee
reported .having secured the consent of
all the abutting property owners except
O. C. Senger.
The following newly elected city of
ficials were then regularly inducted in
to office :'
Mayor, Virgil E. Watters; police
judge, George W. Denman; chief of
police, J. D. Wells; treasurer, Z. H.
Davis; water committee, J. M. Nolan
and Evan McLennan; councilmen, first
ward, F. 0. Gray; second ward, C V.
Johnson and William Bogue; third
ward, G. V..Skelton.
Mayor Watters addressed the council
and pledged his best efforts in the work
of beautifying and making Corvallis a
greater city. He urged the members
of the council to be very careful in
pledging their .support to men or meas
ures without careful investigation and
to stand firm against public clamor.
The regular bills for the previous
month were allowed and ordered paid.
Excellent progress is now being made
with the extensive preparations tnat
are going on for the monster celebra
tion of Independence Day in Corvallis
on Monday, July 5. " .'
'Last night the committee on geners 1
arrangements met at the offioe of May
or Watters and the cnairmen oi tne
several committees .handed in their re
ports of what had thus been done. r
W. H. Savage, who has charge of
the publicity and oratorical division
stated that he had secured Judge L.:T.
Harris as speaker of the day and that
Prof. W. F. Gaskins would conduct the
musical exercises which would consist
of two solos by Mrs! Genenieve Baum-
have been held tomorrow evening, un
til Wednesday evening of next .week,
June 16. The weekly afternoon meet
ings of the Auxiliary' have also been
changed from Wednesday afternoon,
to. Friday afternoon, the rext meeting,
which will be a social one, Mrs. Hard
ing as hostess, to be Friday afternoon,
June 11.
Athletics at
In the meeting of the - track squsd
Saturday afternoon Oliver B. ' Huston,
captain cf
the University tracj team. Hustcn
was the biggest point-winner for Ore
gon this Spring and is the logical man
TLe Progressive People of Corvailis
and Benton County Want a Fair Held
This Fall That Will Be a Credit to
All This Section.
Powerful Combination Believed to Be
Interested in Affording Railroad Fa
cilities to This Important Coast Poiit
and Opening up the Country.
Gaskins and a chorus of 150 voices "in of Portland, was re-elected
stirring patrotic songs, , .
Prof. R. E. Heater, of the committee
on sports, reported , that the exciting
features in his department would be a ' for the position. Huston ran the 103-
pillow fight; 100 yard dash; 220 yard i yard dash in 9 4-5 seconds in the triangu
dash; potato .race; pie eating contest; j lar meet and during the past two sea
wrestling exhibition for amateur cham- , sons has not been-beaten in this event,
pionship of Oregon, 125 . pound class; He will complete with Nelson, Walker
baseball game; horse race and other
sports not yet ' arranged for. Cash
prizes will be given for the leading
events. '
A. L. Stevenson, reported that arrange
ments are being prefected for a grand
parade and that Gapt. U. G. McAlex
ander will act as grand marshal.; T- v '
L, Anderson, who has the-supervfKonl
of the decorations, stated that a. Cor? ; so the all-Northwest full-back
test would be inaugurated soon to de- Fall and captain-elect of the
The matter of having a representa
tive fair this fall that will be a .credit
to the progressive spirit which now
pervades Corvallis and Benton county
is meeting with great favor among the
men who have the best interests of this
section at .heart.
There was so much delay in the con
sideration of holding another School
Fair that the time passed before any
thing definite was accomplished, .bul
the project of holding a fall fair has
been actively taken up and there seems
to be every hope that it will amount to
The plan, as now talked of, embraces
all the best features that will aid in
bringing into prominence the most de
sirable advantages of the entire county,
the fair to be a grand exhibition of the
agricultural, horticultural; domestic av.d
and the noted sprinters in the meets eaucauonai resources oi an centon ana
held at the A-Y-P Fair this coming to also include a stock and horse show
August. .. ' ' and race meet. .
The baseball team at its , meeting lne project is now oemg careiuuy
Saturday elected Dudley Clark, a 1 consiuereu, me oia commn-iee, vnicn
Portland junior, to captain the nine in made such a success o the last fa!r'
1910. Clark is the best batter on the I havmS generously volunteered to sacri
team, and is now finishing his third I fice time and effort to aidg the matter
season of varsitv basebalL Clark is al- m every way
of last
cide who should represent the kddess
of. Liberty and that the float in which
she is to ride will be the finest ever
seen in Benton County.
Robert Johnson has the direction of
the advertising end of the' celebration
and he is now having big posters print
ed which will be ready -for distribution
in a few days. - V
Good hard work and pleoty of it char
acterizes the spirit which animates the
various committees and with such en-
ergetic men in charge Corvallis is cer
tain of having a grand celebration this
Hazing Will -
Be Abolished
Tom Kelly, who produced a Winning
baseball nine for Oregon this year out
of entirely new material, has been re
tained by the Athletic Council as coach
for next vear. Out of 19 college games
A. J. Johnson, president of the Com
mercial Club, has- been requested to ap
point the necessary committees so that j
no further time may be lost.
Benton County should have a fair this
fall. There is every requisite within
its borders to make such ' a project a
grand success, the only requirement
during the season just closed, Oregon j now S prompt action.
has a record of 11 victories. Coach
Kelly has gone to Coquille, where he
will be player-manager for the Coos
Fred A. Hains, for a long time the
locating engineer of the Chicago &
Northwestern Railroad Company in
Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming
has made a proposition to the Coos Bay
Oregon & Idaho Railway company,
which was recently organized by the
people of Coos Bay, to survey and
build a steam railroad between Coos
Bay and some point at or near Roseburg
Or., to have the road completed and in
operation in two years from May 1,
1912. The condition exacted by Mr.
Haines is that the local company furnish
the money to make the survey and ac
quire the right of way, but he agrees
that this is to be repaid to the persons
advancing it when those whom he rep
resents take the road over and com
mence its construction. The people of
Coos Bay have accepted the proposition
and the banks cf Marshfield and North
Bend, as well as many cf the business
men and property-owners, have furnish
ed the means to comply with the , con
ditions as to the survey and right of
way. -
Mr. Rains and a crew of men, most
of whom have worked under him on
the Northwestern system in the Black
Hills and in Wyoming for many years,
are already in the field and the woii
of making the survey is being pushed
rapidly. Mr, Haines' backers are un
known, but from his previous connec
tions, it is believed a powerful com
bination is opening up Central Oregon.
ing and evening. Some of the boys are
getting a taste of real soldier life in the
way of guard duty. The camp is under
constant guard. Haven't heard of any
fellow deserting his post as yet. From
"War Correspondent."
County League.
The Athletic Council has voted the
varsity baseball "O" to four men,' Ga
brielson, Sullivan, McKenzie and Jame
son. .
Dr. and Mrs. Mentor Howard went
to Portland where Mrs. Howard will
i Texas Kline, of Newport," is looking ' undergo a surgical operation. For the
over the city. He lived here for many ' year Ms- Howard has been m bad
i vears but he now requires a guide to '
health and the only relief seemed to be
has been an operation.
refresh his memory so great
the change. j A. P. Johnson, George Fuller, J. A,
School Superintendent H. L. Mick I Harber and A. K. Russ are the meni-
! will hnld a rmrpnts' mpptintr nnrl Wifnin ' bers of tne City Council who laid aside
in Alsea next baturday. A hne prog-
their robes of office last night and re-
Mrs. J. G. Horning, who suffered a ; ram has been arranged and a sumptu- tired t0 private life.
paralytic stroke while living here about
a year and a half ago, died last week at
her home in Portland.
The Daily Gazette, 50c per month.
ous dinner will be served. The Alsea',, Eight marriage licenses have been
people can raise the stufiT to eat and the issued by the county clerk during the '
ladies know how to prepare it. Every- j month of Jnneand still there is more to
body goes and they have a good time. ' follow. .
Seattle Meet
Will Be Held
Despite the fact that word was sent
out from Seattle calling off the big In
tercollegiate track meet which was
scheduled for Saturday, June 12, at the
A.-Y.-P. stadium, Prof. AngeD, -director
of athletics at OAC, received a tele
gram last evening.stating that th meet
wsuld probably be held.
' Just what the .trouble' was no one
seems to know, '-font it caused a bad
hitch in the proposed meet.
The Orange team will now be lined
up for entries and -5rery man will do
his best to win out.
Singers WaMed
One hundred and fifty singers are
wanted to form the chorus for the fifth
of 3 uly exercises. First rehearsal Mon
day June, 21st at 7:30 o'cloek p. m.- at
the Presbyterian Church, Prof. Gas
kins, director of the ,; OAC School of
Music, will have charge of the music
and hopes that all who like to sing will
lend their assistance.
. . , -A ; .
Daily Gazette 50 cents per month. V
The present freshman class at U. of
O. met last week and passed the fol
lowing drastic resolutions against haz
ing next year:
"Whereas, The University of Oregon
has just entered upon a new era 'of
greater growth and progress, and . .;
"Whereas, pnblic opinion throughout
the state is decidedly opposed to hazing
"Whereas, unwelcome notoriety has
come to the university through exag
gerated press reports of alleged hazing,
and :
Whereas, The faculty of th e univer-v
sity has adopted drastic measures to
suppress hazing, be it therefore
"Resolved, That the class of 1912 co
operate with the faculty in their efforts
to abolish any and all hazing, and be
it f uther -
"Resolved, That the class of 1912 es
tablish the precedent of welcoming the
incoming students in some other more
appropriate way than hazing."
Following the passing of these resol
utions the freshmen decided to inaugu
rate a system of entertaining he new
comers, similar to that in vogue at Ox
ford. President Campbell warned the
freshmen in a meeting last Wednesday
that the faculty were determined to re
move the custom . of hazing root and
branch, and that any vestage of the
evil, -whether it took place a few days
before the opening of ,college or later,
would result m immediate and wholes
some expulsion. President Campbell
at that time also spoke of the advan
tages of the Oxford system, and today's
action of the class is the result. -
New Oxford. Styles
June Styles Here
Ladies Change Meetings.
The ladies of the Commercial Clvb
have decided to' portpone the next reg
ular- evening meeting which wt& .-to
We are just in receipt of a
shipment of all styles of Nemo
Corsets, to fit all figures. These
corsets are so well known we
can not say more for them but
ft A- ,.T
, w .FJeUSFStbAP ' j
OS s
Just received, a new lot of. ladies'
tailored suits in blue, the now popular
summer color, Panamas and serge,
made, with Ions? coats, trimmed with
buttons. Just the thing for outing.
H405 -"-Relief Bands
, - Latest styles in tan oxfords just re
ceived. Fifth Avenue last, short vamp,
n;w color of Russia calf and tan vici.
$2.50 to $3.50