Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, June 02, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except Sun
day. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street,
corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon.
PHCitE - - 210
Address all communications and make
ail remittances payable to the Corv AL
US Gazette. .
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as well as
Dew address.
Delivered by carrier, per week $ 15
Delivered by carrier, per month. .i .50
By mail, one year, in advance 5 00
By mail, six months, in advance 2 50'
By mail, one month, in advance...- .50
and grow wheat, potatoes, pigs
and sheep, or work in the or
chards or.logging camp.
"Again, the dwellers of the
towns and cities, wnere com
plaint is made of high prices,
must have better houses, better
and grea,ter variety of food,, bet
ter clothes and better furniture.
Quite right all this, too; but it is
incompatible with the lower cost
of living that prevailed in form-
continually grow and increase
Travel is more extensive and
more general. Rents
work on the survey. F. A. Kaines, the
chief engineer, will start out this week
with his sury eying gang and will prob
ably begin work somewhere in the
mountain districts, the object being to
secure a 1 per cent grade from Marsr
field to Roseburg. Francis H, Clark
has been appointed attorney for the
railroad company. ,
has large fishing interests in Alaska,
are at Gold Beach looking over the
cannery property of the late R. D.
Hume, and there is little doubt that he
will takeover the plant together with
the large holdings of timber and farm
ing lands. Two companies are on the
ground to take and ship salmon "mild
cured" and the fishermen expect to
make good money when those companies
get ready to handle the salmon.
Published Every Friday
Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis,
Oregon, as second class matter.
One year, in advance , $2.00
Six moths, in advance 1.00
CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher.
Arrival and Departure of Trains
R..C. unviu.E, Agent
Arrive Southern Pacific Depart
11:30 a m. Passenger 1:30 p m
5:40 p.m. Freight 6:4o a. m
Corvallis & Eastern
11 a. m. Passenger east n:i5 a m
8:35 am.
" west
" east
1:20 p m.
4:35 p. m
8:35 p. m.
Sunday Trains
1:15 p. m.
Daily except Sunday,
trains daily.
6:30 a. m.
2:1; p. m
6 p. m
1:40 p. m
11:15 a. m
All other
Recent Rains Promise Good Crops in
thi Willamette Valley t
Benton and Linn Counties have been
visited by tl emot welcome rain in their
history during S a tui day night, all day
Sunday and during that night. The
are high- farmers have been most discouraged on
Mammoth Views
of Lane County
of scenery . than many of
the counties of the state, as its
boundaries extend ' from the
Cascade Mountains on the east
to the Oregon Coast on the west,
and take in the lovely valleys . of
both- ranges, as well as the
main Willamette . and its princi
pal tributaries in every direc
1 tion from EugSne. The exhibit
J is to be. sent to the Oregon
building at the Seattle Fair,
! after the citizens of Portland
are given a chance to take it in.
er, because better houses are re-
account of a lack of rain, and today
quired ; ana taxes are nigner, oe- the belief the wiU be u
cause public expenditure always the usual standard of excellence.
keeps well in the lead of all oth-' Spring and Fall grain hs been much
. xrC benefited. The hay crop, which had
ei - grow in aim uniyiess. , r uriu- , - , ,
" r suffered mo3t on account of the unusual
erly we spent in Portland little drouth, will make almost a full crop.
on streets, uothing on bridges, The fruit crop gives evidence of be-
A uA nnklo inga good one, especially along the
r ..
no parks. But we are "going
some now. Rents in Portland, will bring their usual quota of fruit
except for a very few corners,
vaj xu. uucla,c ic,uiuo, now vield feed untm Ute in the Sum-
many eases not more than taxes mer months,
and other necessarv charges. J? armers and business men were so
Building: indeed is active, but
Improving School Facilities.
The contract for the construct
: c a. i 1 1 :u:
I lun ui tue new sciioui uuiiuiiig
Lane County is to be repre
sented at the Portland Commer
cial Club by a series of mam-
mouth photographs, painted by J
hand in the true natural colors, ! jn the north part of Forest Grove
and the women of Portland are j at the corner of Main street and
to oe invited to inspect them on pirst avenue. North, has been
special occasions. The pictures 1 awarded to Loynes & and Moore
are 4xb feet and are to be 0f, that city, for the sum of $11,
Kjt. iiu i 1 1 1 11 villi in LCI. v II Mill 1 1 h r 1 VII -i4-I-.n Ki nni r -
, rr r i oil, iuc utiici uiua wcic uq
Apples are snowing up wen ana pears . . no-t nt . t ,' t . , .m,
I'v.i.w. vuvxi ioiiows: jonn layior, .j.u.,c.u;
to the grower. Pasturage, which was "eiug nuug on me walls, nor j Starrett & Son, $11,485. The
suffering for lack of nourishment, win can they be seen to the best ' contract calls for the completion,
advantage if stood-on the floor, I 0f the new structure by the
Contractors and Builders
1 VWUtMllMtkJVii. 1
- -. J -
Foundation work, sidewalk and curbin
a specialty Manufacturers of cemen
blocks, plain and fancy cement brick,
porch columns, cement flues, jardi
nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster
and lime.
First and Adams Sts. Phone 2318
Corvallis, - Oregon
ZU ity Stables
affected by the poor crop conditions
that. thv hptran tn IipHo-p And nrpnarA
rents can eo no lower. Demands fnr a nnnr season This has nil hPpr
on property are so great that dissipated and today the usual optimism Eugene, of which John Hartog
so special stands will be nTade
for them.
The Commercial
Club of
middle of September. Forest
Grove has engaged 14 teachers
for the coming year and the
proposition of adding the. 11th
the tendency is rather upward. prevails and a11 busiuess lines have is manager, has been preparing grade for the coming year is to
1 Vi n (in mti nlf nti r tit 1 t tjt tt ti jt nntiinftr . t . ..... t -
haan nniolranad rv tt citit li-A ond OTt"iTTi-TT -
"Rnt frr1 nTipaa Trill I tir'l i n r I ....... XOV
viwri,. The oldest resident ot this section con-
in proportion as food production not remember when such conditions
existed as prevailed
ing of the lata .rains,
Salem Germans Incorporate
Opens, 8 a. m , closes 6 p. m.
and holidays, opens 10 a. m.,
a. m.
closes II
increases; and it is the only way.
Moreover, food production will
increase only as greater propor
tions of our people turn their
faces toward the country and
cultivate the soil. It is useless
however, to employ exhortation
on such a subiflct,! for the ten
, . of a fine building lot apposite the Wil-
uuipupmauisuuai- lamatte Hotel will be made this week
ly to the towns and cities mak- through Meyer & Bell and work on a
ino- relativplv fewpr nrndnoerfs substantial business block will be com-
this unique exhibit for j be put to a vote of the patrons
several months past, and has of the district on June 20.
before the com-, employed some 01 the best ar
The German Society at Salem has
elected August Auckestein, president
John Stillman, secretary; A. G. Magers
treasurer. The society has been in
corporated for $10,000. The purchase . Range will be depicted,
tists in the country
beautiful Willamette," as seen
from Eugene, will comprise a
set of panoramic views; the
giant firs of the Cascades and
the stately larch of the ' Coast
true to
Everything new and up to
date. Rigs furnished on
short notice. Call
and give us a
trial. Cor.
t Madison
L. F.GRAY, -
Mails Open
7, 16 a.m, 12 m.
10 a m, 2, 5 p m
7, 10 a m, 12 m
10 a m, 5 p m
il:30 a m
10 a m
10 a m
Mails Cl:se
Portland 5:30, 10:30 a m, 12 m
5:30 Dim
Albany 5:33, 10:30 a m, 5;30
Washington and 10;3t) a m, 12:30
Eastern states 5:30 p m
California a and 10; 30 a m, 5:30
points South p m
PhilomHth and
points West 12:30 p m
Monroe 1:30,6:30 pm
McMinville and
We iside points 12:45 p m'
Mill City and
way ro.nts ' 5:30 a m
Philomath and
Alxta 815 a m
Monroe stage 2 pm
Philomath stage 9am
The Portland Telegram re
cently commented on tne pres
ent cost of living and said it
would like to know the. cause
for such a marked advance in
the price of all food supplies.
The Oregonian answers the
q.:ery in the following pertinent
"It's mighty easy to explain
why the cost of living is high.
No mystery at all about it. (Sta
ple articles for the household,
especially of food, are scarce.
Men and women and boys and
girls don't like to work on the
farm. Thev are averse to the
labor, or kind of labor, necessary
for the production of wheat and
potatoes, cabbage and beans; the
care of kine, attention to calves,
lambs and poultry; .protection
of fruit trees and selection and
. preparation of product for mar
Ket. lney preier to live in
towns and cities all .who pos
siblycan even on small salaries
and to complain that flour, beef
and mutton, butter, eggs potatoes
are outrageously high. .
"From this basis all prices are
forced upwards. Household
furniture, for example, bears
much higher prices than a few
years ago. Lumber, wood and
bricks are higher. Wages of all
workmen have advanced
' though not in all occupations to
the proportion of the advance in
articles of food." Wages in'i the
lighter employments, indoors,
are perhaps but little higher.
The heavier part of the burden
of higher prices seems to -fall on
these. But these'people still
don't want to live in the country
and more cous- mers. Upon an
endless list of articles of food
consumed in our western citiei
we-pay not only tne price in
Iowa and Missouri, but ' the
freight charge and the profits of
a ; whole line of dealers.- No
mystery about these prices, nor
about the prices of all the var
ious articles . of manufacture
from distant places,, including
even a large part of our building
materials and nearly all our
clothing. Yet after all, many
think we are more generally
r.rosperous with high than with
low prices; and there an argu
ment on either side. ,
nature while there will be sever
al series of views of orchards in
bloom, the grounds about the
menced in a short time.- The German State University, and the pretty
falls of the McKinsie and the
Siuslaw. Several. Coast scenes
are amotg the number.
Good News at Gold Beach Lane County has the advau
Representatives of Guggenheim;' who tage of a J greater ; variety
Society will cccupypartof the building
with a theater, gymnasium and club
rooms. . '
Records Show Call Is For
Little Tracts
C&E Refuses To Build.
Corvallis & Eastern. Railroad
has filed an answar in its suit
with the railroad commission.
Some time ago the commission
ordered the company to contract
a depot at the town of Lyons,
on the C. & E., on the complaint
of the citizens of that place, but
the railroad company failed to
comply with the order and the
matter was taken before the cir
cuit court. The an swer says the
courts have no jurisdicion to
compel them to erect a depot as
I asked by the commission.
Whitney's S Colbert
We Make
Concrete blocks ot all kinds Concrete
bricks, fancy and plain, Concrete tile
and steps, Concrete window sills and
We Sell
High grade Cement and Lime in any
Phone Ind. 3181
413 Second Street South
I 1861
August Dibbern to C. E. Robinson,
9 1-2 acres near Corvallis, $10.
United States to Newton Rust, 103
acres in Alsea Valley.
Ardella Ann Archerd to Fredrick F.
Lewis. 103 acres Alsea. $850
Sarah E. Denison to W. A. Hurd, 80
acres south or Philomath, $10. .
Emily C. Pernot to N. B. Travias
and wf., 5 acres south of Corvallis, $10.
Fred W. Strake et al to Chas. J. Buck,
39 acres northwest of Corvallis, $10.
Margret J. Norton to Ezra M. Sher
wood, 40 acres near Blodgett. $2100;
Alice K. Bell to E. B. Carey and wf.,
50 acres north of Philomath, $2100.
E. J. Barrett to E. M. Perfect, 5
acres near Albany, $100. 1
Thomas J. Childs to Fredrick E. Free
man' 107 acres in Alsea, $10.
C. F. Hahn to H, L. French, parcel
of land near Corvallis, $10. -
Lafayette Rhodes to Fred Fenske,
24 1-2 acres in Alsea, $10. -
Livonia Locke to M. E, Gragg and
wf., Lots 5 and 6 Bl. 9 N. B. and P.
Avery's Add. Corvallis $800.
E. A. Norton to Caroline Hayes, Lots
7 and 8 BL 2 N. B. and P. Avery's
Ada. Corvallis, $10., .
G. F. Frink to R. B. Watson and wf.,
Lot 129 BL 33 Broan's Add., Philomath,
F. A. Martain to John Moore andwf.,
53.32 acres south of Corvallis, $3800.
Alfred C. Schmitt to A. Wilhelm, un
divided 1-2 of 471.75 acres near Monroe
$10. .
: ' Joel Friend and wf . to John M. Lhr
sey and wf., Lots 455556 Bl. 12
Philomath, $2100. '
- Heirs of Sena A. Cooper to Geo. - W.
Cooper, " 42 acres west of Corvallis,
Start Work On Survey
'Sufficient money has been raised by
subscription for the Coos Bay-Oregon
to insure starting
Unique and Unparalleled
Bands and Galons
For June Brides and Graduates and those
preparing their Summer White Wear
You Will Never Regret
Them oney you save in buying from
us. We sell, for cash, consequently
ws sail' cheaper than the credit store;- .
Dealer in Hats, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear
Clothing and all Men's Furnishings
5000 Yards
English eyelet, French Shadow Work, Bady Irish and Double
edge effects in wide Insertion 2 to 6 inches wide, just now so
very popular for waists, skirts and panel dresses .....
We are very fortunate in securing this purchase for you, and the showing we are
making of these high class Embroideries would do justice to a large store in any city
combined with this purchase we are offering our entire stock of Bands and Galons
to Idaho Railroad
33c per Yard
Real Values 50c, 60c, 75c yd.
See window display
Clearance of All Woolen :Dress Goods
Is causing the livliest interest and heavy buying
35c dress goods now . . 19c
50c dress goods now . 29c
75c dress goods now ... , 48c
$1 00 dress goods now
$1 25 dress goods now
$1 50 dress goods now
$1 19
Blacklectee & Everett
, Successors to Henkle & Blafkledge
Carry a complete line of coffins and
caskets in all colors and sizes; also
ladies' men's and children's burial
robes. Calls attended to day and
night. Lady assistant. EMBALMIK8 FOR
SHIPPING A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's
furniture store Both phones
Office Rooms 3, 4. 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Only Bet of abstracts in JtSentoii County
Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones:
Office, 2128, Residence, 404.
and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon
roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office
hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p. m.; 7 to
8 p. m. Phone in both office ani residence.
and Surgeon. Special attention given
to the Eye. Nose and Throat. Office
in Johnson Bids. Ind, 'phone at of
fice and lesidence.
or and Licensed Erablmer. Suc
cessor to Bovee & Bsuer Corvallis,
Oregon. Iud. Phone 45 : Be 11 Phone
241. Lady attendant when desired.
Taunton & Burnap
' Cement Contractors
Makers of Best Cement Walks in Town
All work guaranteed first
class. : , ',
V Corvallis, Ore