Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 27, 1909, Image 3

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The Daily Gazette, 5Cc per month.
.Trunks and suit cases at Blackl edge's
. Furniture store. 5-17-tf
Elsie Lock, of Albany, was visiting
in Corvaliis Sunday.
Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var
nish that wears at A. L. Miner's.
A good organ for sale cheap. Inquire
at Sam Goodman's Second-hand store,
424 South Second Street. 5 25 5t
Call up the Palace of Sweets for your
ice cream and sherbets. Free delivery.
General repair shop. All work first
class, promptly done. Back' of Beal
Bros., blacksmith shop, Wood Bros.
Mrs. Mary Hollywood, of Portland,
'State Organizer of the Women of Wood
craft, is in Corvaliis looking after the
interests of Mary's Peak Circle.
Wanted. By young lady to engage
place to work for next fall. Will want
to attend college. . Address 446 18th
and Tyler streets, city. 5 24 tf
A new 40 acre tract will soon be laid
off in 5 acre tracts. It lays well, easy
of access, close in and will change the
conditions of the city very materially.
All the business places in the city will
be closed tomorrow afternoon from 2:30
to 4:30 o'clock, on account of the track
meet on Athletic Field between O. A. C.
and U. of O.
Trunks and suit cases. We are show
ing on the second floor the largest and
most complete stock of high grade
trunks and suit cases ever opened in
this section.
5 26 6t J. M. Nolan & Son..
At the last meeting of Mary's Peak
Circle, Women of Woodcraft, Mrs.
Mary Skelton and Mrs. Julia Lafferty
were elected delegates to the District
Convention, to be held at Albany on
. June 24.
Old cans and rubbish is being dumped
along the river near the Masonic ceme-
tery in such quantities as to make the
surroundings most disgusting to the ol
factory nerves. Many people pass over
this walk during the day and the author
ities should put a stop to it.
An invitation has been extended to
the Retail Merchants association to at
tend the National Convention to be held
at Portland June 2, 3, 4 and 5. L. An
derson was elected as a delegate to rep
resent the Corvaliis bunch and he will
-- pack his . little grip on Sunday so as to
get in on time for a front seat. . ,
The officers elect for the ensuing year
for the C. E. of the Presbyterian church
were, installed at the parsonage last
; night and are as follows : . Miss Helen
.Gilkey, president; Mr. . Dodge, Vice
President, Essie Bell, Secretary; Bulah
Gilkey, Corresponding Secretary, and
Mr. Morris, Treasurer.' Light refresh
ments were served. '
Articles of incorporation were filed
yesterday with county clerk Moses by
the Trustees of the Presbyterian church.
The incorporators are A- J. Johnson,
Mike Bauer, V. E. Watters, F. L. Mil
ler and Minnie Lee. The property is
valued at $7,000. This is the first step
; in the erection of the new church build
ing and the citizens are anxious to see
' . the ground broken and the building
completed before the bad weather comes
. in the fall.
'lid Eml&Hffi
Young or old, who wants to dress well at the most reasonable
cost, can do so right here. . You may take, it as a fact , that the
ready-to-wear clothing we are now offering represents the
greatest bargains for the bets suits to be found anywhere.
Nothing has been omitted. Quality high. Prices low.
FashionafoiB Furnishings
Dsn't you wadt a new outfit of collars, cuffs, ties, socks, dress
shirts, underwear ? We have exactly the line that will suit you.
Cash paid for wool' by - Wm. Crees.
220Thrl street. - Independent phone
234. , . 3-7-3tw
LOST On " Monday, May 10, a bay
mare, weight about 850 pounds. L. G.
Stickney. Both phones. 5-28-2tw
Fob Sale. A Willard Piano, in first
class condition.-- Term easjf, Call at
326 North Twelfth Street. 5 27 2t d w
Misses Emma and Mary Thompson
went to Portland today for an -extended
visit to relatives and friends i in that
.'. Lessons in art. Vacation classes to
be organized in drawing and painting.
Parties wanting to join will please make
early engagements. Josephine Arm
strong, 326 North Twelth Street.
5 27 3 t d
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Swick and Mrs.
B. A. Cathey went to Dayton today in
an auto to attend the funeral of Mrs.
Dr. Swick at that place. Mrs. Marie
Flint, of Roseburg, alsp attended the
funeral, passing through here today on
her way to Dayton.
A new concrete walk is being con
structed on Fourth street to extend
from the City Hall south to Jefferson
street. This walk has long been needed
the old wooden one being so bad that it
was necesSary to hold to the fence to
pass over in safety.
Mrs. E. Mclntyre has gone to Philo
math where she "will demonstrate the
benefits of the Portable Vibrator which
she has1 introduced here with such great
success. She will be back here next
week during the encampment, before
returning to her Portland office.
It seems a hard task for men to clean
out the burning desire for the demon
of rum when once the fire has been
thoroughly kindled. A pitiful sight
was that of last Sunday when four able
bodied men hunted up and down the
alleys, then to the boat landing and
failing to quench their thirst, they hired
an auto and, boarding it, made a bee
line for "dry" Albany across the river.
There the driver was commanded to
sidetrack and await developments. The
boozers separated and soon came back
with pockets full, hands full and stom
achs full, and when they arrived in
Corvaliis -they were riproriously and
hilariously drunk.
The officers are growing tired of the
boozy condition reported, from Maple
Shade Headquarters and armed with a
search warrant Chief Wells and Deputy
Sheriff McGinness made, a thorough
search of the premises. They waded
through the cobwebs and penetrated
the secret chambers of the famous den
but in all their maneuvering nothing
but empty bottles could be found as a
token of pasj; cussedness. The recent
proprietor had taken the little lamb
Mary, who, like himself, has for many
years been clothed in scarlet robes, and
sought for greener pastures leaving the
Shade under the management and con
trol of another dear man. The officers
have made up their minds to rid the
town of such places and all good citi
zens should render them every assist
ance in their power. The new proprie
tor claims he will run the place as a
restaurant with an air 'of respectability
about it. If so he should turn the hose on
it for a solid week and cleanse both in
side and out. For several years it has
been the leading blind pig of Corvaliis
in ways that were dark and tricks vain
and has given the officers no end of
trouble. ,
Eases' UJatcbes need
Constant Repairing
Their method of carrying them is
resp onsible for the fact. Pinned to
. the waist or hanging on a chain the
delicate mechanism is easily disar
ranged. We pay special attention
to ladies' watches, and when re
paired by us y ou will find that they
" keep iu order longer.
Jeweler and Optician
& Davis
Good Way to
Boost Corvaliis
Miss Mary C. Danneman is the con
testant from Corvaliis for the Alaskan
tour offered by the Portland Telegram,
and while many of her friends have
given her generous aid, the people here
should all take enough pride in the con
test for the boost it will be for Corval
iis to have a representati ve on this tour,
to see that Miss Danneman is first in
the race when it ends June 1.
Aside from local pride in th's matter'
the special Pullman that is to take the
winners from Portland to the steamer
at Seattle, will be decorated with ban
ners bearing the names of the towns
from which the victors come and Cor
valiis should occupy a prominent place
among these streamers.
A little active work right now will
place Miss Danneman again at the head
of the list and Corvaliis people should
be only too willing to do everything
possible to aid her in the contest.
First Strawberry Festival
Under the auspices of the Hood River
Commercial Club and the Woman's Club
Hood River will inaugurate its first
strawberry festival, Friday, June 18.
At that time it is expected the berry
season will be at its height and arrange
ments will be made to serve berries in all
their toothsome forms. Time will be
given visitors for a ride over the straw
berry growing district. .The festival is
being made a feature of the strawberry
season at the request of a number of
Portland and other out-of-town people
and it is expected to make it an annual
Seniors Are
Professor and Mrs. J. A. , Bexell en
tertained the Seniors in the School of
Commerce at their pretty bungalow
Tuesday evening. There were 19 mem
bers of the . class present, the other
guests being Prof, and Mrs. Gaskins,
Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Moore, Miss Ray
Moore and Messrs. H. Lew Mathre and
W. A. Jensen.
The decorations were an artistic ar
rangement of red and white cut flowers.
Military euchre was played during the
evening, the prize winners being- Miss
Alice McGinnis and Ivan Kerr.
A dainty three course luncheon was
served and the evening was thoroughly
an enjoyable one. "
Notice For Sealed Bids.
By order of the Board of Directors
of School District' No. 9, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, I will receive sealed bids for
the purchase of School Block No. 25,
Avery's Second Addition to " Corvaliis,
up to eight o'clock p. m. of Friday,
June 4, 1909. Bids to be addressed to
W. A. Buchanan, Clerk, and marked
'Bids for School -Property." The
Board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
W. A. Buchanan, '
5-24-2t - Clerk.
Bids Wanted.
By order of the Board of Directors
of School District No. 9, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, I will receive sealed bids
for the moving of the Public School
Building from Seventh and Madison
streets to Job's addition, a distance of'
about 18 blocks, up to eight o'clock p.
m. of Friday; June 4, 1909. Bids to be
addressed to W. A. Buchanan, Clerk,
and marked "Bids for Moving School
Building. " . The Board reserves the
right' to reject any .or all bids.
W. A. Buchanan,
,5-25-3t. - Clerk.
Epworth League Service.
; All members of the Epworth League
are requested to meet in the League
room , at 7:30 Sunday evening, to pre
pare for the service which will follow
at eight o'clock in the auditorium. This
will be a farewell service given in honor
of the students who will soon return to
their homes. All members of the con
gregation are invited to be present.
General Manager C. E. Lytle, of the
Pacific Railway & Navigation Company
states that within a few days the Tilla
mook Railway ' will have 34 miles of
track laid, 24 miles on the Hillsboro end,
Chloroleum Sheep Dip, recommended
by the government $1 gallon at Graham
& Wells. v 6 1 d-2 1 w
L. L. brooks;
500 bushels Potatoes $1.60 per bu
90 bu. Seed Potatoes $1.00 per bu.
200 bushels nice Wheat
500 pounds Rape Seed 4
Poultry supplies, stock food, plants
... . and garden seeds ' , ' -
Get my prices
127 N. 2d St Corvaliis'
Contractors and Builders
'.' . - '"' ' i
" V) 1 If
, J -v A
Foundation work, sidewalk and curbing
a specialty Manufacturers of cement
-: blocks, plain and fancy cement brick,
porch columns, cement flues, jardi
nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster
'and lime.
First and Adams Sts. Phone 2318
Corvaliis, - Oregon
ZU 0ty :. Stables
Everything new and up to
date. Rigs furnished on
short notice. Call
and give us a
trial. Cor.
- and
Whitney's & Colbert
We Make
Concrete blocks ot all kinds Concrete
bricks, fancy and plain, Concrete tile
and steps, Concrete window sills and
We Sell
High grade Cement and Lime in any
Phone Ind.3181
. . . 413 Second Street South
You Will Never Regret
Thenioney you save in buying from
- us.' We sell for cash, consequently "
we sell cheaper than the credit store.
Dealer in Hats, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear
Clothing and all Men's Furnishings
Black lodge t Everett
Successors to Henkle & Blackledge
. . Carry a complete line of coffins and
caskets in all colors and sizes; also
ladies' men's and children's burial
robes. Calls attended to day and
night. Lady assistant. EMBALMINS FOR
SMPPIKG A SPECIALTY. Call at Blackledge's
furniture store Both phones.
Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Only set of abstracts in Bentoii Coontv
Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. Residence corner
Seventh and Madison. Office hours:
8 'to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. m. Phones;
Office, 2128, Residence, 404. ,
and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon
roe Streets, Corvaliis, Oregon. Office
hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; I to 4 p. m:; 7 to
8 p, ni. ' Phone in both office ani resi
and Surgeon. Special attention given
'to the Eye. Nose and Throai. Office
in Johnson Blag. Ind. 'phone at of
fice and tesidence.
or and -Licensed Embalmer. Suc
cessor to Bdvee & Bsuer Corvaliis,
Oregon. Ind. Phone 45. ' Bell Phone
241, Lady attendant when desired.
c, Taunton & Burnap
' Cement Contractors
All work guaranteed first
ham and Co. of Portland Oregon, Ensuring Freshness
and Cleanliness.
40c per pound 25c per pound
Please give these Brands your attention when ordering
Successors to
Second Street, - - Corvaliis, Oregon
Dealers In
Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa
rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders'
Sole Agents for
Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges
Phone Your Orders To No. 7,
Where They Will be Promptly Filled.
Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut
Glass, Haviland and Chinavvare,
iimmer -.Rates
During the Season 1909
via the
Southern Pacific Co.
: from
To OMAHA and Return - - $62.60
- To KANSAS CITY and Return $62.60
To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $70.10
To CHICAGO and Return - - $75.10
and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West anf South.
Correspondingly low fares. '
. On Sate June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12
To DENVER and Return - - $57.60
On Sale M?y 17, July 1, August 11
j Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October
These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stop
over privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make
side trips to many interesting points enroute. "
Routing on the return trip through California may te had at a slight
advance over the rates quoted.
Full particulars sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished
by R. C. LINNVILLE, Southern Pacific local agent at Corvaliis or
WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
The Benton County
Heal Estate Agent
Corvaliis, Oregon
1T If you have anything to buy, sell or exchange, see us. No padded
prices. If As to our responsibility, and methods of doing business, we refer
you to tne Dusmess men Ot (.orvallis.
The Jackson Loan & Trust Co.
Fort Worth, Texas ; Jackson, Mississippi
are fresh . Roasted
every Week by Wad-
li borne splendid bargains send tor
Corvaliis, Ore