Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 27, 1909, Image 1

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    VOL. I. NO. 22
The Retail Merchants' Association Has
Decided to Go Ahead and Arrange
For a Rousing, Old-Fashioned Cele-
.. bration and Committee is at Work.
Corvallis is going to celebrate Inde
pendence Day this year in a good, old
fashioned way, with all the sports and
i enjoyable features which accompany
the observance of the glorious Fourth.
At a special meeting of the Retail
, , Merchants' Association held last night
to consider the matter, it was decided
. to go to work at once and prepare for
as fine a celebration - as could be had
.;. and to have the affair on Saturday,
. July 3, in order to make it more con
venient for both the town and country
,An executive and finance committee
composed of H. L. Winkley, George"
Kerr and Thomas Graham was appoint
ed and this committee will select such
additional help as may be necessary to
make the celebration a complete suc-
This action will certainly meet with
universal approval. All the other towns
in the state have decided to have a cele
bration this year, and Corvallis, with
' its awakened booster sp'rit, could not
well afford to let the day pass without
some observance. ' .
Everybody should now do their ut
" inmost to make this celebration one long
.-.-0 0 5 remembered. . - .
Ready To Build
V New Hkh School
The Board of Education- is now mak
ing all arrangements far the immediate
construction of the new High School
building in this city.
The plans submitted by Architect E.
E. McClaran, of Portland, have been
approved and bids for construction and
equipment have been called for by W.
A. Buchanan, clerk of the board. These
bids must be in by June 19, , when the
board will meet to award the contract.
This prompt action insures the early
completion of this handsome new school
: building and is an illustration of the
great progress this city is now making.
Daily Gazette 50 cents a month.
Our $15
The Picking is
a pick. Come in
line. Suits that
You may have Friday and Saturday
for only
License Law
For Dentists
Hereafter all practitioners of dentist
ry in Oregon must pay an examination
fee of $25, and an annual license fee of
$1.50. The money shall be paid to the
secretary of the State Board of Dental
Examiners, who shall keep a record of
his account and give bond for the
faithful performance of his duties.
No person shall be eligible to prac
tice the profession unless he or she
shall be shown to be of good moral
character and shall present to the board
his or her diploma from . some ; dental
college in good standing, and shall give
satisfactory evidence of , his or her
rightful possession of the same. It is
further provided that the board may
admit persons of good moral character
who shall give satisfactory evidence of
having been engaged in the practice of
dentistry prior to the passage of ' the
original act. All applicants must be 21
years of age.
Every licensed dentist shall pay each
year prior to April 1, $1.50 as an annual
license fee. In case of default in this
payment the board may revoke any
license on 20 days notice to the 'dentist.
Bids Wanted.
. Bids wanted for High School Build
ing. ; Sealed bids will be received at the
School Clerk's office at the court house,
up to 12 o.clock, noon, on Saturday,
June the 19th, 1909, for the construe'
tion of the Corvallis High School build
ing. Separate bids will be received on
the plumbing and heating, or the bids
may be for all complete. Each bid
must be accompanied by a certified
check for five (5) per cent of. the
amount of bid. Plans and specifications
can be 'seen at the School Clerk's office
at the court house, Corvallis, Oregon,
or at the office of E. E. McClaran, 525
Lumber Exchange Building, Portland,
Oregon. . The Board reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
W. A. Buchanan.
5-27-3t Clerk School Dist. No. 9,
Quite a Coincidence.
When F. J. Taylor, of Rock Island,
111., arrived in Corvallis last week to
look over Benton county with a view of
investing here, he sent back to his wife
a copy of R. F. Baker's "Oregon Pros
Dfector." marking the description of
the J. W. Foster farm as one of the
properties he would look at. Yesterday
he received a telegram from Mrs. Tay
lor which read: ' "Get Foster place,
Don't delay." "As he had, the day be
fore, bought this same fine farm for
$72,500, he thinks it quite a coincidence
that his wife should have decided upon
that particular property also, and is
quite satisfied that he has done just
right in buying the place.
Reduction Sale.
All millinery goods at cost $t Mrs. W.
A. Buchanan's, located between N. ' 10
& 11 streets on Polk. . 5-27-3t
Suit Sale
still good, and at
and look over our .
retailed up to
He Compliments the Students for Their
Token of Regard and Praises the Ex
cellent Work of the '10 Orange in
an Open Letter to the Class
Rev. J. R. N. Bell, to whom the
nior Class of OAC dedicated the
Orange, writes an open letter to
students gracefully acknowledging
honor and thanking them for this token
of their regard.
This letter was published in the
Barometer and is as follows :
"To the Junior Class 1 of OAC, 1910
would say:
My dear young Friends:
"When I was made the recipient of
'The Orange 1910" with your compli
ments, and on the dedicatory page
read these words, 'This book is dedi
cated to Dr. J. R. N. Bell, who has at
heart the interests of evary student ac
tivity.', I assure you a thrill of unex
pected pleasure went to the inermost
soul, of my 'being, and I fully, realize,
that any words of heartfelt appreciation
which I can command are incomparable
to tne joy 1 experienced on receiving
such a token of regard from you to one
who feels so keenly his unworthiness,
"I received this splendid tribute -of
your optimistic trend of thought . and
enterprise as college students, evincing
the fact that you believe in the
dynamics of an, inspiring' optimism,
wbicn is not a chance purpose., . but an
embodied will, determinate and which
will, insure you success in any calling in
life which you may select. As Priscilla
Le6nard well says, 'He believes in
himself and other people. He casts
himself into these beliefs as a swimmer
trusts himself to the water boldly,
knowing that he cannot sink as long as
he keeps on swimming.' The pessimist
shivers before what happens; or what
is likely to happen. ;
"All hail to the Juniors of OAC! My
interest in your college has been con
stant and unwavering for a period of
thirty-five years, being connected with
the same directly and indirectly all this
time, v My interest increases in you
with each succeeding year, and having
known personally every president from
W. A. Finley to W. J, Kerr, and most
of the entire-faculty during that. time.
I have always cherished an abiding con
cern lor every student, from the
youngest matriculate to1 the ; gravest
Senior. .
"The Orange reflects hard work, dili
gent study, and analytic reduction.
The press work is superb, photos most
excellent, .and the book as a whole,
reflects superior merit. And now Ju
niors of 1910 of OAC I would say I shall
never forget this distinguished mark Of
honor conferred, and in your pursuit of
knowledge in the class room I shall ever
be ready to -extend a helping hand, and
in your athletics I shall wave the magic
wand as your ' 'mascot' ' until victory
shall perch upon your banners, and as
the years may come and go, I shall
ever hold you in grateful , remember-
ance. ' '
"And while we remain in touch with
each other in the college, or on the
campus in this beautiful city, within
the embowered retreats on the banks
of the far-famed Willamette, where it
flows on its smooth winding way to the
sea, and as you young ladies and gentle
men stroll along its shores in summer
days, when cupid darts his arrows and
you are seeking to find the altar where
Hymen presides, I will then tender you
my professional services in my happiest
style. Again thanking you most sin
cerely for the special regard you : have
bestowed upon me, which makes life
worth living. I beg to remain, .
y " Yours very truly,
-V .- J. R. N. Bell.
, Motto: Mas vale saber que haber."
Letter List.
The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Corvallis, Oregon, ' postoffice
for the. week ending May 22, 1909:
Frank Bradley,' Herod Burkley, E. R.
Cole; Miss F. Macbeath, A.' D. Norton,
B. M.' Smith. '
B. W. Johnson, P. M.
Oregon Woman
For Mills College
Miss Luella Clay Carson, head of the
English department of the University
of Oregon has wired to the board of
trustees of Mills College, San Francis
co, accepting the presidency of that in
stitution, left vacant by the recent
resignation of the founder, Mrs. C. T.
. The new head of Mills College, who
is the choice of Mrs. Mills, is a Western
woman, and has been connected with
the University of Oregon for 22 years.
She is a noted educator and a woman
of great scholarly attainments, being
possessed oi degrees trom the univer
sities of Oregon and Washington, and
haying taught in the Summer schools
of ;Chicago, Harvard and Cornell.
She is the author of several textbooks 1
for use in high schools and universities,
one of which is "The Handbook of Ensr-
lisA Composition." Her work at Mills
Cojlege will begin with the opening of
the school year in August. -
Men Who Won Places In the Final
1 Contest At Whitman
For the third time OAC has sent a
representative to the Interstate Orator
ical Contest, and in that time taken a
first, second and third place. Each
time we have gone up against the best
ability of two colleges that bore very
eff ecient English courses and a greater
number of years training. So if we
have lost, we know we have Ipst to
good men, and if we . have won it is
over worthy opponents. This year Mr.
P. H. Cale represented our Institution
and won second place.
First -honors were won by Mr. Ver
non W. Cooke, of Whitman College.
His subject was "International Peace;
power greater than force. ". His deliv
ery was strong and his excellent English
training gave him first place. .;
' Mr. Cale's subject was "America's
Call. Report comes ; that he did the
e$ he has ever done in a contest '. and
weKiiuw uiai. iagooa, ana ieei sure tnat
the college was well represented.
Third place was won by Mr. Thomp
son of W. S. C. ' . '
The visiting delegation were well en
tertained at Whitman College. They
are a loyal hunch there and are good
entertainers and all have gone awav
with a fine impression of the college
and the feeling that we have friends
- At a meeting held after the contest
Mr. C, L. Jamison, of OAC, was elect
ed as secretary and treasurer for the
ensuing year. Barometer; i
" If those who purchased clean up tick
ets from the committee of the Ladies'
Auxiliary last week and have been
missed by the wagons will telephone
Mrs.: H. S. Pernot before Friday noon,
the rubbish will be removed. '
(FlJm? F&g? IFffM
Every home
Encampment. We are showing a complete line of flags
and bunting for decoration.
" Large American Flags, fast colors, full'
number of stars, for exterior decorating and
flag poles.
Size 4x 6, $1.00
5x8, 1.75
6x10, 2.50
. . 1 I
I'- c a Trc rfi0i AGENTS I
I j SAFE ( ""WALK "'I
I ' TRADE ' ' ' SH0ES I
m . . lmtM-llfir..rzSMmMMjy.te:;.;. R
Largest Combine of Willamette Valley
Wool Ever Pooled West of Cascade
Mountains Has Been Broken up and
Fleeces Disposed of at Private Sale.
The largest pool of Willamette Valley
wool made up this season, and one of
the largest lots ever pooled west of the
Cascade : Mountains, was offered for
sale at auction at Corvallis and then
withdrawn the bids being rejected by
the pool managers. v
The Corvallis pool . contained 10,500
fleeces, aggregating . 100,000 pounds.
The quality of the wool in the pool was
good all around, and some of the fleeces
were exceptionally fine. There was a
large attendance present and the bids
submitted were 25 1-8 cents, 25 1-4,
cents, 25 1-2 cents and 25 5-8 cents. The
highest bid was made by A. Wilhelm &
Son, of Monroe. The manager, how
ever, decided not to accept any of the
bids, and the pool was broken up.
Afterward some of the individual clips
were sold to the buyers present and all
the wool will probably be disposed of in
a few days.
A wool pool of between 3000 and 4000
fleeces has been made up at Scio and
will be offered to the highest bidder
Saturday. ' Several other, small pools.
have been made up in the state.
One of the largest private wool sales
in Eastern Oregon this year has just
been closed at Echo. The Scouring
Mills Association of that place has sold
to J. P. Dufur, representing the Rhode
Island Worsted Mills, 255,000 pounds at
a little less than 20 cents.
Senior Day.
At 2:30 p. m. next, Sunday there will
be a big meeting conducted by the Sen -
iors. This will be the Seniors' big day.
They will direct the service for one
hour. Will they suceeed? That is the
question. Come up to Shepard Hall
and see. ' Last Sunday President Kerr
gave an informal address, relating the
benefits to be derived while in College
from the Association. He said: "I
only regret that every man in this col
lege is not actively engaged in the Y.
M. C. A. work." This will be the last
joint meeting this year. Have you ever
been up yet? '.
should raise a flag for the G. A. R.
Mrs. Ada Steiwer
Dies at Salem
Mrs. Ada May Steiwer' wife of John
F. Steiwer, died at the family residence
in Salem yesterday after a brief attack
of pneumonia. Mrs. Steiwer was born
in Salem June 30, 1857, and the greater
part of her life was spent in Marion
County. ' She was a daughter of the late
Samual E. May, at one time Secretary
of State. Her mother, Mrs. Rebecca
Steele, who married again after Mr.
May's death, died only a week ago.
Mrs. Steiwer is survived by her hus
band and by the following children: Mrs.
Elmer T. Ponnell, of Deer Island, Or. ;
Fred. Steiwer, a Pendleton attorney;
Lieut. Karl Steiwer, now stationed in
the Phillipines and Ruby and Lyle Stei
wer students at the local High School.
She was a graduate of Willamette
University a member of the class of
1877, and was a member of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church. Mrs'. Steiwer
was a kindly woman of strong charact
er and great refinement, and her home
has always been a place of hospitality
and good cheer.
Furneral services will be held at the
family residence Friday morning, inter,
ment will take place in the afternoon
at the Looney family cemetery near
This will be sad news to the many
friends here, of Mrs. Steiwer, who dur
ing her residence in Corvallis was great
ly beloved for her kindly character and
loving personality.
Great Expectations Expressed by U. of
0. Team for Friday.
The Eugene Guard says that Oregon
men will strive next Friday to make
90 points in the annual dual meet with
OAC and to give the Farmers the worst .
beating that they have had for years.
Press notices from Corvallis indicate
that either the track management or
the' correspondents are egotistic, but
Portland critics oelieve Oregon will
win. - -' - i-
"Bill" Hay ward says in the Midnight
Doughnut: "
''OAC is due for an awfifl drubbing
next- Friday. We should walkaway,
with the meet by an overwhelming
score. With Huston, Davis, McDaniel,
Reid, Lowell, Johns, Kellogg, Mclntyre,
.' Means, Hawkins, Moon and the rest of f
! our boys, in good shape, I can see no
other outcome to the event. When it
is in condition the OAC track is as good
as any in the Northwest, and I would
not be surprised to see a few records
grazed or broken. "
' A number of Oregon students are
planning to make the trip with the
"team. Saturday, Coach Kelly's ball
players try conclusions with OAC in
two games.
' Read the DAILY Gazette for all news.
' Printed Silk Flags, fast colors, printed on
fine Jap sjlk. black ebonized staff, gold spear
point tips.
Size 5x 9, $ .15
8x12, .25
16x24, .60
24x36, 1.00