Corvallis daily gazette. (Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon) 1909-1909, May 26, 1909, Image 2

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Published every evening except Sun
day. Office: 259-263 Jt-ffer.son street,
corner Third street, Corvallis, Oregon.
PH3NE - - - 10
Address all communications and make
ail remittances payable to the CorvaL-
1,1s Gazette.
In ordering changes of address, sub
scribers should always give old as well as
new address.
Delivered by carrier, per week $ .15
Delivered by carrier, per month. .. .50
hy mail, one year, in advance....... 5 00
By mail, six months, in advance... 2 50
By mail, one month, in advance .50
Published Every Friday -
Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis,
Oregon, as second class matter.
One year, in advance.... u
-Six moths, in advance
. 1 .00
CKAS. L. SPRINGER, Editor and Publisher.
Arrival and Departure of Trains
R. C. LINVILl.E, Agent
Arrive Southern' Pacific Depart
11:30 am. Passenger 1:30 pm
5:40 p.m. Freight 6:40 a. m
Corvallis & Eastern
11 a. m.
&-.3S a in.
1:20 p m.
4:35 p. m
8:35 p. m.
Passenger east
' ,
" west
" east
j:i5 p. tn.
Daily except
trains dailv.
Sunday Trains
ll:I5 a m-
0:30 a m.
2:15 p. ni
6 p. m
1:40 p. m
11:15 a. m,
All other
Opens 8 a. m , closes 6 p. m. Sundays
and holidays, opens 10 a. m., closes 11
Ma'ls Open
7. 10 a.m, 12 m.
10 ft m, 2, 5 p m
7, 10 a m, 12 m
10 a m, 5 p m
11:30a m
10 a 111
12 m
-5 pm
r 10 a m
Mails Cl:se
Por land 5:30, 10:30 a m, 12 m
5:30 d m
Albany 5:33, 10:30 a m, 5;30
pm -
Wnshinj?ton and 10:30 a m, 12:S0
feastern states 5:110 p m
California a and 10;3u a m, 5:30
points south p m
Philomath and
points West 12:30 p m :
Monroe 1:30,5:30 pm
MoMinviile and
We isidu puiuts 12:45 pm
Will City auJ
wayro.nts --5:30 am
Philomath and -
Alsea . 8'45 a m
Monroe wtage 2pm
Philomath stage 9 a. in
their all-searching staffs on the
little town. " ,.
"The women grew nervous in
this glare of the limelisht of
publicityybut under Mrs. Crane's
direction the arrangements pro
gressed. It was Colonel War
ing's New York system that was
to be introduced. The "white
wings" were uniformed and all
equipped with new brooms and
little carts. Then, at -the 11th
hour, the women who had been
assigned in squads of two to act
as inspectors of the work, one af
ter another rang Rev. Mrs.
Crane's front-door hell. With
one accord they began : to- make
excuses. There were sick babies
and unexpected guests, and ,the
ever-useful-husband-who - ref us
es- to-ailo wit.
"So that the league that really
cleaned up the streets was most
ly Mrs. Crane. At first appalled
by the prospect, she neverthe
less stood to her guns when all
but one of her-faithful lieuten
ants had fled. The yellow cara
eras got her, but at the end of
three months she had her reward
The city adopted the system, for
she had done for $5 what had
previously cost $8.39 a day, and
she had proven that sweeping by
hand was better than the mach
ine sweeping that sent clouds of
dust and disease into the houses.
To complete this demonstration
of neatness in municipal house
keeping methods, the league pur
chased and placed on the street
corners galvanized-iron cans for
the reception of waste paper and
refuse, And they enlisted the
efforts' of the ch ildren to keep
the streets free from litter by or
ganizing in the schools junior
civic improvement leagues, with
a badge declaring 'I will help' "
The recent good work done by
the Ladies' Auxiliary and Civic
; Improvement Society in inaug
and successfully carrying out
here the project of cleaning up
the city, is what the women are
doing all over the country and
as "an illustration of J the good
they are accomplishing, the fol
lowing is given of just one city
where '.their work was devoted to
.street cleaning:
"Kalamazoo, Mich., is a city of
only about 30,000 inhabitants,
yet in many respects it has at
tained to such, correct civic de
portmeut . as indicates careful
bringing up by hand by the im
provement league that Rev. Car
oline Bartlett Crane organized
It is vital needs of the heart and
lives of the community
"The league looked on the
streets of Kalamazoo and saw
that they were not hygienically
swept. How" should men know
how to sweep, anywav? The
men of the city government said
that they were cleaning the
streets as the streets always had
been cleaned, and it must be
aright..- But the women said, No,
that they would show them
, " The City Council was asked to
give over to the league six blocks
of the main street for a period
Of three months, together with
the appropriation expended on
this strip of pavement. -
.: "The plan was agreed to. Then
it became noised abroad that the
f womeri of Kalamazoo were going
to conduct this demonstration of
right street cleaning; . And the
yellowest journal- of Chicago,
the" near-by metropolis, began tQ
focus the trained machinerv of
Eastern Oregon Champion.
George Jett, of. Baker City,
with his oration, "The Worship
of God,'- won the oratorical
championship of Eastern Oreg
on at Pendleton Roy Rowland,
last night was second," while
Agnes Milne, of Elgin, was third.
The other schools with their
representatives and their rank
in accordance with the contest
were as follows. The Dalles,
Marion D river ; Prin eville, Ra n-
dolf D. Ketchum; Cove, Glenn
Roberts; Union, Madeline Hill;
Ontario, Walmath Curry; Wasco
Mae Smith. The judges on
composition placed Miss Hill,
of Union, first but otherwise the
ranking on composition was the
same as the general result. The
winner of the first three places
were all well matched, the re
sult being in doubt until
Two Varsity Games
Next Saturday
. Next Saturday .morning at
ten o'clock and in the afternoon
at 2:30 the U. of O. baseball
team" will meet the OAC nine
on the . local field. As to who
will win is a matter of specula
tion for the nines- are about
evenly: matched as shown by
the games played at Eugene two
weeks ago. OAC took one and
Oregon one game. In each case
the hits of tlae college were scat
tered while-those of the Univer
sity werebuuched and our men
were playing on a strange field.
If Keene is in good form and
none of the others are out of the
contest Coach Moore's aggrega
tion will, considering also that
they play on the home diamond
give " Dad" Kelley.s men the
hardest rub they have had " this
year. Barometer. : "
" Big Fruit and Nut Farm. .
The Churchill Mathews
Com p my, of Portland, has just
purchased a large tract of farn -
ing land near Lorane, in Lane
County, and will set it to fruit
and walnuts. The purchase
consists of the fine . farni3 of
Roger Mahoney, Margaret Moon
F. Davis, Roy Foster, Phoebe
Bloomfield, George Sander man
and W.C. Billing, and the pui-
chase price was over $65,000.
The company has an option
on a number of other farms in
that vicinity, and will - probably
purchase them in the near
future. The whole tract will at
once be surveyed "and planted
to fruit and nuts. This Com
pany also has huge tracts of
and no-r Sheridan and Amity,
in Yamhill County. '
flew iewer System. " Late Strawberry Crop
vity engineer Don J. Zum- The Hood River's strawberry
wait has -practically completed cron. whinh is this
...... -.. - . '. i - " - ' ' J" . "
prana.ior uie sewerage system at pected to yield 60,000 crates,
Klamath lalls. .Mr. Zumwalt. is later t.hun in fnrmor-
has as his assistant Charles E.
Moore, an engineer of .Santa
Clara, Cal. - It has been recom
mended by the engineers that a
large septic tank be installe-l for
the disposition of the sewage.
It is likely that the Council will
approve the recommendation
the city -will be divided into
sections,, and the system will be
built on a scale to: supply the
wants of a town much , larger
than Klamath Falls, is at the
preseul time. It is likely that
The cold winds which have
prevailed this Spring are said
by growers to account for the
lateness of. berries and ship:
inents in any quantity are not
expected before Jane 1. The
first shipment went out last
season a year ago toclay.-Everything
is being got in readiness
to handle the berry crop and
growers . are busy engaging
pickers. Small shipments are
reported from . the Washington
side of the river, which is
Contractors and Buildera
work will be begun on the mains somewhat earlier than the Hood
within the next 30 days.
$50,009 Church.
At a business meeting of the
members of the First Christian
Church of Eugene yesterday it
was decided to erect a splendid
stone or brick church on the site
that are of the building thevjiow occnDV
- ... w -
at the corner of Eleventh and
Willamette streets. The old
building, which was" erected at a
cost of about $8000 12 years
ago, will be moved to the rear
of the lot, and then to
part of the city, for, a
when the new- structure is
completed. It is proposed to
make the ; new church the
finest iii th city, and it is prob
able it will cost ' in the neigh
borhood of $50,000. The Chris
tian Church is the : largest' in
point of v membership in the
city, there being over 1000
names on the active member
ship roll. Rev. J. S. McCallum
has been the pastor for the past
six years
. A surprise party was given to Miss
Anna Quick Monday evening by her
-friends and neighbors, the. occasion be
ing her birthday anniversary. There
was a large number present all of whom
enjoyed the evening, the: refreshments
being furnished by the guests.
La Grande Will Celebrate
That La Grande will celebrate
the Fourth of July this year
was definitely decided at a meet
ing of the Business Men's Club
tonight. The arrangments of
the details of the programme
willbe plaoed in the ' hands of
a committee as soon as a respon
siblemui is fouud to take charge.
The profits from the carnival
which were, "divided equally
between the Ladies' Park Asso
ciation and the Business Men's
Club netted the club $159.40
which is" to be used as a nest egg
for the big celebration fund to
he raised. -
a. f - i"1 V-V
Albany Plans for Teachers.
roiessor . W. W. Wilev, , of
New berg, ! president of the
State Teachers'- Association,
:ias appointed -. the following
Albany teachers as a committee
to have charge of local arrange
ments for the meeting of the
State Association in that city
next month: W. L. Jackson,
County School Superintendent
of Linn County-'H. - M. Cooks
president of Albany CoTfege;
A. M. .Sanders, Superintendent
of the Albany public schools;
Miss Grace Campbell, of the
Ablany High School, and Miss
Maude Langhead, of the Albany
public schools. ,
Strawberry Fair at Roseberg.
Varieties of roses in full bloom
and tempting ripe strawberries
ornamented the .show windows
of nearly every business- house
in Roseburg on the occasion of
the citv's first annual, straw
berry ; festival, which opened
yesterday and will end tomorrow
night. Not only are there plenty
of strawberries for exhibition
purposes but local hotels and
restaurants are serving them to
the . hundreds of visitors that
have poured into the city. Yes
terday's feature was a parade of
strawberry-decorated floats and
500 school, children headed
by the Oakland Band.
Q. E. C. to Enter Hillsboro.
After much ' negotiation and
delay, the Oregon ' Electric
Company has secured an option
upon property at the northwest
corner of Third and Wa sljing
ton streets for a depot site. The
property is owned by Rina Wood
and is used as residence proper
ty. - The back portion of the lot
will be taken by local parties,
leaving the Washington" Street
frontage for depot purposes. If
the company ; decide to utilize
this location it will result' in lo
cating the ' permanent , station
only one block from the business
street of the city. -
Valley Wool Is Active.
The valley wool market has
become quite active. Country
merchants have accumulated a
considerable quantity, and a
good many shipments
reached Portland.
It is estimated that 100,000
pounds of valley wool have been
marketed to date. The market
-. n e n l-i. rtOfi4
la ij rill lor uuu -wool ai: AcngjA-z
cents, but there is no anxiety to
Liver country. It is stated th-it
more berry plants were sent
here this Spring than for
several years. '-..
New Coos Bay Line
It is announced that F. A
Haini, who was elected chief
engineer of the Coos Bay, Ore
gon & Idaho Railroad, will start
out -next - Monday morning
with a surveying gang toi make
a preliminary survey for a
railroad between Coos Bay and
Roseburg. Several routes are
proposed, and it is not being
given out as to what direction
the survey will work. The rail
road company is the one recent
ly organized for the purpose of
securing rights - of way and
surveys for an outside railway
or possibly for one which may
be built by local capital. Stock
of $25,000 has been subscribed.
It is expected to spend about
$15,000 in the survey, and the
rest in securing rights of way.
Foundation work, sidewalk and curbing
a specialty Manufacturers of cement
blocks, plain and fancy cenent brick,
. porch columns, cement flues, jardi-
nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster
and lime.
First and Adams Sis. . Phone 2318
' Corvallis, - Oregon -,
Cbe ity Stable
Everything new and up to
date. Rigs furnished on
short notice. Call
and give us a
trial. Cor. .
L. F.GRAY, -
Carelessness Caused Death
At the coroner's inquest over
the. body of. Albert . Allen ,
an old; man killed on- the Inde-
s&cure coarse clips, and 21 -cents pendence & .Monmouth;: Rail-
is the limit on these. Iff the way iuesday, the ury . brought
opinion of the Portland trade, Hn foe verdict that he came to
Valley wool orices. will not go his.eath through carelessness
" Ashland Normal's Annual
The Chrysanthemum,-- the
annual junior publication of the
Ashland State Normal, will make
its appearance in a few days, and
promises to be the most elabo
rate book published yet by the
Normal student body, compris
ing 100 pages filled with illustra
tions and things of interest to
the students, alumni and friends
of -the school scattered over the
state, including wit and wis
dom from - the - pens of the
student staff of the annual'
Whitney's k Colbert
We Make
Concrete blocks ot oil kinds Concrete
bricks, fancy aud plain, Concrete tile
and steps, Concrete window sills- and
caps. " -
We Sell
High grade Cement and Lime in any
Phone Ind. 3181 - -
413 Second Street South .
Brownsvelle Joins League.
A new member, The Browns
ville Commercial Club, has just
been added to the Oregon Devel
opment League. "Brownsville,
one of the favorably located cities
of the : Willamette Valley, has
joined with the other 89 . pro
gressive cities of the state com
posing the League. - makings a
round 90 of Oregon communities
now in line for all the benefits
to be derived from co-operation
and intelligen't publicity work.
Improved Train Service.
New and improved train ser
vice throughout on the Southern
Pacific lines in this state will be
inaugurated ,011 June 1st. At
that time the Shasta Limited,
the new fast train to California,
wiff be "put in commission, im
proving the Willamette Valley
service to a great extent.
Allen was 74 years old and had
lived at the poor-farm for about
five years. He was totally deaf
He could talk, but could not
understand the deaf language,
He had enough money put awayv
in the bank to bury "himself.
He left a brother living in
Dallas anp a sister in Mon.
mouth. :
Bourne Has a Man
Senator Bourne"has - been no
tified of the resignation of Reg
ister Watson of the Lakeview
land office. Bourne has decided
upon whom he ' will recom
mend for appointment as Wat
sons successor, but is not pre
pared at-this time to make the
selection public. Under the
land office,, these positions are
generally given to lawyers.
You Will Never Regret
"-The money you save in buying from
us. We sell for casfi, consequently
Ave sell cheaper than the credit stores - '
Dealer in Hats, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear
Clothing and all Men's Furnishings
Notice For Sealed Bids.
By order oi the : .Board or Directors
of School Dl"tr:ct ITo. 9, Benton Coun
ty, Oregon, I will receive sealed bids lor
the-purchase of School Block No. 2o,
Avery's Second Addition to Corvallis,
up to eight, o'clock p. m. jof Friday,
June 4, 1909. Bids to be addressed to
W. A. Buchanan, Clerk, and marked
'Bids for School Property." The
Board reserves the right to reject any
or ail bids.
w. A. Buchanan, ,
5-24-2t Clerk.
Blackledjre & Everett : "
Successors to Henkle & Blarkledge
. Carry a complete line of coffins and
caskets in all colors and sizes; also
ladies' men's and children's burial
robes. Calls-attended to day and
night. Ladv assistant. EKBAlKlllfi FOR
$M?Plli6 A SPECIALTY. . Call at Blackledge's
furniture store Both phones.
Office Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg.
Only Bet of abstracts in ttentou County
Bids Wanted.
' Amateur Athletic Meet.
' Barlow S. Weeks," cha irman
of the championship committee right to reject any or all bids.
By order of the Board of Directors
of School District No. 9. Benton Coun
ty, Oregon,' I will receive sealed bids
for the moving of the Public School
Building from Seventh and Madison
streets to Job's addition, a 'distance of
about 18 blocks, . up to eight o'clock p.
m. of Friday, June 4r 1909. Bids to be
addressed to W. A. Buchanan, Clerk,
and marked "Bids for Moving School
Building."- . The Board reserves the
of the Amateur Athletic Union
has announced that the national
iunior and senior track and!
field championship of the
Amateur " Athletic ' Union
would be held at Alaska-Yukon-
racific ExDOSition, Seattle, on
August 13 and 14. x . v
W. A. Buchanan,
-The -' annual picnic ; will be held at
Junction City next Saturday and people
will flock in from all directions to spend
a day of pleasure. Music, speakinp,
and sports of various kinds including
base ball will be the order of the day.
Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block,
over Harris' Store. . Residence corner
8 to 9 a. m.; 1 to 2 p. tn. Phones:
' - Office, 2128, Residence, 404.
and Surgeon. Corner Third and Mon
roe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office
hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p- m ; 7 to
8 p, tn. Phone in both office an i residence.
and Surgeon. Special attention given
' to the Eye. Noee and Throav Office
in Johnson Blag. Ind. 'phone at of
fice and lesidence.
- "or and " Licensed Embalmer. ' Suc
cessor " to .Bovee & : Buer Corvallis,
- Oregon Iudl Phone 45. f Bell Phone
241. Lady attendant when "desired.
-are looking for - honiestad locations
or relinquishments, also ?ome good
limber claims. If you know of any
good homesteads or timber claims it
' will pay you to write us. Address ;
. Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.